コード例 #1
    def get_hist_data(self):
        """returns the tuple of arrays (bin_centers,bin_counts),also saves them as self.binx and self.binc"""
        es = self.es
        index = self.index
        xname, xmin, xmax, xbins = self.xname, self.xmin, self.xmax, self.xbins

        x, c = get_1d_hist(xname, xmin, xmax, xbins, es, index=index)
        x, c = map(np.array, [x, c])
        self.binx, self.binc = x, c
        return x, c
コード例 #2
def draw_1d_hist_from_es(xname,xmin,xmax,xbins,es,index="*",ax=None,hist_drawer="whiskers"):
    """i plot the histogram of a variable xname between xmin,xmax with xbins uniform bins.
    i require es to be an elasticsearch.Elasticsearch client. 
    if hist_drawer == "whiskers", plots a CERNish whiskered histogram
    elif hist_drawer == "classic", plots a regular one
    else tries to use hist_drawer as a function(xmin,xmax,xbins,counts,fig=<bokeh figure>) -> figure"""
    x,c = get_1d_hist(xname,xmin,xmax,xbins,es,index=index)
    if hist_drawer == "whiskers":
        deltas = np.sqrt(c)
        #use whiskered-specific interface
        return whiskered_histogram(xmin,xmax,xbins,c,deltas,-deltas,fig=ax)
    elif hist_drawer == "classic":
        hist_drawer = classic_histogram
    return hist_drawer(xmin,xmax,xbins,c,fig=ax)