コード例 #1
ファイル: unit_tests.py プロジェクト: ytknzw/EconML
    def test_dml_predict(self):
        """Testing dml.predict."""
        # How many samples
        n_samples = 200
        # How many control features
        n_cov = 5
        # How many treatment variables
        n_treatments = 10
        for exp in range(100):
            # Coefficients of how controls affect treatments
            Alpha = 20 * np.random.rand(n_cov, n_treatments) - 10
            # Coefficients of how controls affect outcome
            beta = 20 * np.random.rand(n_cov) - 10
            # Treatment effects that we want to estimate
            effect = 20 * np.random.rand(n_treatments) - 10
            y, T, X, epsilon = dgp.dgp_perfect_data_multiple_treatments(
                n_samples, n_cov, n_treatments, Alpha, beta, effect)

            # Run dml estimation
            reg = dml.DMLCateEstimator(
                np.arange(X.shape[1]), [],
                np.arange(X.shape[1], X.shape[1] + T.shape[1]))
            reg.fit(np.concatenate((X, T), axis=1), y)

            y, T, X = dgp.dgp_perfect_counterfactual_data_multiple_treatments(
                n_samples, n_cov, beta, effect, np.ones(n_treatments))

            r2score = reg.score(np.concatenate((X, T), axis=1), y)
            self.assertTrue(r2score > 0.99, "core.double_ml() wrong")
コード例 #2
ファイル: unit_tests.py プロジェクト: ytknzw/EconML
    def test_dml_effect(self):
        """Testing dml.effect."""
        # How many samples
        n_samples = 200
        # How many control features
        n_cov = 5
        # How many treatment variables
        n_treatments = 10
        for exp in range(100):
            # Coefficients of how controls affect treatments
            Alpha = 20 * np.random.rand(n_cov, n_treatments) - 10
            # Coefficients of how controls affect outcome
            beta = 20 * np.random.rand(n_cov) - 10
            # Treatment effects that we want to estimate
            effect = 20 * np.random.rand(n_treatments) - 10
            y, T, X, epsilon = dgp.dgp_perfect_data_multiple_treatments(
                n_samples, n_cov, n_treatments, Alpha, beta, effect)

            # Run dml estimation
            reg = dml.DMLCateEstimator(
                np.arange(X.shape[1]), [],
                np.arange(X.shape[1], X.shape[1] + T.shape[1]))
            reg.fit(np.concatenate((X, T), axis=1), y)

            T0 = np.zeros((1, T.shape[1]))
            T1 = np.zeros((1, T.shape[1]))
            dml_coef = np.zeros(T.shape[1])
            for t in range(T.shape[1]):
                T1[:, t] = 1
                dml_coef[t] = reg.effect([], T0, T1)
                T1[:, t] = 0
                np.max(np.abs(dml_coef - effect)) < 0.0000000001,
                "core.double_ml() wrong")