def create_member(self, member_type: str, pokedex_num: int, source: str, nickname: str = None, item: str = None, ability: str = None, json: Dict = None) -> int: """ Adds a member (egg or Pokemon) to the player's _pc. Depending on the type of member, this function adds a new entry to the player's party. It also assigns the Pokemon an ID, and then increments it by 1 so that it is unique for the next member that is added. :param member_type: The party member type, either "Egg" or "Pokemon" :param pokedex_num: The Pokedex number that corresponds with the Pokemon species. :param source: The location that the Pokemon/Egg was acquired. :param nickname: The given name for the Pokemon. :param item: The item that the Pokemon is currently holding. :param ability: The Pokemon's special ability. :return: No return :rtype: None """ self._validate_pokedex_number(pokedex_num) if not nickname: nickname = self._POKEDEX[pokedex_num][0] if member_type == Pokemon.member_type(): self._pc_pokemon[self._ID] = Pokemon(self._ID, pokedex_num, source, nickname=nickname, item=item, ability=ability, json=json) self._ID += 1 elif member_type == Egg.member_type(): self._pc_pokemon[self._ID] = Egg(self._ID, pokedex_num, source, nickname=nickname, item=item, json=json) self._ID += 1 else: raise ValueError(f"{member_type} is not a valid Party Member type") self._write_to_file() return self._ID - 1
class EggTestClass(unittest.TestCase): _ID = 1 def setUp(self): random.seed(13) self.egg = Egg(self._ID, 7, "Calgary", nickname="Flyboy") # print(self.egg.steps_remaining, self.egg.steps_required) def test_constructor(self): self.assertIsInstance(self.egg, Egg) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): e = Egg(self._ID, -1, "Calgary") with self.assertRaises(TypeError): e = Egg(self._ID, 6, 2) def test_steps_required(self): self.assertEqual(self.egg.steps_required, 3801) self.egg.add_steps(1) self.assertEqual(self.egg.steps_required, 3801) def test_steps_remaining(self): self.assertEqual(self.egg.steps_remaining, 3801) self.egg.add_steps(1) self.assertEqual(self.egg.steps_remaining, 3800) def test_add_steps(self): steps_remaining = self.egg.steps_remaining self.egg.add_steps(10) self.assertEqual(self.egg.steps_remaining, steps_remaining - 10) self.egg.add_steps(steps_remaining) self.assertTrue(self.egg.hatched) def test_description(self): print(self.egg.height, self.egg._weight) self.assertEqual( self.egg.description, "Your Flyboy is 1053.07cm tall and 296.06kg. Not currently in party" ) def test_hatched(self): self.egg.add_steps(self.egg.steps_remaining) self.assertTrue(self.egg.hatched) def test_member_type(self): self.assertEqual(self.egg.member_type(), "Egg") def test_to_dict(self): egg_dict = self.egg.to_dict() test_dict = { "id":, "member_type": self.egg.member_type(), "pokedex_num": self.egg.pokedex_num, "source": self.egg.source, "nickname": self.egg.nickname, "item": None, "in_party": self.egg.in_party, "weight": self.egg.weight, "height": self.egg.height, "date_acquired": str(self.egg.date_acquired), "steps_required": self.egg.steps_required, "steps_remaining": self.egg.steps_remaining, "hatched": self.egg.hatched } self.assertEqual(egg_dict, test_dict)