コード例 #1
def get_featured_lookups_by_schema(context):
    Get all :ref:`featured_lookups` names and URLs for them; 
    puts in the context as
    'featured_lookups', a mapping grouped by schema.


    .. code-block:: html+django

        {% get_featured_lookups_by_schema %}
        {% for schema, lookups in featured_lookups.items %}
           <ul>{{ schema }}
            {% for info in lookups %}
              <a href="{{ info.url }}">{{ info.lookup }}</a>
            {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}
    lookups = {}
    for lookup in Lookup.objects.filter(featured=True).select_related():
        sf = lookup.schema_field
        schema = sf.schema
        filters = FilterChain(schema=schema)
        filters.add(sf, lookup)
        info = {'lookup': lookup.name, 'url': filters.make_url()}
        lookups.setdefault(schema.slug, []).append(info)
    context['featured_lookups'] = lookups
    return u''
コード例 #2
ファイル: eb.py プロジェクト: kultus/openblock
def get_featured_lookups_by_schema(context):
    Get all :ref:`featured_lookups` names and URLs for them; 
    puts in the context as
    'featured_lookups', a mapping grouped by schema.


    .. code-block:: html+django

        {% get_featured_lookups_by_schema %}
        {% for schema, lookups in featured_lookups.items %}
           <ul>{{ schema }}
            {% for info in lookups %}
              <a href="{{ info.url }}">{{ info.lookup }}</a>
            {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}
    lookups = {}
    for lookup in Lookup.objects.filter(featured=True).select_related():
        sf = lookup.schema_field
        schema = sf.schema
        filters = FilterChain(schema=schema)
        filters.add(sf, lookup)
        info = {"lookup": lookup.name, "url": filters.make_url()}
        lookups.setdefault(schema.slug, []).append(info)
    context["featured_lookups"] = lookups
    return u""
コード例 #3
 def test_add__pubdate(self):
     # Key gets overridden.
     chain = FilterChain()
     import datetime
     chain.add('pubdate', datetime.date(2011, 8, 13))
     self.assertEqual(chain['date'].start_date, datetime.date(2011, 8, 13))
コード例 #4
 def test_add_date__whole_month(self):
     # Special syntax for adding a whole month, convenient for templates
     # where you don't want to have to calculate the end date.
     chain = FilterChain()
     import datetime
     chain.add('date', datetime.date(2011, 8, 13), 'month')
     self.assertEqual(chain['date'].start_date, datetime.date(2011, 8, 1))
     self.assertEqual(chain['date'].end_date, datetime.date(2011, 8, 31))
コード例 #5
 def test_add__pubdate(self):
     # Key gets overridden.
     chain = FilterChain()
     import datetime
     chain.add('pubdate', datetime.date(2011, 8, 13))
     self.assertEqual(chain['date'].start_date, datetime.date(2011, 8, 13))
コード例 #6
 def test_add_date__whole_month(self):
     # Special syntax for adding a whole month, convenient for templates
     # where you don't want to have to calculate the end date.
     chain = FilterChain()
     import datetime
     chain.add('date', datetime.date(2011, 8, 13), 'month')
     self.assertEqual(chain['date'].start_date, datetime.date(2011, 8, 1))
     self.assertEqual(chain['date'].end_date, datetime.date(2011, 8, 31))
コード例 #7
def ajax_place_date_chart(request):
    Returns HTML fragment containing a chart of how many news items
    were added for each day over a short period (length defined by

    Expects request.GET['pid'] and request.GET['s'] (a Schema ID).
    manager = get_schema_manager(request)
        schema = manager.get(id=int(request.GET['s']))
    except (KeyError, ValueError, Schema.DoesNotExist):
        raise Http404('Invalid Schema')
    filters = FilterChain(request=request, schema=schema)
    filters.add_by_place_id(request.GET.get('pid', ''))
    qs = filters.apply()

    # These charts are used on eg. the place overview page; there,
    # they should be smaller than the ones on the schema_detail view;
    # we don't have room for a full 30 days.
    date_span = constants.DAYS_SHORT_AGGREGATE_TIMEDELTA
    if schema.is_event:
        # Soonest span that includes some.
            qs = qs.filter(item_date__gte=today()).order_by('item_date', 'id')
            first_item = qs.values('item_date')[0]
            start_date = first_item['item_date']
        except IndexError:  # No matching items.
            start_date = today()
        end_date = today() + date_span
        # Most recent span that includes some.
            qs = qs.filter(item_date__lte=today()).order_by('-item_date', '-id')
            last_item = qs.values('item_date')[0]
            end_date = last_item['item_date']
        except IndexError:  # No matching items.
            end_date = today()
        start_date = end_date - date_span

    filters.add('date', start_date, end_date)
    counts = filters.apply().date_counts()
    date_chart = get_date_chart([schema], start_date, end_date, {schema.id: counts})[0]
    return render_to_response('db/snippets/date_chart.html', {
        'schema': schema,
        'date_chart': date_chart,
        'filters': filters,
コード例 #8
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: mesrut/openblock
def place_detail_timeline(request, *args, **kwargs):
    Recent news OR upcoming events for the given Location or Block.
    context, response = _place_detail_normalize_url(request, *args, **kwargs)
    if response is not None:
        return response

    show_upcoming = kwargs.get('show_upcoming')
    schema_manager = get_schema_manager(request)

    if show_upcoming:
        context['breadcrumbs'] = breadcrumbs.place_detail_upcoming(context)
        context['breadcrumbs'] = breadcrumbs.place_detail_timeline(context)

    is_latest_page = True
    # Check the query string for the max date to use. Otherwise, fall
    # back to today.
    end_date = today()
    if 'start' in request.GET:
            end_date = parse_date(request.GET['start'], '%m/%d/%Y')
            is_latest_page = False
        except ValueError:
            raise Http404('Invalid date %s' % request.GET['start'])

    filterchain = FilterChain(request=request, context=context)
    filterchain.add('location', context['place'])
    # As an optimization, limit the NewsItems to those on the
    # last (or next) few days.
    # And only fetch for relevant schemas - either event-ish or not.
    if show_upcoming:
        s_list = schema_manager.filter(is_event=True)
        start_date = end_date
        end_date = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=settings.DEFAULT_DAYS)
        order_by = 'item_date_date'
        s_list = schema_manager.filter(is_event=False)
        start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=settings.DEFAULT_DAYS)
        order_by = '-item_date_date'

    filterchain.add('schema', list(s_list))
    filterchain.add('date', start_date, end_date)
    newsitem_qs = filterchain.apply().select_related()
    # TODO: can this really only be done via extra()?
    newsitem_qs = newsitem_qs.extra(
        select={'item_date_date': 'date(db_newsitem.item_date)'},
        order_by=(order_by, '-schema__importance', 'schema')

    # We're done filtering, so go ahead and do the query, to
    # avoid running it multiple times,
    # per http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/optimization
    ni_list = list(newsitem_qs)
    schemas_used = list(set([ni.schema for ni in ni_list]))
    s_list = s_list.filter(is_special_report=False, allow_charting=True).order_by('plural_name')
    populate_attributes_if_needed(ni_list, schemas_used)
    if ni_list:
        next_day = ni_list[-1].item_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        next_day = None

    hidden_schema_list = []
    if not request.user.is_anonymous():
        hidden_schema_list = [o.schema for o in HiddenSchema.objects.filter(user_id=request.user.id)]

        'newsitem_list': ni_list,
        'next_day': next_day,
        'is_latest_page': is_latest_page,
        'hidden_schema_list': hidden_schema_list,
        'bodyclass': 'place-detail-timeline',
        'bodyid': context.get('place_type') or '',
        'filters': filterchain,
        'show_upcoming': show_upcoming,

    context['filtered_schema_list'] = s_list
    context['map_configuration'] = _preconfigured_map(context);
    response = eb_render(request, 'db/place_detail.html', context)
    for k, v in context['cookies_to_set'].items():
        response.set_cookie(k, v)
    return response
コード例 #9
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: mesrut/openblock
def newsitems_geojson(request):
    """Get a list of newsitems, optionally filtered for one place ID
    and/or one schema slug.

    Response is a geojson string.
    # Note: can't use @cache_page here because that ignores all requests
    # with query parameters (in FetchFromCacheMiddleware.process_request).
    # So, we'll use the low-level cache API.

    # Copy-pasted code from ajax_place_newsitems.  Refactoring target:
    # Seems like there are a number of similar code blocks in
    # ebpub.db.views?

    pid = request.GET.get('pid', '')
    schema = request.GET.get('schema', None)
    if schema is not None:
        schema = get_object_or_404(Schema, slug=schema)

    nid = request.GET.get('newsitem', '')

    newsitem_qs = NewsItem.objects.all()
    if nid:
        newsitem_qs = newsitem_qs.filter(id=nid)
        filters = FilterChain(request=request, queryset=newsitem_qs, schema=schema)
        if pid:
            # Whole city!

        # More copy/paste from ebpub.db.views...
        # As an optimization, limit the NewsItems to those published in the
        # last few days.
        if not filters.has_key('date'):
            end_date = today()
            start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=settings.DEFAULT_DAYS)
            filters.add('date', start_date, end_date)
        newsitem_qs = filters.apply()
        newsitem_qs = newsitem_qs
        if not has_staff_cookie(request):
            newsitem_qs = newsitem_qs.filter(schema__is_public=True)

        # Put a hard limit on the number of newsitems, and throw away
        # older items.
        newsitem_qs = newsitem_qs.select_related().order_by('-item_date', '-id')
        newsitem_qs = newsitem_qs[:constants.NUM_NEWS_ITEMS_PLACE_DETAIL]

    # Done preparing the query; cache based on the raw SQL
    # to be sure we capture everything that matters.
    cache_seconds = 60 * 5
    cache_key = 'newsitem_geojson:' + _make_cache_key_from_queryset(newsitem_qs)
    output = cache.get(cache_key, None)
    if output is None:
        newsitem_list = list(newsitem_qs)
        output = api_items_geojson(newsitem_list)
        cache.set(cache_key, output, cache_seconds)

    response = HttpResponse(output, mimetype="application/javascript")
    patch_response_headers(response, cache_timeout=60 * 5)
    return response
コード例 #10
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: mesrut/openblock
def place_detail_overview(request, *args, **kwargs):
    context, response = _place_detail_normalize_url(request, *args, **kwargs)
    if response is not None:
        return response
    schema_manager = get_schema_manager(request)
    context['breadcrumbs'] = breadcrumbs.place_detail_overview(context)

    schema_list = SortedDict([(s.id, s) for s in schema_manager.filter(is_special_report=False).order_by('plural_name')])
    # needed = set(schema_list.keys())

    # We actually want two lists of schemas, since we care whether
    # they are news-like or future-event-like.
    import copy
    eventish_schema_list = copy.deepcopy(schema_list)
    newsish_schema_list = copy.deepcopy(schema_list)
    for s_id, schema in schema_list.items():
        if schema.is_event:

    filterchain = FilterChain(request=request, context=context)
    filterchain.add('location', context['place'])

    # Distinguish between past news and upcoming events.
    # With some preliminary date limiting too.
    filterchain_news = filterchain.copy()
                         today() - datetime.timedelta(days=90),

    filterchain_events = filterchain.copy()
                           today() + datetime.timedelta(days=60))

    # Ordering by ID ensures consistency across page views.
    newsitem_qs = filterchain_news.apply().order_by('-item_date', '-id')
    events_qs = filterchain_events.apply().order_by('item_date', 'id')

    # Mapping of schema id -> [schemafields], for building Lookup charts.
    sf_dict = {}
    charted_lookups = SchemaField.objects.filter(
        is_lookup=True, is_charted=True, schema__is_public=True,
    charted_lookups = charted_lookups.values('id', 'schema_id', 'pretty_name')
    for sf in charted_lookups.order_by('schema__id', 'display_order'):
        sf_dict.setdefault(sf['schema_id'], []).append(sf)

    # Now retrieve newsitems per schema.
    schema_groups, all_newsitems = [], []
    for schema in schema_list.values():
        if schema.id in newsish_schema_list:
            newsitems = newsitem_qs.filter(schema__id=schema.id)
        elif schema.id in eventish_schema_list:
            newsitems = events_qs.filter(schema__id=schema.id)
            raise RuntimeError("should never get here")
        newsitems = list(newsitems[:s.number_in_overview])
        populate_schema(newsitems, schema)
            'schema': schema,
            'latest_newsitems': newsitems,
            'has_newsitems': bool(newsitems),
            'lookup_charts': sf_dict.get(schema.id),
    schema_list = schema_list.values()
    populate_attributes_if_needed(all_newsitems, schema_list)
    schema_list = [s for s in schema_list if s.allow_charting]

    context['schema_groups'] = schema_groups
    context['filtered_schema_list'] = schema_list
    context['bodyclass'] = 'place-detail-overview'
    if context['is_block']:
        context['bodyid'] = '%s-%s-%s' % (context['place'].street_slug,
        context['bodyid'] = context['location'].slug
    response = eb_render(request, 'db/place_overview.html', context)
    for k, v in context['cookies_to_set'].items():
        response.set_cookie(k, v)
    return response
コード例 #11
 def test_add__id(self):
     from ebpub.db.schemafilters import IdFilter
     chain = FilterChain()
     chain.add('id', [1, 2, 3])
     self.assert_(isinstance(chain['id'], IdFilter))
コード例 #12
    def test_add__id(self):
        from ebpub.db.schemafilters import IdFilter

        chain = FilterChain()
        chain.add("id", [1, 2, 3])
        self.assert_(isinstance(chain["id"], IdFilter))
コード例 #13
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: mesrut/openblock
 def item_date_url(self):
     from ebpub.db.schemafilters import FilterChain
     chain = FilterChain(schema=self.schema)
     chain.add('date', self.item_date)
     return chain.make_url()