def applyAtomText(node, text): """Text according to RFC4248 Section 3.1. """ if isinstance(text, str): node.text = cgi.escape(text) elif isinstance(text, dict): content = text['text'] type = text.get('type', 'text') assert type in ('text', 'html', 'xhtml') node.attrib['type'] = type if type == 'xhtml': body = '<div xmlns="">%s</div>' body = body % text['text'] # TODO: try catch around, and if not xml fallback to html try: body = fromstring(body.encode('utf-8')) except Exception, e: print 80 * '-' print body print e body = '<div xmlns="">%s</div>' body = body % 'Invalid XHTML Content. Could not render.' body = fromstring(body) node.append(body) else: node.text = cgi.escape(text['text'])
def test_connect(self, username="******", password="******"): server = V1Server(username=username, password=password) code, body = server.get("/rest-1.v1/Data/Story") print "\n\nCode: ", code print "Body: ", body elem = fromstring(body) self.assertThat(elem.tag, Equals("Assets"))
def httpcallswrapper(url=None, method=None, body=None, headers=None): fibonic = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89] http = Http() for i in range(0, len(fibonic)): try: responseheaders, rawbody = http.request(uri=url, method=method, body=body, headers=headers) if str(responseheaders['status']) != '200': if ETL_DEBUG_PRINT: print "failed " + str(url) #log_critical_message("failed " + str(url)) time.sleep(fibonic[i]) else: isxml = False try: xml = fromstring(rawbody) namespaces = ['', 'urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents'] for namespace in namespaces: remove_namespace(xml, namespace) if xml.findtext('ack') in ["Failure", "Error"] or xml.findtext('Ack') in ["Failure", "Error"]: print "ACK failure retrying status code " +str(responseheaders)+" on url "+ str(url) #log_critical_message("ACK failure retrying status code " +str(responseheaders)+" on url "+ str(url)) print str(rawbody) #log_critical_message(str(rawbody)) time.sleep(fibonic[i]) else: return [responseheaders, rawbody] except Exception, e: print e if isxml == False: return [responseheaders, rawbody] except Exception, e: log_exception_message(str(e)) time.sleep(fibonic[i])
def test_connect(self, username='******', password='******'): server = V1Server(address='', username=username, password=password,instance='v1sdktesting') code, body = server.fetch('/rest-1.v1/Data/Story?sel=Name') print "\n\nCode: ", code print "Body: ", body elem = fromstring(body) self.assertThat(elem.tag, Equals('Assets'))
def test_get_multiple_items_detail(self): """ Test for valid response for officeshoes for get item detail data """ xml = get_item_detail(itemid=130531566351) xml = fromstring(xml) namespace = 'urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents' remove_namespace(xml, namespace) self.assertTrue(xml.findtext('Ack') == "Success", "Ack node got failure") self.assertTrue(type(xml.findtext('Item/ItemID')) is StringType, "Response node Item/ItemID should be string") self.assertTrue(type(xml.findtext('Item/PictureDetails/GalleryURL')) is StringType, "Response node Item/PictureDetails/GalleryURL should be string") self.assertTrue(type(xml.findtext('Item/PictureDetails/PhotoDisplay')) is StringType, "Response node Item/PictureDetails/PhotoDisplay should be string") itemspecifics = xml.findall('Item/ItemSpecifics/NameValueList') self.assertTrue(len(itemspecifics) > 0, "There should be item specifics but got none") for tt in itemspecifics: self.assertTrue(tt.findtext('Name'), "item specific node has no Name node") self.assertTrue(tt.findtext('Value'), "item specific node has no Value node") variations = xml.findall('Item/Variations/Variation') self.assertTrue(len(variations) > 0, "There should be variations but got none") for variation in variations: self.assertTrue(variation.findtext('SKU'), "item variation node has no Name node") self.assertTrue(variation.findtext('Quantity'), "item variation node has no Quantity node") self.assertTrue(variation.findtext('SellingStatus/QuantitySold'), "item variation node has no SellingStatus/QuantitySold node") variationnamevalue = variation.findall('VariationSpecifics/NameValueList') self.assertTrue(len(variationnamevalue) > 0, "There should be Name value list for each variation but got none") for subSpe in variationnamevalue: self.assertTrue(subSpe.findtext('Name'), "item specific node has no Name node") self.assertTrue(subSpe.findtext('Value'), "item specific node has no Value node")
def test_get_multiple_items_analytics(self): """ Test for valid response for officeshoes for bestmatch data """ token = 'AgAAAA**AQAAAA**aAAAAA**5XalTQ**nY+sHZ2PrBmdj6wVnY+sEZ2PrA2dj6wBkISmCpKGpQ2dj6x9nY+seQ**e8IAAA**AAMAAA**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' locale = 'GB' xml = get_items_bestmatch_data(locale=locale, token=token, itemid='<itemId>130531566351</itemId>') xml = fromstring(xml) namespace = '' remove_namespace(xml, namespace) self.assertTrue(xml.findtext('ack') == "Success", "Ack node got failure") results = xml.findall('item') self.assertEqual(type(results), list, "Response is not list") self.assertTrue(len(results) > 0, "Item not present when it should be") for item in results: self.assertTrue(item.findtext('itemId'), "item has no itemId node") self.assertTrue(item.findtext('itemRank'), "item has no itemRank node") self.assertTrue(item.findtext('primaryCategory/categoryId'), "item has no primaryCategory/categoryId node") self.assertTrue(item.findtext('bestMatchData/salesCount'), "item has no bestMatchData/salesCount node") self.assertTrue(item.findtext('quantityAvailable'), "item has no quantityAvailable node") self.assertTrue(item.findtext('quantitySold'), "item has no quantitySold node") self.assertTrue(item.findtext('bestMatchData/viewItemCount'), "item has no bestMatchData/viewItemCount node") self.assertTrue(item.findtext('bestMatchData/salesPerImpression'), "item has no bestMatchData/salesPerImpression node") self.assertTrue(item.findtext('sellingStatus/currentPrice'), "item has no sellingStatus/currentPrice node") self.assertTrue(item.findtext('bestMatchData/viewItemPerImpression'), "item has no bestMatchData/viewItemPerImpression node") self.assertTrue(item.findtext('bestMatchData/impressionCountRange/min'), "item has no bestMatchData/impressionCountRange/min node") self.assertTrue(item.findtext('bestMatchData/impressionCountRange/max'), "item has no bestMatchData/impressionCountRange/max node")
def parse_results(self): ##lookup result fields in db ## insert into dictionary with field names as lookup key ## parse structure hardcoded for now, variables returned from db (above) #returns result_data ##get response heading tags --> can make this db call in future if ("Stats",self.func)): self.response_headers = ['trafficStats','listingStats'] self.response_globals = {'trafficStats':[], 'listingStats':['weekEndingDate']} #print self.response_globals['listingStats'] else: ##update this! print 'np' root = fromstring(self.utext) for header in self.response_headers: trunk = root.findall('.//'+header) for treetop in trunk: for tree in treetop: #print tree self.res_dat = []; globe = {} self.traverse(tree, globe, header) #print self.res_dat if (header in self.response_data.keys()): self.response_data[header] = self.response_data[header] + self.res_dat else: self.response_data[header] = self.res_dat
def parseErrorAndResponse(self, data): """Parse returned XML for errors, then convert into appropriate Python objects.""" try: xml = fromstring(data) except Exception: raise ( CIMError( 0, 'Incorrect XML response for {0}'.format(self.classname) ) ) error = xml.find('.//ERROR') if error is not None: msg = error.get('DESCRIPTION') if msg and "context cannot be found" in msg: error.set("DESCRIPTION", "Response is not complete for {} classname. " "Please check zWBEMOperationTimeout and " "zWBEMMaxObjectCount properties".format(self.classname) ) else: return xml try: code = int(error.attrib['CODE']) except ValueError: code = 0 raise (CIMError(code, error.attrib['DESCRIPTION']))
def parseErrorAndResponse(self, data): """Parse returned XML for errors, then convert into appropriate Python objects.""" try: xml = fromstring(data) except Exception: self.deferred.errback( CIMError( 0, 'Incorrect XML response for {0}'.format(self.classname))) return error = xml.find('.//ERROR') if error is not None: msg = error.get('DESCRIPTION') if msg and "context cannot be found" in msg: error.set( "DESCRIPTION", "Response is not complete for {} classname. " "Please check zWBEMOperationTimeout and " "zWBEMMaxObjectCount properties".format(self.classname)) else: self.deferred.callback(self.parseResponse(xml)) return try: code = int(error.attrib['CODE']) except ValueError: code = 0 self.deferred.errback(CIMError(code, error.attrib['DESCRIPTION']))
def test_connect(self, username='******', password='******'): server = V1Server(username=username, password=password) code, body = server.get('/rest-1.v1/Data/Story') print "\n\nCode: ", code print "Body: ", body elem = fromstring(body) self.assertThat(elem.tag, Equals('Assets'))
def parse_item (data): tree = fromstring(data) title = lxml.html.fromstring(tree.find('title').text).text_content() text = lxml.html.fromstring(tostring(tree.find('text'))).text_content() doc_id = tree.attrib.get('itemid') return doc_id, title, text
def test_search(self): search_request = getData('search_request.txt') search_response = getData('search_response.txt') c = SolrConnection(host='localhost:8983', persistent=True) output = fakehttp(c, search_response) res ='+id:[* TO *]', wt='xml', rows='10', indent='on') res = fromstring( self.failUnlessEqual(str(output), search_request) self.failUnless(res.find(('.//doc')))
def test_get_talk_details_broken_date(self): """ It just seems likely this will break sooner or later, check that we handle gracefully. """ document = fromstring(minimal_item) document.find('./pubDate').text = "Sat, 04 02 2012 08:14:00" # Same date, different formatting details = self.talks.get_talk_details(document) date_now = datetime.strftime(, "%d.%m.%Y") self.assertEqual(date_now, details['date'])
def test_token_user(self): """ Test for valid response for officeshoes for get item detail data """ xml = token_user("AgAAAA**AQAAAA**aAAAAA**fAKrTA**nY+sHZ2PrBmdj6wVnY+sEZ2PrA2dj6AEkYWmDpGFowidj6x9nY+seQ**e8IAAA**AAMAAA**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") xml = fromstring(xml) namespace = 'urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents' remove_namespace(xml, namespace) self.assertTrue(xml.findtext('Ack') == "Success", "Ack node got failure") self.assertTrue(xml.findtext('User/UserID') == "company_test", "User/UserID node for company_test value")
def test_connect(self, username='******', password='******'): server = V1Server(address='', username=username, password=password, instance='v1sdktesting') code, body = server.fetch('/rest-1.v1/Data/Story?sel=Name') print "\n\nCode: ", code print "Body: ", body elem = fromstring(body) self.assertThat(elem.tag, Equals('Assets'))
def test_get_talk_details_broken_date(self): """ It just seems likely this will break sooner or later, check that we handle gracefully. """ document = fromstring(minimal_item) document.find('./pubDate').text = "Sat, 04 02 2012 08:14:00" # Same date, different formatting details = self.talks.get_talk_details(document) date_now = datetime.strftime(, '%d.%m.%Y') self.assertEqual(date_now, details['date']) self.logger.assert_called_with("Could not parse date 'Sat, 04 02 2012 08': time data 'Sat, 04 02 2012 08' does not match format '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'")
def test_search(self): search_request = getData('search_request.txt') search_response = getData('search_response.txt') c = SolrConnection(host='localhost:8983', persistent=True) output = fakehttp(c, search_response) res ='+id:[* TO *]', fl='* score', wt='xml', rows='10', indent='on') res = fromstring( normalize = lambda x: sorted(x.split('&')) # sort request params self.assertEqual(normalize(output.get()), normalize(search_request)) self.failUnless(res.find(('.//doc')))
def main(): host = None port = None try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hH:P:", ["help", "host=", "port="]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(3) for key, val in opts: if key in ("-H", "--host"): host = val if key in ("-P", "--port"): port = int(val) if key in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit(3) if host == None or port == None: usage() sys.exit(3) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host+":"+str(port)) try: conn.request("GET", "/_status?format=xml") except: print "Unable to connect to %s port %s"%(host,port) sys.exit(2) try: doc = fromstring(conn.getresponse().read()) iter = doc.findall("service") except: print "Unable to parse XML" sys.exit(2) mylist = [] for element in iter: try: name = element.find("name") status = element.find("status") except: print "Unable to parse XML" sys.exit(2) if "0" != status.text: mylist.append(name.text) if len(mylist) > 0: print "Monit services down:", str(mylist) sys.exit(2) print "Monit: All services OK" sys.exit(0)
def get_new_talks(self): """ Returns talks as dicts {title:, author:, thumb:, date:, duration:, link:}. """ talksByTitle = {} rss = get_document('') for item in fromstring(rss).findall('channel/item'): talk = self.get_talk_details(item) talksByTitle[talk['title']] = talk return talksByTitle.itervalues()
def get_interface_devices(dom): if mypythonversion == '2.6': etree = ElementTree.fromstring(dom.XMLDesc(0)) else: etree = fromstring(dom.XMLDesc(0)) devs = [] for target in etree.findall("devices/interface/target"): dev = target.get("dev") if not dev in devs: devs.append(dev) return devs
def parsekmlpoint(kmlstring): e = fromstring(kmlstring) coords = coords = e.find('{}Placemark/{}Point/{}coordinates').text coords = coords.lstrip(' ').rstrip(' ').replace('\n', '').replace('\t', ''); lra = [] for yxz in coords.split(' '): a = yxz.split(',') if len(a) > 1: lra.append((float(a[0]), float(a[1]))) point = Point(lra[0]) return point
def get_interface_devices(dom): if mypythonversion == '2.6': etree=ElementTree.fromstring(dom.XMLDesc(0)) else: etree=fromstring(dom.XMLDesc(0)) devs=[] for target in etree.findall("devices/interface/target"): dev=target.get("dev") if not dev in devs: devs.append(dev) return devs
def GetShowByID(showID): """ Gets a show by a TVRage ID. Returns the full information (Show object) or None if the ID is invalid. """ # tvrage provides no/inconsistent error-reporting so we must try/except url = URL_SHOWINFO % {'id':showID} uf = urllib.urlopen(url) xml = xShow = fromstring(xml) return Show(xShow)
def parse(something): try: if something.startswith('<?llsd/binary?>'): just_binary = something.split('\n', 1)[1] return LLSDBinaryParser().parse(just_binary) # This should be better. elif something.startswith('<'): return to_python(fromstring(something)[0]) else: return LLSDNotationParser().parse(something) except KeyError, e: raise Exception('LLSD could not be parsed: %s' % (e,))
def parse(something): try: if something.startswith('<?llsd/binary?>'): just_binary = something.split('\n', 1)[1] return LLSDBinaryParser().parse(just_binary) # This should be better. elif something.startswith('<'): return to_python(fromstring(something)[0]) else: return LLSDNotationParser().parse(something) except KeyError, e: raise Exception('LLSD could not be parsed: %s' % (e, ))
def test_get_talk_details_minimal(self): details = self.talks.get_talk_details(fromstring(minimal_item)) expected_details = { 'author':'Dovahkiin', 'date':'04.02.2012', 'link':'invalid://nowhere/nothing.html', 'thumb':'invalid://nowhere/nothing.jpg', 'title':'fus ro dah', 'plot':'Unrelenting Force', 'duration':3723 } self.assertEqual(expected_details, details)
def parsekmlpoly(kmlstring): e = fromstring(kmlstring) coords = coords = e.find('{}Placemark/{}Polygon/{}outerBoundaryIs/{}LinearRing/{}coordinates').text coords = coords.lstrip(' ').rstrip(' ').replace('\n', '').replace('\t', ''); lra = [] for yxz in coords.split(' '): a = yxz.split(',') if len(a) > 1: lra.append((float(a[0]), float(a[1]))) lr = LinearRing(lra) poly = Polygon(lr) return poly
def parsekmllinestring(kmlstring): e = fromstring(kmlstring) coords = coords = e.find( "{}Placemark/{}LineString/{}coordinates" ).text coords = coords.lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "") lra = [] for yxz in coords.split(" "): a = yxz.split(",") if len(a) > 1: lra.append((float(a[0]), float(a[1]))) linestring = LineString(lra) return linestring
def decode_XMLDict(self, xml): """!TXT!""" def decode(element): value = None element_type = element.get('type', 'none') if element_type == 'none': value = None elif element_type == 'bool': value = element.get('value') == 'true' and true or false elif element_type == 'complex': value = complex(float(element.get('re')), float(element.get('im'))) elif element_type == 'float': value = float(element.get('value')) elif element_type == 'int': value = int(element.get('value')) elif element_type == 'long': value = long(element.get('value')) elif element_type == 'str': value = unicode(element.text) elif element_type == 'cdata': value = unicode(element.text)[9: -3] elif element_type == 'dict': value = {} for subelement in element.getchildren(): subname, subvalue = decode(subelement) value[subname] = subvalue elif element_type == 'list': value = [] for subelement in element.getchildren(): subname, subvalue = decode(subelement) value.append(subvalue) elif element_type == 'tuple': value = [] for subelement in element.getchildren(): subname, subvalue = decode(subelement) value.append(subvalue) value = tuple(value) else: raise TypeError('Decoding of type "%s" not supported (Source: %s)' % (element_type, element)) return element.tag, value result = {} root = fromstring(xml) for element in root.getchildren(): key, value = decode(element) result[key] = value return result
def doSendXML(self, request): try: rsp = self.doPost(self.solrBase+'/update', request, self.xmlheaders) data = finally: if not self.persistent: self.conn.close() #detect old-style error response (HTTP response code of #200 with a non-zero status. parsed = fromstring(self.decoder(data)[0]) status = parsed.attrib.get('status', 0) if status != 0: reason = parsed.documentElement.firstChild.nodeValue raise SolrException(rsp.status, reason) return parsed
def parseErrorAndResponse(self, data): """Parse returned XML for errors, then convert into appropriate Python objects.""" xml = fromstring(data) error = xml.find('.//ERROR') if error is None: return xml try: code = int(error.attrib['CODE']) except ValueError: code = 0 raise CIMError(code, error.attrib['DESCRIPTION'])
def doSendXML(self, request): try: rsp = self.doPost(self.solrBase + '/update', request, self.xmlheaders) data = finally: if not self.persistent: self.conn.close() #detect old-style error response (HTTP response code of #200 with a non-zero status. parsed = fromstring(self.decoder(data)[0]) status = parsed.attrib.get('status', 0) if status != 0: reason = parsed.documentElement.firstChild.nodeValue raise SolrException(rsp.status, reason) return parsed
def parseErrorAndResponse(self, data): """Parse returned XML for errors, then convert into appropriate Python objects.""" xml = fromstring(data) error = xml.find('.//ERROR') if error is None: self.deferred.callback(self.parseResponse(xml)) return try: code = int(error.attrib['CODE']) except ValueError: code = 0 self.deferred.errback(CIMError(code, error.attrib['DESCRIPTION']))
def test_get_category_aspects(self): """ """ xml = get_categories(sellerid='officeshoes', categoryid=11498, locale="GB") xml = fromstring(xml) namespace = '' remove_namespace(xml, namespace) self.assertTrue(xml.findtext('ack') == "Success", "Ack node got failure") aspectsxml = xml.findall('aspectHistogramContainer/aspect') self.assertTrue(len(aspectsxml) > 0, "Response aspect lenght is less then zero") for aspect in aspectsxml: self.assertTrue(aspect.attrib['name'], "aspect has no attrib name") valueHistograms = aspect.findall('valueHistogram') self.assertTrue(len(valueHistograms) > 0, "Response aspect valuehistogram length is less then zero") for valueHistogram in valueHistograms: self.assertTrue(valueHistogram.attrib['valueName'], "aspect valuehistogram valuename has no attrib valueName") self.assertTrue(valueHistogram.findtext('count'), "aspect valuehistogram has no count")
def process(self, xml): """Initiate an SSL connection and return the xmlresponse """ conn = ssl.HTTPSConnection(self._site) # setup the HEADERS'Setting up request headers') conn.putrequest('GET', self._path+'?xmldata='+quote(tostring(xml))) conn.putheader('Content-Type', 'text/xml') conn.endheaders()'Getting the response from the Virtual Merchant site') result = conn.getresponse().read() xmlresponse = fromstring(result) return xmlresponse
def __init__(self,tree,parent=None): self._parent = parent if isinstance(tree,str): self._tree = fromstring(tree) else: self._tree = tree #this is required to call on all the children self._children = [pythonic_objectify(child,self) for child in self._tree] #assigning attributes to the parent if parent is not None: #making the tags more pythonic - don't hate me! tag = self._tree.tag tag = tag.replace('-','_') #getting the tags value value = self._tree.text #known type conversion if 'type' in self._tree.attrib and value is not None: kind = self._tree.attrib['type'] if kind == 'integer': value = int(value) elif kind == 'float': value = float(value) elif kind == 'boolean': if value == 'false': value = False elif value == 'true': value = True else: raise ValueError("I don't know how to handle this!") elif kind == 'date': year, month, day = value.split('-') value = datetime.datetime(int(year),int(month),int(day)) elif kind == 'datetime': year, month, day = value.split('-') day, time = day.replace('Z', '').split('T') hours, minutes, seconds = time.split(':') value = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds)) #apply it to it's parent setattr(self._parent,tag,value)
def parseErrorAndResponse(self, data): """Parse returned XML for errors, then convert into appropriate Python objects.""" xml = fromstring(data) error = xml.find(".//ERROR") if error is None: self.deferred.callback(self.parseResponse(xml)) return try: code = int(error.attrib["CODE"]) except ValueError: code = 0 self.deferred.errback(CIMError(code, error.attrib["DESCRIPTION"]))
def deducting_item(date="", **args): p_rel = get_dump_location() date_str = date path = p_rel + "/%s/notifications/" % (str(date_str)) listing = os.listdir(path) files_allowed = ["ItemRevised", "ItemSold", "ItemListed", "ItemClosed"] i = 1 excp = 0 summary = {} temp_list = [] item_count = 1 temporary_dict = {"ItemOther":[], "ItemClosed":[]} no_of_files = len(listing) if "summary.json" in listing: no_of_files = no_of_files - 1 if "inbox_progress.txt" in listing: no_of_files = no_of_files - 1 if "summary_progress.txt" in listing: no_of_files = no_of_files - 1 for infile in listing: filename = infile.split("_", 1)[0] if filename in files_allowed: with + "%s" % (infile), "r") as f: temp = temp = temp.replace("", "=") try: rootElement = fromstring(temp) except Exception, e: print " ia m here" print e itemElement_root = rootElement.find("{}Body") itemElement = itemElement_root.find("{urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents}GetItemResponse") itemElement_it = itemElement.find("{urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents}Item") itemElement = itemElement_it.find("{urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents}Seller") seller_id = itemElement.find("{urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents}UserID").text cat_id = itemElement_it.find("{urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents}PrimaryCategory/{urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents}CategoryID").text item_id = itemElement_it.find("{urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents}ItemID").text locale = itemElement_it.find("{urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents}Country").text c_seller_id = seller_id + "@" + locale if filename == "ItemClosed": temporary_dict[filename].append(item_id) else: temporary_dict["ItemOther"].append(item_id)
def getParser(self, descParseInstruction): #tree = ElementTree().parse(descParseInstruction) fp = open(descParseInstruction, 'r') tree = fromstring( fp.close() grammarNode = tree.find('GameGrammar') if(grammarNode == None): print "no valid parserConfig" return None attributes = grammarNode.attrib parserType = attributes.get('type') if(parserType == 'multiline'): return DescriptionParserFlatFile(grammarNode) elif(parserType == 'xml'): return DescriptionParserXml(grammarNode) else: print "Unknown parser: " +parserType return None
def recentReviews(): result = fetch(""" PREFIX rev: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> SELECT ?thing ?name ?review ?createdOn ?rating WHERE { ?thing rdfs:label ?name ; rev:hasReview ?review . ?review rev:reviewer <people/drewp> ; rev:createdOn ?createdOn ; rev:rating ?rating . } ORDER BY DESC(?createdOn) LIMIT 10 """) et = fromstring(result) headers = [e.get('name') for e in et.find(SPARQL_RESULTS + 'head')] rows = [] for result in et.find(SPARQL_RESULTS + 'results').getchildren(): bindings = dict([(b.get('name').replace('?', ''), nodeElement(b.getchildren())) for b in result.findall(SPARQL_RESULTS + 'binding')]) rows.append(bindings) rows.sort(key=lambda row: row['createdOn'], reverse=True) return flat.ten.flatten( T.table(class_="recentReviews") [["recentReviews title", colspan=3)[ "Recent reviews on ", T.a(class_="recentReviews", href="")[""], #" (-tmp)" ]],[["Date"],["Review"],["Rating"]], [["date")[row['createdOn'].split('T')[0]],"subj")[T.a(href=row['review'])[row['name']]],"rate")[row['rating']]] for row in rows ]])
def get_new_talks(self): """ Returns talks as dicts {title:, author:, thumb:, date:, duration:, link:}. """ sd_rss_url = "" hd_rss_url = "" rss_urls = [sd_rss_url, hd_rss_url] # Prefer HD, but get SD if that's all there is (my friends) document_fetchers = [] if do_multi_threading: pool = Pool(processes=1) # Maybe it would be better to fetch them simultaneously? for url in rss_urls: result = pool.apply_async(get_document, [url]) document_fetchers.append(lambda x: result.get(30)) else: for url in rss_urls: document_fetchers.append(lambda x: get_document(url)) talksByTitle = {} for documentFetcher in document_fetchers: rss = documentFetcher(None) # Is this evil? We have to pass something into the lambda. for item in fromstring(rss).findall('channel/item'): talk = self.get_talk_details(item) talksByTitle[talk['title']] = talk if do_multi_threading: # pool.close() # pool.join() # If I close Pool using close/join, then it logs # ERROR: Error Type: <type 'exceptions.OSError'> # ERROR: Error Contents: [Errno 3] No such process # when the app exits (i.e. finalization occurs). # Whereas this seems to be OK. pool._terminate() return talksByTitle.itervalues()
import unittest from chaski_plugin import ChaskiPlugin from elementtree.ElementTree import fromstring # the example is borrowed from xml_test_text = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <note> <to>Tove</to> <from>Jani</from> <heading>Reminder</heading> <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body> </note> """ #print xml_test_text xml_test_etree = fromstring(xml_test_text) class ChaskiPluginTest(unittest.TestCase): def do_test(self, method, plugin_params): plugin = ChaskiPlugin(plugin_params) self.assertTrue(method(plugin, xml_test_etree)) def test_xpath_exists_true(self): params = {'child_xpath': u'to'} self.do_test(ChaskiPlugin.xpath_exists, params) def test_xpath_exists_false(self): params = {'child_xpath': u'no/such/path'} self.do_test(ChaskiPlugin.xpath_dont_exist, params) def test_any_child_text_matches_re_true(self):
def response_to_et(self, response): return fromstring(response.content)
def process(directory, option, file_out, use_file_out, xml_file, group, verbose, recurse, progress): if verbose: print "Inside process..." col = commands.getoutput("echo \"$COLUMNS\"") try: columns = int(col) except: columns = 60 pb = progress_bar.pb("Progress: ", "-", columns, sys.stderr) tree = ElementTree(file=xml_file) elem = tree.getroot() if verbose: print "Getting rpm_names" rpm_names = get_names_from_dir(directory, recurse, pb, progress) if verbose: print "Processing names" if option == comps_opt.ERASE: """ Handle the ERASE operations """ for subelem in elem: for subsub in subelem: p = 0.0 for subsubsub in subsub: p = p + 1.0 if progress: percentage = p / len(subsub) pb.progress(percentage) if subsubsub.tag == 'packagereq' and subsubsub.text in rpm_names: subsub.remove(subsubsub) if verbose: print "Found %s, removing" % subsubsub.text elif option == comps_opt.ADD: """ Handle the ADD operations """ text = "<group>\n" text += "<id>%s</id>\n" % group text += "<name>%s</name>\n" % group text += "<packagelist>\n" p = 0.0 for name in rpm_names: p = p + 1.0 if progress: percentage = p / len(rpm_names) pb.progress(percentage) text += "<packagereq type=\"mandatory\">%s</packagereq>\n" % name text += "</packagelist>\n" text += "</group>\n" node = fromstring(text) elem.append(node) else: die("Some unknown error has occured. Neither 'ADD' nor 'ERASE' was specified, somehow") if progress: pb.clear() if verbose: print "Ending, outputing XML" if use_file_out: ElementTree(tree).write(file_out) else: dump(tree)
def generate_docs(): """The main function.""" tree = read_xml() # Create a simple list to capture all of the STIGs stig_ids = [] # Create defaultdicts to hold information to build our table of # contents files for sphinx. all_deployer_notes = defaultdict(list) severity = defaultdict(list) tag = defaultdict(list) status = defaultdict(list) # Loop through the groups and extract rules group_elements = tree.findall(".//{}Group".format(XCCDF_NAMESPACE)) for group_element in group_elements: rule_element = group_element.find("{}Rule".format(XCCDF_NAMESPACE)) # Build a dictionary with all of our rule data. rule = { 'id': group_element.attrib['id'], 'title': rule_element.find("{}title".format(XCCDF_NAMESPACE)).text, 'severity': rule_element.attrib['severity'], 'fix': rule_element.find("{}fixtext".format(XCCDF_NAMESPACE)).text, 'check': rule_element.find( "{0}check/{0}check-content".format(XCCDF_NAMESPACE)).text, 'ident': [ x.text for x in rule_element.findall("{}ident".format( XCCDF_NAMESPACE)) ], } # The description has badly formed XML in it, so we need to hack it up # and turn those tags into a dictionary. description = rule_element.find( "{}description".format(XCCDF_NAMESPACE)).text parser = XMLParser() temp = fromstring("<root>{0}</root>".format(description), parser) rule['description'] = {x.tag: x.text for x in temp.iter()} # Get the deployer notes from YAML deployer_notes = get_deployer_notes(rule['id']) if deployer_notes: rule['deployer_notes'] = deployer_notes all_deployer_notes[rule['id']] = rule stig_ids.append(rule['id']) severity[rule['severity']].append(rule['id']) status[deployer_notes['status']].append(rule['id']) tag[deployer_notes['tag']].append(rule['id']) keyorder = ['high', 'medium', 'low'] severity = OrderedDict( sorted(severity.items(), key=lambda x: keyorder.index(x[0]))) status = OrderedDict(sorted(status.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])) tag = OrderedDict(sorted(tag.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])) all_toc = render_all(stig_ids, all_deployer_notes) severity_toc = render_toc('severity', severity, all_deployer_notes) status_toc = render_toc('implementation status', status, all_deployer_notes) # Make sure auto_ files exist for all domains to avoid sphinx include errors domains = glob.glob("{}/rhel7/domains/*.rst".format(DOC_SOURCE_DIR)) for domain in domains: domain = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(domain))[0] if not domain.startswith("auto_"): fname = "{0}/rhel7/domains/auto_{1}.rst".format( DOC_SOURCE_DIR, domain) open(fname, 'a').close() # Write the docs for each tag to individual files so we can include them # from doc files in the domains folder. unique_tags = [x for x, y in tag.items()] for unique_tag in unique_tags: tag_toc = render_toc_partial(None, {unique_tag: tag[unique_tag]}, all_deployer_notes) write_file("rhel7/domains/auto_{}.rst".format(unique_tag), tag_toc) write_file("rhel7/auto_controls-all.rst", all_toc) write_file("rhel7/auto_controls-by-severity.rst", severity_toc) write_file("rhel7/auto_controls-by-status.rst", status_toc)
def __init__(self, rules): self._tree = fromstring(rules) self._maxDepth = int(self._tree.get("max_depth")) self._maxThreads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() self._availableThreads = self._maxThreads - 1 self._progressCount = 0
def Evaluate(rules, seed=0): """ Takes an XML string (see the Library) and return a list of shapes. Each shape is a 2-tuple: (shape name, transform matrix). """ def radians(d): return float(d * 3.141 / 180.0) def pick_rule(tree, name): rules = tree.findall("rule") elements = [] for r in rules: if r.get("name") == name: elements.append(r) if len(elements) == 0: print "Error, no rules found with name '%s'" % name quit() sum, tuples = 0, [] for e in elements: weight = int(e.get("weight", 1)) sum = sum + weight tuples.append((e, weight)) n = random.randint(0, sum - 1) for (item, weight) in tuples: if n < weight: break n = n - weight return item def parse_xform(xform_string): matrix = Matrix4.new_identity() tokens = xform_string.split(' ') t = 0 while t < len(tokens) - 1: command, t = tokens[t], t + 1 # Translation if command == 'tx': x, t = float(tokens[t]), t + 1 matrix *= Matrix4.new_translate(x, 0, 0) elif command == 'ty': y, t = float(tokens[t]), t + 1 matrix *= Matrix4.new_translate(0, y, 0) elif command == 'tz': z, t = float(tokens[t]), t + 1 matrix *= Matrix4.new_translate(0, 0, z) elif command == 't': x, t = float(tokens[t]), t + 1 y, t = float(tokens[t]), t + 1 z, t = float(tokens[t]), t + 1 matrix *= Matrix4.new_translate(x, y, z) # Rotation elif command == 'rx': theta, t = radians(float(tokens[t])), t + 1 matrix *= Matrix4.new_rotatex(theta) elif command == 'ry': theta, t = radians(float(tokens[t])), t + 1 matrix *= Matrix4.new_rotatey(theta) elif command == 'rz': theta, t = radians(float(tokens[t])), t + 1 matrix *= Matrix4.new_rotatez(theta) # Scale elif command == 'sx': x, t = float(tokens[t]), t + 1 matrix *= Matrix4.new_scale(x, 1, 1) elif command == 'sy': y, t = float(tokens[t]), t + 1 matrix *= Matrix4.new_scale(1, y, 1) elif command == 'sz': z, t = float(tokens[t]), t + 1 matrix *= Matrix4.new_scale(1, 1, z) elif command == 'sa': v, t = float(tokens[t]), t + 1 x, y, z = v, v, v matrix *= Matrix4.new_scale(x, y, z) elif command == 's': x, t = float(tokens[t]), t + 1 y, t = float(tokens[t]), t + 1 z, t = float(tokens[t]), t + 1 matrix *= Matrix4.new_scale(x, y, z) else: print "unrecognized transformation: '%s' at position %d in '%s'" % ( command, t, xform_string) quit() return matrix random.seed(seed) tree = fromstring(rules) entry = pick_rule(tree, "entry") shapes = [] stack = [] stack.append((entry, 0, Matrix4.new_identity())) max_depth = int(tree.get("max_depth")) progressCount = 0 print "Evaluating Lindenmayer system", while len(stack) > 0: if len(shapes) > progressCount + 1000: print ".", progressCount = len(shapes) rule, depth, matrix = stack.pop() local_max_depth = max_depth if "max_depth" in rule.attrib: local_max_depth = int(rule.get("max_depth")) if len(stack) >= max_depth: shapes.append(None) continue if depth >= local_max_depth: if "successor" in rule.attrib: successor = rule.get("successor") rule = pick_rule(tree, successor) stack.append((rule, 0, matrix)) shapes.append(None) continue for statement in rule: xform = parse_xform(statement.get("transforms", "")) count = int(statement.get("count", 1)) for n in xrange(count): matrix *= xform if statement.tag == "call": rule = pick_rule(tree, statement.get("rule")) cloned_matrix = matrix.copy() stack.append((rule, depth + 1, cloned_matrix)) elif statement.tag == "instance": name = statement.get("shape") if name == "curve": P = Point3(0, 0, 0) N = Vector3(0, 0, 1) P = matrix * P N = matrix.upperLeft() * N shapes.append((P, N)) elif name == "box": P = matrix * Point3(0, 0, 0) X = 0.2 U = matrix.upperLeft() * Vector3(X, 0, 0) V = matrix.upperLeft() * Vector3(0, X, 0) W = matrix.upperLeft() * Vector3(0, 0, X) shapes.append((P, U, V, W)) else: shape = (name, matrix) shapes.append(shape) else: print "malformed xml" quit() print "\nGenerated %d shapes." % len(shapes) return shapes
def generate_docs(app, config): """The main function.""" metadata_dir = "{0}/{1}".format(DOC_SOURCE_DIR, config.stig_metadata_dir) ansible_dir = "{0}/{1}".format(DOC_SOURCE_DIR, config.stig_ansible_dir) ansible_task_filenames = config.stig_ansible_task_filenames xccdf_file = config.stig_xccdf_file xccdf_namespace = config.stig_xccdf_namespace control_statuses = config.stig_control_statuses control_statuses_order = config.stig_control_statuses_order control_severities = config.stig_control_severities jinja_env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(metadata_dir), trim_blocks=True, keep_trailing_newline=False, ) jinja_env.filters['addmonospace'] = add_monospace tree = read_xml(metadata_dir, xccdf_file) # Read in control implementations from Ansible task files tasks = parse_ansible_tasks(ansible_dir, ansible_task_filenames) # Create a simple list to capture all of the STIGs stig_ids = [] # Create defaultdicts to hold information to build our table of # contents files for sphinx. all_rules = defaultdict(list) # Prepopulate with control severities severity = defaultdict(list) [severity[s] for s in control_severities] # Prepopulate possible control statuses status = defaultdict(list) [status[v] for k, v in control_statuses.items() if k != 'missing'] # Loop through the groups and extract rules group_elements = tree.findall(".//{}Group".format(xccdf_namespace)) for group_element in group_elements: rule_element = group_element.find("{}Rule".format(xccdf_namespace)) # Build a dictionary with all of our rule data. rule = { 'id': rule_element.find("{}version".format(xccdf_namespace)).text, 'vuln_id': group_element.attrib['id'], 'title': rule_element.find("{}title".format(xccdf_namespace)).text, 'severity': rule_element.attrib['severity'], 'fix': rule_element.find("{}fixtext".format(xccdf_namespace)).text, 'check': rule_element.find( "{0}check/{0}check-content".format(xccdf_namespace)).text, 'ident': [ x.text for x in rule_element.findall("{}ident".format( xccdf_namespace)) ], } rule_tasks = tasks[rule['id']] rule['status'] = control_statuses['default'] rule['vars'] = [] rule['tags'] = [] if not rule_tasks: rule['status'] = control_statuses['missing'] for item in rule_tasks: tags = item.get('tags') conditionals = item.get('when') # All controls have an on/off var named after the STIG ID in form # rhel_07_###### so we add that here without relying on parser. # rule['vars'].append({'key': rule['id'].lower().replace('-','_'), 'value': 'true'}) if conditionals is None: rule['vars'].append(rule['id'].lower().replace('-', '_')) else: if type(conditionals) is str: conditionals = [conditionals] for c in conditionals: rule['vars'].append(c) # Implementation status parsing for key, value in control_statuses.items(): if key in str(item.get('when')): rule['status'] = value # Grab the tags if tags: rule['tags'] = tags # Check if notimplemented is in tags and update status if 'notimplemented' in tags: rule['status'] = control_statuses['missing'] # The description has badly formed XML in it, so we need to hack it up # and turn those tags into a dictionary. description = rule_element.find( "{}description".format(xccdf_namespace)).text parser = XMLParser() temp = fromstring("<root>{0}</root>".format(description), parser) rule['description'] = {x.tag: x.text for x in temp.iter()} # Get the deployer notes deployer_notes = get_deployer_notes(metadata_dir + '/notes', rule['id']) rule['deployer_notes'] = deployer_notes all_rules[rule['id']] = rule stig_ids.append(rule['id']) severity[rule['severity']].append(rule['id']) status[rule['status']].append(rule['id']) sev_sort_order = {s: i for i, s in enumerate(control_severities)} status_sort_order = {s: i for i, s in enumerate(control_statuses_order)} all_toc = render_all(jinja_env, stig_ids, all_rules) severity_toc = render_toc(jinja_env, 'severity', severity, all_rules, sev_sort_order) status_toc = render_toc(jinja_env, 'status', status, all_rules, status_sort_order) write_file("auto_controls-all.rst", all_toc) write_file("auto_controls-by-severity.rst", severity_toc) write_file("auto_controls-by-status.rst", status_toc)