class LocalizationNode(object): ''' Class to hold all ROS related transactions to use split and merge algorithm. ''' #=========================================================================== def __init__(self, x0=0,y0=0,theta0=0, odom_lin_sigma=0.025, odom_ang_sigma=np.deg2rad(2), meas_rng_noise=0.2, meas_ang_noise=np.deg2rad(10),xs = 0, ys = 0, thetas = 0, rob2sensor = [-0.087, 0.013, np.deg2rad(0)]): ''' Initializes publishers, subscribers and the particle filter. ''' # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robotToSensor = np.array([xs,ys,thetas]) # Publishers self.pub_lines = rospy.Publisher("ekf_lines", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_map = rospy.Publisher("map", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_map_gt = rospy.Publisher("map_gt", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_odom = rospy.Publisher("predicted_odom", Odometry, queue_size=0) self.pub_uncertainity = rospy.Publisher("uncertainity", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_laser = rospy.Publisher("ekf_laser", LaserScan, queue_size=0) # Subscribers self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, self.laser_callback) self.sub_odom = rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, self.odom_callback) self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("lines", Marker, self.lines_callback) # TF self.tfBroad = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # Incremental odometry self.last_odom = None self.odom = None # Flags self.new_odom = False self.new_laser = False = False # Ground truth map dataset = rospy.get_param("~dataset",None) if dataset == 1: = get_map() x0 = 0.8-0.1908 y0 = 0.3+0.08481 theta0 = -0.034128 elif dataset == 2: = np.array([]) elif dataset == 3: = get_dataset3_map() else: = np.array([]) # Initial state self.x0 = np.array([x0,y0,theta0]) # Particle filter self.ekf = EKF_SLAM(x0, y0, theta0, odom_lin_sigma, odom_ang_sigma, meas_rng_noise, meas_ang_noise) # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robot2sensor = np.array(rob2sensor) #=========================================================================== def odom_callback(self, msg): ''' Publishes a tf based on the odometry of the robot and calculates the incremental odometry as seen from the vehicle frame. ''' # Save time self.time = msg.header.stamp # Translation trans = (msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z) # Rotation rot = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) # Publish transform self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = self.robot2sensor, rotation = (0, 0, 0, 1), time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/sensor', parent = '/robot') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = self.robot2sensor, rotation = (0, 0, 0, 1), time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/camera_depth_frame', parent = '/base_footprint') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = trans, rotation = rot, time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/base_footprint', parent = '/odom') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = (self.x0[0],self.x0[1],0), rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,self.x0[2]), time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/odom', parent = '/world') # Incremental odometry if self.last_odom is not None and not self.new_odom: # Increment computation delta_x = msg.pose.pose.position.x - self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.x delta_y = msg.pose.pose.position.y - self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.y yaw = yaw_from_quaternion(msg.pose.pose.orientation) lyaw = yaw_from_quaternion(self.last_odom.pose.pose.orientation) # Odometry seen from vehicle frame = np.array([delta_x * np.cos(lyaw) + delta_y * np.sin(lyaw), - delta_x * np.sin(lyaw) + delta_y * np.cos(lyaw), angle_wrap(yaw - lyaw)]) # Flag self.new_odom = True # For next loop self.last_odom = msg if self.last_odom is None: self.last_odom = msg #=========================================================================== def laser_callback(self, msg): ''' Republishes laser scan in the EKF solution frame. ''' msg.header.frame_id = '/sensor' self.pub_laser.publish(msg) #=========================================================================== def lines_callback(self, msg): ''' Function called each time a LaserScan message with topic "scan" arrives. ''' # Save time self.linestime = msg.header.stamp # Get the lines if len(msg.points) > 0: # Structure for the lines self.lines = np.zeros((len(msg.points) / 2, 4)) for i in range(0, len(msg.points)/2): # Get start and end points pt1 = msg.points[2*i] pt2 = msg.points[2*i+1] # Transform to robot frame pt1R = comp(self.robot2sensor, [pt1.x, pt1.y, 0.0]) pt2R = comp(self.robot2sensor, [pt2.x, pt2.y, 0.0]) # Append to line list self.lines[i, :2] = pt1R[:2] self.lines[i, 2:] = pt2R[:2] # Flag self.new_laser = True # Publish publish_lines(self.lines, self.pub_lines, frame = '/robot', time = msg.header.stamp, ns = 'lines_robot', color = (0,0,1)) #=========================================================================== def iterate(self): ''' Main loop of the filter. ''' # Prediction if self.new_odom: self.ekf.predict( self.new_odom = False = True # Weightimg and resampling if self.new_laser: Innovk_List, H_k_List, Rk_List,idx_not_associated = self.ekf.data_association(self.lines.copy()) self.ekf.update_position(Innovk_List, H_k_List, Rk_List) self.ekf.state_augmentation(self.lines.copy(),idx_not_associated) self.new_laser = False = True # Publish results if self.publish_results() = False #=========================================================================== def publish_results(self): ''' Publishes all results from the filter. ''' # Ground turth of the map of the room publish_lines(, self.pub_map_gt, frame='/world', ns='gt_map', color=(0.3,0.3,0.3)) odom, ellipse, trans, rot, room_map = get_ekf_msgs(self.ekf) publish_lines(room_map, self.pub_map, frame='/world', ns='map', color=(0,1,0)) self.pub_odom.publish(odom) self.pub_uncertainity.publish(ellipse) self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = trans, rotation = rot, time = self.time, child = '/robot', parent = '/world')
class LocalizationNode(object): ''' Class to hold all ROS related transactions to use split and merge algorithm. ''' #=========================================================================== def __init__(self, x0=0, y0=0, theta0=0, odom_lin_sigma=0.025, odom_ang_sigma=np.deg2rad(2), meas_rng_noise=0.2, meas_ang_noise=np.deg2rad(10), xs=0, ys=0, thetas=0, rob2sensor=[-0.087, 0.013, np.deg2rad(0)]): ''' Initializes publishers, subscribers and the particle filter. ''' # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robotToSensor = np.array([xs, ys, thetas]) # Publishers self.pub_lines = rospy.Publisher("ekf_lines", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_map = rospy.Publisher("map", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_map_gt = rospy.Publisher("map_gt", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_odom = rospy.Publisher("predicted_odom", Odometry, queue_size=0) self.pub_uncertainity = rospy.Publisher("uncertainity", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_laser = rospy.Publisher("ekf_laser", LaserScan, queue_size=0) # Subscribers self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, self.laser_callback) self.sub_odom = rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, self.odom_callback) self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("lines", Marker, self.lines_callback) # TF self.tfBroad = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # Incremental odometry self.last_odom = None self.odom = None # Flags self.new_odom = False self.new_laser = False = False # Ground truth map dataset = rospy.get_param("~dataset", None) if dataset == 1: = get_map() x0 = 0.8 - 0.1908 y0 = 0.3 + 0.08481 theta0 = -0.034128 elif dataset == 2: = np.array([]) elif dataset == 3: = get_dataset3_map() else: = np.array([]) # Initial state self.x0 = np.array([x0, y0, theta0]) # Particle filter self.ekf = EKF_SLAM(x0, y0, theta0, odom_lin_sigma, odom_ang_sigma, meas_rng_noise, meas_ang_noise) # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robot2sensor = np.array(rob2sensor) #=========================================================================== def odom_callback(self, msg): ''' Publishes a tf based on the odometry of the robot and calculates the incremental odometry as seen from the vehicle frame. ''' # Save time self.time = msg.header.stamp # Translation trans = (msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z) # Rotation rot = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) # Publish transform self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation=self.robot2sensor, rotation=(0, 0, 0, 1), time=msg.header.stamp, child='/sensor', parent='/robot') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation=self.robot2sensor, rotation=(0, 0, 0, 1), time=msg.header.stamp, child='/camera_depth_frame', parent='/base_footprint') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation=trans, rotation=rot, time=msg.header.stamp, child='/base_footprint', parent='/odom') self.tfBroad.sendTransform( translation=(self.x0[0], self.x0[1], 0), rotation=tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, self.x0[2]), time=msg.header.stamp, child='/odom', parent='/world') # Incremental odometry if self.last_odom is not None and not self.new_odom: # Increment computation delta_x = msg.pose.pose.position.x - self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.x delta_y = msg.pose.pose.position.y - self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.y yaw = yaw_from_quaternion(msg.pose.pose.orientation) lyaw = yaw_from_quaternion(self.last_odom.pose.pose.orientation) # Odometry seen from vehicle frame = np.array([ delta_x * np.cos(lyaw) + delta_y * np.sin(lyaw), -delta_x * np.sin(lyaw) + delta_y * np.cos(lyaw), angle_wrap(yaw - lyaw) ]) # Flag self.new_odom = True # For next loop self.last_odom = msg if self.last_odom is None: self.last_odom = msg #=========================================================================== def laser_callback(self, msg): ''' Republishes laser scan in the EKF solution frame. ''' msg.header.frame_id = '/sensor' self.pub_laser.publish(msg) #=========================================================================== def lines_callback(self, msg): ''' Function called each time a LaserScan message with topic "scan" arrives. ''' # Save time self.linestime = msg.header.stamp # Get the lines if len(msg.points) > 0: # Structure for the lines self.lines = np.zeros((len(msg.points) / 2, 4)) for i in range(0, len(msg.points) / 2): # Get start and end points pt1 = msg.points[2 * i] pt2 = msg.points[2 * i + 1] # Transform to robot frame pt1R = comp(self.robot2sensor, [pt1.x, pt1.y, 0.0]) pt2R = comp(self.robot2sensor, [pt2.x, pt2.y, 0.0]) # Append to line list self.lines[i, :2] = pt1R[:2] self.lines[i, 2:] = pt2R[:2] # Flag self.new_laser = True # Publish publish_lines(self.lines, self.pub_lines, frame='/robot', time=msg.header.stamp, ns='lines_robot', color=(0, 0, 1)) #=========================================================================== def iterate(self): ''' Main loop of the filter. ''' # Prediction if self.new_odom: self.ekf.predict( self.new_odom = False = True # Weightimg and resampling if self.new_laser: Innovk_List, H_k_List, Rk_List, idx_not_associated = self.ekf.data_association( self.lines.copy()) self.ekf.update_position(Innovk_List, H_k_List, Rk_List) self.ekf.state_augmentation(self.lines.copy(), idx_not_associated) self.new_laser = False = True # Publish results if self.publish_results() = False #=========================================================================== def publish_results(self): ''' Publishes all results from the filter. ''' # Ground turth of the map of the room publish_lines(, self.pub_map_gt, frame='/world', ns='gt_map', color=(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)) odom, ellipse, trans, rot, room_map = get_ekf_msgs(self.ekf) publish_lines(room_map, self.pub_map, frame='/world', ns='map', color=(0, 1, 0)) self.pub_odom.publish(odom) self.pub_uncertainity.publish(ellipse) self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation=trans, rotation=rot, time=self.time, child='/robot', parent='/world')
class LocalizationNode(object): ''' Class to hold all ROS related transactions to use split and merge algorithm. ''' #=========================================================================== def __init__(self, x0=0,y0=0,theta0=0, odom_lin_sigma=0.025, odom_ang_sigma=np.deg2rad(2), meas_rng_noise=0.2, meas_ang_noise=np.deg2rad(10),xs = 0, ys = 0, thetas = 0): ''' Initializes publishers, subscribers and the particle filter. ''' # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robotToSensor = np.array([xs,ys,thetas]) # Publishers self.pub_lines = rospy.Publisher("lines", Marker) self.pub_odom = rospy.Publisher("predicted_odom", Odometry) self.pub_uncertainity = rospy.Publisher("uncertainity", Marker) # Subscribers self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, self.laser_callback) self.sub_odom = rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, self.odom_callback) # TF self.tfBroad = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # Incremental odometry self.last_odom = None self.odom = None # Flags self.new_odom = False self.new_laser = False = False # Ground truth map # = get_map(0.8,0.3,-0.03) = get_map() # Initial state self.x0 = np.array([x0,y0,theta0]) # Particle filter self.ekf = EKF_SLAM(x0, y0, theta0, odom_lin_sigma, odom_ang_sigma, meas_rng_noise, meas_ang_noise) #=========================================================================== def odom_callback(self, msg): ''' Publishes a tf based on the odometry of the robot and calculates the incremental odometry as seen from the vehicle frame. ''' # Save time self.time = msg.header.stamp # Translation trans = (msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z) # Rotation rot = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) # Publish transform self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = (self.robotToSensor[0],self.robotToSensor[1],0), rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,self.robotToSensor[2]), time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/openni_depth_frame', parent = '/robot') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = trans, rotation = rot, time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/robot_original', parent = '/odom') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = (self.x0[0]-0.1908,self.x0[1]+0.08481,self.x0[2]), rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,-0.034128), # rotation = (0,0,0,1), time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/odom', parent = '/world') # Incremental odometry if self.last_odom is not None and not self.new_odom: # Increment computation delta_x = msg.pose.pose.position.x - self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.x delta_y = msg.pose.pose.position.y - self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.y yaw = yaw_from_quaternion(msg.pose.pose.orientation) lyaw = yaw_from_quaternion(self.last_odom.pose.pose.orientation) # Odometry seen from vehicle frame = np.array([delta_x * np.cos(lyaw) + delta_y * np.sin(lyaw), - delta_x * np.sin(lyaw) + delta_y * np.cos(lyaw), angle_wrap(yaw - lyaw)]) # Flag self.new_odom = True # For next loop self.last_odom = msg if self.last_odom is None: self.last_odom = msg #=========================================================================== def laser_callback(self, msg): ''' Function called each time a LaserScan message with topic "scan" arrives. ''' # Save time self.time = msg.header.stamp # Project LaserScan to points in space rng = np.array(msg.ranges) ang = np.linspace(msg.angle_min, msg.angle_max, len(msg.ranges)) points = np.vstack((rng * np.cos(ang), rng * np.sin(ang))) # Filter long ranges points = points[:, rng < msg.range_max] # Use split and merge to obtain lines and publish self.lines = splitandmerge(points, split_thres=0.1, inter_thres=0.3, min_points=6, dist_thres=0.12, ang_thres=np.deg2rad(10)) # Have valid points if self.lines is not None: # Transform line to robot frame for i in range(0,self.lines.shape[0]): point1S = np.append(self.lines[i,0:2], 0) point2S = np.append(self.lines[i,2:4], 0) point1R = comp(self.robotToSensor, point1S) point2R = comp(self.robotToSensor, point2S) self.lines[i,:] = np.append(point1R[0:2],point2R[0:2]) # Publish results publish_lines(self.lines, self.pub_lines, frame='/robot', time=msg.header.stamp, ns='scan_lines_robot', color=(0,0,1)) # Flag self.new_laser = True #=========================================================================== def iterate(self): ''' Main loop of the filter. ''' # Prediction if self.new_odom: self.ekf.predict( self.new_odom = False = True # Weightimg and resampling if self.new_laser: Innovk_List, H_k_List, S_f_List, Rk_List,idx_not_associated = self.ekf.data_association(self.lines.copy()) self.ekf.update_position(Innovk_List, H_k_List, S_f_List, Rk_List) self.ekf.state_augmentation(self.lines.copy(),idx_not_associated) self.new_laser = False = True # Publish results if self.publish_results() = False #=========================================================================== def publish_results(self): ''' Publishes all results from the filter. ''' # Ground turth of the map of the room publish_lines(, self.pub_lines, frame='/world', ns='gt_map', color=(0.3,0.3,0.3)) msg_odom, msg_ellipse, trans, rot, room_map = get_ekf_msgs(self.ekf) publish_lines(room_map, self.pub_lines, frame='/world', ns='map', color=(0,1,0)) self.pub_odom.publish(msg_odom) self.pub_uncertainity.publish(msg_ellipse) self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = trans, rotation = rot, time = self.time, child = '/robot', parent = '/world')