コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, data, srcpos, ndir=1, sys=sys):
     # Build source parameter struct for PmatPtsrc
     self.params = np.zeros([srcpos.shape[-1], ndir, 8], np.float)
     self.params[:, :, :2] = srcpos[::-1, None, :].T
     self.params[:, :, 5:7] = 1
     scan = actscan.ACTScan(data.entry, d=data)
     self.psrc = pmat.PmatPtsrc(scan, self.params, sys=sys)
     self.pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
     # Extract basic offset
     self.off0 = data.point_correction
     self.off = self.off0 * 1
     self.el = np.mean(data.boresight[2, ::100])
     self.point_template = data.point_template
コード例 #2
ファイル: src_tod_fit.py プロジェクト: guanyilun/tenki
	def __init__(self, data, srcpos, res=0.25*utils.arcmin, rad=20*utils.arcmin, perdet=False, detoff=10*utils.arcmin):
		scan = actscan.ACTScan(data.entry, d=data)
		if perdet:
			# Offset each detector's pointing so that we produce a grid of images, one per detector.
			gside  = int(np.ceil(data.ndet**0.5))
			goffs  = np.mgrid[:gside,:gside] - (gside-1)/2.0
			goffs  = goffs.reshape(2,-1).T[:data.ndet]*detoff
			scan.offsets = scan.offsets.copy()
			scan.offsets[:,1:] += goffs
			rad    = rad + np.max(np.abs(goffs))
		# Build geometry for each source
		shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-rad,-rad],[rad,rad]], res=res, proj="car")
		area = enmap.zeros((3,)+shape, wcs, dtype=data.tod.dtype)
		self.pmats = []
		for i, pos in enumerate(srcpos.T):
			if planet: sys = src_sys
			else:      sys = ["icrs",[np.array([[pos[0]],[pos[1]],[0],[0]]),False]]
			with config.override("pmat_accuracy", 10):
				self.pmats.append(pmat.PmatMap(scan, area, sys=sys))
		self.shape = (len(srcpos.T),3)+shape
		self.wcs   = wcs
コード例 #3
def map_cuts(entry,
    Project hits and hits-cuts onto the sky.

    entry : filedb.data object
    data : actdata instance
    hitmap : (1, ny, nx) enmap
    cutmap : (1, ny, nx) enmap
    keep_buffer : bool, optional
        Do not remove the 200 sample buffers before and after cuts.
    common_frac : float, optional
        Do not consider cuts that are at least common to this
        fraction of detectors.

    scan = actscan.ACTScan(entry, d=data)
    pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, hitmap)
    cut = data.cut

    if nocommon_frac is not None:
        cut = remove_common(cut, frac=nocommon_frac)

    if keep_buffer is False:
        cut = remove_buffer(cut)

    tod = np.full([data.ndet, data.nsamp], 1.0, dtype)
    pmap.backward(tod, hitmap)
    sampcut.gapfill_const(cut, tod, 0.0, inplace=True)
    pmap.backward(tod, cutmap)
コード例 #4
ファイル: planet_map.py プロジェクト: msyriac/tenki
	print asens
	with bench.show("smooth"):
		ft   = fft.rfft(model)
		freq = fft.rfftfreq(model.shape[-1])*d.srate
		flt  = 1/(1+(freq/model_fknee)**model_alpha)
		ft  *= flt
		fft.ifft(ft, model, normalize=True)
		del ft, flt, freq
	with bench.show("atm subtract"):
		tod -= model
		del model
		tod  = tod.astype(dtype, copy=False)
	# Should now be reasonably clean of correlated noise.
	# Proceed to make simple binned map
	with bench.show("actscan"):
		scan = actscan.ACTScan(entry, d=d)
	with bench.show("pmat"):
		pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, area, sys=sys)
		pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
		rhs  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+shape, area.wcs, dtype)
		div  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,ncomp)+shape, area.wcs, dtype)
		junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype)
	with bench.show("rhs"):
		tod *= ivar[:,None]
		pcut.backward(tod, junk)
		pmap.backward(tod, rhs)
	with bench.show("hits"):
		for i in range(ncomp):
			div[i,i] = 1
			pmap.forward(tod, div[i])
			tod *= ivar[:,None]
コード例 #5
        except WorkspaceError as e:
            L.debug("Skipped pattern %s (%s)" % (wid, e.message))
        print "%-18s %5d %5d" % ((wid, ) + tuple(wgeo.shape[-2:]))
        tot_work = Workspace(wgeo)
        oname = "%s/%s.hdf" % (args.odir, wid)

        # And process the tods that fall within this workspace
        for ind in range(comm.rank, len(ids), comm.size):
            id = ids[ind]
            entry = filedb.data[id]
                d = actscan.ACTScan(entry)
                if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0:
                    raise errors.DataMissing("Tod contains no valid data")
                d = d[:, ::downsample]
                d = d[:, :]
            except errors.DataMissing as e:
                L.debug("Skipped %s (%s)" % (id, e.message))
            L.debug("Processing %s" % id)
            # Get the actual tod
            tod = d.get_samples()
            tod -= np.mean(tod, 1)[:, None]
            tod = tod.astype(dtype)
            # Compute the per-detector spectrum
            ft = fft.rfft(tod) * d.nsamp**-0.5
            tfilter, binds = measure_inv_noise_spectrum(ft, nbin)
コード例 #6
ファイル: tod2srcfile.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	return np.mean((blocks-m[:,None]-A[:,None]*s[None,:])**2,1)
def onlyfinite(a): return a[np.isfinite(a)]

# Process each scan independently
myinds = np.arange(len(filelist))[myid::nproc]
for ind in myinds:
	ofile = args.odir + "/%s.hdf" % filelist[ind]
	if args.c and os.path.isfile(ofile):
		L.info("Already done %s" % filelist[ind])
	L.info("Processing %s" % filelist[ind])
		d = scan.read_scan(filelist[ind])
	except (IOError, OSError):
			d = actscan.ACTScan(db[filelist[ind]])
			if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0: raise errors.DataMissing("all samples cut")
		except errors.DataMissing as e:
			L.debug("Skipped %s (%s)" % (filelist[ind], str(e)))
		L.debug("Reading samples")
		tod   = d.get_samples().astype(dtype)
	except errors.DataMissing as e:
		L.debug("Skipped %s (%s)" % (filelist[ind], str(e)))

	# Measure noise
	ivar = 1/np.array([np.median(onlyfinite(get_desloped_var(blockify(t,20)))) for t in tod])
		# Set up pmat for this scan
コード例 #7
            bid = id.replace(":", "_")
            root = args.odir + "/src%03d_%s_" % (si, bid)
            ofile = root + "main_map.fits"
            if os.path.isfile(ofile): continue
        tasks.append((si, id))

# Each task processes tasks independently
for ti in range(comm.rank, len(tasks), comm.size):
    si, id = tasks[ti]
    bid = id.replace(":", "_")
    L.info("Processing src %3d id %s" % (si, id))
    root = args.odir + "/src%03d_%s_" % (si, bid)
    entry = filedb.data[id]
    osys = "hor:%.6f_%.6f:cel/0_0:hor" % tuple(srcs[:2, si])
        scans = [actscan.ACTScan(entry)]
        if scans[0].nsamp == 0 or scans[0].ndet == 0:
            raise errors.DataMissing("no data in scan")
    except errors.DataMissing as e:
        print "Skipping %s: %s" % (id, str(e))
    # Signals
    signal_cut = mapmaking.SignalCut(scans, dtype=dtype, comm=tcomm)
    signal_map = mapmaking.SignalMap(scans, area, comm=tcomm, sys=osys)
    # Weights
    weights = [mapmaking.FilterWindow(config.get("tod_window"))]
    # And equation system
    eqsys = mapmaking.Eqsys(scans, [signal_cut, signal_map],
コード例 #8
ファイル: simtod.py プロジェクト: guanyilun/tenki
def get_scans(area, signal, bore, dets, noise, seed=0, real=None, noise_override=None):
	scans = []
	# Get real scan information if necessary
	if real:
		real_scans = []
		db   = filedb.data
		ids  = fileb.scans[real].ids
		for id in ids:
			except errors.DataMissing as e:
				L.debug("Skipped %s (%s)" % (id, str(e)))
	# Dets
	sim_dets = []
	toks = dets.split(":")
	if toks[0] == "scattered":
		ngroup, nper, rad = int(toks[1]), int(toks[2]), float(toks[3])
		sim_dets = [scansim.dets_scattered(ngroup, nper,rad=rad*np.pi/180/60)]
		margin   = rad*np.pi/180/60
	elif toks[0] == "real":
		ndet = int(toks[1])
		dslice = slice(0,ndet) if ndet > 0 else slice(None)
		sim_dets = [bunch.Bunch(comps=s.comps[dslice], offsets=s.offsets[dslice]) for s in real_scans]
		margin = np.max([np.sum(s.offsets**2,1)**0.5 for s in sim_dets])
	else: raise ValueError
	# Boresight. Determines our number of scans
	sim_bore = []
	toks = bore.split(":")
	if toks[0] == "grid":
		nscan, density, short = int(toks[1]), float(toks[2]), float(toks[3])
		for i in range(nscan):
			tbox = shorten(area.box(),i%2,short)
			sim_bore.append(scansim.scan_grid(tbox, density*np.pi/180/60, dir=i, margin=margin))
	elif toks[0] == "ces":
		nscan = int(toks[1])
		azs   = [float(w)*utils.degree for w in toks[2].split(",")]
		els   = [float(w)*utils.degree for w in toks[3].split(",")]
		mjd0  = float(toks[4])
		dur   = float(toks[5])
		azrate= float(toks[6]) if len(toks) > 6 else 1.5*utils.degree
		srate = float(toks[7]) if len(toks) > 7 else 400
		nsamp = utils.nint(dur*srate)
		for i in range(nscan):
			mjd  = mjd0 + dur*(i//(2*len(els)))/(24*3600)
			el   = els[(i//2)%len(els)]
			az1, az2 = azs
			if i%2 == 1: az1, az2 = -az2, -az1
			box = np.array([[az1,el],[az2,el]])
			sim_bore.append(scansim.scan_ceslike(nsamp, box, mjd0=mjd, srate=srate, azrate=azrate))
	elif toks[0] == "real":
		sim_bore = [bunch.Bunch(boresight=s.boresight, hwp_phase=s.hwp_phase, sys=s.sys, site=s.site, mjd0=s.mjd0) for s in real_scans]
	else: raise ValueError
	nsim = len(sim_bore)
	# Make one det info per scan
	sim_dets = sim_dets*(nsim/len(sim_dets))+sim_dets[:nsim%len(sim_dets)]
	# Noise
	sim_nmat = []
	toks = noise.split(":")
	nonoise = False
	if toks[0] == "1/f":
		sigma, alpha, fknee = [float(v) for v in toks[1:4]]
		nonoise = sigma < 0
		for i in range(nsim):
			sim_nmat.append(scansim.oneoverf_noise(sim_dets[i].comps.shape[0], sim_bore[i].boresight.shape[0], sigma=np.abs(sigma), alpha=alpha, fknee=fknee))
	elif toks[0] == "detcorr":
		sigma, alpha, fknee = [float(v) for v in toks[1:4]]
		nonoise = sigma < 0
		for i in range(nsim):
			sim_nmat.append(scansim.oneoverf_detcorr_noise(sim_dets[i].comps.shape[0], sim_bore[i].boresight.shape[0], sigma=np.abs(sigma), alpha=alpha, fknee=fknee))
	elif toks[0] == "real":
		scale = 1.0 if len(toks) < 2 else float(toks[1])
		for i,s in enumerate(real_scans):
			ndet = len(sim_dets[i].offsets)
			nmat = s.noise[:ndet]*scale**-2
	else: raise ValueError
	noise_scale = not nonoise if noise_override is None else noise_override
	sim_nmat = sim_nmat*(nsim/len(sim_nmat))+sim_nmat[:nsim%len(sim_nmat)]
	# Signal
	toks = signal.split(":")
	if toks[0] == "none":
		for i in range(nsim):
			scans.append(scansim.SimPlain(sim_bore[i], sim_dets[i], sim_nmat[i], seed=seed+i, noise_scale=noise_scale))
	elif toks[0] == "ptsrc":
		# This one always operates in the same coordinates as 
		nsrc, amp, fwhm = int(toks[1]), float(toks[2]), float(toks[3])
		sim_srcs = scansim.rand_srcs(area.box(), nsrc, amp, abs(fwhm)*np.pi/180/60, rand_fwhm=fwhm<0)
		for i in range(nsim):
			scans.append(scansim.SimSrcs(sim_bore[i], sim_dets[i], sim_srcs, sim_nmat[i], seed=seed+i, noise_scale=noise_scale))
	elif toks[0] == "vsrc":
		# Create a single variable source
		ra, dec, fwhm = float(toks[1])*np.pi/180, float(toks[2])*np.pi/180, float(toks[3])*np.pi/180/60
		amps = [float(t) for t in toks[4].split(",")]
		for i in range(nsim):
			sim_srcs = bunch.Bunch(pos=np.array([[dec,ra]]),amps=np.array([[amps[i],0,0,0]]), beam=np.array([fwhm/(8*np.log(2)**0.5)]))
			scans.append(scansim.SimSrcs(sim_bore[i], sim_dets[i], sim_srcs, sim_nmat[i], seed=seed+i, noise_scale=noise_scale, nsigma=20))
	elif toks[0] == "cmb":
		ps = powspec.read_spectrum(toks[1])
		sim_map  = enmap.rand_map(area.shape, area.wcs, ps)
		for i in range(nsim):
			scans.append(scansim.SimMap(sim_bore[i], sim_dets[i], sim_map,    sim_nmat[i], seed=seed+i, noise_scale=noise_scale))
	else: raise ValueError
	return scans
コード例 #9
        print("%s has 0 srcs: skipping" % id)
        nsrc = len(sids)
        print("%s has %d srcs: %s" % (id, nsrc, ", ".join(
            ["%d (%.1f)" % (i, a) for i, a in zip(sids, amps[sids])])))
    except TypeError as e:
        print("Weird: %s" % e)

    # Read the data
    entry = filedb.data[id]
        scan = actscan.ACTScan(entry, verbose=verbose >= 2)
        if scan.ndet < 2 or scan.nsamp < 1:
            raise errors.DataMissing("no data in tod")
    except errors.DataMissing as e:
        print("%s skipped: %s" % (id, e))
    # Apply downsampling
    scan = scan[:, ::down]
    # Prepeare our samples
    scan.tod = scan.get_samples()
    utils.deslope(scan.tod, w=5, inplace=True)
    scan.tod = scan.tod.astype(dtype)

    # Background subtraction
    if args.sub:
        Pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, background, sys=sys)
コード例 #10
            sshape, swcs = enmap.read_map_geometry(args.mapsub)
            pixbox = enmap.pixbox_of(swcs, shape, wcs)
            if not use_dmap:
                refmap = enmap.read_map(args.mapsub,
                refmap = dmap.read_map(args.mapsub,
            refmap = signal.prepare(refmap)

        # Get the frequency and beam for this chunk. We assume that
        # this is the same for every member of the chunk, so we only need
        # to do this for one scan
        scan = actscan.ACTScan(filedb.data[chunk_ids[inds[0]]])
        _, dets = actdata.split_detname(scan.dets)
        beam = scan.beam
        freq = scan.array_info.info.nom_freq[dets[0]]
        barea = planet9.calc_beam_area(scan.beam)
        # Get the conversion from ref-freq flux to observed amplitude. This includes
        # dilution by the beam area
        flux2amp = 1 / utils.flux_factor(barea, args.fref * 1e9, utils.T_cmb)
        fref2freq = utils.planck(freq * 1e9, args.Tref) / utils.planck(
            args.fref * 1e9, args.Tref)
        rfact = flux2amp * fref2freq * 1e3  # 1e3 for flux in mJy and amp in uK

        # only work will be 3,ny,nx. The rest are scalar. Will copy in-out as necessary
        work = signal.work()
        rhs = area[0]
        div = rhs.copy()