コード例 #1
        def _int_link (cur_file_path, new_file_path):

            self._log(u"Linking file from "+cur_file_path+" to "+new_file_path, logger.DEBUG)
            est = eec.set(self._link, cur_file_path)
                helpers.moveFile(cur_file_path, new_file_path)
                helpers.linkFile(cur_file_path, new_file_path)
            except (IOError, OSError), e:
                logger.log("Unable to link file "+cur_file_path+" to "+new_file_path+": "+ex(e), logger.ERROR)
                logger.log(str(e), logger.ERROR);
                eec.clock(est, False)
                raise e
コード例 #2
    def _link(self, file_path, new_path, new_base_name, associated_files=False):
        file_path: The full path of the media file to copy
        new_path: Destination path where we want to copy the file to 
        new_base_name: The base filename (no extension) to use during the copy. Use None to keep the same name.
        associated_files: Boolean, whether we should copy similarly-named files too

        def _int_link (cur_file_path, new_file_path):

            self._log(u"Linking file from "+cur_file_path+" to "+new_file_path, logger.DEBUG)
            est = eec.set(self._link, cur_file_path)
                helpers.moveFile(cur_file_path, new_file_path)
                helpers.linkFile(cur_file_path, new_file_path)
            except (IOError, OSError), e:
                logger.log("Unable to link file "+cur_file_path+" to "+new_file_path+": "+ex(e), logger.ERROR)
                logger.log(str(e), logger.ERROR);
                eec.clock(est, False)
                raise e
            eec.clock(est, True)
コード例 #3
    def process(self):
        Post-process a given file
        est = eec.set(self.process, self.file_name)

        if self._islink(self.file_path):
            eec.clock(est, 2)
            return 2 # already parsed path

        if not ek.ek(os.access, self.file_path, os.W_OK):
            eec.clock(est, 2)
            return 2 # no write access, downloader-ignore?

        self._log(u"Processing "+self.file_path+" ("+str(self.nzb_name)+")")

        if os.path.isdir( self.file_path ):
            self._log(u"File "+self.file_path+" seems to be a directory")
            return False
        for ignore_file in self.IGNORED_FILESTRINGS:
            if ignore_file in self.file_path:
                self._log(u"File " + self.file_path + " is ignored type, skipping")
                return False
        # reset per-file stuff
        self.in_history = False

        # try to find the file info
        (tvdb_id, season, episodes) = self._find_info()

        # if we don't have it then give up
        if not tvdb_id or season == None or not episodes:
            eec.clock(est, False)
            return False

        # retrieve/create the corresponding TVEpisode objects
        ep_obj = self._get_ep_obj(tvdb_id, season, episodes)

        # get the quality of the episode we're processing
        new_ep_quality = self._get_quality(ep_obj)
        logger.log(u"Quality of the episode we're processing: " + str(new_ep_quality), logger.DEBUG)

        # see if this is a priority download (is it snatched, in history, or PROPER)
        priority_download = self._is_priority(ep_obj, new_ep_quality)
        self._log(u"Is ep a priority download: " + str(priority_download), logger.DEBUG)

        # set the status of the episodes
        for curEp in [ep_obj] + ep_obj.relatedEps:
            curEp.status = common.Quality.compositeStatus(common.SNATCHED, new_ep_quality)

        # check for an existing file
        existing_file_status = self._checkForExistingFile(ep_obj.location)

        # if it's not priority then we don't want to replace smaller files in case it was a mistake
        if not priority_download:

            # if there's an existing file that we don't want to replace stop here
            if existing_file_status in (PostProcessor.EXISTS_LARGER, PostProcessor.EXISTS_SAME):
                self._log(u"File exists and we are not going to replace it because it's not smaller, quitting post-processing", logger.DEBUG)
                eec.clock(est, False)
                return False
            elif existing_file_status == PostProcessor.EXISTS_SMALLER:
                self._log(u"File exists and is smaller than the new file so I'm going to replace it", logger.DEBUG)
            elif existing_file_status != PostProcessor.DOESNT_EXIST:
                self._log(u"Unknown existing file status. This should never happen, please log this as a bug.", logger.ERROR)
                eec.clock(est, False)
                return False

        # if the file is priority then we're going to replace it even if it exists
            self._log(u"This download is marked a priority download so I'm going to replace an existing file if I find one", logger.DEBUG)

        # delete the existing file (and company)
        for cur_ep in [ep_obj] + ep_obj.relatedEps:
                self._delete(cur_ep.location, associated_files=True)
                # clean up any left over folders
                if cur_ep.location:
                    helpers.delete_empty_folders(ek.ek(os.path.dirname, cur_ep.location), keep_dir=ep_obj.show._location)
            except (OSError, IOError):
                raise exceptions.PostProcessingFailed("Unable to delete the existing files")

        # if the show directory doesn't exist then make it if allowed
        if not ek.ek(os.path.isdir, ep_obj.show._location) and sickbeard.CREATE_MISSING_SHOW_DIRS:
            self._log(u"Show directory doesn't exist, creating it", logger.DEBUG)
                ek.ek(os.mkdir, ep_obj.show._location)
                # do the library update for synoindex

            except (OSError, IOError):
                raise exceptions.PostProcessingFailed("Unable to create the show directory: " + ep_obj.show._location)

            # get metadata for the show (but not episode because it hasn't been fully processed)

        # update the ep info before we rename so the quality & release name go into the name properly
        for cur_ep in [ep_obj] + ep_obj.relatedEps:
            with cur_ep.lock:
                cur_release_name = None

                # use the best possible representation of the release name
                if self.good_results[self.NZB_NAME]:
                    cur_release_name = self.nzb_name
                    if cur_release_name.lower().endswith('.nzb'):
                        cur_release_name = cur_release_name.rpartition('.')[0]
                elif self.good_results[self.FOLDER_NAME]:
                    cur_release_name = self.folder_name
                elif self.good_results[self.FILE_NAME]:
                    cur_release_name = self.file_name
                    # take the extension off the filename, it's not needed
                    if '.' in self.file_name:
                        cur_release_name = self.file_name.rpartition('.')[0]

                if cur_release_name:
                    self._log("Found release name " + cur_release_name, logger.DEBUG)
                    cur_ep.release_name = cur_release_name
                    logger.log("good results: " + repr(self.good_results), logger.DEBUG)

                cur_ep.status = common.Quality.compositeStatus(common.DOWNLOADED, new_ep_quality)


        # find the destination folder
            proper_path = ep_obj.proper_path()
            proper_absolute_path = ek.ek(os.path.join, ep_obj.show.location, proper_path)

            dest_path = ek.ek(os.path.dirname, proper_absolute_path)
        except exceptions.ShowDirNotFoundException:
            raise exceptions.PostProcessingFailed(u"Unable to post-process an episode if the show dir doesn't exist, quitting")

        self._log(u"Destination folder for this episode: " + dest_path, logger.DEBUG)

        # create any folders we need

        # figure out the base name of the resulting episode file
        if sickbeard.RENAME_EPISODES:
            orig_extension = self.file_name.rpartition('.')[-1]
            new_base_name = ek.ek(os.path.basename, proper_path)
            new_file_name = new_base_name + '.' + orig_extension

            # if we're not renaming then there's no new base name, we'll just use the existing name
            new_base_name = None
            new_file_name = self.file_name

            # move the episode and associated files to the show dir
            if sickbeard.KEEP_PROCESSED_DIR:
                self._link(self.file_path, dest_path, new_base_name, sickbeard.MOVE_ASSOCIATED_FILES)
                self._move(self.file_path, dest_path, new_base_name, sickbeard.MOVE_ASSOCIATED_FILES)
        except (OSError, IOError):
            raise exceptions.PostProcessingFailed("Unable to move the files to their new home")

        # put the new location in the database
        for cur_ep in [ep_obj] + ep_obj.relatedEps:
            with cur_ep.lock:
                cur_ep.location = ek.ek(os.path.join, dest_path, new_file_name)

        # log it to history
        history.logDownload(ep_obj, self.file_path, new_ep_quality, self.release_group)

        # send notifications

        # generate nfo/tbn

        # do the library update for XBMC

        # do the library update for Plex

        # do the library update for NMJ
        # nmj_notifier kicks off its library update when the notify_download is issued (inside notifiers)

        # do the library update for Synology Indexer

        # do the library update for pyTivo

        # do the library update for Trakt


        eec.clock(est, True)
        return True
コード例 #4
                except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_error, e:
                    logger.log(u"Unable to contact TVDB: " + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
                    episodes = []

            # if there's no season then we can hopefully just use 1 automatically
            elif season == None and tvdb_id:
                myDB = db.DBConnection()
                numseasonsSQlResult = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT season) as numseasons FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? and season != 0", [tvdb_id])
                if int(numseasonsSQlResult[0][0]) == 1 and season == None:
                    self._log(u"Don't have a season number, but this show appears to only have 1 season, setting seasonnumber to 1...", logger.DEBUG)
                    season = 1
            if tvdb_id and season != None and episodes:
                return (tvdb_id, season, episodes)

        return (tvdb_id, season, episodes)
    def _get_ep_obj(self, tvdb_id, season, episodes):
        Retrieve the TVEpisode object requested.
        tvdb_id: The TVDBID of the show (int)
        season: The season of the episode (int)
        episodes: A list of episodes to find (list of ints)
        If the episode(s) can be found then a TVEpisode object with the correct related eps will
        be instantiated and returned. If the episode can't be found then None will be returned.