def fini_toplevel(stmt: pgast.Query, ctx: context.CompilerContextLevel) -> None: scan_check_ctes(stmt, ctx.env.check_ctes, ctx=ctx) # Type rewrites go first. if stmt.ctes is None: stmt.ctes = [] stmt.ctes[:0] = list(ctx.type_ctes.values()) stmt.argnames = argmap = ctx.argmap if not ctx.env.use_named_params: # Adding unused parameters into a CTE targets = [] for param in ctx.env.query_params: pgparam = argmap[] if pgparam.used: continue targets.append( pgast.ResTarget(val=pgast.TypeCast( arg=pgast.ParamRef(number=pgparam.index), type_name=pgast.TypeName( name=pg_types.pg_type_from_ir_typeref( param.ir_type))))) if targets: stmt.append_cte( pgast.CommonTableExpr( name="__unused_vars", query=pgast.SelectStmt(target_list=targets)))
def scan_check_ctes( stmt: pgast.Query, check_ctes: List[pgast.CommonTableExpr], *, ctx: context.CompilerContextLevel, ) -> None: if not check_ctes: return # Scan all of the check CTEs to enforce constraints that are # checked as explicit queries and not Postgres constraints or # triggers. # To make sure that Postgres can't optimize the checks away, we # reference them in the where clause of an UPDATE to a dummy # table. # Add a big random number, so that different queries should try to # access different "rows" of the table, in case that matters. base_int = random.randint(0, (1 << 60) - 1) val: pgast.BaseExpr = pgast.NumericConstant(val=str(base_int)) for check_cte in check_ctes: # We want the CTE to be MATERIALIZED, because otherwise # Postgres might not fully evaluate all its columns when # scanning it. check_cte.materialized = True check = pgast.SelectStmt( target_list=[ pgast.ResTarget(val=pgast.FuncCall(name=('count', ), args=[pgast.Star()]), ) ], from_clause=[ relctx.rvar_for_rel(check_cte, ctx=ctx), ], ) val = pgast.Expr(kind=pgast.ExprKind.OP, name='+', lexpr=val, rexpr=check) update_query = pgast.UpdateStmt( targets=[ pgast.UpdateTarget(name='flag', val=pgast.BooleanConstant(val='true')) ], relation=pgast.RelRangeVar( relation=pgast.Relation(schemaname='edgedb', name='_dml_dummy')), where_clause=pgast.Expr( kind=pgast.ExprKind.OP, name='=', lexpr=pgast.ColumnRef(name=['id']), rexpr=val, )) stmt.append_cte( pgast.CommonTableExpr(query=update_query, name=ctx.env.aliases.get(hint='check_scan')))