コード例 #1
ファイル: generativeDefiner.py プロジェクト: prohippo/pyelly
    def _ifTest ( negn , rs ):

        add conditional test at start of block according to type of arguments
            negn - any negation of test
            rs   - argument string
            True on success, False otherwise

#       print "ifTest" , len(backl) , rs
        if len(rs) == 0:
            return _err('incomplete IF or ELIF or WHILE')

        if rs[0] == '[': # testing semantic feature?
            k = rs.find(']')
            if k < 0 or negn > 0:
                return _err('malformed semantic features: ' + rs)
#           print 'features=' , rs[0:k+1]
            fs = stb.getFeatureSet(rs[1:k].lower(),True)
            if fs == None:
                return _err('bad semantic features')
#           print 'bits=' , unicode(fs[0]) , unicode(fs[1])
            test = ellyBits.join(fs[0],fs[1])
#           print 'test=' , test
            store.extend([ semanticCommand.Gchkf , test ])
        else:            # testing local variable
            ar = _eqsplit(rs)
#           print 'ar=' , len(ar) , ar
            if len(ar) < 2:
                return _err('missing conditional test comparison')
            ls = ar[1].split(', ') # separator must be a comma followed by space!
            store.extend([ semanticCommand.Gchck+negn , ar[0].lower() , ls ])
        return True
コード例 #2
def _leftside ( stb , txt ):

    process conditions for a clause and store

        stb  - symbol table
        txt  - string input for single clause

        predicate list on success, None otherwise

#   print "left side"
    pred = [ ]
    txt = txt.strip()

    while len(txt) > 0:
        side = txt[0]
        txt = txt[1:].lstrip()
        if len(txt) == 0:
            _err('malformed clause condition')
            return None

        k = 0

        if txt[0] == '[':                   # semantic feature check?
            k = txt.find(']')               # if so, look for closing bracket
            if k < 0:
                return _err('incomplete semantic features to check')
            p = txt[:k+1]                   # get semantic features

#           print "condition:",p
                f = featureSpecification.FeatureSpecification(stb,p,'semantic')
            except ellyException.FormatFailure:
                return _err('bad semantic features')
            op = semanticCommand.Crhtf if side == 'r' else semanticCommand.Clftf
#           print 'test:' , f.positive.hexadecimal() , f.negative.hexadecimal()
            test = ellyBits.join(f.positive,f.negative)
#           print test
            pred.append([ op , test ])

        elif txt[0] == '(':                 # semantic concept check?
#           print "txt=\"" + txt +"\""
            k = txt.find(')')               # if so, look for closing parenthesis
            if k < 0:
                return _err('incomplete concept check')
            s = txt[1:k].strip().upper()    # normalize concepts
            p = s.split(',')                # allow for multiple disjunctive checks
#           print "p=\"" + p + "\""

            op = semanticCommand.Crhtc if side == 'r' else semanticCommand.Clftc
            pred.append([ op , p ])

        txt = txt[k+1:].lstrip()            # advance to next predicate

#       print "NEXT"

    return pred
コード例 #3
    def _ifTest ( negn , rs ):

        add conditional test at start of block according to type of arguments
            negn - any negation of test
            rs   - argument string
            True on success, False otherwise

#       print ( "ifTest" , len(backl) , rs )
        if len(rs) == 0:
            return _err('incomplete IF or ELIF or WHILE')

        if rs[0] == '[': # testing semantic feature?
            k = rs.find(']')
            if k < 0 or negn > 0:
                return _err('malformed semantic features: ' + rs)
#           print ( 'features=' , rs[0:k+1] )
            fs = stb.getFeatureSet(rs[1:k].lower(),True)
            if fs == None:
                return _err('bad semantic features')
#           print ( 'bits=' , str(fs[0]) , str(fs[1]) )
            test = ellyBits.join(fs[0],fs[1])
#           print ( 'test=' , test )
            store.extend([ semanticCommand.Gchkf , test ])
        else:            # testing local variable
            ar = _eqsplit(rs)
#           print ( 'ar=' , len(ar) , ar )
            if len(ar) < 2:
                return _err('missing conditional test comparison')
            ls = ar[1].split(', ') # separator must be a comma followed by space!
            store.extend([ semanticCommand.Gchck+negn , ar[0].lower() , ls ])
        return True
コード例 #4
    def makeTest ( self ):

        concatenate positive and negative bits of feature set for testing


            joined bit string to be applied in testing

        return ellyBits.join(self.positive,self.negative)
コード例 #5
    def makeTest ( self ):

        concatenate positive and negative bits of feature set for testing


            joined bit string to be applied in testing

        return ellyBits.join(self.positive,self.negative)
コード例 #6
ファイル: cognitiveDefiner.py プロジェクト: prohippo/pyelly
def _leftside ( stb , txt , sta ):

    process conditions for a clause and store

        stb  - symbol table
        txt  - string input for left side of single clause
        sta   - for status reporting

        predicate list on success, None otherwise

#   print "left side"
    pred = [ ]
    txt = txt.rstrip()

    while len(txt) > 0:
        txt = txt.lstrip()
#       print 'clause=' , txt
        if len(txt) <= 1:
            _err('malformed conditions for clause')
            return None
        side = txt[0]
        txt = txt[1:]

        if side in [ 'n' , 'p' , 'c' ]:
            sns = txt[0]
            txt = txt[1:]
            if sns != '<' and sns != '>':
                _err('invalid comparison in clause condition=' + sns)
                return None
            if side == 'n':
                op = semanticCommand.Cngt if sns == '>' else semanticCommand.Cnlt
            elif side == 'p':
                op = semanticCommand.Cpgt if sns == '>' else semanticCommand.Cplt
                op = semanticCommand.Ccgt if sns == '>' else semanticCommand.Cclt
            nd = 0
            lt = len(txt)
            while nd < lt:
                if not ellyChar.isDigit(txt[nd]): break
                nd += 1
            if nd == 0:
                _err('no token count for condition')
                return None
            test = int(txt[:nd])
            txt = txt[nd:]
            pred.append([ op , test ])
        if not side in [ 'l' , 'r' ]:
            _err('invalid side for test=' + side)
            return None
        k = 0
        if txt[0] == '[':                   # semantic feature check?
            k = txt.find(']')               # if so, look for closing bracket
            if k < 0:
                return _err('incomplete semantic features to check')
            p = txt[:k+1]                   # get semantic feature string

#           print "side:" , side , "test:" , p

                f = featureSpecification.FeatureSpecification(stb,p,semantic=True)
            except ellyException.FormatFailure:
                return _err('bad semantic features to check')

            if side == 'l':
                if sta.id[lS] == None:
                    sta.id[lS] = f.id
                elif f.id != sta.id[lS]:
                    _err('inconsistency: left features=' + p)
                    return None
                if sta.id[rS] == None:
                    sta.id[rS] = f.id
                elif f.id != sta.id[rS]:
                    _err('inconsistency: right features=' + p)
                    return None

            op = semanticCommand.Crhtf if side == 'r' else semanticCommand.Clftf

            if side == 'r':
                sta.rht = f
                sta.lft = f
#           print 'test:' , f.positive.hexadecimal() , f.negative.hexadecimal()
            test = ellyBits.join(f.positive,f.negative)
#           print test
            pred.append([ op , test ])

        elif txt[0] == '(':                 # semantic concept check?
#           print "txt=\"" + txt +"\""
            k = txt.find(')')               # if so, look for closing parenthesis
            if k < 0:
                return _err('incomplete concept check')
            s = txt[1:k].strip().upper()    # normalize concepts
            p = s.split(',')                # allow for multiple disjunctive checks
#           print "p=\"" + p + "\""

            op = semanticCommand.Crhtc if side == 'r' else semanticCommand.Clftc
            pred.append([ op , p ])

            _err('unknown test in clause=' + side + txt)
            return None

        txt = txt[k+1:].lstrip()            # advance to next predicate

#       print "NEXT"

    return pred
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, syms, defn=None):

            self  -
            syms  - symbol table for grammar
            defn  - EllyDefinitionReader grammar definition

            TableFailure on error

        self.initzn = []  # preset global variables
        self.proc = {}  # named semantic procedures
        self.dctn = {}  # builtin words and semantics
        self.pndx = {}  # standalone procedures
        self.extens = []  # 1-branch rule
        self.splits = []  # 2-branch rule
        for _ in range(symbolTable.NMAX):
                [])  # list of 1-branch rules for each syntax type
                [])  # list of 2-branch rules for each syntax type`

        self.mat = derivabilityMatrix.DerivabilityMatrix(symbolTable.NMAX)

        # coding of predefined syntax types

        self.START = syms.getSyntaxTypeIndexNumber('sent')
        self.END = syms.getSyntaxTypeIndexNumber('end')
        self.UNKN = syms.getSyntaxTypeIndexNumber('unkn')
        self.SEPR = syms.getSyntaxTypeIndexNumber('sepr')
        self.XXX = syms.getSyntaxTypeIndexNumber('...')

        # special rule for ... type going to null

        fets = ellyBits.EllyBits(symbolTable.FMAX)
        self.arbr = grammarRule.ExtendingRule(self.XXX, fets)
        self.arbr.cogs = None
        self.arbr.gens = compile(syms, 'g', [])

        # special rule for SENT->SENT END

        ru = grammarRule.SplittingRule(self.START, fets)
        ru.rtyp = self.END
        ru.ltfet = ru.rtfet = ellyBits.join(fets, fets)
        ru.cogs = None
        ru.gens = None

        # special rule for RS (ASCII record separator)

        ru = grammarRule.ExtendingRule(self.SEPR, fets)
        ru.cogs = None
        ru.gens = None
        self.dctn[ellyChar.RS] = [ru]  # should be only rule here ever

        # predefined generative semantic procedures

        self.pndx['defl'] = compile(syms, 'g', ['left'])
        self.pndx['defr'] = compile(syms, 'g', ['right'])
        self.pndx['deflr'] = compile(syms, 'g', ['left', 'right'])

        self.d1bp = self.pndx['defl']  # default 1-branch generative semantics
        self.d2bp = self.pndx['deflr']  # default 2-branch

        if defn != None:
            if not self.define(syms, defn):
                print >> sys.stderr, 'grammar table definition FAILed'
                raise ellyException.TableFailure
コード例 #8
ファイル: grammarTable.py プロジェクト: belkhir-nacim/pyelly
    def __init__ ( self , syms , defn=None ):


            self  -
            syms  - symbol table for grammar
            defn  - EllyDefinitionReader grammar definition

            TableFailure on error

        self.initzn = [ ] # preset global variables
        self.proc = { }   # named semantic procedures
        self.dctn = { }   # builtin words and semantics
        self.pndx = { }   # standalone procedures
        self.extens = [ ] # 1-branch rule
        self.splits = [ ] # 2-branch rule
        for _ in range(symbolTable.NMAX):
            self.extens.append([ ]) # list of 1-branch rules for each syntax type
            self.splits.append([ ]) # list of 2-branch rules for each syntax type`

        self.mat = derivabilityMatrix.DerivabilityMatrix(symbolTable.NMAX)

        # coding of predefined syntax types

        self.START = syms.getSyntaxTypeIndexNumber('sent')
        self.END   = syms.getSyntaxTypeIndexNumber('end')
        self.UNKN  = syms.getSyntaxTypeIndexNumber('unkn')
        self.XXX   = syms.getSyntaxTypeIndexNumber('...')

        # special rule for ... type going to null

        fets = ellyBits.EllyBits(symbolTable.FMAX)
        self.arbr = grammarRule.ExtendingRule(self.XXX,fets)
        self.arbr.cogs = None
        self.arbr.gens = compile(syms,'g',[ ])

        # special rule for SENT->SENT END

        ru = grammarRule.SplittingRule(self.START,fets)
        ru.rtyp = self.END
        ru.ltfet = ru.rtfet = ellyBits.join(fets,fets)
        ru.cogs = None
        ru.gens = None

        # predefined generative semantic procedures

        self.pndx['defl']  = compile(syms,'g',['left'])
        self.pndx['defr']  = compile(syms,'g',['right'])
        self.pndx['deflr'] = compile(syms,'g',['left','right'])

        self.d1bp = self.pndx['defl']  # default 1-branch generative semantics
        self.d2bp = self.pndx['deflr'] # default 2-branch

        if defn != None:
            if not self.define(syms,defn):
                print >> sys.stderr , 'grammar table definition FAILed'
                raise ellyException.TableFailure
コード例 #9
def _leftside(stb, txt, sta):
    process conditions for a clause and store

        stb  - symbol table
        txt  - string input for left side of single clause
        sta   - for status reporting

        predicate list on success, None otherwise

    #   print ( "left side" )
    pred = []
    txt = txt.rstrip()

    while len(txt) > 0:
        txt = txt.lstrip()
        #       print ( 'clause=' , txt )
        if len(txt) <= 1:
            _err('malformed conditions for clause')
            return None
        side = txt[0]
        txt = txt[1:]

        if side in ['n', 'p', 'c']:
            sns = txt[0]
            txt = txt[1:]
            if sns != '<' and sns != '>':
                _err('invalid comparison in clause condition=' + sns)
                return None
            if side == 'n':
                op = semanticCommand.Cngt if sns == '>' else semanticCommand.Cnlt
            elif side == 'p':
                op = semanticCommand.Cpgt if sns == '>' else semanticCommand.Cplt
                op = semanticCommand.Ccgt if sns == '>' else semanticCommand.Cclt
            nd = 0
            lt = len(txt)
            while nd < lt:
                if not ellyChar.isDigit(txt[nd]): break
                nd += 1
            if nd == 0:
                _err('no token count for condition')
                return None
            test = int(txt[:nd])
            txt = txt[nd:]
            pred.append([op, test])
        if not side in ['l', 'r']:
            _err('invalid side for test=' + side)
            return None
        k = 0
        if txt[0] == '[':  # semantic feature check?
            k = txt.find(']')  # if so, look for closing bracket
            if k < 0:
                return _err('incomplete semantic features to check')
            p = txt[:k + 1]  # get semantic feature string

            #           print ( "side:" , side , "test:" , p )

                f = featureSpecification.FeatureSpecification(stb,
            except ellyException.FormatFailure:
                return _err('bad semantic features to check')

            if side == 'l':
                if sta.id[lS] == None:
                    sta.id[lS] = f.id
                elif f.id != sta.id[lS]:
                    _err('inconsistency: left features=' + p)
                    return None
                if sta.id[rS] == None:
                    sta.id[rS] = f.id
                elif f.id != sta.id[rS]:
                    _err('inconsistency: right features=' + p)
                    return None

            op = semanticCommand.Crhtf if side == 'r' else semanticCommand.Clftf

            if side == 'r':
                sta.rht = f
                sta.lft = f
#           print ( 'test:' , f.positive.hexadecimal() , f.negative.hexadecimal() )
            test = ellyBits.join(f.positive, f.negative)
            #           print ( test )
            pred.append([op, test])

        elif txt[0] == '(':  # semantic concept check?
            #           print ( "txt=\"" + txt +"\"" )
            k = txt.find(')')  # if so, look for closing parenthesis
            if k < 0:
                return _err('incomplete concept check')
            s = txt[1:k].strip().upper()  # normalize concepts
            p = s.split(',')  # allow for multiple disjunctive checks
            #           print ( "p=\"" + p + "\"" )

            op = semanticCommand.Crhtc if side == 'r' else semanticCommand.Clftc
            pred.append([op, p])

            _err('unknown test in clause=' + side + txt)
            return None

        txt = txt[k + 1:].lstrip()  # advance to next predicate

#       print ( "NEXT" )

    return pred