#!/usr/bin/env python from json import load import encr_decr input_cipher = 'test_encryptions.txt' ciphertexts = open(input_cipher, 'r') ciphertexts_list = load(ciphertexts) key = ciphertexts_list.pop(len(ciphertexts_list) - 1) output = encr_decr.decrypt(key,ciphertexts_list[0]) print(output) output = encr_decr.decrypt(key,ciphertexts_list[1]) print(output) print('xor of 2 is:', encr_decr.hexxor(ciphertexts_list[1],ciphertexts_list[0]))
# work_list = ciphertexts_list # work_list.remove(max_len_ciphertext) while True: print("--------------") num_cipher_1 = input("# of cipher1: ") num_cipher_2 = input("# of cipher2: ") cipher_1 = ciphertexts_list[int(num_cipher_1) - 1] cipher_2 = ciphertexts_list[int(num_cipher_2) - 1] word = input("Choose string: ") hex_word = bytes(word, 'ascii').hex() print("Test word is '{}'".format(word)) # pos = input("# of position in ciphertext: ") work_cipher = encr_decr.hexxor(cipher_1, cipher_2) output = encr_decr.decrypt(work_cipher[0:len(hex_word)], hex_word) print('output is: "{}" #{}/{}'.format(output.decode('ascii', 'backslashreplace'),\ len(output.decode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')), len(cipher_2) / 2)) # for cipher in work_list: # print("--------------")
for cipher in work_list: print("--------------") print("ciphertext#:", ciphertexts_list.index(cipher) + 1) work_cipher = encr_decr.hexxor(max_len_ciphertext, cipher) work_len = len(work_cipher) for word in most_used_words: print("") print('next word: "{}"'.format(word)) add = 'yes' while add == 'yes': add = input('Add something or change whole word?(a/c/else): ') if add == 'a': add_word = input('Add what??: ') word = word + add_word elif add == 'c': new_word = input('Change word to what??: ') word = new_word hex_word = bytes(word, 'ascii').hex() print('trial word is: "{}", hex: "{}"'.format(word, hex_word)) print('..............') brk = "" for i in range(0,(len(work_cipher)-len(hex_word))): if brk != "": break else: has_word = encr_decr.decrypt(hex_word, work_cipher[i:i+len(hex_word)]) print('result is: {}/{}, "{}", hex: "{}"'.format(i+1, work_len, has_word.decode('ascii', 'backslashreplace'), has_word.hex())) brk = input("anykey cancels: ")
#!/usr/bin/env python from json import load import encr_decr input_cipher = 'ciphertexts.txt' ciphertexts = open(input_cipher, 'r') ciphertexts_list = load(ciphertexts) ciphertexts_len = [len(x) for x in ciphertexts_list] print("================") print("number of ciphertexts is: ", len(ciphertexts_list)) while True: print("--------------") num_cipher = input("# of cipher: ") ciphertext = ciphertexts_list[int(num_cipher) - 1] print('len of cipher is: ',len(ciphertexts_list[int(num_cipher) - 1])) pos = input("# of position in ciphertext: ") part_key = input("partial key: ") output = encr_decr.decrypt(part_key, ciphertext[int(pos) + 1: len(part_key)]) print('output is: ',output.decode('ascii', 'backslashreplace'))