def main(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] enaml_file [script arguments]' parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=__doc__) parser.allow_interspersed_args = False parser.add_option('-c', '--component', default='Main', help='The component to view') parser.add_option( '-t', '--toolkit', default='default', help='The GUI toolkit to use [default: qt or ETS_TOOLKIT].') options, args = parser.parse_args() toolkit = prepare_toolkit(options.toolkit) if len(args) == 0: print 'No .enaml file specified' sys.exit() else: enaml_file = args[0] script_argv = args[1:] with open(enaml_file, 'rU') as f: enaml_code = # Parse and compile the Enaml source into a code object ast = parse(enaml_code, filename=enaml_file) code = EnamlCompiler.compile(ast, enaml_file) # Create a proper module in which to execute the compiled code so # that exceptions get reported with better meaning module = types.ModuleType('__main__') module.__file__ = enaml_file ns = module.__dict__ # Put the directory of the Enaml file first in the path so relative # imports can work. sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(enaml_file))) # Bung in the command line arguments. sys.argv = [enaml_file] + script_argv with imports(): exec code in ns requested = options.component if requested in ns: component = ns[requested] descr = 'Enaml-run "%s" view' % requested show_simple_view(component(), toolkit, descr) elif 'main' in ns: ns['main']() else: msg = "Could not find component '%s'" % options.component print msg
def main(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] enaml_file [script arguments]' parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=__doc__) parser.allow_interspersed_args = False parser.add_option( '-c', '--component', default='Main', help='The component to view' ) parser.add_option( '-t', '--toolkit', default='default', help='The GUI toolkit to use [default: qt or ETS_TOOLKIT].' ) options, args = parser.parse_args() toolkit = prepare_toolkit(options.toolkit) if len(args) == 0: print 'No .enaml file specified' sys.exit() else: enaml_file = args[0] script_argv = args[1:] with open(enaml_file, 'rU') as f: enaml_code = # Parse and compile the Enaml source into a code object ast = parse(enaml_code, filename=enaml_file) code = EnamlCompiler.compile(ast, enaml_file) # Create a proper module in which to execute the compiled code so # that exceptions get reported with better meaning module = types.ModuleType('__main__') module.__file__ = enaml_file ns = module.__dict__ # Put the directory of the Enaml file first in the path so relative # imports can work. sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(enaml_file))) # Bung in the command line arguments. sys.argv = [enaml_file] + script_argv with imports(): exec code in ns requested = options.component if requested in ns: component = ns[requested] descr = 'Enaml-run "%s" view' % requested show_simple_view(component(), toolkit, descr) elif 'main' in ns: ns['main']() else: msg = "Could not find component '%s'" % options.component print msg
while self._run: send = {} if self.io_controller.added_links: add = self.io_controller.added_links self.io_controller.added_links = [] send['add_link'] = add if self.io_controller.removed_links: remove = self.io_controller.removed_links self.io_controller.removed_links = [] send['remove_link'] = remove if self.io_controller.outputs: outputs = self.io_controller.outputs self.io_controller.outputs = {} send['out'] = outputs socket.send(json.dumps(send)) message = socket.recv() self.io_controller.set(**json.loads(message)) socket.close() if __name__ == '__main__': from enaml.stdlib.sessions import show_simple_view with enaml.imports(): from sensor_view import SensorViewWindow ip, port = sys.argv[1].split(':') sensor_app = SensorApp(ip=ip, port=port) window = SensorViewWindow(io_controller=sensor_app.io_controller) show_simple_view(window) sensor_app.stop()
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 2011, Enthought, Inc. # All rights reserved. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import enaml from enaml.stdlib.sessions import show_simple_view if __name__ == '__main__': with enaml.imports(): from hello_world_view import Main main_view = Main() show_simple_view(main_view)
with open(self.libFile, 'r') as FID: tmpLib = json.load(FID, cls=JSONHelpers.LibraryDecoder) if isinstance(tmpLib, SweepLibrary): self.sweepDict.update(tmpLib.sweepDict) del self.possibleInstrs[:] for instr in tmpLib.possibleInstrs: self.possibleInstrs.append(instr) del self.sweepOrder[:] for sweepStr in tmpLib.sweepOrder: self.sweepOrder.append(sweepStr) except IOError: print('No sweep library found.') if __name__ == "__main__": from instruments.MicrowaveSources import AgilentN5183A testSource1 = AgilentN5183A(name='TestSource1') testSource2 = AgilentN5183A(name='TestSource2') from Sweeps import Frequency, Power, SweepLibrary # sweepLib = SweepLibrary(possibleInstrs=[,]) # sweepLib.sweepDict.update({'TestSweep1':Frequency(name='TestSweep1', start=5, stop=6, step=0.1, # sweepLib.sweepDict.update({'TestSweep2':Power(name='TestSweep2', start=-20, stop=0, step=0.5, sweepLib = SweepLibrary(libFile='SweepLibrary.json') sweepLib.load_from_library() from enaml.stdlib.sessions import show_simple_view with enaml.imports(): from SweepsViews import SweepManagerWindow session = show_simple_view(SweepManagerWindow(sweepLib=sweepLib))
if self.current_sigma < self.min_sigma: self.current_sigma = self.min_sigma self.weights = np.hstack([np.array(w) for w in weights[::-1]]) self.current_weight = self.weights[:, 0] def sharpe_ratio(self): # TODO: use CLA.evalSR() to return Sharpe ratio pass def _get_weight_interpolater(self): return interp1d(self.sigma, self.weights) def set_current_weight(self): """ Interpolate the weights on the efficient frontier """ try: self.current_weight = self.weight_interpolater(self.current_sigma) self.bar_data.set_data('value', self.current_weight) except Exception, e: pass def _current_sigma_changed(self): self.set_current_weight() if __name__ == '__main__': filename = 'CLA/CLA_Data.csv' portfolio = CLAModel(csvfile=filename) view = MainView(model=portfolio) show_simple_view(view)
class Tek7000(AWG): numChannels = 2 seqFileExt = Constant('.awg') AWGList = [APS, Tek5014, Tek7000] if __name__ == "__main__": with enaml.imports(): from AWGViews import AWGView awg = APS(name='BBNAPS1') session = show_simple_view(AWGView(awg=awg)) def get_empty_channel_set(AWG): """ Helper function to get the set of empty channels when compiling to hardware. """ if isinstance(AWG, Tek5014): return { 'ch12': {}, 'ch34': {}, 'ch1m1': {}, 'ch1m2': {}, 'ch2m1': {}, 'ch2m2': {}, 'ch3m1': {},
filt.filters = filterList self.filterDict.update(tmpLib.filterDict) except IOError: print("No measurement library found.") if __name__ == "__main__": #Work around annoying problem with multiple class definitions from MeasFilters import DigitalHomodyne, MeasFilterLibrary testFilter1 = DigitalHomodyne(name='M1', boxCarStart=100, boxCarStop=500, IFfreq=10e6, samplingRate=250e6, channel=1) testFilter2 = DigitalHomodyne(name='M2', boxCarStart=150, boxCarStop=600, IFfreq=39.2e6, samplingRate=250e6, channel=2) testLib = MeasFilterLibrary(libFile='MeasFilterLibrary.json') testLib.filterDict.update({'M1': testFilter1, 'M2': testFilter2}) from enaml.stdlib.sessions import show_simple_view with enaml.imports(): from MeasFiltersViews import MeasFilterManagerWindow session = show_simple_view(MeasFilterManagerWindow(filterLib=testLib))
if chName in self.channelDict: for paramName in updateList: if paramName in chParams: #Deal with unicode/string difference if paramName == 'pulseParams': paramDict = {k.encode('ascii'):v for k,v in chParams['pulseParams'].items()} shapeFunName = paramDict.pop('shapeFun', None) if shapeFunName: paramDict['shapeFun'] = getattr(PulseShapes, shapeFunName) setattr(self.channelDict[chName], 'pulseParams', paramDict) else: setattr(self.channelDict[chName], paramName, chParams[paramName]) NewLogicalChannelList = [Qubit, LogicalMarkerChannel, Measurement] NewPhysicalChannelList = [PhysicalMarkerChannel, PhysicalQuadratureChannel] if __name__ == '__main__': # create a channel params file import QGL.Channels import enaml from enaml.stdlib.sessions import show_simple_view with enaml.imports(): from ChannelsViews import ChannelLibraryWindow show_simple_view(ChannelLibraryWindow(channelLib=Compiler.channelLib, instrumentLib=instrumentLib))
numChannels = 4 seqFileExt = Constant('.awg') class Tek7000(AWG): numChannels = 2 seqFileExt = Constant('.awg') AWGList = [APS, Tek5014, Tek7000] if __name__ == "__main__": with enaml.imports(): from AWGViews import AWGView awg = APS(name='BBNAPS1') session = show_simple_view(AWGView(awg=awg)) def get_empty_channel_set(AWG): """ Helper function to get the set of empty channels when compiling to hardware. """ if isinstance(AWG, Tek5014): return {'ch12':{}, 'ch34':{}, 'ch1m1':{}, 'ch1m2':{}, 'ch2m1':{}, 'ch2m2':{}, 'ch3m1':{}, 'ch3m2':{} , 'ch4m1':{}, 'ch4m2':{}} elif isinstance(AWG, Tek7000): return {'ch12':{}, 'ch1m1':{}, 'ch1m2':{}, 'ch2m1':{}, 'ch2m2':{}} elif isinstance(AWG, APS): return {'ch12':{}, 'ch34':{}, 'ch1m1':{}, 'ch2m1':{}, 'ch3m1':{}, 'ch4m1':{}} else: raise NameError('Unknown AWG type')
gateMinWidth = Float(100e-9) gateDelay = Float(-60e-9) class Labbrick64(MicrowaveSource): gateBuffer = Float(20e-9) gateMinWidth = Float(100e-9) gateDelay = Float(-60e-9) class HP8673B(MicrowaveSource): pass class HP8340B(MicrowaveSource): pass #List of possible sources for other views MicrowaveSourceList = [ AgilentN5183A, HolzworthHS9000, Labbrick, Labbrick64, HP8673B, HP8340B ] if __name__ == "__main__": from MicrowaveSources import AgilentN5183A uwSource = AgilentN5183A(name='Agilent1') with enaml.imports(): from MicrowaveSourcesView import MicrowaveSourceView session = show_simple_view(MicrowaveSourceView(uwSource=uwSource))
nbrSegments = Int(1, desc='Number of segments in memory') nbrWaveforms = Int(1, desc='Number of times each segment is repeated') nbrRoundRobins = Int(1, desc='Number of times entire memory is looped') def json_encode(self, matlabCompatible=False): if matlabCompatible: "For the Matlab experiment manager we seperately nest averager, horizontal, vertical settings" jsonDict = {} jsonDict['address'] = self.address jsonDict['deviceName'] = 'AlazarATS9870' jsonDict['horizontal'] = {'delayTime':self.delay, 'samplingRate':self.samplingRate} jsonDict['vertical'] = {k:getattr(self,k) for k in ['verticalScale', 'verticalOffset', 'verticalCoupling', 'bandwidth']} jsonDict['trigger'] = {k:getattr(self,k) for k in ['triggerLevel', 'triggerSource', 'triggerCoupling', 'triggerSlope']} jsonDict['averager'] = {k:getattr(self,k) for k in ['recordLength', 'nbrSegments', 'nbrWaveforms', 'nbrRoundRobins']} #Add the other necessities jsonDict['acquireMode'] = self.acquireMode jsonDict['clockType'] = self.clockType else: jsonDict = super(AlazarATS9870, self).json_encode(matlabCompatible) return jsonDict if __name__ == "__main__": from Digitizers import AlazarATS9870 digitizer = AlazarATS9870(name='scope') with enaml.imports(): from DigitizersViews import TestAlazarWindow session = show_simple_view(TestAlazarWindow(instr=digitizer))
self.sweeps.sweepOrder = quickPick['sweepOrder'] #Setup the digitizer number of segments if 'nbrSegments' in quickPick: self.instruments['scope'].nbrSegments = quickPick['nbrSegments'] if __name__ == '__main__': import Libraries from ExpSettingsGUI import ExpSettings expSettings= ExpSettings(sweeps=Libraries.sweepLib, instruments=Libraries.instrumentLib, measurements=Libraries.measLib, channels = Libraries.channelLib) #If we were passed a scripter file to write to the use it parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--scripterFile', action='store', dest='scripterFile', default=None) options = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if options.scripterFile: expSettings.curFileName = options.scripterFile with enaml.imports(): from ExpSettingsView import ExpSettingsView show_simple_view(ExpSettingsView(expSettings=expSettings))
gateDelay = Float(-60e-9) class Labbrick(MicrowaveSource): refSource = Enum('Internal' , 'External', desc='Source of 10MHz ref.') gateBuffer = Float(20e-9) gateMinWidth = Float(100e-9) gateDelay = Float(-60e-9) class Labbrick64(MicrowaveSource): gateBuffer = Float(20e-9) gateMinWidth = Float(100e-9) gateDelay = Float(-60e-9) class HP8673B(MicrowaveSource): pass class HP8340B(MicrowaveSource): pass #List of possible sources for other views MicrowaveSourceList = [AgilentN5183A, HolzworthHS9000, Labbrick, Labbrick64, HP8673B, HP8340B] if __name__ == "__main__": from MicrowaveSources import AgilentN5183A uwSource = AgilentN5183A(name='Agilent1') with enaml.imports(): from MicrowaveSourcesView import MicrowaveSourceView session = show_simple_view(MicrowaveSourceView(uwSource=uwSource))
while self._run: self.io_controller.rotate_logo = True send = {} if self.io_controller.added_links: add = self.io_controller.added_links self.io_controller.added_links = [] send['add_link'] = add if self.io_controller.removed_links: remove = self.io_controller.removed_links self.io_controller.removed_links = [] send['remove_link'] = remove if self.io_controller.outputs: outputs = self.io_controller.outputs self.io_controller.outputs = {} send['out'] = outputs socket.send(json.dumps(send)) message = socket.recv() self.io_controller.set(**json.loads(message)) socket.close() if __name__ == '__main__': from enaml.stdlib.sessions import show_simple_view with enaml.imports(): from sensor_view import SensorViewWindow sensor_app = SensorApp() window = SensorViewWindow(io_controller=sensor_app.io_controller) show_simple_view(window) sensor_app.stop()
for ct in range(self.instrDict[instrName].numChannels): self.instrDict[instrName].channels[ct].offset = instrParams['channels'][ct]['offset'] #Getter for AWG list def _get_AWGs(self): return sorted([instr for instr in self.instrDict.values() if isinstance(instr, AWGs.AWG)], key = lambda instr : #Getter for microwave source list def _get_sources(self): return sorted([instr for instr in self.instrDict.values() if isinstance(instr, MicrowaveSources.MicrowaveSource)], key = lambda instr : if __name__ == '__main__': import enaml from enaml.stdlib.sessions import show_simple_view from Libraries import instrumentLib with enaml.imports(): from InstrumentManagerView import InstrumentManagerWindow show_simple_view(InstrumentManagerWindow(instrLib=instrumentLib))
self.instrDict[instrName].numChannels): self.instrDict[instrName].channels[ ct].offset = instrParams['channels'][ct][ 'offset'] #Getter for AWG list def _get_AWGs(self): return sorted([ instr for instr in self.instrDict.values() if isinstance(instr, AWGs.AWG) ], key=lambda instr: #Getter for microwave source list def _get_sources(self): return sorted([ instr for instr in self.instrDict.values() if isinstance(instr, MicrowaveSources.MicrowaveSource) ], key=lambda instr: if __name__ == '__main__': import enaml from enaml.stdlib.sessions import show_simple_view from Libraries import instrumentLib with enaml.imports(): from InstrumentManagerView import InstrumentManagerWindow show_simple_view(InstrumentManagerWindow(instrLib=instrumentLib))
""" Basic enaml example Requires enaml 0.6.x """ import enaml from enaml.stdlib.sessions import show_simple_view from quandl_example import DataViewer if __name__ == '__main__': with enaml.imports(): from enaml_viewer import Viewer viewer = Viewer(model=DataViewer()) show_simple_view(viewer)
if self.libFile: try: with open(self.libFile, 'r') as FID: tmpLib = json.load(FID, cls=JSONHelpers.LibraryDecoder) if isinstance(tmpLib, MeasFilterLibrary): #Update correlator filter lists to filter objects for filt in tmpLib.filterDict.values(): if isinstance(filt, Correlator): filterList = [] for f in filt.filters: filterList.append(tmpLib.filterDict[f]) filt.filters = filterList self.filterDict.update(tmpLib.filterDict) except IOError: print("No measurement library found.") if __name__ == "__main__": #Work around annoying problem with multiple class definitions from MeasFilters import DigitalHomodyne, MeasFilterLibrary testFilter1 = DigitalHomodyne(name='M1', boxCarStart=100, boxCarStop=500, IFfreq=10e6, samplingRate=250e6, channel=1) testFilter2 = DigitalHomodyne(name='M2', boxCarStart=150, boxCarStop=600, IFfreq=39.2e6, samplingRate=250e6, channel=2) testLib = MeasFilterLibrary(libFile='MeasFilterLibrary.json') testLib.filterDict.update({'M1':testFilter1, 'M2':testFilter2}) from enaml.stdlib.sessions import show_simple_view with enaml.imports(): from MeasFiltersViews import MeasFilterManagerWindow session = show_simple_view(MeasFilterManagerWindow(filterLib=testLib))
jsonDict['trigger'] = { k: getattr(self, k) for k in [ 'triggerLevel', 'triggerSource', 'triggerCoupling', 'triggerSlope' ] } jsonDict['averager'] = { k: getattr(self, k) for k in [ 'recordLength', 'nbrSegments', 'nbrWaveforms', 'nbrRoundRobins' ] } #Add the other necessities jsonDict['acquireMode'] = self.acquireMode jsonDict['clockType'] = self.clockType else: jsonDict = super(AlazarATS9870, self).json_encode(matlabCompatible) return jsonDict if __name__ == "__main__": from Digitizers import AlazarATS9870 digitizer = AlazarATS9870(name='scope') with enaml.imports(): from DigitizersViews import TestAlazarWindow session = show_simple_view(TestAlazarWindow(instr=digitizer))