コード例 #1
def assign_data_to_year(carbon_trust_data, base_yr):
    """Fill every base year day with correct data

    carbon_trust_data : data
        Raw data
    base_yr : int
        Base Year
    shape_non_peak_y_dh = np.zeros((365, 24), dtype="float")

    # Create list with all dates of a whole year
    list_dates = date_prop.fullyear_dates(
        start=date(base_yr, 1, 1),
        end=date(base_yr, 12, 31))

    # Assign every date to the place in the array of the year
    for yearday in list_dates:
        month_python = yearday.timetuple().tm_mon - 1 # - 1 because in _info: Month 1 = Jan
        yearday_python = yearday.timetuple().tm_yday - 1 # - 1 because in _info: 1.Jan = 1
        daytype = date_prop.get_weekday_type(yearday)

        # Get day from HES raw data array
        _data = carbon_trust_data[daytype][month_python]

        # Add values to yearly
        _data = np.array(list(_data.items()))
        shape_non_peak_y_dh[yearday_python] = np.array(_data[:, 1], dtype="float")

    return shape_non_peak_y_dh
コード例 #2
def assign_hes_data_to_year(nr_of_appliances, hes_data, base_yr):
    """Fill every base year day with correct data

    nr_of_appliances : dict
        Defines how many appliance types are stored (max 10 provided in original hes file)
    hes_data : array
        HES raw data for every month and daytype and appliance
    base_yr : float
        Base year to generate shapes

    year_raw_values : array
        Energy data for every day in the base year for every appliances
    year_raw_values = np.zeros((365, 24, nr_of_appliances), dtype=float) #yeardays, houry, appliances

    # Create list with all dates of a whole year
    list_dates = date_prop.fullyear_dates(
        start=date(base_yr, 1, 1),
        end=date(base_yr, 12, 31))

    # Assign every date to the place in the array of the year
    for yearday_date in list_dates:

        month_python = date_prop.get_month_from_yeraday(

        yearday_python = date_prop.date_to_yearday(

        daytype_str = date_prop.get_weekday_type(yearday_date)

        # Get day from HES raw data array
        year_raw_values[yearday_python] = hes_data[daytype_str][month_python]

    return year_raw_values
コード例 #3
def test_get_weekday_type():
    date_to_test = date(2015, 4, 3)
    expected = 'holiday'

    # call function
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)

    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2017, 9, 7)
    expected = 'working_day'

    # call function
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)

    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2017, 9, 9)
    expected = 'holiday'

    # call function
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)

    assert out_value == expected

    # Test year
    date_to_test = date(2015, 4, 3)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2014, 4, 21)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected
    date_to_test = date(2013, 4, 1)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2012, 4, 9)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2011, 1, 2)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2010, 12, 25)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2009, 12, 25)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2008, 12, 25)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2007, 12, 25)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2006, 12, 25)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2005, 12, 25)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2004, 12, 25)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2003, 12, 25)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected

    date_to_test = date(2002, 12, 25)
    expected = 'holiday'
    out_value = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_to_test)
    assert out_value == expected
コード例 #4
def read_raw_carbon_trust_data(folder_path):
    """Read in raw carbon trust dataset (used for service sector)

    foder_path : string
        Path to folder with stored csv files

    load_shape_y_dh : array
        Load shape for every day (tot sum 365) ((365, 24))
    load_peak_shape_dh : array
        Peak loadshape for peak day ((24))
    shape_non_peak_yd : array
        Yh load profile ((365))

    1. Get gas peak day load shape (the max daily demand can be taken from weather data,
       the daily shape however is not provided by samson)
    2. Iterate individual files which are about a year (even though gaps exist)
    3. Select those day with the maximum load
    4. Get the hourly shape of this day
    5. Calculate total demand of every day
    6. Assign percentag of total daily demand to each hour
    def initialise_main_dict():
        """Helper function to initialise dict
        out_dict_av = {'working_day': {}, 'holiday': {}}
        for dtype in out_dict_av:
            month_dict = {}
            for month in range(12):
                month_dict[month] = {k: [] for k in range(24)}
            out_dict_av[dtype] = month_dict
        return out_dict_av

    def initialise_out_dict_av():
        """Helper function to initialise dict"""
        out_dict_av = {'working_day': {}, 'holiday': {}}
        for dtype in out_dict_av:
            month_dict = {}
            for month in range(12):
                month_dict[month] = {k: 0 for k in range(24)}
            out_dict_av[dtype] = month_dict
        return out_dict_av

    # Get all files in folder
    all_csv_in_folder = os.listdir(folder_path)
    main_dict = initialise_main_dict()
    carbon_trust_raw = dict_init_carbon_trust()

    nr_of_line_entries = 0
    dict_max_dh_shape = {}

    # Itreatu folder with csv files
    for path_csv_file in all_csv_in_folder:
        path_csv_file = os.path.join(folder_path, path_csv_file)
        print(f"Reading {path_csv_file}")

        # Read csv file
        with open(path_csv_file, 'r') as csv_file:
            read_lines = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
            _ = next(read_lines)
            max_d_demand = 0 # Used for searching maximum
            max_dh_shape = np.zeros((24), dtype="float")

            # Count number of lines in CSV file
            row_data = list(read_lines)
            count_row = len(row_data)
            #print("Number of lines in csv file: " + str(count_row))

            # Calc yearly demand based on one year data measurements
            if count_row > 365: # if more than one year is in csv file

                for day, row in enumerate(row_data):
                    # Ignore and entries beyond the expected 48 half-hourly entries (plus one date)
                    if len(row) != 49:
                        logging.debug(f"Expected 49 cells in row {day} got {len(row)}: {row} in {path_csv_file}")
                        row = row[:49]

                    # Use only data of one year
                    if day > 365:

                    load_shape_dh = np.zeros((24), dtype="float")

                    # Convert all values except date into float values
                        # Take zero if any value is negative
                        row[1:] = map(lambda c: max(float(c),0), row[1:])
                    except ValueError:
                        # Handle empty cells - assume zero if empty
                        def convert_empty(cell):
                            if cell == '':
                                return 0
                                return max(float(cell), 0)
                        row[1:] = map(convert_empty, row[1:])

                    daily_sum = sum(row[1:]) # Total daily sum
                    nr_of_line_entries += 1 # Nr of lines added
                    day = int(row[0].split("/")[0])
                    month = int(row[0].split("/")[1])
                    year = int(row[0].split("/")[2])

                    # Redefine yearday to another year and skip 28. of Feb.
                    if date_prop.is_leap_year(int(year)) is True:
                        year = year + 1 # Shift whole dataset to another year
                        if month == 2 and day == 29:
                            continue #skip leap day

                    date_row = date(year, month, day)
                    daytype = date_prop.get_weekday_type(date_row)

                    yearday_python = date_row.timetuple().tm_yday - 1 # - 1 because in _info: 1.Jan = 1
                    month_python = month - 1 # Month Python

                    h_day, cnt, control_sum = 0, 0, 0

                    # -----------------------------------------------
                    # Iterate half hour data and summarise to hourly
                    # -----------------------------------------------
                    for data_h in row[1:]:  # Skip first date row in csv file
                        cnt += 1
                        if cnt == 2:
                            demand_h = first_data_h + data_h
                            control_sum += demand_h

                            # Add demand

                            # Store demand according to daytype (aggregated by doing so)

                            if daily_sum == 0: # Skip row if no demand of the day
                                load_shape_dh[h_day] = 0
                                load_shape_dh[h_day] = demand_h / daily_sum

                            cnt = 0
                            h_day += 1

                        # Value lagging behind one iteration
                        first_data_h = data_h

                    # Test if this is the day with maximum demand of this CSV file
                    if daily_sum >= max_d_demand:
                        max_d_demand = daily_sum
                        max_dh_shape = load_shape_dh

                    # Check if 100 %
                    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(control_sum, daily_sum, decimal=7, err_msg=f"Row sum failed {day}: {row} in {path_csv_file}")

                # Add load shape of maximum day in csv file
                dict_max_dh_shape[path_csv_file] = max_dh_shape

    # ---------------
    # Data processing
    # ---------------
    # --Average average maxium peak dh of every csv file
    load_peak_average_dh = np.zeros((24), dtype="float")
    for peak_shape_dh in dict_max_dh_shape.values():
        load_peak_average_dh += peak_shape_dh
    load_peak_shape_dh = load_peak_average_dh / len(dict_max_dh_shape)

    # -----------------------------------------------
    # Calculate average load shapes for every month
    # -----------------------------------------------
    out_dict_av = initialise_out_dict_av()

    for daytype in main_dict:
        for month in main_dict[daytype]:
            for hour in main_dict[daytype][month]:
                nr_of_entries = len(main_dict[daytype][month][hour])
                if nr_of_entries != 0:
                    out_dict_av[daytype][month][hour] = sum(main_dict[daytype][month][hour]) / nr_of_entries

    # ----------------------------------------------------------
    # Distribute raw data into base year depending on daytype
    # ----------------------------------------------------------
    year_data = assign_data_to_year(out_dict_av, 2015)

    # Calculate yearly sum
    yearly_demand = np.sum(year_data)

    # Create load_shape_dh
    load_shape_y_dh = np.zeros((365, 24), dtype="float")
    for day, dh_values in enumerate(year_data):
        load_shape_y_dh[day] = load_profile.abs_to_rel(dh_values) # daily shape

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(load_shape_y_dh), 365, decimal=2, err_msg="")

    # Calculate shape_non_peak_yd
    shape_non_peak_yd = np.zeros((365), dtype="float")
    for yearday, carbon_trust_d in enumerate(year_data):
        shape_non_peak_yd[yearday] = np.sum(carbon_trust_d)

    shape_non_peak_yd = shape_non_peak_yd / yearly_demand

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(shape_non_peak_yd), 1, decimal=2, err_msg="")

    return load_shape_y_dh, load_peak_shape_dh, shape_non_peak_yd