コード例 #1
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: AlexB138/game
def equipWeapon(player, item):
    currentShield = player.equipped["shield"]
    currentWeapon = player.equipped["weapon"]
    if item.location == "weapon":
        if not currentWeapon:
            print "You grip your {} in your weapon hand.\n".format(item.name)
            equip(player, item)
        elif currentWeapon:
            print "You put away your {} and grip your {} in your weapon hand.\n".format(currentWeapon.name, item.name)
            unequip(player, currentWeapon)
            equip(player, item)
    elif item.location == "twohanded":
        if not currentWeapon and not currentShield:
            print "You grip your {} with both hands.\n".format(item.name)
            equip(player, item)
        elif currentShield and not currentWeapon:
            print "You put away your {} and grip your {} with both hands.\n".format(currentShield.name, item.name)
            unequip(player, currentShield)
            equip(player, item)
        elif currentWeapon and not currentShield:
            print "You put away your {} and grip your {} with both hands.\n".format(currentWeapon.name, item.name)
            unequip(player, currentWeapon)
            equip(player, item)
        elif currentWeapon and currentShield:
            print "You put away your {} and {} and grip your {} with both hands.\n".format(currentWeapon.name, currentShield.name, item.name)
            unequip(player, currentWeapon)
            unequip(player, currentShield)
            equip(player, item)
    effects.applyList(item.special, player)
コード例 #2
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: AlexB138/game
def use(player, item):
    for carried in player.inventory:
        if item.lower() in carried.keyword:
            if carried.uses > 0:
                effects.applyList(carried.special, player)
                carried.uses -= 1
                if carried.uses == 0:
                    print "The {} is no longer of any use.\n".format(carried.name)
コード例 #3
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: AlexB138/game
def equipArmor(player, item):
    Moved items from player's inventory into proper equipment slot and applies any effects
    :param player: player object that is calling the equip command
    :param item: item to be equipped
    :return: None
    if item.location in ("body", "head", "hands", "legs", "feet"):
        if not player.equipped[item.location]:
            print "You pull the {} over your {}.\n".format(item.name, item.location)
            equip(player, item)
        elif player.equipped[item.location]:
            print "You remove the {} from your {} and pull on the {}.\n".format(player.equipped[item.location].name, item.location, item.name)
            unequip(player, player.equipped[item.location])
            equip(player, item)
    elif item.location == "shield":
        currentShield = player.equipped["shield"]
        currentWeapon = player.equipped["weapon"]
        if not currentWeapon and not currentShield:
            print "You strap your {} to your shield arm.\n".format(item.name)
            equip(player, item)
        elif currentShield and not currentWeapon:
            print "You put away your {} and strap your {} to your shield arm.\n".format(currentShield.name, item.name)
            unequip(player, currentShield)
            equip(player, item)
        elif currentWeapon and not currentShield:
            if currentWeapon.location == "twohanded":
                print "You put away your {} and strap your {} to your shield arm.\n".format(currentWeapon.name, item.name)
                unequip(player, currentWeapon)
                equip(player, item)
            elif currentWeapon.location == "weapon":
                print "You strap your {} to your shield arm.\n".format(item.name)
                equip(player, item)
        elif currentWeapon and currentShield:
            if currentWeapon.location == "twohanded":
                print "You put away your {} and {} and strap your {} to your shield arm.\n".format(currentWeapon.name, currentShield.name, item.name)
                unequip(player, currentWeapon)
                unequip(player, currentShield)
                equip(player, item)
            elif currentWeapon.location == "weapon":
                print "You put away your {} and strap your {} to your shield arm.\n".format(currentShield.name, item.name)
                unequip(player, currentShield)
                equip(player, item)
    effects.applyList(item.special, player)