コード例 #1
def plotter(z, t, r, **kwargs):
    xinches = len(t)/float(dpi)*pixelaspect
    yinches = len(r)/float(dpi)
    figsize = (xinches + 1.5, yinches + 1)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    el.make_axes_fixed(ax, xinches, yinches)
    img = el.rtiplot(z, t, r, ax=ax, csize=0.0625, cpad=0.05, **kwargs)
    return fig
def plot_block(z, t, r, dpi, pixelaspect=1, **kwargs):
    tlen = len(t)
    rlen = len(r)
    xinches = float(tlen)/dpi
    yinches = float(rlen)/dpi*pixelaspect
    # approximate size for figure
    # (doesn't matter if saving with tight bbox)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(xinches + .225 + 1.2, yinches + 2.25))
    # size for between upper and lower plots
    # we will add sizes for labels and titles later
    h = [axes_grid1.Size.Fixed(xinches/5)]*5
    v = [axes_grid1.Size.Fixed(yinches)]
    gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1, left=0.085, bottom=0.0875, right=1, top=1)
    div = axes_grid1.SubplotDivider(fig, gs[0], 
                                    horizontal=h, vertical=v)
    loc0 = div.new_locator(nx=0, ny=0)
    loc1 = div.new_locator(nx=1, ny=0)
    loc2 = div.new_locator(nx=2, ny=0)
    loc3 = div.new_locator(nx=3, ny=0)
    loc4 = div.new_locator(nx=4, ny=0)
    ax0 = fig.add_axes(loc0(None, None), label='ax0')
    ax1 = fig.add_axes(loc1(None, None), label='ax1', sharey=ax0)
    ax2 = fig.add_axes(loc2(None, None), label='ax2', sharey=ax0)
    ax3 = fig.add_axes(loc3(None, None), label='ax3', sharey=ax0)
    ax4 = fig.add_axes(loc4(None, None), label='ax4', sharey=ax0)
    # turn off unwanted (duplicate) tick labels
    plt.setp(ax1.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax2.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax3.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax4.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
    # locate the axes in the divider
    # also have to override get_subplotspec after setting locator
    # so tight_layout works
    ax0.get_subplotspec = loc0.get_subplotspec
    ax1.get_subplotspec = loc1.get_subplotspec
    ax2.get_subplotspec = loc2.get_subplotspec
    ax3.get_subplotspec = loc3.get_subplotspec
    ax4.get_subplotspec = loc4.get_subplotspec
    # plot the frequency shift
    # plot the images
    img0 = el.rtiplot(z[0::5, :], t[0::5], r/1e3, title='Barker 13',
                      ylabel='Range (km)', ax=ax0, cbar=False, xbins=5, ybins=6,
                      exact_ticks=False, interpolation='none', **kwargs)
    img1 = el.rtiplot(z[1::5, :], t[1::5], r/1e3, title='MSL', 
                      ax=ax1, cbar=False, xbins=5, ybins=6,
                      exact_ticks=False, interpolation='none', **kwargs)
    img2 = el.rtiplot(z[2::5, :], t[2::5], r/1e3, title='Uncoded', 
                      ax=ax2, cbar=False, xbins=5, ybins=6,
                      exact_ticks=False, interpolation='none', **kwargs)
    img3 = el.rtiplot(z[3::5, :], t[3::5], r/1e3, title='LFM', 
                      ax=ax3, cbar=False, xbins=5, ybins=6,
                      exact_ticks=False, interpolation='none', **kwargs)
    img4 = el.rtiplot(z[4::5, :], t[4::5], r/1e3, title='PSRND', 
                      clabel='SNR (dB)', ax=ax4, xbins=5, ybins=6, cbins=6,
                      exact_ticks=False, interpolation='none', **kwargs)
    # erase all but one xlabel on plots for separate codes so they don't overlap
    # tight layout
    return fig