コード例 #1
def render(host_dict: dict,
           parasite_dict: dict,
           recon_dict: dict,
           event_scores: Dict[tuple, float] = None,
           axes: Union[plt.Axes, None] = None):
    """ Renders a reconciliation using matplotlib
    :param host_dict:  Host tree represented in dictionary format
    :param parasite_dict:  Parasite tree represented in dictionary format
    :param recon_dict: Reconciliation represented in dictionary format
    :param axes: If specified, draw on the axes instead of creating a new figure
    # convert host and parasite dicts to objects and populate nodes with their temporal order
    host_tree, parasite_tree, consistency_type = utils.build_trees_with_temporal_order(
        host_dict, parasite_dict, recon_dict)
    recon = utils.dict_to_reconciliation(recon_dict, event_scores)

    fig = plot_tools.FigureWrapper(consistency_type, axes)
    if consistency_type != utils.ConsistencyType.NO_CONSISTENCY:
        render_host(fig, host_tree, show_internal_labels)
        host_lookup = host_tree.name_to_node_dict()
        render_parasite(fig, parasite_tree, recon, host_lookup,
                        show_internal_labels, show_freq)
    return fig
コード例 #2
def render(host_dict: dict, parasite_dict: dict, tip_mapping: dict, show_internal_labels: bool, ax: plt.Axes = None) \
        -> plot_tools.FigureWrapper:
    Render tanglegram
    :param host_dict - host tree (dictionary representation)
    :param parasite_dict - parasite tree (dictionary representation)
    :param tip_mapping - tip mapping dictionary
    :param show_internal_labels - boolean indicator of whether internal node names should
        be displayed
    :param ax - draw on Axes instead if available
    :return FigureWrapper object 
    global _g_host_counter
    global _g_parasite_counter
    _g_host_counter = 0
    _g_parasite_counter = 0

    fig = plot_tools.FigureWrapper("Host | Parasite", axes=ax)
    host_tree = utils.dict_to_tree(host_dict, tree.TreeType.HOST)
    parasite_tree = utils.dict_to_tree(parasite_dict, tree.TreeType.PARASITE)
    _render_helper_host(fig, host_tree.root_node, show_internal_labels)
    _render_helper_parasite(fig, parasite_tree.root_node, show_internal_labels)

    host_dict = {}
    for host in host_tree.leaf_list():
        host_dict[host.name] = host

    # connect hosts leaves to parasite leaves
    for leaf in parasite_tree.leaf_list():
        parasite = leaf
        host = host_dict[tip_mapping[leaf.name]]
        fig.line((host.layout.col, host.layout.row), (parasite.layout.col, parasite.layout.row),
                 col=render_settings.GRAY, linestyle='--')
    return fig
コード例 #3
def render(
    host_dict: dict,
    parasite_dict: dict,
    recon_dict: dict,
    event_frequencies: Dict[tuple, float] = None,
    show_internal_labels: bool = False,
    show_freq: bool = False,
    show_legend: bool = False,
    node_font_size: float = 0.3,
    axes: Union[plt.Axes, None] = None,
    """ Renders a reconciliation using matplotlib
    :param host_dict:  Host tree represented in dictionary format
    :param parasite_dict:  Parasite tree represented in dictionary format
    :param recon_dict: Reconciliation represented in dictionary format
    :param event_frequencies: Dictionary that maps event tuples to their frequencies
    :param show_internal_labels: Boolean that determines wheter internal labels are shown or not
    :param show_freq: Boolean that determines whether event frequencies are shown or not
    :param axes: If specified, draw on the axes instead of creating a new figure
    :return Figure Object
    host_tree, parasite_tree, consistency_type = utils.build_trees_with_temporal_order(
        host_dict, parasite_dict, recon_dict)
    recon_obj = utils.dict_to_reconciliation(recon_dict, event_frequencies)

    # Checks to see if the trees(or reconciliation) are empty
    if host_tree is None or parasite_tree is None or recon_obj is None:
        return None

    fig = plot_tools.FigureWrapper(render_settings.TREE_TITLE, axes)

    if show_legend:
        _create_legend(fig, consistency_type)

    font_size = node_font_size

    root = parasite_tree.root_node
    host_lookup = host_tree.name_to_node_dict()
    parasite_lookup = parasite_tree.name_to_node_dict()

    # Populate Host Nodes with track count
    _populate_host_tracks(root, recon_obj, host_lookup)

    # Render Host Tree
    _render_host(fig, host_tree, show_internal_labels, font_size)

    # Sets the offsets between tracks on each host node

    # Determine the length of the longest string in the host tree's leaf list
    longest_host_name = max([len(leaf.name) for leaf in host_tree.leaf_list()])
    # Render Parasite Tree
    _render_parasite(fig, parasite_tree, recon_obj, host_lookup,
                     parasite_lookup, show_internal_labels, show_freq,
                     font_size, longest_host_name)

    return fig