def __init__(self): """ create the drawer """ vfs = VirtualFileSystem.getGlobalPtr() self.atlas = EggAtlas(gui.theme.ATLAS) self.image = loader.loadTexture("./"+gui.theme.TEXTURE) self.image.setCompression(Texture.CMOff) self.image.setMinfilter(Texture.FTNearest) self.image.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear) self.image.reload() self.drawer = self.makeThemeDrawer(gui.node) self.w = float(self.image.getXSize()) self.h = float(self.image.getYSize()) self.color = Vec4(1,1,1,1)
class Drawer: def __init__(self): """ create the drawer """ vfs = VirtualFileSystem.getGlobalPtr() self.atlas = EggAtlas(gui.theme.ATLAS) self.image = loader.loadTexture("./"+gui.theme.TEXTURE) self.image.setCompression(Texture.CMOff) self.image.setMinfilter(Texture.FTNearest) self.image.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear) self.image.reload() self.drawer = self.makeThemeDrawer(gui.node) self.w = float(self.image.getXSize()) self.h = float(self.image.getYSize()) self.color = Vec4(1,1,1,1) def makeDrawer(self,node): """ make generic 2d drawer """ drawer = MeshDrawer() drawer.setBudget(10000) drawer.setPlateSize(32) drawerNode = drawer.getRoot() drawerNode.reparentTo(node) drawerNode.setDepthWrite(False) drawerNode.setTransparency(True) drawerNode.setTwoSided(True) drawerNode.setBin("fixed",0) drawerNode.setLightOff(True) drawerNode.node().setBounds(OmniBoundingVolume()) drawerNode.node().setFinal(True) return drawer def makeThemeDrawer(self,node): """ make the theme drawer """ themeDrawer = self.makeDrawer(node) themeDrawer.getRoot().setTexture(self.image) return themeDrawer def draw(self,children): """ draws all of the children """ self.clip = [(0,0,gui._width+100, gui._height+100)] self.drawer.begin(,render) z = 0 for child in reversed(children): z += 1 self.drawChild(0,0,z,child) self.drawer.end() def drawChild(self,x,y,z,thing): """ draws a single thing """ self.z = z if not thing.visable: return realX = x+float(thing._x) realY = y+float(thing._y) if style = gui.theme.define( if style: thing.border = style.border style.draw( self, (realX,realY), (float(thing._width),float(thing._height))) if thing.clips: # set clip stuff self.doClip(realX,realY,realX+thing._width,realY+thing._height) if thing.icon: rect = self.atlas.getRect(thing.icon) if rect: u,v,us,vs = rect self.rectStreatch((realX,realY,us,vs),(u,v,us,vs)) if thing.text: # draw text stuff self.color = Vec4(0,0,0,1) if thing.editsText: self.drawEditText( gui.theme.defineFont(thing.font), thing.text, realX, realY, thing.selection, thing.caret) else: self.drawText( gui.theme.defineFont(thing.font), thing.text, realX, realY) self.color = Vec4(1,1,1,1) if thing.children: for child in thing.children: z += 1 self.drawChild(realX,realY,z,child) if thing.clips: self.clip.pop() def drawText(self, font, text, x, y): """ draws just text """ self.color = Vec4(*font.color) name = ox = x baseLetter = self.atlas.getChar(name + str(ord("T"))) omaxh = baseLetter[3] - baseLetter[4][1] for line in text.split("\n"): build = [] maxh = omaxh for c in line: code = ord(c) if code <= 32: u,v,w,h,e = self.atlas.getChar(name + str(77)) x += e[0] continue try: u,v,w,h,e = self.atlas.getChar(name + str(code)) except KeyError: u,v,w,h,e = self.atlas.getChar(name + str(ord("?"))) build.append((x,y+e[1],u,v,w,h)) x += e[0] maxh = max(maxh,h-e[1]) for x,y,u,v,w,h in build: self.rectStreatch((x,y+maxh-h,w,h),(u,v,w,h)) x = ox y += maxh def drawEditText(self, font, text, x, y, selection=(0,0), caret=-1): """ draws the text and selection and caret """ self.color = Vec4(*font.color) name = char_count = 0 ox = x baseLetter = self.atlas.getChar(name + str(ord("T"))) omaxh = baseLetter[3] - baseLetter[4][1] for line in text.split("\n"): build = [] maxh = omaxh for c in line: if char_count == caret: u,v,w,h,e = self.atlas.getChar(name + str(ord('|'))) build.append((x-w/2,y+e[1],u,v,w,h)) char_count += 1 code = ord(c) if code <= 32: u,v,w,h,e = self.atlas.getChar(name + str(77)) x += e[0] continue u,v,w,h,e = self.atlas.getChar(name + str(code)) build.append((x,y+e[1],u,v,w,h)) x += e[0] maxh = max(maxh,h-e[1]) else: if char_count == caret: u,v,w,h,e = self.atlas.getChar(name + str(ord('|'))) build.append((x-w/2,y+e[1],u,v,w,h)) char_count += 1 for x,y,u,v,w,h in build: self.rectStreatch((x,y+maxh-h,w,h),(u,v,w,h)) x = ox y += maxh def rect(self,(x,y,xs,ys),(u,v)): """ draw a rectangle """ us = xs vs = ys self.rectStreatch((x,y,xs,ys),(u,v,us,vs))