def counter_Attack(): global Damage global Enemy_damage counter_attack_Direction = randint(1,3) CA_Direction = ("Attack Left!", "Attack Middle!", "Attack Right!") if counter_attack_Direction == 1: vulnerable = "Left" elif counter_attack_Direction == 2: vulnerable = "Middle" else: vulnerable = "Right" start_time = time.time() Counter_Attack = eg.buttonbox("The monster is vulnerable to attack from the "+ vulnerable +"!", choices=CA_Direction, total_time =time.time() - start_time print (total_time) print (vulnerable) print (Counter_Attack) if Counter_Attack == "Attack Left!" and vulnerable == "Left": Enemy_Hit() elif Counter_Attack == "Attack Middle!" and vulnerable == "Middle": Enemy_Hit() elif Counter_Attack == "Attack Right!" and vulnerable == "Right": Enemy_Hit() else: eg.msgbox("You missed and the monster regained his strength!",
def dbConnect(inputHost,inputUser,inputPasswd,inputDB): # Create connection information for MySQLdb module. # # @type inputHost: string # @param inputHost: MySQL host machine or ip. # # @type inputUser: string # @param inputUser: MySQL username # # @type inputPasswd: string # @param inputPasswd: MySQL password. # # @type inputPasswd: string # @param inputPasswd: MySQL database. # # @rtype: MySQLdb connect # @return: Return MySQLdb connection information. try: db = MySQLdb.connect(host=inputHost, user=inputUser, passwd =inputPasswd, db = inputDB) except: eg.msgbox("You entered in the incorrect username or password.") raise SystemExit return db
def run(rfc_list= ["1111","22222"], pdf_file="barcode.pdf"): try: os.remove(pdf_file) except: pass c = Canvas(pdf_file) c.setFontSize(size="7") print " %s pag para %s rfcs " % (round(len(rfc_list)/114.0,0), len(rfc_list)) for times in range(0,int(round(len(rfc_list)/114.0,0))): for i in range(0,6): for j in range(1,20): st = code128.Code128() if len(rfc_list) >0 : rfc = rfc_list.pop() else: sys.exit() st.value = rfc pos_x = i*30*mm pos_y = j*15*mm #print pos_x/mm,pos_y/mm st.drawOn(c, x = pos_x, y = pos_y) c.drawString(pos_x+10*mm, pos_y+7*mm , rfc ) c.showPage() c.setFontSize(size="7") try: f = open(pdf_file, "wb") except IOError: easygui.msgbox("El archivo pdf esta abierto, por lo que no se puede guardar", "Error") sys.exit(0)
def gamemenu(): resolution = [640, 480] mode = 0 msg = "Welcome player! Choose an option:" buttons = ["Finger", "Tool"] picture = None # gif file while True: # endless loop title = "Menu" selection = easygui.buttonbox(msg, title, buttons, picture) if selection == "Finger": mode = 1 print "mode interno %d" % (mode) easygui.msgbox( "Make a L with your thumb and index finger to hold the pool stick. Circle your finger CW or CCW to rotate the pool stick. Swipe to hit the ball. Show 5 fingers to start" ) break elif selection == "Tool": mode = 2 print "mode interno %d" % (mode) easygui.msgbox( "Hold a pen or pencil to rotate the pool stick. Move the tool fast to hit or open your hand. Show 5 fingers to start" ) break return mode # returns how many times the screensaver was watched (if anybody ask)
def checkInbox(threadName, delay, counter): while True: if ONline == True: #test = str(raw_input("test: ")) #if test == "break": # break sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP sock.bind((S_IP, int(S_PORT))) data, addr = sock.recvfrom(int(S_BUFFERSIZE)) #buffer size in bytes now = if data != "CC": print "Server>> ", now, " ", str(addr) + data easygui.msgbox(str(addr) + data, now) #self.components.chathistory.text = self.components.chathistory.text + "\n\n" + str(now) + " " + UDP_SENDERIP + ": " + data if data == "CC": print data, str(addr) #send "heartbeat" to connected client sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP sock.sendto(S_IP+" You have Succesfully connected to: "+ S_IP, (addr)) elif ONline == False: print "Server>> OFFLINE!" time.sleep(1)
def exercise1(): """Interact with the user and test the sum_odds and sum_evens functions.""" # You _DO_NOT_ need to modify this code for Lab 10. n = easygui.integerbox("Enter n:", "Input", lowerbound=0, upperbound=2 ** 31) odd = sum_odds(n) even = sum_evens(n) easygui.msgbox("n = {}\nsum of odds = {}\nsum of evens = {}".format(n, odd, even))
def _get_run_id(self): msg = ''' Please choose one of the following methods for defining gene families. OrthoMCL runs are useful for identifying orthologs (genes likely to share a function) maxbit runs are useful for identifying broader gene families. c_xxx in the following list means xxx was used as a cutoff. Higher cutoffs mean more stringent similarity to define a family of related genes. Note that only the groups of organisms that contain your gene are listed here. ''' valid_choices = self.accumulated_data['run_to_cluster'].keys() if len(valid_choices) == 0: easygui.msgbox('The chosen gene is not found in any clustering results!') return True runid = easygui.choicebox(msg, 'Select a cluster run', valid_choices) # Canceling from here - just go back to the other menu if runid is None: return runid self.accumulated_data['runid'] = runid return runid
def show_windows(): while 1: # title = "Message from" # eg.msgbox("Hello, world!", title) msg ="Run with which classification model?" title = "Classification model" models = ["Multinomial Naive Bayes", "Support Vector Machines", "Maximum Entropy"] model_choice = str(eg.choicebox(msg, title, models)) msg = "Use saved preset values?" choices = ["Yes","No"] choice = eg.buttonbox(msg,choices=choices) if str(choice)=="Yes": model_preset_functions[model_choice]() else: model_select_functions[model_choice]() # note that we convert choice to string, in case # the user cancelled the choice, and we got None. # eg.msgbox("You chose: " + str(choice), "Survey Result") message = "Sentiments over time period something something" image = "temporal_sentiments.png" eg.msgbox(message, image=image) msg = "Do you want to continue?" title = "Please Confirm" if eg.ccbox(msg, title): # show a Continue/Cancel dialog pass # user chose Continue else: sys.exit(0) # user chose Cancel
def dir_open(self): directorio = eg.diropenbox(msg="Abrir directorio:", title="Control: diropenbox", default='/home/antonio') eg.msgbox(directorio, "diropenbox", ok_button="Continuar") return directorio
def mode3(): # density change target_x = int(easygui.enterbox('Input the target position','Initialise the question')) #m limit_d = float(easygui.enterbox('Allowable errors about the distance between target and landing point','CHOOSE ERROR')) #m d = target_x limit = limit_d c = dense_air(ini(), _dt = 0.1) while d > limit: d = abs(c.shoot()[0] - target_x) print(c.shoot()[0]) if d < limit: break final = [] temp = [] for angle in range(5,90,5): c = dense_air(ini(340,angle), _dt = 0.1) final.append(c.shoot()[0]) temp.append(angle) i = final.index(max(final)) angle = temp[i] print angle for v in range(100,target_x,1): c = dense_air(ini(v, angle), _dt = 0.1) d = abs(c.shoot()[0] - target_x) if d < limit: c = dense_air(ini(v, angle), _dt = 0.1) out = c.shoot() c.show_trajectory(v, angle) show() out = 'Final Landing Point: '+str(out) easygui.msgbox(out, 'Target Position: '+str(target_x)) break choosemode()
def otsi(): uudised=[] for pealkiri in pealkirjad: tekst = pealkiri.childNodes[0].data if tekst != " - online": uudised.append(tekst) def otsija(otsitav, uudised): sobivad_uudised=[] for sona in uudised: if sona[:len(otsitav)]== otsitav: sobivad_uudised.append(sona) return sobivad_uudised otsing = easygui.enterbox("Sisesta otsingu keyword") if otsing != None: sobivad_uudised=otsija(otsing, uudised) for uudised in sobivad_uudised: if len(sobivad_uudised)==1: easygui.msgbox (sobivad_uudised[0]) else: for j in sobivad_uudised: easygui.msgbox (j)
def spookyGhost(): eg.msgbox('"Já, ókei, flott, hæ. Ég er draugur falskra leikmanna-valmöguleika. Ég er með prik sem þú mátt fá, viltu?"') if revolver in room.grunnur.items: eg.msgbox('"Óh, flott byssa."') choosing2() else: choosing2()
def exercise3(): """Use the screen and turtle defined below to solve the given exercise.""" # Create the turtle screen and two turtles (leave this as the first line). screen, artist, writer = turtle_setup() # TODO 3b: In the space below, write code to use the draw_inner_square function, as described in the lab document. draw_square(artist, 200) draw_inner_square(artist, 200, 0.25) easygui.msgbox("Click ok") artist.clear() # TODO 3d: In the space below, write code to use the draw_inner_squares function, as described in the lab document. draw_square(artist, 200) draw_inner_square(artist, 200, 9) artist.penup() artist.setpos( -120, 0) artist.pendown() draw_square(artist, 100) draw_inner_square(artist, 100, 4) artist.penup() artist.setpos(-120, -300) artist.pendown() draw_square(artist, 280) draw_inner_square(artist, 280, 2) easygui.msgbox("Click Ok") artist.clear() # TODO 3f: In the space below, write code to use the draw_art function, as described in the lab document. draw_art(artist, WIDTH - MARGIN * 2) # Wait for the user to click before closing the window (leave this as the last line). screen.exitonclick()
def deductRocks(self, entry): # Remove the collectible entry.getIntoNodePath().getParent().removeNode() # Update the number of objects if self.score > 500: randomnum = random.randint(1,2) if randomnum == 1: self.score = self.score - 100 #Removes Score if randomnum == 2: self.score = self.score + 100 #Removes Score if self.score < 500: self.score = self.score - 100 randomnum = random.randint(1,2) if randomnum == 1: result =buttonbox(msg='A kind wizard wishes to help you on your quest? Trust him?', title='Alert!', choices=("Yes", "No")) if result == "Yes": othernum = random.randint(1,100) othernum = othernum * self.score + self.numObjects #Y = MX + B if othernum > 1000: msgbox("Good choice! Add 1,000 Points to your Score!") self.score = self.score + 1000 if othernum < 1000: msgbox("The wizard tricked you!He stole 100 Points!") self.score = self.score - 100 printNumObj(self.score)
def monitorEntregas(self): time0 = time.time() print 'Sistema de Monitoramente de Encomendas Iniciado' dados = self.versaiuentrega() if(dados[0] is not None): if(dados[0] == 'continue'): pass else: self.alarme() eg.msgbox('''Sua Encomenda saiu para entrega (data - hora): %s ''' % dados[0]) return while(1): if((time.time() - time0) >= self.deltat * 60): time0 = time.time() dados = self.versaiuentrega() if(dados[0] is not None): if(dados[0] == 'continue'): pass else: self.alarme() eg.msgbox('''Sua Encomenda saiu para entrega (data - hora): %s ''' % dados[0]) return
def runQuit(world): pygame.quit() thread_run=False easygui.msgbox(title = "Saved",msg = "Your world, \""+world.saveName+",\" has been saved.") logdata("PyCraft was closed.") quit()
def handle_users(current_users): for user in current_users: print "Loading images for %s" % # Check for out of swipes if == 'Tinder Team': easygui.msgbox("Swipe limit reached.\nThe app will close.\nWait an hour and try again.") handle_app_quit() # Do GUI operations for main image user_class = AppUserControl(user) stack_background = stack_user_images(user_class) if stack_background is None: continue user_class.stacked_photos = stack_background return_operation = handle_gui_operations(user_class, stack_background) # GUI operations loop while return_operation is not None: return_operation = control_functions_dict[return_operation](user_class) # We are moving onto the next user if user_class.move_to_next_user: break # If user closes the window with the X button if return_operation is None: handle_app_quit() return
def onButtonConfirm(self, *args): """metodo que nos lleva ingresar en la base de datos""" print ("Confirmar") act=str(self.actividad) actN=len(self.actividad) nom=self.nombre.get_text() ape=self.apellido.get_text() dni_=self.dni.get_text() ti=self.tiempo.get_text() ti_=int(ti) #calcula la cuota en base a unos parametros if(ti_<3): valBa=25 else: valBa=20 if(actN<3): actBa=1.2 else: actBa=2.8 cuot=valBa*actBa cuot_=str(cuot) print(nom,ape,dni_,ti,cuot_,act) #Llama a la base de datos pasando los parametros a ingresar if dni_=="" or nom=="" or ape=="": easygui.msgbox("Faltan datos", title="ERROR") else: BD.BD().insertar(nom,ape,dni_,cuot_,ti,act)
def browse_stream (ole, stream): """ Browse a stream (hex view or save to file) """ #print 'stream:', stream while True: msg ='Select an action for the stream "%s", or press Esc to exit' % repr(stream) actions = [ 'Hex view', ## 'Text view', ## 'Repr view', 'Save stream to file', '~ Back to main menu', ] action = easygui.choicebox(msg, title='olebrowse', choices=actions) if action is None or 'Back' in action: break elif action.startswith('Hex'): data = ole.openstream(stream).getvalue() ezhexviewer.hexview_data(data, msg='Stream: %s' % stream, title='olebrowse') ## elif action.startswith('Text'): ## data = ole.openstream(stream).getvalue() ## easygui.codebox(title='Text view - %s' % stream, text=data) ## elif action.startswith('Repr'): ## data = ole.openstream(stream).getvalue() ## easygui.codebox(title='Repr view - %s' % stream, text=repr(data)) elif action.startswith('Save'): data = ole.openstream(stream).getvalue() fname = easygui.filesavebox(default='stream.bin') if fname is not None: f = open(fname, 'wb') f.write(data) f.close() easygui.msgbox('stream saved to file %s' % fname)
def execute(self): constants.redundancy_.master = True if szn.execute(self.szene_to_read): pass #easygui.msgbox("Szene ausgeführt", title="Execute") else: easygui.msgbox("Szene wurde NICHT ausgeführt", title="Execute")
def command_process(command_str): if command_str: answer = will.main(command_str) answer_json = json.loads(answer) answer_text = answer_json["text"] answer_type = answer_json["return_type"] answer_action = answer_json["return_action"] if answer_type == "answer": easygui.msgbox(title="W.I.L.L", msg=answer_text) command() else: def enter_response(): response_text = easygui.enterbox(title="W.I.L.L", msg=answer_text) if response_text: response = {} response.update({"response_args":response_text,"response_type":answer_type, "return_action":answer_action}) for key in answer_json.keys(): if not response[key]: response.update({key:answer_json[key]}) new_answer = will.main(response) command_process(new_answer) else: if easygui.ynbox(title="W.I.L.L", msg="Would you like to exit?"): sys.exit() else: enter_response() enter_response() else: if easygui.ynbox(title="W.I.L.L",msg="Would you like to exit?"): sys.exit() else: command()
def suicide(): mysteryinv.remove("gun") eg.msgbox("You ready the gun, put it up to your head and shoot.") sleep(1) eg.msgbox("You get a weird feeling as your body disintegrates and re-forms itself elsewere...") sleep(0.3) do()
def Choice_Restore_Pilot(): #Restore From File RestoreFile = easygui.fileopenbox("Select File To Restore From","Select File To Restore From",PilotApp.Settings['EpicorBackupDir']) usrpw = GetDSNPassword() rightnow = compname = rightnow.strftime("%B") compname = compname[:3] compname = '--- TEST ' + compname + str( + ' ---' compname = easygui.enterbox(msg='New Pilot Company Name?',default=compname) easygui.msgbox(msg='This will take some time, please wait until you see the main app dialog.') #Shutdown Pilot PilotApp.Shutdown() PilotApp.ShutdownDB() PilotApp.Restore(RestoreFile) PilotApp.StartupDB(5) #Number of retries #Connect to db PilotDB = EpicorDatabase(PilotApp.Settings['DSN'],usrpw[0], usrpw[1] );del usrpw #Update to Pilot Settings PilotDB.Sql("UPDATE set name = \'" + compname + "\'") PilotDB.Sql("UPDATE pub.SysAgent set AppServerURL = \'" + PilotApp.Settings['AppServerURL'] + "\'") PilotDB.Sql("UPDATE pub.SysAgent set MfgSysAppServerURL = \'" + PilotApp.Settings['MfgSysAppServerURL'] + "\'") PilotDB.Sql("UPDATE pub.SysAgent set FileRootDir = \'" + PilotApp.Settings['FileRootDir'] + "\'") #Remove Global Alerts / Task Scheduler PilotDB.Sql("UPDATE pub.glbalert set active=0 where active=1") PilotDB.Sql("UPDATE pub.chglogGA set SendEmail=0 where SendEmail=1") PilotDB.Sql("DELETE from pub.SysAgentTask") #Commit changes and close connection PilotDB.Commit() PilotDB.Close() PilotApp.Startup()
def listTut(): print (''' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ Available Tutorials +++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ''') # check for empty list if len(tutList) == 0: title = 'No tutorials found.' msg = 'No tutorials found. Did you fetch?\nTry fetching afresh.' print msg eg.msgbox(msg, title, image=imgErr) return # do the thing dispList = [] print 'ID Title' for idx, tut in enumerate(tutList): dispList.append( ' '.join( (str(x).rjust(2), tut.getInfo().encode('ascii', 'ignore')) ) ) print dispList[-1] title = 'Available Tutorials' msg = 'This is the list of available tutorials.\n(Note the ID for custom downloads)' text = '\n'.join(dispList) eg.textbox(msg, title, text)
def main(): #創建專案資料夾 createProject() start = str( #取得粉絲團連結 f = open(disk_path + '/fanpages.txt','r') while(True): fanpage_link = f.readline().strip('\r\n').strip('\n') if fanpage_link == '': break else: #取得粉絲團ID fbid = getFBid(fanpage_link) #設定連結 res_url = baseurl + fbid + '?fields=id,posts{full_picture,message,likes{name},created_time,link}' comm_url = baseurl + fbid + '?fields=posts{full_picture,comments}' data = url_res(res_url) comm_data = url_res(comm_url) while(True): #抓取圖片、PO文、回覆和PO文連結 if 'data' in data.keys(): picture(data,fbid) message(data,fbid) link(data,fbid) comments(comm_data,fbid) else: print "fail to load data, excute picture again" log=open(disk_path+'error.log',"a") log.write( log.write('loading'+fbid+'is error.\r\n') log.close() #判斷comments是否還有下一頁,有的話抓取下一頁連接 while(nextfrompage(comm_data)): comm_next_url = nexturl(comm_data) comm_data = url_res_noposts(comm_next_url) comments(comm_data,fbid) #判斷message是否還有下一頁,有的話抓取下一頁連接 if(nextfrompage(data)): normal_next_url = nexturl(data) data = url_res_noposts(normal_next_url) else: break #休息5秒 time.sleep(5) #完成下載後,更改資料夾檔名 os.rename(disk_path + '/pic/' + fbid + '(working)',disk_path + '/pic/' + fbid) os.rename(disk_path + '/message/' + fbid + '(working)',disk_path + '/message/' + fbid) os.rename(disk_path + '/comments/' + fbid + '(working)',disk_path + '/comments/' + fbid) os.rename(disk_path + '/link/' + fbid + '(working)',disk_path + '/link/' + fbid) f.close() easygui.msgbox('Starting : ' + start + '\nEnding : ' + str(, title='作業結束')
def allvisited(): global actedcount global visitcount if visitcount == 10 and actedcount == 1: #Exited the while loop - all rooms visited, all actions performed easygui.msgbox(open("\\gridsandgrime\\game\\texts\\end.txt").read(),title) quit()
def exercise3(): """Display file information until the user clicks Cancel.""" # TODO 3b: Write code to use the file_info function as described in the lab document. file = easygui.fileopenbox( default="./data/*.txt") with open( file ) as data_file: count_file = file_info( easygui.msgbox( "{}". format( count_file ))
def leftroom2(): sense_of_direction = 0 while sense_of_direction == 0: choices = eg.enterbox("You stand in a room with a dead monster.") if choices == "look" or choices == "look around" or choices == "examine room" or choices == "examine" or choices == "look monster" or choices == "look at monster" or choices == "examine monster": eg.msgbox("The monster lays on the ground, dead.") if "revolver" in room.grunnur.items: pass else: eg.msgbox("You see the barrel of what appears to be a revolver sticking out from underneath the monstrosity's body.") elif choices == "take gun" or choices == "take revolver" or choices == "gun" or choices == "pick up gun" or choices == "pick up revolver" or choices == "revolver": if "revolver" in room.grunnur.items: eg.msgbox("You've already taken the revolver.") else: room.grunnur.items.append("revolver") sense_of_direction = 1 eg.msgbox("You pick up the revolver. Feels like nothing's restricting you from using it in other rooms!") eg.msgbox("Looks like there's nothing else to do in here, you go back to the previous room.") entry() elif choices == "go back" or choices == "back" or choices == "south": sense_of_direction = 1 entry() elif choices == "leave": sense_of_direction = 1 leaving() else: puzzled()
def edit_monsters(m1, m2): while True: # loop until Cancel or having valid values # easygui.multenterbox(text, titles, fieldls, values) values = easygui.multenterbox( "Please edit carefully", "edit monster stats", ( "Monster1: name (text)", "Monster1: attack (float)", "Monster1: defense (float)", "Monster1: hitpoints (integer)", "Monster2: name (text)", "Monster2: attack (float)", "Monster2: defense (float)", "Monster2: hitpoints (integer)" ), (, m1.attack, m1.defense, m1.hitpoints,, m2.attack, m2.defense, m2.hitpoints ) ) if values == None or None in values: easygui.msgbox("nothing changed: empty value or Cancel") break # break out of the edit loop else: try: m1 = goblin.Monster( values[0], float(values[1]), float(values[2]), int(values[3]) ) m2 = goblin.Monster( values[4], float(values[5]), float(values[6]), int(values[7]) ) except: easygui.msgbox("Invalid value. Please try again") continue # repeat editing break # no problems detected: return m1, m2 # return the changed monster instances
def _check_credentials(self): """ GUI: show GUI for entering the credentials when there is no credentials. """ if not self.connection_options: title = 'Enter Credentials' msg = textwrap.dedent('''\ Please enter your Credentials for downloading. Or you can put it in "<CURRENT_DIR>/tc_credentials.json" file. e.g. {"clientId": "XXX", "accessToken": "XXX" ...} * Tips: [←][→] Move, [Enter] Select, [Esc] Cancel ''') ret = easygui.enterbox(msg, title) try: raw_credentials_dict = json.loads(ret) if 'credentials' in raw_credentials_dict: self.connection_options = raw_credentials_dict elif 'clientId' in raw_credentials_dict: self.connection_options = {'credentials': raw_credentials_dict} logger.debug('connection options: {}'.format(self.connection_options)) except Exception as e: logger.debug(e) self.connection_options = {} logger.debug('Can not load connection options from user input.') title = 'Load Options Error' msg = textwrap.dedent('''\ Can not load Credentials from user input. Run with no credentials. * Tips: [Enter] OK ''') easygui.msgbox(msg, title)
import random import easygui as g g.msgbox("嗨,欢迎进入第一个界面小游戏^-^") secret = random.randint(1, 10) msg = '不妨猜一下小甲鱼现在心里想的是那个人数字' title = '数字小游戏' guess = g.integerbox(msg, title, lowerbound=1, upperbound=10) while True: if guess == secret: g.msgbox("卧槽,你是小甲鱼心里的蛔虫吗?!") g.msgbox("嘿嘿,猜中了也没有奖励!!") break else: if guess > secret: g.msgbox("哥,大了大了~~~") else: g.msgbox("嘿,小了小了~~~") guess = g.integerbox(msg, title, lowerbound=1, upperbound=10) g.msgbox("游戏结束,不玩了^-^")
(odpName, odpSuffix) = odpFile.split(".") ## Find or create list of .png or .jpg files odpFileSubdirectory = odpFileDirectory + os.sep + odpName # Create a subdirectory for generated files (if needed) ensure_dir(odpFileSubdirectory) scriptAndImagesCreated = False if sys.platform.startswith("win") and odpSuffix.startswith("ppt"): # create .jpg files slideNotes = [] try: Application = win32com.client.Dispatch("PowerPoint.Application") except: easygui.msgbox("PowerPoint not available.") sys.exit() Application.Visible = True Presentation = Application.Presentations.Open(odpFilePath) onSlide = 0 for Slide in Presentation.Slides: imageName = "Slide" + str(onSlide) + ".jpg" onSlide += 1 Slide.Export(odpFileSubdirectory + os.sep + imageName, "JPG", 800, 600) for Shape in Slide.NotesPage.Shapes: if Shape.HasTextFrame: if Shape.TextFrame.HasText: text = Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text if not text.isdigit(): slideNotes.append(text)
def game(): g.msgbox("即将进入石头剪刀布游戏", title="石头剪刀布", ok_button="START", image='皮卡丘.png') choice = g.buttonbox("做出你的选择", choices=('石头', '剪刀', '布'), image='石头剪刀布.png') i = random.randint(1, 3) if str(choice) == aDict[i]: g.msgbox("你们打成了平手", title="结果", ok_button="确认", image='握手.png') if str(choice) == '石头': if aDict[i] == '剪刀': g.msgbox("对方出了剪刀,你赢了", title="结果", ok_button="确认", image='剪刀.png') if aDict[i] == '布': g.msgbox("对方出了布,你输了", title="结果", ok_button="确认", image='布.png') if str(choice) == '剪刀': if aDict[i] == '布': g.msgbox("对方出了布,你赢了", title="结果", ok_button="确认", image='布.png') if aDict[i] == '石头': g.msgbox("对方出了石头,你输了", title="结果", ok_button="确认", image='石头.png') if str(choice) == '布': if aDict[i] == '石头': g.msgbox("对方出了石头,你赢了", title="结果", ok_button="确认", image='石头.png') if aDict[i] == '剪刀': g.msgbox("对方出了剪刀,你输了", title="结果", ok_button="确认", image='剪刀.png')
def cashuzi(): g.msgbox('欢迎进入第一个小游戏') secret=random.randint(1,10) guess=g.integerbox(msg='请输入1-10的数字',title='猜数字小游戏',lowerbound=1,upperbound=10) while True: if guess==secret: g.msgbox('你是小甲鱼肚子里的蛔虫吗') g.msgbox('猜对了也没有奖励哦') break else: if guess>secret: g.msgbox('大了大了') else: g.msgbox('小了小了') guess = g.integerbox(msg='请输入1-10的数字', title='猜数字小游戏', lowerbound=1, upperbound=10) g.msgbox('游戏结束不玩了哦')
def main_(): COMMANDS = [ "hash an file", "hash files from a directory", "hash all files and folders in a directory", "check a checksum file", "help", "exit" ] command = gui.choicebox("Select command:", "HASHIT", COMMANDS) if command == COMMANDS[0]: filename = gui.fileopenbox("Choose a file to hash", "HASHIT") hashres = hashFile(filename, new(selecthash()), False) file = writetofile() gui.msgbox(hashres, "HASHIT") elif command == COMMANDS[1]: my_path = gui.diropenbox("select directory:", "HASHIT") files = [ my_path + "/" + f for f in os.listdir(my_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(my_path, f)) ] files_to_hash = gui.multchoicebox("Select files to hash:", "HASHIT", files) hasher = selecthash() HASHED = [] for fname in files_to_hash: HASHED.append( str(hashFile(fname, new(hasher), False)) + " " + fname) file = writetofile() if file: open(file, "w").write("\n".join(HASHED)) else: gui.msgbox('\n\n'.join(HASHED)) elif command == COMMANDS[2]: my_path = gui.diropenbox("select directory:", "HASHIT") files = walk(my_path) hasher = selecthash() HASHED = [] for fname in files: HASHED.append( str(hashFile(fname, new(hasher), False)) + " " + fname) file = writetofile() if file: open(file, "w").write("\n".join(HASHED)) else: gui.msgbox('\n\n'.join(HASHED)) elif command == COMMANDS[3]: file = readfromfile() hasher = new(selecthash()) DONE = [] for c in check_(file, hasher, open(file, "r").readline(), False, False, False): if isinstance(c, str): gui.exceptionbox( "An Error has occured:\n\n {}".format(c), "HASHIT") else: if not c["hash_check"]: DONE.append("{}: FAILED".format(c["filename"])) else: DONE.append("{}: OK".format(c["filename"])) gui.msgbox('\n'.join(DONE)) elif command == COMMANDS[4]: showhelp() elif command == COMMANDS[5]: exit()
#读取TXT中的数据,按行输出 line = line[:-1] #删除换行符 if vrf_module.match(line): sheet_vrf = newwb.get_sheet('vrf') else: break if vrf_rd sheet_vrf.wtite(a,b,line) a = a+1 ''' title = gui.msgbox(msg="已经完成配置文件读取,保存在output.xlsx!!!", title="恭喜完成", ok_button="好的", image="finish.gif") #msgbox(msg='(Your message goes here)', title=' ', ok_button='OK', image=None, root=None) ''' #sheet.write(a,b,line) #xlwt的行、列都是从0开始的 import easygui as g if g.ccbox(msg = "是否继续输入实际接口物理状态?",choices = ("是的","不用了"),image = "haha2.gif"): g.msgbox(msg = "ok go on",image = "haha2.gif") else: g.msgbox("ok qiut")
#-*-coding:utf-8-*- import random, easygui secret = random.randint(1, 99) guess = 0 tries = 0 easygui.msgbox('''哈哈...猜数字中文带窗口版本,来玩玩.从1到99.有6次机会.''') while guess != secret and tries < 6: guess = easygui.integerbox('来,输入你觉得对的数字:') if not guess: break if guess < secret: easygui.msgbox(str(guess) + "你猜的数字小了,再来~") elif guess > secret: easygui.msgbox(str(guess) + "不,不,不...太大了") tries = tries + 1 if guess == secret: easygui.msgbox("恭喜你,猜对了,喜欢玩的话可以再运行一次,答案是不一样的哦~") else: easygui.msgbox("噢,不好意思,6次机会已经用完了,再玩一次程序内部的数字将会改变,但你是可以无限次地运行我哦.")
userlist = [] for item in folderlist: if len(os.path.splitext(item)[1]) == 0: userlist.append(item) # Ask current user for their user name UserName = easygui.choicebox( msg='Please select a user name, or click cancel to create a new user', choices=userlist) if UserName is None: UserName = easygui.enterbox( msg= 'Please enter a new username. This is used to identify where your data is stored.' ) if UserName is None or UserName in userlist: easygui.msgbox(msg=str(UserName) + " is an invalid choice.") sys.exit() # If folder does not have a folder, create it if os.path.isdir("R:\\Autobots Roll Out\\%s" % UserName) == False: os.mkdir("R:\\Autobots Roll Out\\%s" % UserName) os.mkdir("R:\\Autobots Roll Out\\%s\\JSON_Files" % UserName) os.mkdir("R:\\Autobots Roll Out\\%s\\NewNexFiles" % UserName) if not os.path.isdir("R:\\Autobots Roll Out\\" + UserName + '/Info_Files'): os.mkdir("R:\\Autobots Roll Out\\" + UserName + '/Info_Files') # Determine which files have already been analyzed os.chdir("R:\\Autobots Roll Out\\%s\\JSON_Files" % UserName) # Change directory to folder containing all json files Analyzedlist = os.listdir('./') # Check for all folders in data folder
import easygui menu = ['create', 'show all', 'change', 'quit'] while 1: action = easygui.buttonbox( msg= " ************ welcome to schedule management system ***************", title="schedule", choices=menu, default_choice=None, cancel_choice=None, callback=None, run=True) # 根据用户输入决定后续操作 if action == 'create': tools.new_schedule() elif action == 'change': tools.search_schedule() elif action == 'show all': tools.show_schedule() elif action == "quit": easygui.msgbox("welcome to use schedule management system") break else: easygui.msgbox("please click again...")
import pygame, easygui, sys import constants pygame.init() try: centerFontObj = pygame.font.Font("resources/font.ttf", 32) except pygame.error: easygui.msgbox("font.ttf doesn't exist.") pygame.quit() sys.exit() fontObj = pygame.font.Font("resources/font.ttf", 16) class centerText: def __init__(self, text): self.text = centerFontObj.render(text, True, constants.WHITE) self.rect = self.text.get_rect() = (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) def __str__(self): return self.text class ScoreText: def __init__(self): self.text = fontObj.render("", True, constants.WHITE) self.rect = self.text.get_rect() self.rect.x = 0 self.rect.y = 0
def geturl(url): webpage = req.urlopen(url) data = data = data.decode('utf-8') return data shuju = easygui.enterbox('请输入一个av或bv号') if shuju[0] == 'b' or shuju[0] == 'B': info = 1 elif shuju[0] == 'a' or shuju[0] == 'A': info = 0 else: easygui.msgbox("数据错误!!!") exit() curpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) conf = configparser.RawConfigParser()"config.ini") ver = conf.get("ver", "version") if info == 1: api = conf.get("api", "bvtoav").replace('%bv%', shuju).replace( '%nobvbv%', shuju[2:]).replace('%ver', ver) else: api = conf.get("api", "avtobv").replace('%av%', shuju).replace( '%noavaid%', shuju[2:]).replace('%ver%', ver) updata = conf.get("updata", "server").replace('%ver%', ver) if geturl(updata) != 'SUCCESS': easygui.msgbox(geturl(updata)) exit()
def main(): easygui.msgbox(msg="Welcome to Vehicle Tracker!", title="Welcome!") run_app()
if start == '否': break way = g.buttonbox(msg="Please choose the way to go in:", choices=("register", "enter")) if way == "enter": inputValues = g.multpasswordbox('please enter the password:', 'window', ["username", "password"]) for a_user in users: if a_user["username"] == inputValues[0]: while (count < 5): if inputValues[0] == a_user["username"] and inputValues[ 1] == a_user["password"]: user = a_user g.msgbox('Welcome to come back, ' + inputValues[0] + '.', ok_button='Thank you!') success() break else: count = count + 1 left_count = 5 - count inputValues = g.multpasswordbox( 'The username or the password is wrong,you have ' + str(left_count) + ' time<s> left,please enter them again', 'window', ["username", "password"]) else: g.msgbox("Sorry,break.") else: g.msgbox('Your username is wrong,break.') break
else: search = browser.find_element_by_xpath( '//input[@role="combobox"]') for i in range(0, 5): search.send_keys(Keys.PAGE_DOWN) small_wait() for i in range(0, 5): search.send_keys(Keys.PAGE_UP) small_wait() names, designations, links = get_data() count = finalizing_data(names, designations, links, count) remove_duplicates() finalize_image(Companies) total_employees() employees_companies() company_logos() easygui.msgbox("Data has been scraped successfully")
def main(open_gui=None): # The skipinitialspace option eliminates leading # spaces and reduces blank cells to '' while the clean_spaces # function gets rid of trailing spaces. try: if open_gui == None: start_dir = '~/' if isdir(expanduser("~/Desktop")): start_dir = '~/Desktop/' msg = 'Please select the .csv file to be converted to .ics' open_gui = easygui.fileopenbox(msg=msg, title="", default=expanduser(start_dir), filetypes=["*.csv"]) reader_builder = list( csv.DictReader(open(open_gui, 'Ub'), skipinitialspace=True)) # For testing comment 4 lines above (2 x if / else) and use this: # reader_builder = list(csv.DictReader(open('path_to_tester.csv', 'rb'), skipinitialspace = True)) except: easygui.msgbox( 'Looks like there was an error opening the file, didn\'t even make it to the conversion part. Sorry!' ) sys.exit(1) # Filter out events with empty subjects, a required element # for a calendar event. # Code found here: reader_builder[:] = [d for d in reader_builder if d.get('Subject') != ''] headers = reader_builder[0].keys() logger.debug('reader_builder[0].keys(): {}'.format(headers)) check_headers(headers) reader = clean_spaces(reader_builder) # Start calendar file cal = Calendar() cal.add('prodid', '') cal.add('version', '2.0') # Write the clean list of dictionaries to events. rownum = 0 try: for row in reader: event = Event() event.add('summary', row['Subject']) try: check_dates_and_times(start_date=row.get('Start Date'), start_time=row.get('Start Time'), end_date=row.get('End Date'), end_time=row.get('End Time'), all_day=row.get('All Day Event'), subject=row.get('Subject')) except DateTimeError as e: sys.exit(e) # If marked as an "all day event," ignore times. # If start and end date are the same # or if end date is blank default to a single 24-hour event. if row.get('All Day Event') != None and row['All Day Event'].lower( ) == 'true': # All-day events will not be marked as 'busy' event.add('transp', 'TRANSPARENT') event.add( 'dtstart', datetime.strptime(row['Start Date'], '%m/%d/%Y').date()) if row.get('End Date') in ['', None]: event.add( 'dtend', (datetime.strptime(row['Start Date'], '%m/%d/%Y') + timedelta(days=1)).date()) else: event.add('dtend', (datetime.strptime(row['End Date'], '%m/%d/%Y') + timedelta(days=1)).date()) # Continue processing events not marked as "all day" events. else: # Events with times should be 'busy' by default event.add('transp', 'OPAQUE') # Get rid of spaces # Note: Must have both start and end times if not all_day, already checked row['Start Time'] = row['Start Time'].replace(' ', '') row['End Time'] = row['End Time'].replace(' ', '') # Allow either 24 hour time or 12 hour + am/pm if row['Start Time'][-2:].lower() in ['am', 'pm']: event.add( 'dtstart', datetime.strptime( row['Start Date'] + row['Start Time'], '%m/%d/%Y%I:%M%p')) else: event.add( 'dtstart', datetime.strptime( row['Start Date'] + row['Start Time'], '%m/%d/%Y%H:%M')) # Allow blank end dates (assume same day) if row.get('End Date') in ['', None]: row['End Date'] = row['Start Date'] if row['End Time'][-2:].lower() in ['am', 'pm']: event.add( 'dtend', datetime.strptime(row['End Date'] + row['End Time'], '%m/%d/%Y%I:%M%p')) else: event.add( 'dtend', datetime.strptime(row['End Date'] + row['End Time'], '%m/%d/%Y%H:%M')) if row.get('Description'): event.add('description', row['Description']) if row.get('Location'): event.add('location', row['Location']) event.add('dtstamp', datetime.replace(, tzinfo=LocalTimezone())) event['uid'] = str(randint(1, 10**30)) + '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') + '' cal.add_component(event) rownum += 1 except Exception, e: if rownum > 0: easygui.msgbox( 'I had a problem with an event. I think I might have gotten through about {0} events and had trouble with an event with subject: {1}. Sorry!' .format(rownum, row['Subject'])) logger.exception(e) elif rownum == 0: easygui.msgbox( 'Looks like I didn\'t even get through the first event. Sorry!' ) logger.exception(e) else: easygui.msgbox( 'Somehow it looks like I processed negative events... that shouldn\'t have happened. Sorry!' ) logger.exception(e) sys.exit(2)
def guess_the_number(): easygui.msgbox("你好,我是一个智能机器人!我有一个秘密,它是一个1至100的整数。我会给你5次机会,快来猜吧(还有小提示哦)!", ok_button="开始游戏") while (1): secret = random.randint(0, 100) tries = 0 user['playtimes'] = user['playtimes'] + 1 while tries < 5: tries = tries + 1 guess = easygui.integerbox("请输入你猜的数:", lowerbound=1, upperbound=100) if guess > secret: easygui.msgbox("这个数比" + str(guess) + "要小哦!") elif guess < secret: easygui.msgbox("这个数比" + str(guess) + "要大哦!") elif guess == secret: easygui.msgbox( "你 猜 对 了\n你 猜 对 了\n你 猜 对 了\n你 猜 对 了" ), user['wintimes'] = user['wintimes'] + 1 easygui.msgbox("用户" + str(user['username']) + " 游戏次数:" + str(user['playtimes']) + " 获胜次数:" + str(user['wintimes']), ok_button="Let's go!!!") break else: easygui.msgbox("您的机会已用完,下次加油! 揭晓答案:" + str(secret)) easygui.msgbox("用户" + str(user['username']) + " 游戏次数:" + str(user['playtimes']) + " 获胜次数:" + str(user['wintimes']), ok_button="Let's go!!!") start = easygui.buttonbox("是否要再来一局?: ", choices=['是', '否']) if start == '否': save = json.dumps(user) fd = open("class.json", mode='w') fd.write(save) fd.close() break
r = Robot("yellow") r.set_trace("blue") while True: try: e = _scene.wait() d = e.getDescription() if d == "canvas close": break if d == "keyboard": k = e.getKey() if k == "q": _scene.close() break elif k == " ": try: r.move() except: _easygui.msgbox("OUCH!") elif k == "t": r.turn_left() elif k == "w": load_world() elif k == "p": r.pick_beeper() elif k == "d": r.drop_beeper() except: _easygui.exceptionbox() # --------------------------------------------------------------------
def check_dates_and_times(start_date=None, start_time=None, end_date=None, end_time=None, all_day=None, subject=None): '''Checks the dates and times to make sure everything is kosher.''' logger.debug('Date checker started.') # Gots to have a start date, no matter what. if start_date in ['', None]: logger.error('Missing a start date') easygui.msgbox( '''You're missing a start date. All events need start dates! ''' '''The Subject for the event was: {}'''.format(subject)) raise DateTimeError('Missing a start date') return False for date in [start_date, end_date]: if date not in ['', None]: try: datetime.strptime(date, '%m/%d/%Y') except: easygui.msgbox( '''Problematic date found: {}\n''' '''Make sure all dates are MM/DD/YYYY and try again.'''. format(date)) logger.error( 'Problem with date formatting. Date: {}'.format(date)) raise DateTimeError('Something isn\'t right with the dates.') return False for time in [start_time, end_time]: if time not in ['', None]: try: time = time.replace(' ', '') if time[-2:].lower() in ['am', 'pm']: datetime.strptime(time, '%I:%M%p') else: datetime.strptime(time, '%H:%M') except: easygui.msgbox( '''Problematic time found: {}\n''' '''Make sure all times are HH:MM (either 24h or with am / pm) and try again.''' .format(date)) logger.error( 'Problem with time formatting. Time: {}'.format(time)) raise DateTimeError('Something isn\'t right with the times.') return False if all_day == None or all_day.lower() != 'true': if not (start_time and end_time): easygui.msgbox( '''Missing a required time field in a non-all_day event on date: {}.\n''' '''Remember, if it's not an all_day event, you must have both start and end times!''' .format(date)) logger.error( 'Missing a required time field in a non-all_day event on date: {}.' .format(start_date)) raise DateTimeError( 'Missing a required time field in a non-all_day event.') return False logger.debug('Date checker ended.') return True
# 图形用户界面GUI # EasyGUI 官网: # 官方教学文档: - easygui-docs-0.96\tutorial\index.html # 小甲鱼翻译改变的教学文档(1749426502登录查看): # 导包的三种方式: # import mypackage # 最普通的方式 # from mypackage import * # 导入包中的所有函数,应用时不需要写较长的包名,但是可能会和其他包或者本地方法重名 # import mypackage as m # 推荐导包方式,导入时将包名重命名 import easygui as g g.msgbox('message')
filetypes=['*.ics']), 'wb') else: f = open( easygui.filesavebox(msg='Save .ics File', title='', default=expanduser('~/') + 'calendar.ics', filetypes=['*.ics']), 'wb') # For testing comment 4 lines above (2 x if / else) and use this: # f = open('path_to_tester.csvcalendar.ics', 'wb') f.write(cal.to_ical()) f.close() except Exception, e: easygui.msgbox( 'Looks like the conversion went okay, but there was some kind of error writing the file. Sorry!' ) logger.exception(e) sys.exit(3) if __name__ == "__main__": try: if len(sys.argv) > 1: main(open_gui=sys.argv[1]) else: main() except (HeadersError, DateTimeError) as e: sys.exit(e)
while True: title = g.enterbox(msg="需要录制的软件名称,全屏录制请输入'然然'", title="小川来录屏") if title: if title == "然然": p = ImageGrab.grab() #获得当前屏幕 k = np.zeros((200, 200), np.uint8) a, b = p.size #获得当前屏幕的大小 else: try: hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, title) rect = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd) a = rect[2] - rect[0] b = rect[3] - rect[1] k = np.zeros((200, 200), np.uint8) except: g.msgbox(msg="没这个软件,别逗我") continue FileName = g.enterbox(msg="保存的文件名称", title="小川来录屏") while (not FileName): FileName = g.enterbox(msg="保存的文件名称", title="小川来录屏") fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') #编码格式 #输出文件帧率为16,可以自己设置 video = cv2.VideoWriter(FileName + ".avi", fourcc, 16, (a, b)) while True: im = ImageGrab.grab(rect) imm = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(im), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) #转为opencv的BGR格式 video.write(imm) cv2.imshow('imm', k) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break
import easygui flavor = easygui.choicebox("What is your favourite ice cream flavour?", choices=['Vanilla', 'Chocolate', 'Strawberry']) easygui.msgbox("You picked " + flavor)
except Exception: eg.msgbox("Error loading data file:"+filename) return elecOut lastPacket={} runDisplayThread=True print("Brainkit 1.0 by Nathan Whitmore") try: print("Checking for critical updates...") versionID=urllib2.urlopen("").read() splitup=versionID.split("\n") if float(splitup[1]) > 1.0: print(splitup[2]) eg.msgbox(splitup[2]) except Exception: print("Could not connect to server") while True: choices=["(1) Create protocol manually","(2) Create protocol from experiment","(3) Run protocol","(4) Record data","(5) Run stimulator self tests"] userChoice=eg.choicebox("Welcome to BrainKit. Select an option to continue",title="BrainKit 1.0",choices=choices) if "1" in userChoice: createProtocol() if "2" in userChoice: #create protocol from experiment eFileName=eg.fileopenbox(title="Select the experiment file that you want to open") filepath="" splitup=eFileName.split("\\") for item in range(0,len(splitup)-1): filepath=filepath+splitup[item]+"\\" os.chdir(filepath) #set working directory so that we can load the data files eFile=open(eFileName,'r')
if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] and (ship.get_x() < 700): ship.move_right(main_window) if keys[pygame.K_UP] and (ship.get_y() > 500): ship.move_up(main_window) if keys[pygame.K_DOWN] and (ship.get_y() < 570): ship.move_down(main_window) for i in range(50): inv[i].draw(main_window) inv[i].move_in_x(main_window, control_x) inv[i].move_in_y(main_window, control_y) if inv[0].get_x() < 100: control_x *= -1 control_y = 40 elif inv[49].get_x() > 700: control_x *= -1 control_y = 40 else: control_y = 0 if inv[49].get_y() > 500: eg.msgbox(msg="Game Over", title="Game Over", ok_button="Aceptar") running_game = False ship.draw(main_window) pygame.display.update() pygame.quit()
import easygui as g import sys while 1: g.msgbox('Hello, world!') title = 'The most easy game in the world.' msg = 'What do you want now?' choices = ['Food', 'sleeping', 'Doing sport'] choice = g.choicebox(msg, title, choices) g.msgbox('Your choice is :' + str(choice), 'result') msg = 'Do you want to restart the game?' title = 'Please make the choice.' if g.ccbox(msg, title): pass else: sys.exit(0)
def getPhysData(filename, winLength,thresh,mode): #get neurophys measures from a file thefilter=firwin(251, 0.05, pass_zero=False,nyq=nyquist) closedset=[] openset=[] elecOut=[] try: print(filename) print(os.getcwd()) theFile=open(filename,'r') fileLines=theFile.readlines() theFile.close() #step one:prprocessing and timing error correction lines=preprocess(fileLines) #step two:filter ave1=0 ave2=0 ave3=0 ave4=0 ave5=0 ave6=0 samples=0 sticky=0; #raw_input() el1=[] el2=[] el3=[] el4=[] el5=[] el6=[] for line in lines: splitup=line.split("\t") average=(float(splitup[0])+float(splitup[1])+float(splitup[2])+float(splitup[3])+float(splitup[4])+float(splitup[5]))/6 el1.append(float(splitup[0])-average) el2.append(float(splitup[1])-average) el3.append(float(splitup[2])-average) el4.append(float(splitup[3])-average) el5.append(float(splitup[4])-average) el6.append(float(splitup[5])-average) el1=lfilter(thefilter,1.0,el1).tolist() el2=lfilter(thefilter,1.0,el2).tolist() el3=lfilter(thefilter,1.0,el3).tolist() el4=lfilter(thefilter,1.0,el4).tolist() el5=lfilter(thefilter,1.0,el5).tolist() el6=lfilter(thefilter,1.0,el6).tolist() #step 3:epoch and reject bad epochs epochHolder=[] linenum=0 numtaken=0 while len(el1) > 0: # print(str(len(el1))) epoch=[] keepRunning=True while len(epoch) < (winLength*10) and keepRunning: try: line=lines[numtaken] if numtaken >=260: epoch.append([el1.pop(0), el2.pop(0), el3.pop(0), el4.pop(0), el5.pop(0), el6.pop(0), int(line.split("\t")[6])]) else: foo=([el1.pop(0), el2.pop(0), el3.pop(0), el4.pop(0), el5.pop(0), el6.pop(0), int(line.split("\t")[6])]) numtaken=numtaken+1 except IndexError: keepRunning=False keepEpoch=True for thing in epoch: startType=epoch[0][6] if (thing[6] != startType): keepEpoch=False if keepEpoch or True: epochHolder.append(epoch) #for epoch in epochHolder[5:]: print("*****") for epochnum in range(1,len(epochHolder)): epoch=epochHolder[epochnum]; #raw_input() lastEpoch=epochHolder[epochnum-1]; badEpoch=False for electrode in [0,1,2,3,4,5]: thistrode=[] for timepoint in lastEpoch: thistrode.append(timepoint[electrode]) ave=averageArray(thistrode) newtrode=[] for timepoint in epoch: thistrode=timepoint[electrode] if abs(thistrode-ave) > thresh: badEpoch=True #print(str(len(epoch[1]))) if not badEpoch: closedset.append(epoch) for electrode in [0,1,2,3,4,5]: closedout=0 closedlog=[] openout=0; conout=0 for epoch in closedset: ts=[] for point in epoch: ts.append(point[electrode]) ave=averageArray(ts) newts=[] for point in ts: newts.append(point-ave) ts=newts if "sessions" in mode: closedout=closedout+qmean(ts) else: closedlog.append(qmean(ts)) if "sessions" in mode: closedout=closedout/len(closedset) elecOut.append(closedout) else: elecOut.append(closedlog) except Exception: eg.msgbox("Error loading data file:"+filename) return elecOut
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Mar 8 21:25:01 2018 @author: asus """ import easygui name = easygui.enterbox("What's your name?") addr = easygui.enterbox("Where are you from?") code = easygui.enterbox("What is your postal code or zip code?") whole_addr = name + "\n" + addr + "\n" + code easygui.msgbox(whole_addr, "Here is your address:")
def msgBox(self): g.msgbox(self.msg1, self.title, ok_button = "30¥")
def ready(self, place): return g.msgbox(msg='生成的文件将保存在' + str(place) + '文件中,现在开始吗', title='Are you ready??!!', ok_button='Ready Go...!!!')
def gAs(): ip = enterbox('请输入要查询地理位置的IP地址:\n目前仅支持IPv4!', '通过IP地址查询地理位置') if ip == None: return ip rt = getAdd(ip) return msgbox(rt, "通过IP地址查询地理位置", '好的')