def Close(self): eg.PrintDebugNotice("closing %s" % self.path) if self.isStarted: self.Stop() if not self.initFailed: try: self.instance.__close__() except: import traceback eg.PrintDebugNotice(traceback.format_exc())
def DeInit(): eg.PrintDebugNotice("stopping threads") eg.actionThread.Func(eg.actionThread.StopSession)() eg.scheduler.Stop() eg.actionThread.Stop() eg.eventThread.Stop() eg.PrintDebugNotice("shutting down") eg.config.Save() eg.messageReceiver.Stop() if eg.dummyAsyncoreDispatcher: eg.dummyAsyncoreDispatcher.close()
def run(self, security_attributes): """ Handles the creation of the pipe. Windows SACL and DACL data for creating the pipe. :type security_attributes: win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES instance :return: None :rtype: None """ import eg eg.PrintDebugNotice('Named Pipe: Creating pipe {0}'.format( self._pipe_id)) pipe = win32pipe.CreateNamedPipe( r'\\.\pipe\eventghost', PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_WAIT | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 4096, 4096, 5, security_attributes) win32pipe.ConnectNamedPipe(pipe, None) data = win32file.ReadFile(pipe, 4096) self.is_waiting = False if not self._parent.running_pipes[-1].is_waiting == self: self._parent.running_pipes += [ Pipe(self._parent, self._parent.get_pipe_id(), security_attributes) ] eg.PrintDebugNotice('Pipe {0}: Data received'.format(self._pipe_id)) if data[0] == 0: event = threading.Event() res = [''] self._parent.process_command.add(self._pipe_id, data[1], res, event) while not event.isSet(): pass win32file.WriteFile(pipe, str(repr(res[0]))) win32pipe.DisconnectNamedPipe(pipe) win32file.CloseHandle(pipe) else: try: raise NamedPipeDataError('Pipe {0}: Unknown Error: {1}'.format( self._pipe_id, str(data))) except NamedPipeDataError: traceback.print_exc() self._parent.running_pipes.remove(self)
def ProcessMsg(self, line, icon): try: if self.fired and self.actionArgs.onlyOnce: return found, idx = False, -1 for i in range(len(self.searchArgs.watchMsgTypes)): if icon == mtIcons[i][0]: found = True if self.searchArgs.watchMsgTypes[i]: idx = i break if (not found and not self.searchArgs.watchMsgTypes[MT_ACTION] or found and idx == -1): return elif not found and self.searchArgs.watchMsgTypes[MT_ACTION]: idx = MT_ACTION l = line if self.searchArgs.caseSensitive else line.lower() if (self.searchArgs.wholeMessage and l == self.monStr or not self.searchArgs.wholeMessage and l.find(self.monStr) >= 0): self.fired = True eg.PrintDebugNotice("LogMonitor: Analyzed line: " + line) eg.PrintDebugNotice("LogMonitor: Found search string '" + self.monStr + "' in current log message of type '" + mtIcons[idx][1] + "'") eg.PrintDebugNotice("payload = self.ParseMsg(line)") payload = self.ParseMsg(line) if self.actionArgs.fireEvent and self.monEvt: eg.PrintDebugNotice( "LogMonitor: => fire event '" + self.monEvt + "' with payload=", repr(payload)) p = payload if self.actionArgs.eventPayload else None self.plugin.TriggerEvent(self.monEvt, payload=p) if self.actionArgs.setVariable and self.actionArgs.variableName != '': exec('eg.globals.' + self.actionArgs.variableName + '=' + repr(payload)) if self.actionArgs.printToLog: print payload except Exception, exc: # don't print anything (infinite loops) pass
def _log_callback(self, level, time, message): if (self._log_level is not None and level <= self._log_level and level in CEC_LOG_CONSTANTS): level_str = CEC_LOG_CONSTANTS[level] eg.PrintDebugNotice("CEC %s: %s [%s] %s" % (, level_str, str(time), message)) return 0
def __DoOneEvent(self): try: resultCode = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, self.__events, 0, 10000, QS_ALLINPUT) if resultCode == WAIT_OBJECT_0: while 1: try: action = self.__queue.popleft() except IndexError: break try: self.HandleAction(action) except: action.PrintUnhandledException() finally: # if the frame reference would not be removed, the # action would never be garbage collected. action.callersFrame = None elif resultCode == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: self.__PumpWaitingMessages() elif resultCode == WAIT_TIMEOUT: # Our timeout has elapsed. self.Poll() else: raise RuntimeError("unexpected win32wait return value") except: eg.PrintDebugNotice("Exception in __DoOneEvent") eg.PrintTraceback()
def TriggerEventWait(self, suffix, payload=None, prefix="Main", source=eg): event = EventGhostEvent(suffix, payload, prefix, source) if event.source in self.filters: for filterFunc in self.filters[event.source]: if filterFunc(event) == True: return event executed = Event() def Execute(): try: event.Execute() finally: executed.set() def Transfer(): ActionThreadCall(Execute) event.SetShouldEnd() self.AppendAction(Transfer) executed.wait(5.0) if not executed.isSet(): if eg.debugLevel: eg.PrintDebugNotice("timeout TriggerEventWait") traceback.print_stack() return event
def StartSession(self, filename): eg.eventTable.clear() self.corePluginInfos = [] for guid in eg.CORE_PLUGIN_GUIDS: try: pluginInfo = eg.pluginManager.OpenPlugin(guid, None, ()) pluginInfo.instance.__start__() pluginInfo.isStarted = True self.corePluginInfos.append(pluginInfo) except: # pylint: disable-msg=W0702 eg.PrintTraceback() start = clock() eg.document.Load(filename) eg.PrintDebugNotice("XML loaded in %f seconds." % (clock() - start)) missingHardwareIds = (set(eg.WinUsb.ListDevices().iterkeys()) - set( for pluginInfo in eg.pluginList)) missingPlugins = [ pluginInfo for pluginInfo in eg.pluginManager.database.itervalues() # NOQA if pluginInfo.hardwareId in missingHardwareIds ] if missingPlugins: print "EventGhost has found devices on your system, that can be " print "handled by the following plugins and are not loaded by your" print "current configuration:" for pluginInfo in missingPlugins: print " -", print "If you want to use them, please add the missing plugins." eg.programCounter = (eg.document.autostartMacro, None) eg.RunProgram()
def RegisterPlugin( self, name = None, description = None, kind = "other", author = "[unknown author]", version = "[unknown version]", icon = None, canMultiLoad = False, createMacrosOnAdd = False, url = None, help = None, guid = "", hardwareId = "", **kwargs ): if name is None: name = self.pluginName if description is None: description = name if help is not None: help = "\n".join([s.strip() for s in help.splitlines()]) help = help.replace("\n\n", "<p>") description += "\n\n<p>" + help = self.englishName = unicode(name) self.description = self.englishDescription = unicode(description) self.kind = unicode(kind) = ( unicode(", ".join(author)) if isinstance(author, tuple) else unicode(author) ) self.version = unicode(version) self.canMultiLoad = canMultiLoad self.createMacrosOnAdd = createMacrosOnAdd self.url = unicode(url) if url else url # Added by Pako self.guid = guid.upper() if not guid: eg.PrintDebugNotice("missing guid in plugin: %s" % self.path) self.guid = self.pluginName self.hardwareId = hardwareId.upper() # get the icon if any if icon is not None: self.icon = eg.Icons.StringIcon(icon) else: iconPath = join(self.path, "icon.png") if exists(iconPath): self.icon = eg.Icons.PathIcon(iconPath) # try to translate name and description textCls = getattr(eg.text.Plugin, self.pluginName, None) if textCls is not None: = getattr(textCls, "name", name) self.description = getattr(textCls, "description", description) # we are done with this plugin module, so we can interrupt further # processing by raising RegisterPluginException raise RegisterPluginException
def Poll(self): if eg.config.limitMemory and eg.document.frame is None: try: if 0 == SetProcessWorkingSetSize( self.hHandle, 3670016, eg.config.limitMemorySize * 1048576): #TODO: what to do here? eg.PrintDebugNotice(FormatError()) self.__class__.Poll = self.Poll2 except: self.__class__.Poll = self.Poll2
def run(): if isinstance(data, dict): res[0] = command(**data) elif isinstance(data, (tuple, list)): res[0] = command(*data) eg.PrintDebugNotice( 'Pipe {0}: Return data: {1}'.format( pipe_id, str(res[0]))) event.set()
def OnExit(self): if not eg.startupArguments.translate: eg.PrintDebugNotice("Triggering OnClose") egEvent = eg.eventThread.TriggerEvent("OnClose") while not egEvent.isEnded: self.Yield() eg.PrintDebugNotice("Calling exit functions") for func in self.onExitFuncs: eg.PrintDebugNotice(func) func() eg.PrintDebugNotice("Calling eg.DeInit()") eg.Init.DeInit() currentThread = threading.currentThread() while self.Pending(): self.Dispatch() # try to wait till all utility threads have ended startTime = time.clock() waitTime = 0 while True: threads = [ thread for thread in threading.enumerate() if (thread is not currentThread and thread is not eg.messageReceiver._ThreadWorker__thread and not thread.isDaemon() and thread.isAlive()) ] if len(threads) == 0: break waitTime = time.clock() - startTime if waitTime > 5.0: break while self.Pending(): self.Dispatch() time.sleep(0.01) eg.PrintDebugNotice("Waited for threads shutdown: %f s" % (time.clock() - startTime)) if eg.debugLevel and len(threads): eg.PrintDebugNotice("The following threads did not terminate:") for thread in threads: eg.PrintDebugNotice(" ", thread, thread.getName()) # destroy the TaskBarIcon, as it would otherwise stay as a ghost # icon in the system-tray. wx.TaskBarIcon.Destroy(eg.taskBarIcon) eg.PrintDebugNotice("Done!") ExitProcess(0)
def MyWndProc(self, dummyHwnd, dummyMesg, wParam, lParam): if wParam == HSHELL_WINDOWDESTROYED: self.WindowDestroyedProc(None, None, lParam, None) elif wParam in (HSHELL_WINDOWACTIVATED, HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED, 0x8004): self.WindowGotFocusProc(None, None, lParam, None) elif wParam == HSHELL_REDRAW: self.WindowTitleChangedProc(None, None, lParam, None) elif wParam == 0x8006: self.WindowFlashedProc(None, None, lParam, None) else: eg.PrintDebugNotice( "MyWndProc unknown wParam:: 0x{:04X}".format(wParam)) return 1
def StartSession(self, filename): eg.eventTable.clear() self.corePluginInfos = [] for guid in eg.CORE_PLUGIN_GUIDS: try: pluginInfo = eg.pluginManager.OpenPlugin(guid, None, ()) pluginInfo.instance.__start__() pluginInfo.isStarted = True self.corePluginInfos.append(pluginInfo) except: # pylint: disable-msg=W0702 eg.PrintTraceback() start = clock() eg.document.Load(filename) eg.PrintDebugNotice("XML loaded in %f seconds." % (clock() - start)) missingHardwareIds = (set(eg.WinUsb.ListDevices().keys()) - set( for pluginInfo in eg.pluginList)) missingPlugins = [ pluginInfo for pluginInfo in eg.pluginManager.database.values() # NOQA if pluginInfo.hardwareId in missingHardwareIds ] if missingPlugins: print("EventGhost has found devices on your system, that can be ") print( "handled by the following plugins and are not loaded by your") print("current configuration:") for pluginInfo in missingPlugins: print(" -", print("If you want to use them, please add the missing plugins.") payload = dict(IsLocalAdmin=User.IsLocalAdmin(), IsDomainLogin=User.IsDomainLogin()) if payload['IsDomainLogin']: payload['IsDomainAdmin'] = User.IsDomainAdmin() event = eg.EventGhostEvent(prefix='Windows', suffix='User.' + User.Name(), payload=payload) event.Execute() eg.programCounter = (eg.document.autostartMacro, None) eg.RunProgram()
def StopLoad(cls): for link, xmlId in cls.linkList: if xmlId is not None and xmlId != -1: if xmlId in cls.sessionId2target: target = cls.sessionId2target[xmlId] elif xmlId in cls.id2target: target = cls.id2target[xmlId] else: eg.PrintDebugNotice("target id %d not found" % xmlId) continue cls.id2target[target.xmlId] = target link.xmlId = target.xmlId = target if target.dependants is None: target.dependants = [link] else: target.dependants.append(link) wx.CallAfter(eg.Notify, "NodeChanged", link.owner) del cls.linkList[:]
def OnExit(self): if not eg.startupArguments.translate: eg.PrintDebugNotice("Calling exit functions") for func in self.onExitFuncs: eg.PrintDebugNotice(func) func() eg.PrintDebugNotice("Calling eg.DeInit()") eg.Init.DeInit() currentThread = threading.currentThread() while self.Pending(): self.Dispatch() # try to wait till all utility threads have ended startTime = time.clock() waitTime = 0 while True: threads = [ thread for thread in threading.enumerate() if ( thread is not currentThread and thread is not eg.messageReceiver._ThreadWorker__thread and not thread.isDaemon() and thread.isAlive() ) ] if len(threads) == 0: break waitTime = time.clock() - startTime if waitTime > 5.0: break while self.Pending(): self.Dispatch() time.sleep(0.01) eg.PrintDebugNotice( "Waited for threads shutdown: %f s" % (time.clock() - startTime) ) if eg.debugLevel and len(threads): eg.PrintDebugNotice("The following threads did not terminate:") for thread in threads: eg.PrintDebugNotice(" ", thread, thread.getName()) eg.PrintDebugNotice("Done!") ExitProcess(0)
def __init__(self): Section.__init__(self) configDir = eg.configDir if not os.path.exists(configDir): os.makedirs(configDir) configFilePath = os.path.join(configDir, "") self._configFilePath = configFilePath if exists(configFilePath): try: eg.ExecFile(configFilePath, {"__metaclass__": MakeSectionMetaClass}, self.__dict__) except: if eg.debugLevel: raise else: eg.PrintDebugNotice('File "%s" does not exist.' % configFilePath) if self.language == "Deutsch": self.language = "de_DE"
def __init__(self): Section.__init__(self) configDir = eg.configDir if not os.path.exists(configDir): os.makedirs(configDir) configFilePath = os.path.join(configDir, "") self._configFilePath = configFilePath # BUG: of the python function 'ExecFile'. It doesn't handle unicode # filenames right. configFilePath = configFilePath.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if exists(configFilePath): try: eg.ExecFile(configFilePath, {"__metaclass__": MakeSectionMetaClass}, self.__dict__) except: if eg.debugLevel: raise else: eg.PrintDebugNotice('File "%s" does not exist.' % configFilePath)
def Close(self): eg.PrintDebugNotice("closing %s" % self.path) if self.isStarted: self.Stop() if not self.initFailed: self.instance.__close__()
def DoOnClose(): eg.PrintDebugNotice("Triggering OnClose") egEvent = eg.eventThread.TriggerEvent("OnClose") while not egEvent.isEnded: self.Yield()
def TimeItWrapper(*args, **kwargs): startTime = time.clock() funcName, _ = GetFuncArgString(func, args, kwargs) res = func(*args, **kwargs) eg.PrintDebugNotice(funcName + " :" + repr(time.clock() - startTime)) return res
def run(self): """ Processes the queued data. :return: None :rtype: None """ import eg while True: self._queue_event.wait() self._queue_event.clear() while self._queue: pipe_id, data, res, event = self._queue.pop(0) if pipe_id != self._running_id: self._queue += [(pipe_id, data, res, event)] continue command = process_data(data) try: command, data = command.split(',', 1) except ValueError: data = '()' eg.PrintDebugNotice( 'Pipe {0}: Command: {1}, Parameters: {2}'.format( pipe_id, command, data)) command = command.strip() data = data.strip() try: if '=' in command: raise NamedPipeCommandError( 'Pipe {0}: Command not allowed: {1}'.format( pipe_id, command)) if not data.startswith('dict') and '=' in data: raise NamedPipeDataError( 'Pipe {0}: Data not allowed: {1}'.format( pipe_id, data)) if (data[0] not in ('(', '[', '{') and not data.startswith('dict')): raise NamedPipeDataError( 'Pipe {0}: Data not allowed: {1}'.format( pipe_id, data)) try: command = eval(command.split('(', 1)[0]) except SyntaxError: raise NamedPipeDataError( 'Pipe {0}: Command malformed: {1}'.format( pipe_id, command)) else: if isinstance(command, (str, unicode)): raise NamedPipeCommandError( 'Pipe {0}: Command does not exist: {1}'.format( pipe_id, command)) try: data = eval(data) except SyntaxError: raise NamedPipeDataError( 'Pipe {0}: Data malformed: {1}'.format( pipe_id, data)) if not isinstance(data, (dict, list, tuple)): raise NamedPipeDataError( 'Pipe {0}: Data malformed: {1}'.format( pipe_id, str(data))) except NamedPipeException: traceback.print_exc() event.set() else: def run(): if isinstance(data, dict): res[0] = command(**data) elif isinstance(data, (tuple, list)): res[0] = command(*data) eg.PrintDebugNotice( 'Pipe {0}: Return data: {1}'.format( pipe_id, str(res[0]))) event.set() wx.CallAfter(run) event.wait() self._running_id = pipe_id + 1
def LogItWrapper(*args, **kwargs): funcName, argString = GetFuncArgString(func, args, kwargs) eg.PrintDebugNotice(funcName + argString) return func(*args, **kwargs)
def Msg(msg): try: eg.PrintDebugNotice(str(msg)) except: pass
def ParseMsg(self, line): payload = None try: eg.PrintDebugNotice("ParseMsg self.parseArgs.searchMode", self.parseArgs.searchMode) if self.parseArgs.searchMode == SM_KEEP_FULL: payload = line elif self.parseArgs.searchMode == SM_FIND_NUMBER: strings = re.findall(r"\d*\.\d+|\d*\,\d+|\d+", line) numbers = [] for s in strings: s = s.replace(',', '.') if s.find('.') >= 0: numbers.append(float(s)) else: numbers.append(int(s)) if len(numbers) == 0: payload = None elif len(numbers) == 1: payload = numbers[0] else: payload = numbers elif self.parseArgs.searchMode == SM_GET_SUBSTR_BY_CHAR: strings = [] sstr = line p1, p2 = 0, 0 l1, l2 = len(self.parseArgs.searchChar1), len( self.parseArgs.searchChar2) c1, c2 = self.parseArgs.searchChar1, self.parseArgs.searchChar2 while p1 >= 0 and p1 < len(sstr): sstr = sstr[p1:] eg.PrintDebugNotice('sstr', sstr) p1 = sstr.find(c1) if p1 >= 0: p2 = sstr.find(c2) eg.PrintDebugNotice('p1', p1, 'p2', p2) if p2 > p1: strings.append(sstr[p1 + l1:p2]) p1 = p2 + l2 if len(strings) == 0: payload = None elif len(strings) == 1: payload = strings[0] else: payload = strings elif self.parseArgs.searchMode == SM_GET_SUBSTR_BY_POS: payload = line[self.parseArgs.searchPos1:self.parseArgs. searchPos2] elif self.parseArgs.searchMode == SM_APPLY_REGEX: payload = re.findall(self.parseArgs.searchRegex, line) except Exception, exc: payload = None msg = "Error parsing log message <" + unicode( line) + ">, error=" + unicode(exc) eg.PrintTraceback(msg)
def StopSession(self): actionThread.Func(actionThread.StopSession, 120)() eg.PrintDebugNotice("StopSession done")
def run(self): import eg # This is where the permissions get created for the pipe eg.PrintDebugNotice('Pipe: Creating security descriptor') security_attributes = win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES() security_descriptor = win32security.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR() security_descriptor.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(1, None, 0) security_attributes.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR = security_descriptor eg.PrintDebugNotice('Pipe 0: Creating Pipe') pipe = win32pipe.CreateNamedPipe( r'\\.\pipe\eventghost', PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | FILE_FLAG_FIRST_PIPE_INSTANCE, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_WAIT | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 4096, 4096, 5, security_attributes) while True: self.is_waiting = True pipe_id = self.get_pipe_id() # creation of the pipe. once the pipe has been made it will sit # and wait for data to be written to the pipe. once data has been # written it will then read the data and close the pipe. then it # will parse the data sent and execute the command. It will loop # like this the entire time EG is running. The thread that handles # the pipe is a daemon thread and the thread will be terminated # when EG closes. win32pipe.ConnectNamedPipe(pipe, None) self.running_pipes += [self] if len(self.running_pipes) > 1: if not self.running_pipes[-1].is_waiting: self.running_pipes += [ Pipe(self, self.get_pipe_id(), security_attributes) ] else: self.running_pipes += [ Pipe(self, self.get_pipe_id(), security_attributes) ] data = win32file.ReadFile(pipe, 4096) self.is_waiting = False eg.PrintDebugNotice('Pipe {0}: Data received'.format(pipe_id)) if data[0] == 0: event = threading.Event() res = [''] self.process_command.add(pipe_id, data[1], res, event) while not event.isSet(): pass win32file.WriteFile(pipe, str(repr(res[0]))) win32pipe.DisconnectNamedPipe(pipe) else: try: raise NamedPipeDataError( 'Pipe {0}: Unknown Error: {1}'.format( pipe_id, str(data))) except NamedPipeDataError: traceback.print_exc() self.running_pipes.remove(self)
def __start__(self): eg.PrintDebugNotice("MouseEvent " + version) self.mouseListener = MouseEventListener(self) self.started = True
def OnSelectionChanged(self, event): event.Skip() tree = self.tree item = tree.GetSelection() if not item.IsOk(): return hwnd = tree.GetPyData(item) eg.PrintDebugNotice("HWND:", hwnd) if tree.GetItemParent(item) == tree.root: # only selected a program pid = hwnd hwnd = None else: pid = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)[1] if pid == self.lastPid and hwnd == self.lastHwnd: return self.lastPid = pid self.lastHwnd = hwnd exe = GetProcessName(pid) def SetOption(flag, option, value): checkBox, textCtrl = option checkBox.SetValue(flag) textCtrl.SetValue(value) textCtrl.Enable(flag) rootHwnd = None options = self.options SetOption(bool(exe), options[0], exe) if hwnd is not None: rootHwnd = GetAncestor(hwnd, GA_ROOT) targetWinName = GetWindowText(rootHwnd) targetWinClass = GetClassName(rootHwnd) SetOption(True, options[1], targetWinName) SetOption(True, options[2], targetWinClass) else: SetOption(False, options[1], "") SetOption(False, options[2], "") if rootHwnd is not None and rootHwnd != hwnd: targetWinName = GetWindowText(hwnd) targetWinClass = GetClassName(hwnd) SetOption(True, options[3], targetWinName) SetOption(True, options[4], targetWinClass) searchHwnd = hwnd data = [ child for child in GetWindowChildsList( rootHwnd, tree.includeInvisible ) if ( GetClassName(child) == targetWinClass and GetWindowText(child) == targetWinName ) ] try: count = data.index(searchHwnd) + 1 except: count = 0 else: SetOption(False, options[3], "") SetOption(False, options[4], "") if rootHwnd is not None: data = [ hwnd for hwnd in GetTopLevelWindowList(tree.includeInvisible) # NOQA if ( GetClassName(hwnd) == targetWinClass and GetWindowText(hwnd) != targetWinName and GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)[1] == pid ) ] count = len(data) else: count = 0 SetOption(count > 0, options[5], count or 1)
def LogItWithReturnWrapper(*args, **kwargs): funcName, argString = GetFuncArgString(func, args, kwargs) eg.PrintDebugNotice(funcName + argString) result = func(*args, **kwargs) eg.PrintDebugNotice(funcName + " => " + repr(result)) return result