コード例 #1
  def PackageWindowsCapsuleFiles(OutputFolder, ProductName, ProductFmpGuid, CapsuleVersion_DotString,
    CapsuleVersion_HexString, ProductFwProvider, ProductFwMfgName, ProductFwDesc, CapsuleFileName, PfxFile=None, PfxPass=None,
    Rollback=False, Arch='amd64', OperatingSystem_String='Win10'):

      logging.debug("CapsulePackage: Create Windows Capsule Files")

      #Make INF
      InfFilePath = os.path.join(OutputFolder, ProductName + ".inf")
      InfTool = InfGenerator(ProductName, ProductFwProvider, ProductFmpGuid, Arch, ProductFwDesc, CapsuleVersion_DotString, CapsuleVersion_HexString)
      InfTool.Manufacturer = ProductFwMfgName  #optional
      ret = InfTool.MakeInf(InfFilePath, CapsuleFileName, Rollback)
      if(ret != 0):
          raise Exception("CreateWindowsInf Failed with errorcode %d" % ret)

      #Make CAT
      CatFilePath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(OutputFolder, ProductName + ".cat"))
      CatTool = CatGenerator(Arch, OperatingSystem_String)
      ret = CatTool.MakeCat(CatFilePath)

      if(ret != 0):
          raise Exception("Creating Cat file Failed with errorcode %d" % ret)

      if(PfxFile is not None):
          #Find Signtool
          SignToolPath = FindToolInWinSdk("signtool.exe")
          if not os.path.exists(SignToolPath):
              raise Exception("Can't find signtool on this machine.")
          #dev sign the cat file
          ret = CatalogSignWithSignTool(SignToolPath, CatFilePath, PfxFile, PfxPass)
          if(ret != 0):
              raise Exception("Signing Cat file Failed with errorcode %d" % ret)

      return ret
コード例 #2
    def MakeCat(self, OutputCatFile, PathToInf2CatTool=None):
        # Find Inf2Cat tool
        if (PathToInf2CatTool is None):
            PathToInf2CatTool = FindToolInWinSdk("Inf2Cat.exe")
        # check if exists
        if not os.path.exists(PathToInf2CatTool):
            raise Exception(
                "Can't find Inf2Cat on this machine.  Please install the Windows 10 WDK - "

        # Adjust for spaces in the path (when calling the command).
        if " " in PathToInf2CatTool:
            PathToInf2CatTool = '"' + PathToInf2CatTool + '"'

        OutputFolder = os.path.dirname(OutputCatFile)
        # Make Cat file
        cmd = "/driver:. /os:" + self.OperatingSystem + "_" + self.Arch + " /verbose"
        ret = RunCmd(PathToInf2CatTool, cmd, workingdir=OutputFolder)
        if (ret != 0):
            raise Exception("Creating Cat file Failed with errorcode %d" % ret)
        if (not os.path.isfile(OutputCatFile)):
            raise Exception("CAT file (%s) not created" % OutputCatFile)

        return 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: Edk2ToolHelper.py プロジェクト: 9176324/mu_basecore
    def PackageFmpImageAuth(InputBin, OutputBin, DevPfxFilePath = None, DevPfxPassword = None, DetachedSignatureFile = None, Eku = None):
        logging.debug("CapsulePackage: Fmp Image Auth Header/Signing")

        #temp output dir is in the outputbin folder
        ret = 0
        TempOutDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(OutputBin)), "_Temp_FmpImageAuth_" + str(datetime.datetime.now().time()).replace(":", "_"))
        logging.debug("Temp Output dir for FmpImageAuth: %s" % TempOutDir)
        cmd =  "GenFmpImageAuth.py"
        params = "-o " + OutputBin
        params = params + " -p " + InputBin + " -m 1"
        params = params + " --debug"
        params = params + " -l " + os.path.join(TempOutDir, "GenFmpImageAuth_Log.log")
        if(DevPfxFilePath is not None):
            logging.debug("FmpImageAuth is dev signed. Do entire process in 1 step locally.")

            #Find Signtool
            SignToolPath = FindToolInWinSdk("signtool.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(SignToolPath):
                raise Exception("Can't find signtool on this machine.")

            params = params + " --SignTool \"" + SignToolPath + "\""

            params = params + " --pfxfile " + DevPfxFilePath
            if( DevPfxPassword is not None):
                params += " --pfxpass " + DevPfxPassword
            if (Eku is not None):
                params += " --eku " + Eku
            ret = RunPythonScript(cmd, params, workingdir=TempOutDir)
            #delete the temp dir
            shutil.rmtree(TempOutDir, ignore_errors=True)
            logging.debug("FmpImageAuth is Production signed")

            if(DetachedSignatureFile is None):
                logging.debug("FmpImageAuth Step1: Make ToBeSigned file for production")
                params = params + " --production"
                ret = RunPythonScript(cmd, params, workingdir=TempOutDir)
                if(ret != 0):
                    raise Exception("GenFmpImageAuth Failed production signing: step 1.  Errorcode %d" % ret)
                #now we have a file to sign at
                TBS = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(OutputBin), "payload.Temp.ToBeSigned")
                if(not os.path.exists(TBS)):
                    raise Exception("GenFmpImageAuth didn't create ToBeSigned file")
                os.rename(TBS, OutputBin)

                logging.debug("FmpImageAuth Step3: Final Packaging of production signed")
                params = params + " --production -s " + DetachedSignatureFile
                ret = RunPythonScript(cmd, params, workingdir=TempOutDir)
                #delete the temp dir
                shutil.rmtree(TempOutDir, ignore_errors=True)

        if(ret != 0):
            raise Exception("GenFmpImageAuth Failed with errorcode %d" % ret)
        return ret
コード例 #4
ファイル: DFCI_SupportLib.py プロジェクト: microsoft/mu_plus
    def get_certmgr_path(self):
        global CertMgrPath
        if CertMgrPath == None:
            CertMgrPath = FindToolInWinSdk ("certmgr.exe")

            # check if exists
            if CertMgrPath is None or not os.path.exists(CertMgrPath):
                raise Exception("Can't find certmgr.exe on this machine.  Please install the Windows 10 WDK - "

        return CertMgrPath
コード例 #5
ファイル: DFCI_SupportLib.py プロジェクト: microsoft/mu_plus
    def get_signtool_path(self):
        global SignToolPath
        if SignToolPath == None:
            SignToolPath = FindToolInWinSdk ("signtool.exe")

            # check if exists
            if SignToolPath is None or not os.path.exists(SignToolPath):
                raise Exception("Can't find signtool.exe on this machine.  Please install the Windows 10 WDK - "

        return SignToolPath