コード例 #1
class Appointments(EndpointsModel):

    start_dt = EndpointsDateTimeProperty(required=True)
    end_dt = EndpointsDateTimeProperty(required=True)
    cancelled = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    request_user = ndb.KeyProperty(kind='User', required=True)
    admission_officer = ndb.KeyProperty(kind='AdmissionsOfficer',
    scheduled = EndpointsDateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
コード例 #2
class TimelineItem(EndpointsModel):
    """Model for timeline cards.

    Since the created property is auto_now_add=True, Cards will document when
    they were inserted immediately after being stored.
    class TimelineContact(EndpointsModel):
        class ContactType(messages.Enum):
            INDIVIDUAL = 1
            GROUP = 2

        acceptTypes = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
        displayName = ndb.StringProperty()
        id = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
        imageUrls = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
        phoneNumber = ndb.StringProperty()
        source = ndb.StringProperty()
        type = msgprop.EnumProperty(ContactType)

    _message_fields_schema = ("id", "attachments", "bundleId", "canonicalUrl",
                              "created", "displayTime", "html", "htmlPages",
                              "inReplyTo", "isBundleCover", "isDeleted",
                              "isPinned", "menuItems", "recipients",
                              "sourceItemId", "speakableText", "text", "title",

    user = EndpointsUserProperty(required=True, raise_unauthorized=True)

    attachments = ndb.StructuredProperty(Attachment, repeated=True)
    bundleId = ndb.StringProperty()
    canonicalUrl = ndb.StringProperty()
    created = EndpointsDateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    displayTime = EndpointsDateTimeProperty()
    html = ndb.TextProperty()
    htmlPages = ndb.TextProperty(repeated=True)
    inReplyTo = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    isBundleCover = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    isDeleted = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    isPinned = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    menuItems = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(MenuItem, repeated=True)
    recipients = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TimelineContact, repeated=True)
    sourceItemId = ndb.StringProperty()
    speakableText = ndb.TextProperty()
    text = ndb.StringProperty()
    title = ndb.StringProperty()
    updated = EndpointsDateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
コード例 #3
class Meeting(BaseModel):

    _message_fields_schema = ('created', 'id', 'owner_id',
                              'venue_forsquare_id', 'location',
                              'latest_possible_start', 'topic', 'type', 'tags')

    owner = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=UserData, required=True)
    venue_forsquare_id = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    location = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
    earliest_possible_start = EndpointsDateTimeProperty(
        required=True, string_format=DATE_FORMAT_STR)

    latest_possible_start = EndpointsDateTimeProperty(

    topic = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    type = ndb.StringProperty(required=True,
                              choices=['drink', 'lunch', 'brunch'])
    tags = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)

    def owner_id(self):
        return self.owner.id()
コード例 #4
class AdmissionsOfficer(EndpointsModel,
    """ Admissions Officer Model """

    _message_fields_schema = ('id', 'verified', 'school', 'school_type',
                              'location', 'rating', 'alias', 'hours_consulted',
                              'last_active', 'knowledge_areas', 'whoami',
                              'job_title', 'howcanihelp', 'college_rank')

    email = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    first_name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    last_name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    phone = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    stripeCustId = ndb.StringProperty(default=None)
    alias = ndb.StringProperty(default=None)
    appointments = ndb.KeyProperty(kind='Appointments',
    verified = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    paymentStuff = ndb.StringProperty(default='')
    school = ndb.StringProperty(default='')
    school_type = ndb.StringProperty(default='')
    location = ndb.StringProperty(default='')
    rating = ndb.FloatProperty(default=5.0)
    hours_consulted = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=0)
    last_active = EndpointsDateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
    knowledge_areas = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    whoami = ndb.StringProperty(default='')
    howcanihelp = ndb.StringProperty(default='')
    job_title = ndb.StringProperty(default='')
    college_rank = ndb.StringProperty(default='Top 40')

    def id_setter(self, value):
        # Allocate IDs if DNE
        if value == '' or value is None or value == 'None':
            first, last = AdmissionsOfficer.allocate_ids(2)
            self.UpdateFromKey(ndb.Key('AdmissionsOfficer', first))
        elif not isinstance(value, basestring) and not isinstance(value, int):
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException('ID not string or int')
            self.UpdateFromKey(ndb.Key('AdmissionsOfficer', value))

    @EndpointsAliasProperty(setter=id_setter, required=True)
    def id(self):
        if self.key is not None:
            return str(self.key.id())
コード例 #5
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: openube/mirror-api
class Location(EndpointsModel):
    """Model for location"""

    _latest = False

    _message_fields_schema = (

    user = EndpointsUserProperty(required=True, raise_unauthorized=True)
    timestamp = EndpointsDateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    latitude = ndb.FloatProperty()
    longitude = ndb.FloatProperty()
    accuracy = ndb.FloatProperty()
    displayName = ndb.StringProperty()
    address = ndb.StringProperty()

    def IdSet(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, basestring):
            raise TypeError("ID must be a string.")

        if value == "latest":
            self._latest = True
            loc_query = Location.query().order(-Location.timestamp)
            loc_query = loc_query.filter(Location.user == self.user)
            loc = loc_query.get()
            if loc is not None:

        if value.isdigit():
            self.UpdateFromKey(ndb.Key(Location, int(value)))

    @EndpointsAliasProperty(setter=IdSet, required=False)
    def id(self):
        if self._latest:
            return "latest"
        if self.key is not None:
            return str(self.key.integer_id())
コード例 #6
class TimelineItem(EndpointsModel):
    """Model for timeline cards.

    Since the created property is auto_now_add=True, Cards will document when
    they were inserted immediately after being stored.
    class Attachment(EndpointsModel):
        """Attachment to a timeline card

        Due to limitations in Cloud Endpoints this works a bit differently than
        the attachments in the official API. Normally you would add attachments
        by uploading the media data (as image/audio/video). Attachments in this
        implementation can only by of type image and are represented either as
        URL or Data-URI and can be added/retrieved/updated directly by filling
        the attachments field in the timeline.insert method.
        id = ndb.StringProperty()
        contentType = ndb.StringProperty()
        contentUrl = ndb.StringProperty()
        isProcessingContent = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)

    class TimelineContact(EndpointsModel):
        class ContactType(messages.Enum):
            INDIVIDUAL = 1
            GROUP = 2

        acceptTypes = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
        displayName = ndb.StringProperty()
        id = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
        imageUrls = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
        phoneNumber = ndb.StringProperty()
        source = ndb.StringProperty()
        type = msgprop.EnumProperty(ContactType)

    class Notification(EndpointsModel):

        level = ndb.StringProperty(default="DEFAULT")
        deliveryTime = EndpointsDateTimeProperty()

    _message_fields_schema = ("id", "attachments", "bundleId", "canonicalUrl",
                              "created", "creator", "displayTime", "html",
                              "htmlPages", "inReplyTo", "isBundleCover",
                              "isDeleted", "isPinned", "location", "menuItems",
                              "notification", "pinScore", "recipients",
                              "sourceItemId", "speakableText", "text", "title",

    user = EndpointsUserProperty(required=True, raise_unauthorized=True)

    attachments = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(Attachment, repeated=True)
    bundleId = ndb.StringProperty()
    canonicalUrl = ndb.StringProperty()
    created = EndpointsDateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    creator = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TimelineContact)
    displayTime = EndpointsDateTimeProperty()
    html = ndb.TextProperty()
    htmlPages = ndb.TextProperty(repeated=True)
    inReplyTo = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    isBundleCover = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    isDeleted = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    isPinned = ndb.BooleanProperty()
    location = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(Location)
    menuItems = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(MenuItem, repeated=True)
    notification = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(Notification)
    pinScore = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    recipients = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TimelineContact, repeated=True)
    sourceItemId = ndb.StringProperty()
    speakableText = ndb.TextProperty()
    text = ndb.StringProperty()
    title = ndb.StringProperty()
    updated = EndpointsDateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)

    def IncludeDeletedSet(self, value):
        If value is true all timelineItems will be returned.
        Otherwise a filter for non-deleted items is necessary for the query.
        if value is None or value is False:
                TimelineItem.isDeleted == False)

    def includeDeleted(self):
        includedDeleted is only used as parameter in query_methods
        so there should never be a reason to actually retrieve the value
        return None

    def PinnedOnlySet(self, value):
        If value is true only pinned timelineItems will be returned.
        Otherwise all timelineItems are returned.
        if value is True:
                TimelineItem.isPinned == True)

    def pinnedOnly(self):
        pinnedOnly is only used as parameter in query_methods
        so there should never be a reason to actually retrieve the value
        return None

    def MaxResultsSet(self, value):
        """Setter to be used for default limit EndpointsAliasProperty.

        Simply sets the limit on the entity's query info object, and the query
        info object handles validation.

          value: The limit value to be set.
        self._endpoints_query_info.limit = value

    def maxResults(self):
        """Getter to be used for default limit EndpointsAliasProperty.

        Uses the ProtoRPC property_type IntegerField since a limit.

          The integer (or null) limit from the query info on the entity.
        return self._endpoints_query_info.limit
コード例 #7
    class Notification(EndpointsModel):

        level = ndb.StringProperty(default="DEFAULT")
        deliveryTime = EndpointsDateTimeProperty()