class ETParser(object): ENDMARKER = u'<{<{}>}>' def __init__( self, etxconfig={}, outputdir=None, # PLY-lexer options lex_optimize=False, lextab=LEXTAB, lex_debug=False, # PLY-parser options yacc_optimize=False, yacctab=YACCTAB, yacc_debug=False, debug=None): self.debug = lex_debug or yacc_debug or debug self._etxconfig = etxconfig # Build Lexer self.etlex = ETLexer(error_func=self._lex_error_func) kwargs = {'optimize': lex_optimize} if lex_optimize != None else {} kwargs.update(debug=lex_debug) if lex_debug else None kwargs.update(lextab=lextab)**kwargs) self.tokens = self.etlex.tokens # Build Parser kwargs = {'optimize': yacc_optimize} if yacc_optimize != None else {} kwargs.update(debug=yacc_debug) if yacc_debug else None kwargs.update(outputdir=outputdir) if outputdir else None kwargs.update(tabmodule=yacctab) self.parser = ply.yacc.yacc(module=self, **kwargs) self.parser.etparser = self # For AST nodes to access `this` self._initialize() def _initialize(self, etxfile=None, etxconfig={}): self.etxfile = etxfile self.etxconfig = deepcopy(self._etxconfig) self.etxconfig.update(etxconfig) self.ctx = Context() def _fetchskin(self, skinfile): if skinfile == None: skincss = '' elif skinfile.endswith('.css'): skincss =, 'skins', skinfile), encoding='utf-8').read() else: skincss = skincss return skincss def _preprocess(self, text): """The text to be parsed is pre-parsed to remove and fix unwanted side effects in the parser. Return the preprossed text""" # Replace `a string ESCAPE characters` #text = re.compile( r'\\+', re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE ).sub(r'\\', text) text = text.rstrip(r'\\') # Remove trailing ESCAPE char # Replace `\ Escaped new lines` #text = text.replace( '\\\n', '' ) return text def parse(self, text, etxfile=None, etxconfig={}, debuglevel=0): """Parses eazytext-markup //text// and creates an AST tree. For every parsing invocation, the same lex, yacc, and objects will be used. : text :: A string containing the Wiki text : etxfile :: Name of the file being parsed (for meaningful error messages) : debuglevel :: Debug level to yacc """ # Initialize self._initialize(etxfile=etxfile, etxconfig=etxconfig) self.text = text self.etlex.filename = etxfile enc = self.etxconfig['input_encoding'] self.hashtext = sha1(text.encode(enc)).hexdigest() self.skincss = self._fetchskin( self.etxconfig['skinfile'] ) if self.etxconfig['include_skin'] else '' # Pre-process the text, massage them for prasing. self.pptext = self._preprocess(text) # parse and get the Translation Unit debuglevel = self.debug or debuglevel self.pptext += u'\n' + self.ENDMARKER tu = self.parser.parse(self.pptext, lexer=self.etlex, debug=debuglevel) # Restart the parser and lexer self.etlex.reset_lineno() self.parser.restart() return tu # ------------------------- Private functions ----------------------------- def _lex_error_func(self, msg, line, column): self._parse_error(msg, self._coord(line, column)) def _coord(self, lineno, column=None): return Coord(file=self.etlex.filename, line=lineno, column=column) def _parse_error(self, msg, coord): raise ParseError("%s: %s" % (coord, msg)) def _printparse(self, p): print p[0], " : ", for i in range(1, len(p)): print p[i], print # ---------- Precedence and associativity of operators -------------------- precedence = (('left', 'PREC_LINK', 'PREC_MACRO', 'PREC_HTML'), ) def _buildterms(self, p, terms): rc = [] for t in terms: if t == None: rc.append(None) continue elif isinstance(t, tuple): cls, idx = t rc.append(cls(p.parser, p[idx])) else: rc.append(t) return rc #---- Page def p_wikipage(self, p): """wikipage : paragraphs | paragraphs ENDMARKER""" p[0] = WikiPage(p.parser, p[1]) def p_paragraphs_1(self, p): """paragraphs : paragraph_separator""" p[0] = Paragraphs(p.parser, None, None, p[1]) def p_paragraphs_2(self, p): """paragraphs : paragraph""" p[0] = Paragraphs(p.parser, None, p[1], None) def p_paragraphs_3(self, p): """paragraphs : paragraph paragraph_separator""" p[0] = Paragraphs(p.parser, None, p[1], p[2]) def p_paragraphs_4(self, p): """paragraphs : paragraphs paragraph paragraph_separator""" p[0] = Paragraphs(p.parser, p[1], p[2], p[3]) def p_paragraphs_5(self, p): """paragraphs : paragraphs paragraph""" p[0] = Paragraphs(p.parser, p[1], p[2], None) def p_paragraph_1(self, p): """paragraph : textlines""" p[0] = Paragraph(p.parser, p[1]) def p_paragraph_2(self, p): """paragraph : specialpara""" p[0] = p[1] def p_specialpara(self, p): """specialpara : nowikiblock | heading | section | horizontalrule | btable | table | mixedlists | definitions | blockquotes""" p[0] = Paragraph(p.parser, p[1]) #---- Nowiki def p_nowiki_1(self, p): """nowikiblock : NOWIKI_OPEN NEWLINE nowikilines NOWIKI_CLOSE NEWLINE""" terms = [(NOWIKI_OPEN, 1), (NEWLINE, 2), p[3], (NOWIKI_CLOSE, 4), (NEWLINE, 5)] p[0] = NoWiki(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, terms)) def p_nowiki_2(self, p): """nowikiblock : NOWIKI_OPEN NEWLINE nowikilines ENDMARKER""" terms = [(NOWIKI_OPEN, 1), (NEWLINE, 2), p[3], None, None] p[0] = NoWiki(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, terms)) def p_nowikilines_1(self, p): """nowikilines : NEWLINE""" p[0] = NowikiLines(p.parser, None, None, NEWLINE(p.parser, p[1])) def p_nowikilines_2(self, p): """nowikilines : NOWIKITEXT NEWLINE""" terms = [None, (NOWIKITEXT, 1), (NEWLINE, 2)] p[0] = NowikiLines(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, terms)) def p_nowikilines_3(self, p): """nowikilines : nowikilines NEWLINE""" p[0] = NowikiLines(p.parser, p[1], None, NEWLINE(p.parser, p[2])) def p_nowikilines_4(self, p): """nowikilines : nowikilines NOWIKITEXT NEWLINE""" terms = [p[1], (NOWIKITEXT, 2), (NEWLINE, 3)] p[0] = NowikiLines(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, terms)) def p_nowikilines_5(self, p): """nowikilines : """ p[0] = NowikiLines(p.parser, None, None, None) #---- Heading, horizontal and textlines def p_heading(self, p): """heading : HEADING text_contents NEWLINE | HEADING NEWLINE""" terms = [(HEADING, 1), p[2], (NEWLINE, 3)] if len(p) == 4 else [(HEADING, 1), None, (NEWLINE, 2)] p[0] = Heading(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, terms)) def p_section(self, p): """section : SECTION text_contents NEWLINE | SECTION NEWLINE""" terms = [(SECTION, 1), p[2], (NEWLINE, 3)] if len(p) == 4 else [(SECTION, 1), None, (NEWLINE, 2)] p[0] = Section(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, terms)) def p_horizontalrule(self, p): """horizontalrule : HORIZONTALRULE""" p[0] = HorizontalRule(p.parser, HORIZONTALRULE(p.parser, p[1])) def p_textlines(self, p): """textlines : textline | textlines textline""" args = [p[1], p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [None, p[1]] p[0] = TextLines(p.parser, *args) def p_textline(self, p): """textline : text_contents NEWLINE""" p[0] = TextLine(p.parser, p[1], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[2])) #---- Bigtable rows def p_btable(self, p): """btable : btableblocks""" p[0] = BTable(p.parser, p[1]) def p_btableblocks(self, p): """btableblocks : btableblock | btableblocks btableblock""" args = [p[1], p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [None, p[1]] p[0] = BigtableBlocks(p.parser, *args) def p_btableblock_1(self, p): """btableblock : BTABLE_START text_contents NEWLINE | BTABLE_START NEWLINE""" terms = [None, (BTABLE_START, 1), p[2], (NEWLINE, 3)] if len(p) == 4 else [ None, (BTABLE_START, 1), None, (NEWLINE, 2) ] p[0] = BigtableBlock(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, terms)) def p_btableblock_2(self, p): """btableblock : btableblock text_contents NEWLINE""" p[0] = BigtableBlock(p.parser, p[1], None, p[2], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[3])) #---- table def p_table(self, p): """table : table_rows""" p[0] = Table(p.parser, p[1]) def p_table_rows(self, p): """table_rows : table_row | table_rows table_row""" args = [p[1], p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [None, p[1]] p[0] = TableRows(p.parser, *args) def p_table_row(self, p): """table_row : table_cells NEWLINE""" p[0] = TableRow(p.parser, p[1], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[2])) def p_table_cells(self, p): """table_cells : table_cell | table_cells table_cell""" args = [p[1], p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [None, p[1]] p[0] = TableCells(p.parser, *args) def p_table_cell(self, p): """table_cell : TABLE_CELLSTART | TABLE_CELLSTART text_contents""" args = [TABLE_CELLSTART(p.parser, p[1]), p[2] ] if len(p) == 3 else [TABLE_CELLSTART(p.parser, p[1]), None] p[0] = TableCell(p.parser, *args) #---- Lists def p_mixedlists_1(self, p): """mixedlists : orderedlists | mixedlists unorderedlists""" args = [p[1], p[2], None] if len(p) == 3 else [None, p[1], None] p[0] = MixedLists(p.parser, *args) def p_mixedlists_2(self, p): """mixedlists : unorderedlists | mixedlists orderedlists""" args = [p[1], None, p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [None, None, p[1]] p[0] = MixedLists(p.parser, *args) def p_orderedlists(self, p): """orderedlists : orderedlist | orderedlists orderedlist""" args = [p[1], p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [None, p[1]] p[0] = Lists(p.parser, 'ol', *args) def p_unorderedlists(self, p): """unorderedlists : unorderedlist | unorderedlists unorderedlist""" args = [p[1], p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [None, p[1]] p[0] = Lists(p.parser, 'ul', *args) def p_orderedlist(self, p): """orderedlist : orderedlistbegin | orderedlist text_contents NEWLINE""" args = [None, p[1], p[2], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[3]) ] if len(p) == 4 else [p[1], None, None, None] p[0] = List(p.parser, 'ol', *args) def p_unorderedlist(self, p): """unorderedlist : unorderedlistbegin | unorderedlist text_contents NEWLINE""" args = [None, p[1], p[2], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[3]) ] if len(p) == 4 else [p[1], None, None, None] p[0] = List(p.parser, 'ul', *args) def p_orderedlistbegin(self, p): """orderedlistbegin : ORDLIST_START text_contents NEWLINE | ORDLIST_START NEWLINE""" terms = [(ORDLIST_START, 1), p[2], (NEWLINE, 3)] if len(p) == 4 else [(ORDLIST_START, 1), None, (NEWLINE, 2)] p[0] = ListBegin(p.parser, 'ol', *self._buildterms(p, terms)) def p_unorderedlistbegin(self, p): """unorderedlistbegin : UNORDLIST_START text_contents NEWLINE | UNORDLIST_START NEWLINE""" terms = [(UNORDLIST_START, 1), p[2], (NEWLINE, 3)] if len(p) == 4 else [(UNORDLIST_START, 1), None, (NEWLINE, 2)] p[0] = ListBegin(p.parser, 'ul', *self._buildterms(p, terms)) #---- Definition def p_definitions(self, p): """definitions : definition | definitions definition""" args = [p[1], p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [None, p[1]] p[0] = Definitions(p.parser, *args) def p_definition(self, p): """definition : definitionbegin | definition text_contents NEWLINE""" args = [None, p[1], p[2], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[3]) ] if len(p) == 4 else [p[1], None, None, None] p[0] = Definition(p.parser, *args) def p_definitionbegin(self, p): """definitionbegin : DEFINITION_START text_contents NEWLINE | DEFINITION_START NEWLINE""" terms = [(DEFINITION_START, 1), p[2], (NEWLINE, 3)] if len(p) == 4 else [(DEFINITION_START, 1), None, (NEWLINE, 2)] p[0] = DefinitionBegin(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, terms)) #---- Blockquotes def p_blockquotes(self, p): # BQuotes """blockquotes : blockquote | blockquotes blockquote""" args = [p[1], p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [None, p[1]] p[0] = BlockQuotes(p.parser, *args) def p_blockquote(self, p): # BQuote """blockquote : BQUOTE_START text_contents NEWLINE | BQUOTE_START NEWLINE""" terms = [(BQUOTE_START, 1), p[2], (NEWLINE, 3)] if len(p) == 4 else [(BQUOTE_START, 1), None, (NEWLINE, 2)] p[0] = BlockQuote(p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, terms)) #---- Text contents def p_text_contents(self, p): # TextContents """text_contents : basictext | markuptext | link | macro | html | text_contents basictext | text_contents markuptext | text_contents link | text_contents macro | text_contents html""" args = [p[1], p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [None, p[1]] p[0] = TextContents(p.parser, *args) def p_link(self, p): """link : LINK %prec PREC_LINK""" p[0] = Link(p.parser, LINK(p.parser, p[1])) #def p_nestedlink( self, p ): # """nestedlink : NESTEDLINK %prec PREC_LINK""" # p[0] = NestedLink( p.parser, NESTEDLINK(p.parser, p[1]) ) # pass def p_macro(self, p): """macro : MACRO %prec PREC_MACRO""" p[0] = Macro(p.parser, MACRO(p.parser, p[1])) def p_html(self, p): """html : HTML %prec PREC_HTML""" p[0] = Html(p.parser, HTML(p.parser, p[1])) #---- Basic Text def p_basictext_0(self, p): """basictext : TEXT""" p[0] = BasicText(p.parser, TEXT(p.parser, p[1])) def p_basictext_1(self, p): """basictext : ESCAPED_TEXT""" p[0] = BasicText(p.parser, TEXT(p.parser, p[1])) def p_basictext_2(self, p): """basictext : SPECIALCHARS""" p[0] = BasicText(p.parser, SPECIALCHARS(p.parser, p[1])) def p_basictext_3(self, p): """basictext : HTTP_URI""" p[0] = BasicText(p.parser, HTTP_URI(p.parser, p[1])) def p_basictext_4(self, p): """basictext : HTTPS_URI""" p[0] = BasicText(p.parser, HTTPS_URI(p.parser, p[1])) def p_basictext_5(self, p): """basictext : WWW_URI""" p[0] = BasicText(p.parser, WWW_URI(p.parser, p[1])) def p_basictext_6(self, p): """basictext : LINEBREAK""" p[0] = BasicText(p.parser, LINEBREAK(p.parser, p[1])) def p_markuptext_1(self, p): """markuptext : M_SPAN""" p[0] = MarkupText(p.parser, M_SPAN(p.parser, p[1])) def p_markuptext_2(self, p): """markuptext : M_BOLD""" p[0] = MarkupText(p.parser, M_BOLD(p.parser, p[1])) def p_markuptext_3(self, p): """markuptext : M_ITALIC""" p[0] = MarkupText(p.parser, M_ITALIC(p.parser, p[1])) def p_markuptext_4(self, p): """markuptext : M_UNDERLINE""" p[0] = MarkupText(p.parser, M_UNDERLINE(p.parser, p[1])) def p_markuptext_5(self, p): """markuptext : M_SUPERSCRIPT""" p[0] = MarkupText(p.parser, M_SUPERSCRIPT(p.parser, p[1])) def p_markuptext_6(self, p): """markuptext : M_SUBSCRIPT""" p[0] = MarkupText(p.parser, M_SUBSCRIPT(p.parser, p[1])) def p_markuptext_7(self, p): """markuptext : M_BOLDITALIC""" p[0] = MarkupText(p.parser, M_BOLDITALIC(p.parser, p[1])) def p_markuptext_8(self, p): """markuptext : M_BOLDUNDERLINE""" p[0] = MarkupText(p.parser, M_BOLDUNDERLINE(p.parser, p[1])) def p_markuptext_9(self, p): """markuptext : M_ITALICUNDERLINE""" p[0] = MarkupText(p.parser, M_ITALICUNDERLINE(p.parser, p[1])) def p_markuptext_10(self, p): """markuptext : M_BOLDITALICUNDERLINE""" p[0] = MarkupText(p.parser, M_BOLDITALICUNDERLINE(p.parser, p[1])) #---- sub-grammars def p_paragraph_seperator_1(self, p): """paragraph_separator : NEWLINE""" p[0] = ParagraphSeparator(p.parser, None, NEWLINE(p.parser, p[1])) def p_paragraph_seperator_2(self, p): """paragraph_separator : paragraph_separator NEWLINE""" p[0] = ParagraphSeparator(p.parser, p[1], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[2])) def p_error(self, p): if p: column = self.etlex._find_tok_column(p) self._parse_error('before: %s ' % p.value, self._coord(p.lineno, column)) else: self._parse_error('At end of input', '')
def setUpModule() : global etlex etlex = ETLexer()
class ETParser( object ): ENDMARKER = u'<{<{}>}>' def __init__( self, etxconfig={}, outputdir=None, # PLY-lexer options lex_optimize=False, lextab=LEXTAB, lex_debug=False, # PLY-parser options yacc_optimize=False, yacctab=YACCTAB, yacc_debug=False, debug=None ): self.debug = lex_debug or yacc_debug or debug self._etxconfig = etxconfig # Build Lexer self.etlex = ETLexer( error_func=self._lex_error_func ) kwargs = {'optimize' : lex_optimize} if lex_optimize != None else {} kwargs.update( debug=lex_debug ) if lex_debug else None kwargs.update( lextab=lextab ) **kwargs ) self.tokens = self.etlex.tokens # Build Parser kwargs = {'optimize' : yacc_optimize} if yacc_optimize != None else {} kwargs.update( debug=yacc_debug ) if yacc_debug else None kwargs.update( outputdir=outputdir ) if outputdir else None kwargs.update( tabmodule=yacctab ) self.parser = ply.yacc.yacc( module=self, **kwargs ) self.parser.etparser = self # For AST nodes to access `this` self._initialize() def _initialize( self, etxfile=None, etxconfig={} ): self.etxfile = etxfile self.etxconfig = deepcopy( self._etxconfig ) self.etxconfig.update( etxconfig ) self.ctx = Context() def _fetchskin( self, skinfile ): if skinfile == None : skincss = '' elif skinfile.endswith( '.css' ) : skincss = join(rootdir, 'skins', skinfile), encoding='utf-8' ).read() else : skincss = skincss return skincss def _preprocess( self, text ) : """The text to be parsed is pre-parsed to remove and fix unwanted side effects in the parser. Return the preprossed text""" # Replace `a string ESCAPE characters` #text = re.compile( r'\\+', re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE ).sub(r'\\', text) text = text.rstrip( r'\\' ) # Remove trailing ESCAPE char # Replace `\ Escaped new lines` #text = text.replace( '\\\n', '' ) return text def parse( self, text, etxfile=None, etxconfig={}, debuglevel=0 ): """Parses eazytext-markup //text// and creates an AST tree. For every parsing invocation, the same lex, yacc, and objects will be used. : text :: A string containing the Wiki text : etxfile :: Name of the file being parsed (for meaningful error messages) : debuglevel :: Debug level to yacc """ # Initialize self._initialize( etxfile=etxfile, etxconfig=etxconfig ) self.text = text self.etlex.filename = etxfile enc = self.etxconfig['input_encoding'] self.hashtext = sha1( text.encode(enc) ).hexdigest() self.skincss = self._fetchskin( self.etxconfig['skinfile'] ) if self.etxconfig['include_skin'] else '' # Pre-process the text, massage them for prasing. self.pptext = self._preprocess( text ) # parse and get the Translation Unit debuglevel = self.debug or debuglevel self.pptext += u'\n' + self.ENDMARKER tu = self.parser.parse(self.pptext, lexer=self.etlex, debug=debuglevel) # Restart the parser and lexer self.etlex.reset_lineno() self.parser.restart() return tu # ------------------------- Private functions ----------------------------- def _lex_error_func( self, msg, line, column ): self._parse_error( msg, self._coord( line, column )) def _coord( self, lineno, column=None ): return Coord( file=self.etlex.filename, line=lineno, column=column ) def _parse_error(self, msg, coord): raise ParseError("%s: %s" % (coord, msg)) def _printparse( self, p ) : print p[0], " : ", for i in range(1,len(p)) : print p[i], print # ---------- Precedence and associativity of operators -------------------- precedence = ( ( 'left', 'PREC_LINK', 'PREC_MACRO', 'PREC_HTML' ), ) def _buildterms( self, p, terms ): rc = [] for t in terms : if t == None : rc.append( None ) continue elif isinstance(t, tuple) : cls, idx = t rc.append( cls(p.parser, p[idx]) ) else : rc.append(t) return rc #---- Page def p_wikipage( self, p ): """wikipage : paragraphs | paragraphs ENDMARKER""" p[0] = WikiPage( p.parser, p[1] ) def p_paragraphs_1( self, p ): """paragraphs : paragraph_separator""" p[0] = Paragraphs( p.parser, None, None, p[1] ) def p_paragraphs_2( self, p ): """paragraphs : paragraph""" p[0] = Paragraphs( p.parser, None, p[1], None ) def p_paragraphs_3( self, p ): """paragraphs : paragraph paragraph_separator""" p[0] = Paragraphs( p.parser, None, p[1], p[2] ) def p_paragraphs_4( self, p ): """paragraphs : paragraphs paragraph paragraph_separator""" p[0] = Paragraphs( p.parser, p[1], p[2], p[3] ) def p_paragraphs_5( self, p ): """paragraphs : paragraphs paragraph""" p[0] = Paragraphs( p.parser, p[1], p[2], None ) def p_paragraph_1( self, p ): """paragraph : textlines""" p[0] = Paragraph( p.parser, p[1] ) def p_paragraph_2( self, p ): """paragraph : specialpara""" p[0] = p[1] def p_specialpara( self, p ): """specialpara : nowikiblock | heading | section | horizontalrule | btable | table | mixedlists | definitions | blockquotes""" p[0] = Paragraph( p.parser, p[1] ) #---- Nowiki def p_nowiki_1( self, p ): """nowikiblock : NOWIKI_OPEN NEWLINE nowikilines NOWIKI_CLOSE NEWLINE""" terms = [ (NOWIKI_OPEN,1), (NEWLINE,2), p[3], (NOWIKI_CLOSE,4), (NEWLINE,5) ] p[0] = NoWiki( p.parser, *self._buildterms( p, terms ) ) def p_nowiki_2( self, p ): """nowikiblock : NOWIKI_OPEN NEWLINE nowikilines ENDMARKER""" terms = [ (NOWIKI_OPEN,1), (NEWLINE,2), p[3], None, None ] p[0] = NoWiki( p.parser, *self._buildterms( p, terms ) ) def p_nowikilines_1( self, p ): """nowikilines : NEWLINE""" p[0] = NowikiLines( p.parser, None, None, NEWLINE(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_nowikilines_2( self, p ): """nowikilines : NOWIKITEXT NEWLINE""" terms = [ None, (NOWIKITEXT,1), (NEWLINE,2) ] p[0] = NowikiLines( p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, terms) ) def p_nowikilines_3( self, p ): """nowikilines : nowikilines NEWLINE""" p[0] = NowikiLines( p.parser, p[1], None, NEWLINE(p.parser, p[2]) ) def p_nowikilines_4( self, p ): """nowikilines : nowikilines NOWIKITEXT NEWLINE""" terms = [ p[1], (NOWIKITEXT,2), (NEWLINE,3) ] p[0] = NowikiLines( p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, terms) ) def p_nowikilines_5( self, p ): """nowikilines : """ p[0] = NowikiLines( p.parser, None, None, None ) #---- Heading, horizontal and textlines def p_heading( self, p ): """heading : HEADING text_contents NEWLINE | HEADING NEWLINE""" terms = [ (HEADING,1), p[2], (NEWLINE,3) ] if len(p) == 4 else [ (HEADING,1), None, (NEWLINE,2) ] p[0] = Heading( p.parser, *self._buildterms( p, terms )) def p_section( self, p ): """section : SECTION text_contents NEWLINE | SECTION NEWLINE""" terms = [ (SECTION,1), p[2], (NEWLINE,3) ] if len(p) == 4 else [ (SECTION,1), None, (NEWLINE,2) ] p[0] = Section( p.parser, *self._buildterms( p, terms )) def p_horizontalrule( self, p ): """horizontalrule : HORIZONTALRULE""" p[0] = HorizontalRule( p.parser, HORIZONTALRULE(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_textlines( self, p ): """textlines : textline | textlines textline""" args = [ p[1], p[2] ] if len(p)==3 else [ None, p[1] ] p[0] = TextLines( p.parser, *args ) def p_textline( self, p ): """textline : text_contents NEWLINE""" p[0] = TextLine( p.parser, p[1], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[2]) ) #---- Bigtable rows def p_btable( self, p ): """btable : btableblocks""" p[0] = BTable( p.parser, p[1] ) def p_btableblocks( self, p ): """btableblocks : btableblock | btableblocks btableblock""" args = [ p[1], p[2] ] if len(p) == 3 else [ None, p[1] ] p[0] = BigtableBlocks( p.parser, *args ) def p_btableblock_1( self, p ): """btableblock : BTABLE_START text_contents NEWLINE | BTABLE_START NEWLINE""" terms = [ None, (BTABLE_START,1), p[2], (NEWLINE,3) ] if len(p) == 4 else [ None, (BTABLE_START,1), None, (NEWLINE,2) ] p[0] = BigtableBlock( p.parser, *self._buildterms( p, terms ) ) def p_btableblock_2( self, p ): """btableblock : btableblock text_contents NEWLINE""" p[0] = BigtableBlock( p.parser, p[1], None, p[2], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[3] )) #---- table def p_table( self, p ): """table : table_rows""" p[0] = Table( p.parser, p[1] ) def p_table_rows( self, p): """table_rows : table_row | table_rows table_row""" args = [ p[1], p[2] ] if len(p)==3 else [ None, p[1] ] p[0] = TableRows( p.parser, *args ) def p_table_row( self, p ): """table_row : table_cells NEWLINE""" p[0] = TableRow( p.parser, p[1], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[2]) ) def p_table_cells( self, p ): """table_cells : table_cell | table_cells table_cell""" args = [ p[1], p[2] ] if len(p) == 3 else [ None, p[1] ] p[0] = TableCells( p.parser, *args ) def p_table_cell( self, p ): """table_cell : TABLE_CELLSTART | TABLE_CELLSTART text_contents""" args = [ TABLE_CELLSTART(p.parser, p[1]), p[2] ] if len(p) == 3 else [ TABLE_CELLSTART(p.parser, p[1]), None ] p[0] = TableCell( p.parser, *args ) #---- Lists def p_mixedlists_1( self, p ): """mixedlists : orderedlists | mixedlists unorderedlists""" args = [ p[1], p[2], None ] if len(p)==3 else [ None, p[1], None ] p[0] = MixedLists( p.parser, *args ) def p_mixedlists_2( self, p ): """mixedlists : unorderedlists | mixedlists orderedlists""" args = [ p[1], None, p[2] ] if len(p)==3 else [ None, None, p[1] ] p[0] = MixedLists( p.parser, *args ) def p_orderedlists( self, p ): """orderedlists : orderedlist | orderedlists orderedlist""" args = [ p[1], p[2] ] if len(p)==3 else [ None, p[1] ] p[0] = Lists( p.parser, 'ol', *args ) def p_unorderedlists( self, p ): """unorderedlists : unorderedlist | unorderedlists unorderedlist""" args = [ p[1], p[2] ] if len(p)==3 else [ None, p[1] ] p[0] = Lists( p.parser, 'ul', *args ) def p_orderedlist( self, p ): """orderedlist : orderedlistbegin | orderedlist text_contents NEWLINE""" args = [ None, p[1], p[2], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[3]) ] if len(p) == 4 else [ p[1], None, None, None ] p[0] = List( p.parser, 'ol', *args ) def p_unorderedlist( self, p ): """unorderedlist : unorderedlistbegin | unorderedlist text_contents NEWLINE""" args = [ None, p[1], p[2], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[3]) ] if len(p) == 4 else [ p[1], None, None, None ] p[0] = List( p.parser, 'ul', *args ) def p_orderedlistbegin( self, p ): """orderedlistbegin : ORDLIST_START text_contents NEWLINE | ORDLIST_START NEWLINE""" terms = [ (ORDLIST_START,1), p[2], (NEWLINE,3) ] if len(p) == 4 else [ (ORDLIST_START,1), None, (NEWLINE,2) ] p[0] = ListBegin( p.parser, 'ol', *self._buildterms(p, terms) ) def p_unorderedlistbegin( self, p ): """unorderedlistbegin : UNORDLIST_START text_contents NEWLINE | UNORDLIST_START NEWLINE""" terms = [ (UNORDLIST_START,1), p[2], (NEWLINE,3) ] if len(p) == 4 else [ (UNORDLIST_START,1), None, (NEWLINE,2) ] p[0] = ListBegin( p.parser, 'ul', *self._buildterms(p, terms) ) #---- Definition def p_definitions( self, p ): """definitions : definition | definitions definition""" args = [ p[1], p[2] ]if len(p) == 3 else [ None, p[1] ] p[0] = Definitions( p.parser, *args ) def p_definition( self, p ): """definition : definitionbegin | definition text_contents NEWLINE""" args = [ None, p[1], p[2], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[3]) ] if len(p) == 4 else [ p[1], None, None, None ] p[0] = Definition( p.parser, *args ) def p_definitionbegin( self, p ): """definitionbegin : DEFINITION_START text_contents NEWLINE | DEFINITION_START NEWLINE""" terms = [ (DEFINITION_START,1), p[2], (NEWLINE,3) ] if len(p) == 4 else [ (DEFINITION_START,1), None, (NEWLINE,2) ] p[0] = DefinitionBegin( p.parser, *self._buildterms(p, terms) ) #---- Blockquotes def p_blockquotes( self, p ): # BQuotes """blockquotes : blockquote | blockquotes blockquote""" args = [ p[1], p[2] ] if len(p) == 3 else [ None, p[1] ] p[0] = BlockQuotes( p.parser, *args ) def p_blockquote( self, p ): # BQuote """blockquote : BQUOTE_START text_contents NEWLINE | BQUOTE_START NEWLINE""" terms = [ (BQUOTE_START,1), p[2], (NEWLINE,3) ] if len(p) == 4 else [ (BQUOTE_START,1), None, (NEWLINE,2) ] p[0] = BlockQuote( p.parser, *self._buildterms( p, terms ) ) #---- Text contents def p_text_contents( self, p ) : # TextContents """text_contents : basictext | markuptext | link | macro | html | text_contents basictext | text_contents markuptext | text_contents link | text_contents macro | text_contents html""" args = [ p[1], p[2] ] if len(p)==3 else [ None, p[1] ] p[0] = TextContents( p.parser, *args ) def p_link( self, p ): """link : LINK %prec PREC_LINK""" p[0] = Link( p.parser, LINK(p.parser, p[1]) ) #def p_nestedlink( self, p ): # """nestedlink : NESTEDLINK %prec PREC_LINK""" # p[0] = NestedLink( p.parser, NESTEDLINK(p.parser, p[1]) ) # pass def p_macro( self, p ): """macro : MACRO %prec PREC_MACRO""" p[0] = Macro( p.parser, MACRO(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_html( self, p ): """html : HTML %prec PREC_HTML""" p[0] = Html( p.parser, HTML(p.parser, p[1]) ) #---- Basic Text def p_basictext_0( self, p ): """basictext : TEXT""" p[0] = BasicText( p.parser, TEXT(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_basictext_1( self, p ): """basictext : ESCAPED_TEXT""" p[0] = BasicText( p.parser, TEXT(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_basictext_2( self, p ): """basictext : SPECIALCHARS""" p[0] = BasicText( p.parser, SPECIALCHARS(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_basictext_3( self, p ): """basictext : HTTP_URI""" p[0] = BasicText( p.parser, HTTP_URI(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_basictext_4( self, p ): """basictext : HTTPS_URI""" p[0] = BasicText( p.parser, HTTPS_URI(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_basictext_5( self, p ): """basictext : WWW_URI""" p[0] = BasicText( p.parser, WWW_URI(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_basictext_6( self, p ): """basictext : LINEBREAK""" p[0] = BasicText( p.parser, LINEBREAK(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_markuptext_1( self, p ): """markuptext : M_SPAN""" p[0] = MarkupText( p.parser, M_SPAN(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_markuptext_2( self, p ): """markuptext : M_BOLD""" p[0] = MarkupText( p.parser, M_BOLD(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_markuptext_3( self, p ): """markuptext : M_ITALIC""" p[0] = MarkupText( p.parser, M_ITALIC(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_markuptext_4( self, p ): """markuptext : M_UNDERLINE""" p[0] = MarkupText( p.parser, M_UNDERLINE(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_markuptext_5( self, p ): """markuptext : M_SUPERSCRIPT""" p[0] = MarkupText( p.parser, M_SUPERSCRIPT(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_markuptext_6( self, p ): """markuptext : M_SUBSCRIPT""" p[0] = MarkupText( p.parser, M_SUBSCRIPT(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_markuptext_7( self, p ): """markuptext : M_BOLDITALIC""" p[0] = MarkupText( p.parser, M_BOLDITALIC(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_markuptext_8( self, p ): """markuptext : M_BOLDUNDERLINE""" p[0] = MarkupText( p.parser, M_BOLDUNDERLINE(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_markuptext_9( self, p ): """markuptext : M_ITALICUNDERLINE""" p[0] = MarkupText( p.parser, M_ITALICUNDERLINE(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_markuptext_10( self, p ): """markuptext : M_BOLDITALICUNDERLINE""" p[0] = MarkupText( p.parser, M_BOLDITALICUNDERLINE(p.parser, p[1]) ) #---- sub-grammars def p_paragraph_seperator_1( self, p ) : """paragraph_separator : NEWLINE""" p[0] = ParagraphSeparator( p.parser, None, NEWLINE(p.parser, p[1]) ) def p_paragraph_seperator_2( self, p ) : """paragraph_separator : paragraph_separator NEWLINE""" p[0] = ParagraphSeparator( p.parser, p[1], NEWLINE(p.parser, p[2]) ) def p_error( self, p ): if p: column = self.etlex._find_tok_column( p ) self._parse_error( 'before: %s ' % p.value, self._coord(p.lineno, column) ) else: self._parse_error( 'At end of input', '' )