def __init__(self, gui): """Connect up signals to slots and initialize the editor. """ self.db = None # indicates 'not initialized' self.gui = gui self.syncHandler = None # holds a GuiSync object, if used slot("classChanged", self.slot_classChanged) slot("subjectChanged", self.slot_subjectChanged) slot("pupilChanged", self.slot_pupilChanged) slot("previous", self.slot_previous) slot("next", self.slot_next) slot("copy", self.slot_copy) slot("cut", self.slot_cut) slot("paste", self.slot_paste) slot("style", self.slot_style) slot("indent", self.slot_indent) slot("openDB", self.slot_open) slot("sync", self.slot_sync) slot("undo", self.slot_undo) slot("redo", self.slot_redo) slot("textChanged", self.slot_clearRedo) slot("requestCheck", self.slot_requestCheck) slot("print", self.slot_printSubject) slot("checkSpelling", self.slot_checkSpelling) slot("endCheckSpelling", self.slot_endCheckSpelling) slot("nextUnfinished", self.slot_nextUnfinished) slot("currentStyle", self.gui.setStyleButton) self.canvas = gui.getGView() self.editor = Editor(self.canvas) spellCheck.spellInit() if (self.gui.settings.getSetting("autospellcheck") != "0"): self.gui.setAutoSpellCheck() __builtin__.autoSpellCheck = True slot("autospellcheck", self.slot_autospellcheck)
class EditorView: """There may be only one instance of this class, because of the slot declarations. At present there is no possibility of closing an editor and reopening it in the same process - also and would need modifying. """ def __init__(self, gui): """Connect up signals to slots and initialize the editor. """ self.db = None # indicates 'not initialized' self.gui = gui self.syncHandler = None # holds a GuiSync object, if used slot("classChanged", self.slot_classChanged) slot("subjectChanged", self.slot_subjectChanged) slot("pupilChanged", self.slot_pupilChanged) slot("previous", self.slot_previous) slot("next", self.slot_next) slot("copy", self.slot_copy) slot("cut", self.slot_cut) slot("paste", self.slot_paste) slot("style", self.slot_style) slot("indent", self.slot_indent) slot("openDB", self.slot_open) slot("sync", self.slot_sync) slot("undo", self.slot_undo) slot("redo", self.slot_redo) slot("textChanged", self.slot_clearRedo) slot("requestCheck", self.slot_requestCheck) slot("print", self.slot_printSubject) slot("checkSpelling", self.slot_checkSpelling) slot("endCheckSpelling", self.slot_endCheckSpelling) slot("nextUnfinished", self.slot_nextUnfinished) slot("currentStyle", self.gui.setStyleButton) self.canvas = gui.getGView() self.editor = Editor(self.canvas) spellCheck.spellInit() if (self.gui.settings.getSetting("autospellcheck") != "0"): self.gui.setAutoSpellCheck() __builtin__.autoSpellCheck = True slot("autospellcheck", self.slot_autospellcheck) def slot_sync(self, arg): """Synchronize the present database file with the master database. """ if not self.db: warning(_("No database file open")) return self.slot_pupilChanged(-1) # save current report filename = self.db.descriptor self.db.close() if self.syncHandler: self.syncHandler.init(filename) else: self.syncHandler = GuiSync("sync", filename) # The sync dialog needs to be modal! #When finished: self.slot_open(False) def slot_open(self, force): """Open a database file. If 'force' is not True try to get the last used one from the settings mechanism. Return True if successful. """ if self.db: self.slot_pupilChanged(-1) # save current report while True: db = selectDBFile(self.gui.settings, force) if db: # Clear revisions dictionary (for undo/redo) self.revisionDict = {} self.db = db try: if self.initialize(): self.gui.showDbFile(self.db.descriptor) # Show teacher's name self.gui.showTeacher(self.db.getTeacherName( self.db.owner)) return True except: warning(_("Database file '%s' contains invalid data") % self.db.descriptor) force = True self.db = None continue break if self.db: return False signal("quit") def initialize(self): """Return True if successfully initialized. """ # Initially there is no RSubject object (current report text) self.rsubject = None if not self.db.owner: warning(_("This is a master database - editing is not permitted")) return False # Adjust characters for spell-checking etc. extraChars = self.db.baseDict[u"extraChars"] if not (u"." in extraChars): extraChars = u"." extraLetters = extraChars.split(u"·")[0] checkSpelling.setReP(self.db.baseDict[u"dictionary"], extraLetters) self.gui.setExtraChars(extraChars.split(u".")[1]) # Get lists of pupils for each of the subjects for each of # the classes - a nested dictionary structure self.reportData = self.db.getReportData() # Get a list of class object relevant to the 'owner' # First get a list of the class tags tclasses = self.reportData.keys() # But that may be in the wrong order, so use self.db.classes # to sort them: self.classes = [c for c in self.db.classes if c.classTag in tclasses] # Set the entries in the class combo box # A list of class names is needed classNames = [c.className for c in self.classes] lastClass = self.db.getConfig(u"class") try: x = classNames.index(lastClass) except: x = 0 self.disable = True self.gui.setClasses(classNames) # That should cause a classChanged signal to be emitted (0 index), # which will be ignored (self.disable) self.disable = False self.gui.setClass(x) # That should cause a classChanged signal to be emitted (index x) return True def slot_classChanged(self, i): """Act upon change of class. It renews the list of subjects in the subject comboBox, which causes a subjectChanged signal to be emitted. The config variable currentClass is set to the new name. If there was already a subject selected, try to return to the same one, otherwise the first in the list. """ if self.disable or (i < 0): return self.slot_pupilChanged(-1) # save current report # Set the current class self.currentClassObj = self.classes[i] self.db.setClass(self.currentClassObj) # Get subjects available for current class self.subjectsDict = self.reportData[self.currentClassObj.classTag] # Make an ordered list of subjects self.subjects = [u"%s (%s)" % (self.db.getSubjectName(s), s) for s in self.subjectsDict.keys()] self.subjects.sort() # Set the entries in the subject combo box try: x = self.subjects.index(self.db.getConfig(u"subject")) except: x = 0 self.disable = True self.gui.setSubjects(self.subjects) # That should cause a subjectChanged signal to be emitted (0 index), # which will be ignored (self.disable) self.disable = False self.gui.setSubject(x) # That should cause a subjectChanged signal to be emitted (index x) def slot_subjectChanged(self, i): """Act upon change of subject. It renews the list of pupils in the comboBox_pupil, which causes a pupilChanged signal to be emitted. The config variable currentSubject is set to the new name. If there was already a pupil selected, try to return to the same one, otherwise the first in the list. """ if self.disable or (i < 0): return self.slot_pupilChanged(-1) # save current report self.currentSubjectNameId = self.subjects[i] # Extract the subject name and tag from self.currentSubjectNameId sName, sTag = self.currentSubjectNameId.rsplit(None, 1) self.subject = sTag.strip(u"()") # Get a list of pupils who take this subject pupiltags = self.subjectsDict[self.subject] # Order the list and get the names of the pupils for the display self.pupils = [] # a list of pupil tags self.pupilList = [] # a list of pupil names, for the gui for pname, ptag in self.currentClassObj.orderedPupilList: if ptag in pupiltags: self.pupils.append(ptag) self.pupilList.append(pname) # See if previously selected pupil is in list try: x = self.pupils.index(self.db.getConfig(u"pupilId")) except: x = 0 # set pupil combobox list: self.disable = True self.gui.setPupils(self.pupilList) # That should cause a pupilChanged signal to be emitted (0 index), # which will be ignored (self.disable) self.disable = False self.gui.setPupil(x) # That should cause a pupilChanged signal to be emitted (index ix) def slot_pupilChanged(self, i): """Act upon change of pupil. If the edit-text has been modified, that is saved. The edit window is then cleared and the text for the new pupil is added. The config variable currentPupilId is set to the new id. """ # Save old report text, if it has been modified! if self.rsubject: self.rsubject = None if (i < 0) or self.disable: return # Remember the index of the current pupil in the combobox for # the previous/next buttons self.pupilIx = i self.currentPupilId = self.pupils[i] self.db.setConfig(u"class", self.currentClassObj.className) self.db.setConfig(u"subject", self.currentSubjectNameId) self.db.setConfig(u"pupilId", self.currentPupilId) # Get an RSubject object for this report self.rsubject = RSubject(self.currentPupilId, self.subject, self.db, self.revisionDict) # Set up the editor self.editor.init(self.rsubject) # set the 'finished' state self.setFinishedButton(self.rsubject.isFinished()) # initialize the undo/redo facility self.initUndo() # Give 'focus' to the editor, so that it receives keyboard input. self.gui.focusEditor() def save(self): """If the report has been changed, save the new version to the database. """ self.editor.saveText() def slot_previous(self, arg): """Handler for 'previous pupil' button """ if (self.pupilIx == 0): # Give 'focus' back to the editor. self.gui.focusEditor() return self.gui.setPupil(self.pupilIx - 1) # That should cause a pupilChanged signal to be emitted def slot_next(self, arg): """Handler for 'next pupil' button """ ix = self.pupilIx + 1 if (ix >= len(self.pupils)): # Give 'focus' back to the editor. self.gui.focusEditor() return self.gui.setPupil(ix) def slot_copy(self, arg): """Handler for 'copy' action """ text = self.editor.getMarked() ###print "COPY $%s$" % text self.gui.setClipboard(text) def slot_cut(self, arg): """Handler for 'cut' action """ self.slot_copy(None) self.editor.delete() def slot_paste(self, arg): """Handler for 'paste' action """ # Get text and insert as block self.editor.insertBlock(self.gui.getClipboard()) def slot_style(self, style): """Handler for 'style' action - change style: u"n"/normal, u"l"/special, u"r"/special/right-aligned """ selection = self.editor.selection if selection.isSelection(): sm1, sm2 = selection.order() tl = sm1[0].tline # first selected line self.rsubject.restyle(tl, sm2[0].tline.para, style) selection.markSelection() else: word, cx = self.editor.edCursor.getPos() tl = word.tline self.rsubject.restyle(tl, tl.para, style) self.editor.edCursor.setPos(word, cx) def slot_indent(self, arg): """Handler for 'indent' action - only valid in special style. Change the indentation of a 'special' line. If there is a selection and the first line is 'special, all selected lines with the same alignement will get the same indentation as the first. If the first line is not special, the command will be ignored. """ if arg: step = IndentStep else: step = -IndentStep mainWidth = self.rsubject.db.layoutInfo.mainWidth selection = self.editor.selection if selection.isSelection(): sm1, sm2 = selection.order() # First selected paragraph tl = sm1[0].tline p = tl.para if (p.align == u"n"): return if (step > 0) and (p.indent >= mainWidth/3): return p.indent += step if (p.indent < 0.0): p.indent = 0.0 # Repeat for all selected lines while (tl != sm2[0].tline): tl = self.rsubject.nextLine(tl) tl.y = None # to ensure re-rendering if (tl.para.align == p.align): tl.para.indent = p.indent self.rsubject.linify(sm1[0].tline) selection.markSelection() else: word, cx = self.editor.edCursor.getPos() p = word.tline.para if (p.align == u"n"): return if (step > 0) and (p.indent >= mainWidth/3): return p.indent += step if (p.indent < 0.0): p.indent = 0.0 self.rsubject.linify(word.tline) self.editor.edCursor.setPos(word, cx) def slot_undo(self, arg): if (self.undoLevel == 0): # Save the current text self.undoLevel += 1 self.setFinishedButton(self.rsubject.undo(self.undoLevel)) self.editor.initCurSel() if (self.rsubject.nVersions() <= (self.undoLevel+1)): self.gui.enableUndo(False) self.gui.enableRedo(True) def slot_redo(self, arg): self.undoLevel -= 1 if (self.undoLevel == 0): self.gui.enableRedo(False) self.setFinishedButton(self.rsubject.undo(self.undoLevel)) self.editor.initCurSel() self.gui.enableUndo(True) def initUndo(self): """Initialize the undo/redo mechanism. """ self.undoLevel = 0 self.gui.enableRedo(False) self.gui.enableUndo(self.rsubject.nVersions() > 1) # Counter for delete operations: self.editor.deleteCount = 0 def slot_clearRedo(self, arg): """Called when the text has been altered, thus making a 'redo' impossible. """ if (self.undoLevel != 0): self.undoLevel = 0 self.gui.enableRedo(False) self.gui.enableUndo(True) def setFinishedButton(self, down): # A flag (self.finishedButtonDisable) is kept to stop a vicious circle! self.finishedButtonDisable = True self.gui.activateFinished(down) self.finishedButtonDisable = False if down: self.checkFlag = "on" else: self.checkFlag = "off" self.gui.setFinished(self.checkFlag) def slot_requestCheck(self, down): if self.finishedButtonDisable: return self.setFinishedButton(down) self.rsubject.setFinished(down, self.editor.edCursor.getPos()) def slot_printSubject(self, arg): """Use class LayoutUnits to format the reports for all pupils in the present class taking this subject, then present a print dialog. """ # Save current report self.slot_pupilChanged(-1) # Restore current report self.slot_pupilChanged(self.pupilIx) asc = autoSpellCheck if asc: __builtin__.autoSpellCheck = False if arg: plist = [self.currentPupilId] else: plist = self.pupils lu = LayoutUnits(self.db, self.subject, plist) if asc: __builtin__.autoSpellCheck = True npages = len(lu.pages) if not npages: warning(_("No pages to print")) return dlg = printDialog(npages) if not dlg: return start = dlg.start() end = dlg.end() if (start > end): return even = dlg.even() odd = dlg.odd() pages = [] for i in range(start, end+1): if (i % 2): if odd: pages.append(i) elif even: pages.append(i) if dlg.reverse(): pages.reverse() if dlg.toPdf(): pdfFile = getFile(_("Print to pdf-file"), startFile=u"print.pdf", defaultSuffix=u"pdf", filter=(_("pdf Files"), (u"*.pdf",)), create=True) if pdfFile: lu.printout(pdfFile, pages) else: lu.printout(None, pages) def slot_autospellcheck(self, on): __builtin__.autoSpellCheck = on if on: val = "1" else: val = "0" self.gui.settings.setSetting("autospellcheck", val) # spellcheck all words if self.rsubject.tlines: for tl in self.rsubject.tlines: for w in tl.twords: if on: w.spellCheck() else: w.spellUncheck() def slot_checkSpelling(self, arg): checkSpell.start(self.rsubject.tlines) def slot_endCheckSpelling(self, arg): if checkSpell.altered: self.rsubject.setText(checkSpell.text) self.rsubject.cursor = (0, 0, 0) self.editor.initCurSel() signal("textChanged") def slot_nextUnfinished(self, arg): ix = self.pupilIx while True: ix += 1 if (ix >= len(self.pupils)): ix = 0 if (ix == self.pupilIx): # None found return pupilId = self.pupils[ix] key = u"%s+%s" % (pupilId, self.subject) revisions = self.revisionDict.get(key) if revisions: report, cursor = revisions[-1] else: report = self.db.getReport(pupilId, self.subject) cursor = (0,0,0) revisions = [(report, cursor)] self.revisionDict[key] = revisions if not getReportVersion(report).endswith(u"$"): break self.gui.setPupil(ix)