def start_nodes(self): # Destroy the box to begin, so that we are guaranteed # a clean build. check_safe_call( ['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f'], cwd=self.vagrant_path.path) box_version = vagrant_version(self.package_source.version) # Boot the VMs check_safe_call( ['vagrant', 'up'], cwd=self.vagrant_path.path, env=extend_environ(FLOCKER_BOX_VERSION=box_version)) for node in self.NODE_ADDRESSES: remove_known_host(node) perform( dispatcher, run_remotely( username='******', address=node, commands=task_pull_docker_images() ), ) return self.NODE_ADDRESSES
def perform_tenant_scope( authenticator, log, service_configs, throttler, dispatcher, tenant_scope, box, _concretize=concretize_service_request, ): """ Perform a :obj:`TenantScope` by performing its :attr:`TenantScope.effect`, with a dispatcher extended with a performer for :obj:`ServiceRequest` intents. The performer will use the tenant provided by the :obj:`TenantScope`. The first arguments before (dispatcher, tenant_scope, box) are intended to be partially applied, and the result is a performer that can be put into a dispatcher. """ @sync_performer def scoped_performer(dispatcher, service_request): return _concretize(authenticator, log, service_configs, throttler, tenant_scope.tenant_id, service_request) new_disp = ComposedDispatcher([TypeDispatcher({ServiceRequest: scoped_performer}), dispatcher]) perform(new_disp, tenant_scope.effect.on(box.succeed,
def perform_seq(dispatcher, intent, box): results = [] effects = [effect.on(success=results.append) for effect in intent.effects] composite = effects[0] # TODO: failures for effect in effects[1:]: composite = composite.on(success=lambda _, effect=effect: effect) perform(dispatcher, composite.on(success=lambda _: box.succeed(results)))
def __init__(self, effects): self.lines = [ '#!/bin/bash', 'set -ex' ] TypeDispatcher.__init__(self, { Run: self.perform_run, Sudo: perform_sudo, Put: perform_put, Comment: self.perform_comment, Sequence: perform_sequence }) perform(self, effects) # Add blank line to terminate script with a newline self.lines.append('') self._script = '\n'.join(self.lines)
def start_nodes(self, reactor): # Destroy the box to begin, so that we are guaranteed # a clean build. yield run( reactor, ['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f'], path=self.vagrant_path.path) box_version = vagrant_version(self.package_source.version) # Boot the VMs yield run( reactor, ['vagrant', 'up'], path=self.vagrant_path.path, env=extend_environ(FLOCKER_BOX_VERSION=box_version)) for node in self.NODE_ADDRESSES: yield remove_known_host(reactor, node) yield perform( dispatcher, run_remotely( username='******', address=node, commands=task_pull_docker_images() ), ) returnValue([ VagrantNode(address=address, distribution=self.distribution) for address in self.NODE_ADDRESSES ])
def perform_remote(dispatcher, intent, box): from paramiko import SSHClient client = SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() client.connect( remote_runner = perform_run_remotely(client=client) dispatcher = ComposedDispatcher(dispatchers=[ TypeDispatcher({Run: remote_runner}), dispatcher ]) # TODO: fail def close(_): client.close() return _ perform(dispatcher, intent.effect.on(success=close) .on(success=box.succeed,
def main(args, base_path, top_level): """ :param list args: The arguments passed to the script. :param FilePath base_path: The executable being run. :param FilePath top_level: The top-level of the flocker repository. """ options = RunOptions(top_level=top_level) try: options.parseOptions(args) except UsageError as e: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (base_path.basename(), e)) raise SystemExit(1) runner = options.runner # We register a signal handler for SIGTERM here. # When a signal is received, python will call this function # from the main thread. # We raise SystemExit to shutdown gracefully. # In particular, we will kill any processes we spawned # and cleanup and VMs we created. signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) try: nodes = runner.start_nodes() perform(dispatcher, configure_cluster(control_node=nodes[0], agent_nodes=nodes)) result = run_tests( nodes=nodes, control_node=nodes[0], agent_nodes=nodes, trial_args=options['trial-args']) except: result = 1 raise finally: # Unless the tests failed, and the user asked to keep the nodes, we # delete them. if not (result != 0 and options['keep']): runner.stop_nodes() elif options['keep']: print "--keep specified, not destroying nodes." raise SystemExit(result)
def main(args): try: options = TestBrewOptions() try: options.parseOptions(args) except UsageError as e: sys.stderr.write("Error: {error}.\n".format(error=str(e))) sys.exit(1) recipe_url = options['recipe_url'] options['vmpath'] = FilePath(options['vmpath']) # Open the recipe URL just to validate and verify that it exists. # We do not need to read its content. urllib2.urlopen(recipe_url) check_output([ "vmrun", "revertToSnapshot", options['vmpath'].path, options['vmsnapshot'], ]) check_output([ "vmrun", "start", options['vmpath'].path, "nogui", ]) perform( dispatcher, run_remotely(username=options['vmuser'], address=options['vmhost'], commands=task_test_homebrew(recipe_url)), ) check_output([ "vmrun", "stop", options['vmpath'].path, "hard", ]) print "Done." except CalledProcessError as e: sys.stderr.write( ("Error: Command {cmd} terminated with exit status {code}.\n" ).format(cmd=" ".join(e.cmd), code=e.returncode)) raise
def perform_remote(dispatcher, intent, box): from paramiko import SSHClient client = SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() client.connect( remote_runner = perform_run_remotely(client=client) dispatcher = ComposedDispatcher( dispatchers=[TypeDispatcher({Run: remote_runner}), dispatcher]) # TODO: fail def close(_): client.close() return _ perform( dispatcher, intent.effect.on(success=close).on(success=box.succeed,
def main(args, base_path, top_level): """ :param list args: The arguments passed to the script. :param FilePath base_path: The executable being run. :param FilePath top_level: The top-level of the flocker repository. """ options = RunOptions(top_level=top_level) try: options.parseOptions(args) except UsageError as e: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (base_path.basename(), e)) raise SystemExit(1) runner = options.runner # We register a signal handler for SIGTERM here. # When a signal is received, python will call this function # from the main thread. # We raise SystemExit to shutdown gracefully. # In particular, we will kill any processes we spawned # and cleanup and VMs we created. signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) try: nodes = runner.start_nodes() perform(dispatcher, configure_cluster(control_node=nodes[0], agent_nodes=nodes)) result = run_tests(nodes=nodes, control_node=nodes[0], agent_nodes=nodes, trial_args=options['trial-args']) except: result = 1 raise finally: # Unless the tests failed, and the user asked to keep the nodes, we # delete them. if not (result != 0 and options['keep']): runner.stop_nodes() elif options['keep']: print "--keep specified, not destroying nodes." raise SystemExit(result)
def start_nodes(self): # Destroy the box to begin, so that we are guaranteed # a clean build. check_safe_call(['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f'], cwd=self.vagrant_path.path) box_version = vagrant_version(self.package_source.version) # Boot the VMs check_safe_call(['vagrant', 'up'], cwd=self.vagrant_path.path, env=extend_environ(FLOCKER_BOX_VERSION=box_version)) for node in self.NODE_ADDRESSES: remove_known_host(node) perform( dispatcher, run_remotely(username='******', address=node, commands=task_pull_docker_images()), ) return self.NODE_ADDRESSES
def main(args): try: options = TestBrewOptions() try: options.parseOptions(args) except UsageError as e: sys.stderr.write("Error: {error}.\n".format(error=str(e))) sys.exit(1) recipe_url = options['recipe_url'] options['vmpath'] = FilePath(options['vmpath']) # Open the recipe URL just to validate and verify that it exists. # We do not need to read its content. urllib2.urlopen(recipe_url) check_output([ "vmrun", "revertToSnapshot", options['vmpath'].path, options['vmsnapshot'], ]) check_output([ "vmrun", "start", options['vmpath'].path, "nogui", ]) perform( dispatcher, run_remotely( username=options['vmuser'], address=options['vmhost'], commands=task_test_homebrew(recipe_url) ), ) check_output([ "vmrun", "stop", options['vmpath'].path, "hard", ]) print "Done." except CalledProcessError as e: sys.stderr.write( ( "Error: Command {cmd} terminated with exit status {code}.\n" ).format(cmd=" ".join(e.cmd), code=e.returncode) ) raise
def start_nodes(self): """ Provision cloud nodes for acceptance tests. :return list: List of addresses of nodes to connect to, for acceptance tests. """ metadata = { 'purpose': 'acceptance-testing', 'distribution': self.distribution, } metadata.update(self.metadata) for index in range(2): name = "acceptance-test-%s-%d" % (self.creator, index) try: print "Creating node %d: %s" % (index, name) node = self.provisioner.create_node( name=name, distribution=self.distribution, metadata=metadata, ) except: print "Error creating node %d: %s" % (index, name) print "It may have leaked into the cloud." raise remove_known_host(node.address) self.nodes.append(node) del node commands = sequence([ node.provision(package_source=self.package_source, variants=self.variants) for node in self.nodes ]) perform(dispatcher, commands) return [node.address for node in self.nodes]
def perform_tenant_scope( authenticator, log, service_configs, throttler, dispatcher, tenant_scope, box, _concretize=concretize_service_request): """ Perform a :obj:`TenantScope` by performing its :attr:`TenantScope.effect`, with a dispatcher extended with a performer for :obj:`ServiceRequest` intents. The performer will use the tenant provided by the :obj:`TenantScope`. The first arguments before (dispatcher, tenant_scope, box) are intended to be partially applied, and the result is a performer that can be put into a dispatcher. """ @sync_performer def scoped_performer(dispatcher, service_request): return _concretize( authenticator, log, service_configs, throttler, tenant_scope.tenant_id, service_request) new_disp = ComposedDispatcher([ TypeDispatcher({ServiceRequest: scoped_performer}), dispatcher]) perform(new_disp, tenant_scope.effect.on(box.succeed,
def main(reactor, args, base_path, top_level): """ :param reactor: Reactor to use. :param list args: The arguments passed to the script. :param FilePath base_path: The executable being run. :param FilePath top_level: The top-level of the flocker repository. """ options = RunOptions(top_level=top_level) try: options.parseOptions(args) except UsageError as e: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (base_path.basename(), e)) raise SystemExit(1) runner = options.runner try: nodes = yield runner.start_nodes(reactor) yield perform( dispatcher, configure_cluster(control_node=nodes[0], agent_nodes=nodes)) result = yield run_tests( reactor=reactor, nodes=nodes, control_node=nodes[0], agent_nodes=nodes, trial_args=options['trial-args']) except: result = 1 raise finally: # Unless the tests failed, and the user asked to keep the nodes, we # delete them. if not (result != 0 and options['keep']): runner.stop_nodes(reactor) elif options['keep']: print "--keep specified, not destroying nodes." raise SystemExit(result)
def bound_log(log, all_fields, disp, intent, box): """ Perform BoundFields intent """ new_disp = ComposedDispatcher( [get_log_dispatcher(log, all_fields), disp]) perform(new_disp, intent.effect.on(box.succeed,