コード例 #1
# requires: mayavi
# dataset: mne_sample
Example performes a permutation cluster test on source space data and creates
an HTML file describing he output.
import eelbrain as e

# settings
n_samples = 1000

# create an HTML report in which to document results
report = e.Report("MNE Sample Dataset", author="Prof. Enid Gumby")
section = report.add_section("Introduction")
text = ("A comparison of auditory stimulation to the left vs. the right ear "
        "in the MNE sample dataset. "
        "Spatio-temporal clusters were formed by thresholding the comparison "
        "at a t-value equivalent to an uncorrected p-value of 0.05. For each "
        "cluster, a cluster value was calculated as the sum of all t-values "
        "in the cluster. In order to calculate p-values for each cluster, "
        "a distribution of cluster values was computed by shuffling condition "
        "labels %i times and extracting each time the value of the largest "
        "cluster." % n_samples)
use the sample dataset loader to load source space data for the mne samples
dataset. Load only auditory data.
ds = e.datasets.get_mne_sample(-0.1, 0.2, src='ico', sub="modality == 'A'")

# Add a table with trial numbers to the report
コード例 #2

# generate parameter map thresholded at p=0.05
pmap = res.masked_parameter_map(pmin=0.05)

# the next line could be used to plot the result for inspection
# (any area that is significant at any time)
##e.plot.brain.cluster(pmap.sum('time'), surf='inflated')

# create an HTML report with the results form the test
report = e.Report("Permutation Test", author="Prof. Enid Gumby")
# add some information about the test
section = report.add_section("Introduction")
text = ("A comparison of auditory stimulation to the left vs. the right ear. "
        "A distribution of t values was calculated by shuffling  condition "
        "labels %i times and for each test picking the largest absolute t-"
        "value across time and space. P-values were then calculated for "
        "every source and time point using this distribution." % n_samples)
# image with significance maps in time bins
section = report.add_section("Result")
image = e.plot.brain.bin_table(pmap,
                               views=['lat', 'med'])
section.add_figure("Significant regions in time bins.", image)