def start(self, name=''): """ Start a threaded instance of self.start_server() and store it in the self.threads dictionary keyed by the listener name. """ listenerOptions = self.options if name and name != '': self.threads[name] = helpers.KThread(target=self.start_server, args=(listenerOptions,)) self.threads[name].start() time.sleep(1) # returns True if the listener successfully started, false otherwise return self.threads[name].is_alive() else: name = listenerOptions['Name']['Value'] self.threads[name] = helpers.KThread(target=self.start_server, args=(listenerOptions,)) self.threads[name].start() time.sleep(1) # returns True if the listener successfully started, false otherwise return self.threads[name].is_alive()
def do_csharpserver(self, *args): """ Check if the Empire C# server is already running. """ if len(args[0]) > 0: self.start = args[0] else: self.start = self.options['status']['Value'] if not self.csharpserver_proc or self.csharpserver_proc.poll(): self.status = "OFF" else: self.status = "ON" if not args: self.main_menu.plugin_socketio_message([0]['Name'], "[*] Empire C# server is currently: %s" % self.status) self.main_menu.plugin_socketio_message([0]['Name'], "[!] Empire C# <start|stop> <port>") elif self.start == "stop": if self.status == "ON": self.csharpserver_proc.kill() self.main_menu.plugin_socketio_message([0]['Name'], "[*] Stopping Empire C# server") self.status = "OFF" else: self.main_menu.plugin_socketio_message([0]['Name'], "[!] Empire C# server is already stopped") elif self.start == "start": if self.status == "OFF": # Will need to update this as we finalize the folder structure server_dll = self.installPath + "/csharp/Covenant/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/EmpireCompiler.dll" # If dll hasn't been built yet if not os.path.exists(server_dll): csharp_cmd = ["dotnet", "build", self.installPath + "/csharp/"] self.csharpserverbuild_proc = subprocess.Popen(csharp_cmd) time.sleep(10) self.csharpserverbuild_proc.kill() self.main_menu.plugin_socketio_message([0]['Name'], "[*] Starting Empire C# server") csharp_cmd = ["dotnet", self.installPath + "/csharp/Covenant/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/EmpireCompiler.dll"] self.csharpserver_proc = subprocess.Popen(csharp_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.status = "ON" else: self.main_menu.plugin_socketio_message([0]['Name'], "[!] Empire C# server is already started") thread = helpers.KThread(target=self.thread_csharp_responses, args=()) thread.daemon = True thread.start()