コード例 #1
def placebo_reg(df_placebo):
    # store (exogenous) regressors for first and second stage in a list
    regr = ['const', 'mean_hvac_share', 'mean_unempl', 'munempldiff', 'mskattekrdiff', 'mbefdiff', 'ekbistandpc_diff', 'dsmastad', 
            'dstorstad', 'dsv_maj_1', 'dseatsmp_1', 'dseatsop_1', 'flyktingandel_tplus1', 'flyktingandel_tplus2', 'flyktingandel_tplus3']
    exog = ['const', 'mean_hvac_share', 'mean_unempl', 'munempldiff', 'mskattekrdiff', 'mbefdiff', 'ekbistandpc_diff', 'dsmastad', 
            'dstorstad', 'dsv_maj_1', 'dseatsmp_1', 'dseatsop_1']

    # first stage
    reg_placebo1 = mt.reg(df_placebo, y_name = 'nonOECDshare_diff_tplus1', x_name = regr, cluster = 'kommun')
    reg_placebo2 = mt.reg(df_placebo, y_name = 'nonOECDshare_diff_tplus2', x_name = regr, cluster = 'kommun')
    reg_placebo3 = mt.reg(df_placebo, y_name = 'nonOECDshare_diff_tplus3', x_name = regr, cluster = 'kommun')

    # second stage
    iv_placebo = mt.ivreg(df_placebo, y_name = 'soc_bidr_diff', x_name = ['nonOECDshare_diff_tplus1', 'nonOECDshare_diff_tplus2',
    'nonOECDshare_diff_tplus3'], z_name = ['flyktingandel_tplus1', 'flyktingandel_tplus2', 'flyktingandel_tplus3'], w_name = exog, 
                          iv_method = '2sls', cluster = 'kommun')

    # call function from auxiliary file that creates LaTex table fragments for Table 6
    get_table6(df_placebo, reg_placebo1, reg_placebo2, reg_placebo3, iv_placebo)
    # perform joint test of the three placebo treatments in the second stage regression
    # return p-value of the test
    pvalue = iv_placebo.Ftest(['nonOECDshare_diff_tplus1', 'nonOECDshare_diff_tplus2', 'nonOECDshare_diff_tplus3'])[1]
    return(reg_placebo1, reg_placebo2, reg_placebo3, pvalue)
コード例 #2
def main_reg(df):
    # store (exogenous) regressors for first and second stage in a list
    regressors_base = ['const', 'mean_hvac_share', 'mean_unempl', 'munempldiff', 'mskattekrdiff', 'mbefdiff', 'ekbistandpc_diff',
                        'dsmastad', 'dstorstad', 'dsv_maj_1', 'dseatsmp_1', 'dseatsop_1', 'panel8891', 'panel9194', 'flyktingandel']
    exog_base = ['const', 'mean_hvac_share', 'mean_unempl', 'munempldiff', 'mskattekrdiff', 'mbefdiff', 'ekbistandpc_diff', 'dsmastad', 
                    'dstorstad', 'dsv_maj_1', 'dseatsmp_1', 'dseatsop_1', 'panel8891', 'panel9194']

    ### standard errors clustered at municipality level
    # first stage
    reg1 = mt.reg(df, y_name = 'nonOECDshare_diff', x_name = regressors_base, cluster = 'kommun')
    # second stage
    iv1 = mt.ivreg(df, y_name = 'soc_bidr_diff', x_name = 'nonOECDshare_diff', z_name = 'flyktingandel', w_name = exog_base, 
                   iv_method = '2sls', cluster = 'kommun')

    ### standard errors clustered at county level
    # first stage
    reg2 = mt.reg(df, y_name = 'nonOECDshare_diff', x_name = regressors_base, cluster = 'countykod')
    # second stage
    iv2 = mt.ivreg(df, y_name = 'soc_bidr_diff', x_name = 'nonOECDshare_diff', z_name = 'flyktingandel', 
                   w_name = exog_base, iv_method = '2sls', cluster = 'countykod')

    # call function from auxiliary file that creates Latex table fragments for Table 2
    get_table2(df, reg1, iv1, reg2, iv2)
    # perform F-test for relevance of the instrument
    F_stat1 = reg1.Ftest('flyktingandel')[0]
    F_stat2 = reg2.Ftest('flyktingandel')[0]
    return(reg1, iv1, reg2, iv2, F_stat1, F_stat2)
def reg1(year,data,ss,control):
    for i in data["year"]:
            if i == year:
                reg= mt.reg(data.loc[(data["year"]==i)],                     # DataFrame to use
                'lis_share',                           # Outcome
                pd.concat([data[[ss]],control]),     # Indep. Variables
                fe_name='wkr',                         # Fixed-effects 
                cluster='wkr')                         # Cluster
                return reg.beta[ss], reg.se[ss], reg.r2, reg.N,reg.Ftest(ss)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_ols.py プロジェクト: kerrydu1986/econtools
 def setup_class(cls):
     """Stata reg output from `sysuse auto; reg price mpg`"""
     test_path = path.split(path.relpath(__file__))[0]
     auto_path = path.join(test_path, 'data', 'auto.dta')
     autodata = pd.read_stata(auto_path)
     y = 'price'
     x = ['mpg', 'length']
     cls.result = reg(autodata, y, x, cluster='gear_ratio', addcons=True)
     cls.expected = ols_cluster
def reg4(year,data,ss,control):
    for i in data["year"]:
            if i == year:
                reg= mt.reg(data.loc[(data["year"]==i)],                     # DataFrame to use
                "dNazi_share",                           # Outcome
                pd.concat([data[[ss]],control]),          # Indep. Variables
                fe_name="wkr",                         # Fixed-effects 
                return reg.beta[ss],reg.se[ss], reg.N,reg.r2 
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_ols.py プロジェクト: lnsongxf/econtools-1
 def setup_class(cls):
     """Stata reg output from `sysuse auto; reg price mpg`"""
     cls.precision['vce'] = 6
     test_path = path.split(path.relpath(__file__))[0]
     auto_path = path.join(test_path, 'data', 'auto.dta')
     autodata = pd.read_stata(auto_path)
     y = ['price']
     x = ['mpg', 'length']
     cls.result = reg(autodata, y, x, addcons=True)
     cls.expected = ols_std
コード例 #7
def ghat_of_x(y, x, x0, h, degree, kernel):
    K = kernel_func(x - x0, h, kernel)
    if _sparse_data(K, degree):
        return np.nan

    X = _make_X(x, x0, degree)
    x_name = ['cons'] + ['x{}'.format(i) for i in range(1, degree + 1)]
    df = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((y.reshape(-1, 1), X, K.reshape(-1, 1))),
                      columns=['y'] + x_name + ['k'])
    res = reg(df, 'y', x_name, awt_name='k')
    beta = res.beta
    # plot_this(y, x, K, X, res)    # XXX tmp, diagnostic
    return beta['cons']
def reg2(year,data,ss,control):
    for i in data["year"]:
            if i == year:
                locat = ["pops", "pops_2", "pops_3", "pops_4", "pops_5","bigd","city","altitude"]
                socioe= ["c25juden_share","c25kath_share", "c25arbei_share", "c25anges_share", "war_per1000","in_welfare_per1000", "sozialrentner_per1000" ,"logtaxprop"]
                elect = ["turnout24" ,"vote24", "nsfb24" , "spd24","z24"]

                reg= mt.reg(data.loc[(data["year"]==i)],                     # DataFrame to use
                ss,                           # Outcome
                control,          # Indep. Variables
                fe_name="wkr",                         # Fixed-effects 
                cluster='wkr')                         # Cluster

                return reg.beta["bigd"], reg.se["bigd"],reg.beta["altitude"], reg.se["altitude"],\
                       reg.Ftest(locat), reg.Ftest(socioe),reg.Ftest(elect),\
                       reg.r2, reg.N
コード例 #9
def sens1_reg(df, df_sens1):
    # run regression without dummy for large-sized municipal population as we excluded big city counties
    # otherwise all values of that variable are zero and we cannot invert the regressor matrix
    regressors_sens1 = ['const', 'mean_hvac_share', 'mean_unempl', 'munempldiff', 'mskattekrdiff', 'mbefdiff', 'ekbistandpc_diff', 'dsmastad', 
                        'dsv_maj_1', 'dseatsmp_1', 'dseatsop_1', 'panel8891', 'panel9194', 'flyktingandel']
    exog_sens1 = ['const', 'mean_hvac_share', 'mean_unempl', 'munempldiff', 'mskattekrdiff', 'mbefdiff', 'ekbistandpc_diff', 'dsmastad', 
                  'dsv_maj_1', 'dseatsmp_1', 'dseatsop_1', 'panel8891', 'panel9194']

    # first stage
    reg_sens1 = mt.reg(df_sens1, y_name = 'nonOECDshare_diff', x_name = regressors_sens1, cluster = 'kommun')
    # second stage
    iv_sens1 = mt.ivreg(df_sens1, y_name = 'soc_bidr_diff', x_name = 'nonOECDshare_diff', z_name = 'flyktingandel', 
                        w_name = exog_sens1, iv_method = '2sls', cluster = 'kommun')

    # call function from auxiliary file that creates LaTex table fragments for Table 7
    get_table7(df, reg_sens1, iv_sens1)
    return(reg_sens1, iv_sens1)
コード例 #10
def regress(dependent_variable, dataframe, degree):
    """Regress the dependent variables on covariates (independent variables).

        dependent_variable (float): the independent variable
        dataframe (pd.DataFrame): the dataframe of full sample, narrow window, and wide window
        degree (integer): degree of polynomials

        regression result(result)


    reg = mt.reg(dataframe,
    return reg
コード例 #11
ファイル: estimation.py プロジェクト: JingyuanWang/NU450_HW
    def first_stage(self, exogenous_varname, endogenous_varname, IV_varname):
        '''Check the first stage for IVs 
        All input must be lists '''

        import econtools
        import econtools.metrics as mt

        # get data
        df = self.products.sort_values(['market_id', 'product_id']).copy()
        x_varnames = exogenous_varname + IV_varname

        # first stage reg
        # 1. partial out x:
        #for y_varname in endogenous_varname:
        #    result = mt.reg(df, y_varname, exogenous_varname)
        #    df['{}_ddot'.format(y_varname)] = df[y_varname] - df[exogenous_varname][email protected]

        #IV_varname_ddot = []
        #for iv_varname in IV_varname:
        #    result = mt.reg(df, iv_varname, exogenous_varname)
        #    df['{}_ddot'.format(iv_varname)] = df[iv_varname] - df[exogenous_varname][email protected]
        #    IV_varname_ddot = IV_varname_ddot + ['{}_ddot'.format(iv_varname)]

        # 2. First stage regression
        for y_varname in endogenous_varname:

            #result = mt.reg(df, '{}_ddot'.format(y_varname), IV_varname_ddot)
            result = mt.reg(df, y_varname, x_varnames)
            joint_F = result.Ftest(IV_varname)

            print('Endogenous var: {} '.format(y_varname))
            print('            IV: {} '.format(IV_varname))
            print(' ')
            print('Ftest = {}'.format(joint_F))
            print(' ')
            print(' ')

コード例 #12
def sens2_reg(df, df_sens2):
    # run regression without dummy for panel period 1991/94 as we excluded the observations of that panel
    # otherwise all values of that variable are zero and we cannot invert the regressor matrix
    regressors_sens2 = ['const', 'mean_hvac_share', 'mean_unempl', 'munempldiff', 'mskattekrdiff', 'mbefdiff', 'ekbistandpc_diff', 
                        'dsmastad', 'dstorstad', 'dsv_maj_1', 'dseatsmp_1', 'dseatsop_1', 'panel8891', 'flyktingandel']
    exog_sens2 = ['const', 'mean_hvac_share', 'mean_unempl', 'munempldiff', 'mskattekrdiff', 'mbefdiff', 'ekbistandpc_diff', 'dsmastad', 
                  'dstorstad', 'dsv_maj_1', 'dseatsmp_1', 'dseatsop_1', 'panel8891']

    # first stage
    reg_sens2 = mt.reg(df_sens2, y_name = 'nonOECDshare_diff', x_name = regressors_sens2, cluster = 'kommun')
    # second stage
    iv_sens2 = mt.ivreg(df_sens2, y_name = 'soc_bidr_diff', x_name = 'nonOECDshare_diff', z_name = 'flyktingandel', w_name = exog_sens2, 
                        iv_method = '2sls', cluster = 'kommun')

    # call function from auxiliary file that creates LaTex table fragments for Table 8
    get_table8(df, reg_sens2, iv_sens2)
    # perform F-test for relevance of the instrument
    F_stat = reg_sens2.Ftest('flyktingandel')[0]

    return(reg_sens2, iv_sens2, F_stat)
コード例 #13
    def _OLS_second_stage(self, df):

        res = mt.reg(df, 'log_PA_PB', ['const', 'NA_NB_diff'])

        return res
コード例 #14
    def _OLS_first_stage(self, df):

        res = mt.reg(df, 'log_PB_P0', ['const', 'X_m', 'N_B', 'N_A'])

        return res
コード例 #15

df = df.dropna()
df = df[(df != 0).all(1)]
df = df[df.year < 2017]
df = df[df.year > 1972]


df['leadGDP'] = np.log(df.gdppercapitaconstantlcunygdppcap.shift(-5))


#creatiing growth10 var
df['growth5'] = (df.leadGDP) - np.log(df.gdppercapitaconstantlcunygdppcap)

y = 'growth5'
X = ['Competitive_Rise_Country', 'Competitive_Decline_Country']
fe_var = 'country'


results = mt.reg(
    df,  # DataFrame
    y,  # Dependent var (string)
    X,  # Independent var(s) (string or list of strings)
    addcons=True  # Adds a constant term

コード例 #16
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from econtools.metrics import reg

X = pd.DataFrame(np.stack([np.array([1]*10),np.array([0,1]*5),np.array([1,0]*5)]).T)
beta = np.array([1,2,3])
y = X@beta

data = pd.DataFrame(X)
data.columns = ['cons','x1','x2']
data['y'] = y

# This is fine

# This should not be fine