def project_notes(self): """Get notes and note form for the project.""" notes = self.object.notes.all().order_by('-creation_date') form = NoteForm() return {'notes': notes, 'form': form}
def task_notes(self): """Get notes and note form for tasks.""" self.object = self.get_object() notes = self.object.notes.all().order_by('-creation_date') form = NoteForm() return {'notes': notes, 'form': form}
def notes(self): """Get all user notes associated with user and note form.""" notes = self.object.note_set.filter( note_type="USER").order_by('-creation_date') form = NoteForm() return {'notes': notes, 'form': form}
def include_private_message_form(request): return {} if request.user.is_authenticated(): privatemessageform = PrivateMessageForm(request=request) usernoteform = NoteForm() return {'privatemessageform': privatemessageform, 'usernoteform': usernoteform} else: return {}
def get_context_data(self, pk): task = get_object_or_404(Task, pk=pk) form = NoteForm() notes = task.notes.all().order_by('-creation_date') return { 'task': task, 'form': form, 'notes': notes, }
def get_context_data(self, pk): event = get_object_or_404(Event, pk=pk) form = NoteForm() notes = event.notes.all().order_by('-creation_date') return { 'event': event, 'form': form, 'notes': notes, }
def get_context_data(self, pk): story = get_object_or_404(Story, pk=pk) form = NoteForm() notes = story.notes.all().order_by('-creation_date') return { 'story': story, 'form': form, 'notes': notes, }
def get_context_data(self, pk): project = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=pk) form = NoteForm() notes = project.notes.all().order_by('-creation_date') return { 'project': project, 'form': form, 'notes': notes, }
def get_context_data(self, pk): user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=pk) form = NoteForm() notes = user.notes.all().order_by('-creation_date') return { 'user': user, 'form': form, 'notes': notes, }
def get_context_data(self, pk): network = get_object_or_404(Network, pk=pk) form = NoteForm() notes = network.notes.all().order_by('-creation_date') return { 'network': network, 'form': form, 'notes': notes, }
def get_context_data(self, pk): organization = get_object_or_404(Organization, pk=pk) form = NoteForm() notes = organization.notes.all().order_by('-creation_date') all_notes = organization.notes.all() return { 'organization': organization, 'form': form, 'notes': notes, }
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """Add related info.""" context = super(OrganizationDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) form = NoteForm() notes = self.object.notes.order_by('-creation_date')[:4] # users = Organization.get_org_users(self.object) organizationcomments = Comment.objects.filter( discussion=self.object.discussion).order_by('date') organizationcommentform = CommentForm() context.update({ 'form': form, 'notes': notes, 'organizationcomments': organizationcomments, 'organizationcommentform': organizationcommentform, }) return context
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """Get network related info.""" context = super(NetworkDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) form = NoteForm() notes = self.object.notes.order_by('-creation_date')[:4] comments = self.object.discussion.comment_set.all().order_by('date') commentform = CommentForm() networkinvitationform = InviteToNetworkForm() context.update({ 'notes': notes, 'form': form, 'comments': comments, 'commentform': commentform, 'networkinvitationform': networkinvitationform, }) return context