コード例 #1
 def setUp(self):
     super(EngineLoggerTestCase, self).setUp()
     levels = FLAGS.default_log_levels
     self.log = log.getLogger('engine-test')
コード例 #2
    def setUp(self):
        super(NotifierListTestCase, self).setUp()
        self.stubs = stubout.StubOutForTesting()
        # Mock log to add one to exception_count when log.exception is called

        def mock_exception(cls, *args):
            self.exception_count += 1

        self.exception_count = 0
        list_notifier_log = logging.getLogger('engine.notifier.list_notifier')
        self.stubs.Set(list_notifier_log, "exception", mock_exception)
        # Mock no_op notifier to add one to notify_count when called.

        def mock_notify(cls, *args):
            self.notify_count += 1

        self.notify_count = 0
        self.stubs.Set(engine.notifier.no_op_notifier, 'notify', mock_notify)
        # Mock log_notifier to raise RuntimeError when called.

        def mock_notify2(cls, *args):
            raise RuntimeError("Bad notifier.")

        self.stubs.Set(engine.notifier.log_notifier, 'notify', mock_notify2)
コード例 #3
def notify(message):
    """Notifies the recipient of the desired event given the model.
    Log notifications using engine's default logging system"""

    priority = message.get('priority',
    priority = priority.lower()
    logger = logging.getLogger(
            'engine.notification.%s' % message['event_type'])
    getattr(logger, priority)(json.dumps(message))
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_notifier.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
    def test_error_notification(self):
        self.stubs.Set(engine.flags.FLAGS, 'notification_driver',
        self.stubs.Set(engine.flags.FLAGS, 'publish_errors', True)
        LOG = log.getLogger('engine')
        msgs = []

        def mock_notify(context, topic, data):

        self.stubs.Set(engine.rpc, 'notify', mock_notify)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(msgs))
        msg = msgs[0]
        self.assertEqual(msg['event_type'], 'error_notification')
        self.assertEqual(msg['priority'], 'ERROR')
        self.assertEqual(msg['payload']['error'], 'foo')
コード例 #5
    def test_error_notification(self):
        self.stubs.Set(engine.flags.FLAGS, 'notification_driver',
        self.stubs.Set(engine.flags.FLAGS, 'publish_errors', True)
        LOG = log.getLogger('engine')
        msgs = []

        def mock_notify(context, topic, data):

        self.stubs.Set(engine.rpc, 'notify', mock_notify)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(msgs))
        msg = msgs[0]
        self.assertEqual(msg['event_type'], 'error_notification')
        self.assertEqual(msg['priority'], 'ERROR')
        self.assertEqual(msg['payload']['error'], 'foo')
コード例 #6
    def setUp(self):
        super(DriverTestCase, self).setUp()
        self.volume = utils.import_object(FLAGS.volume_manager)
        self.context = context.get_admin_context()
        self.output = ""

        def _fake_execute(_command, *_args, **_kwargs):
            """Fake _execute."""
            return self.output, None

        log = logging.getLogger()
        self.stream = cStringIO.StringIO()

        inst = {}
        self.instance_id = db.instance_create(self.context, inst)['id']
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_volume.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
    def setUp(self):
        super(DriverTestCase, self).setUp()
        self.volume = utils.import_object(FLAGS.volume_manager)
        self.context = context.get_admin_context()
        self.output = ""

        def _fake_execute(_command, *_args, **_kwargs):
            """Fake _execute."""
            return self.output, None


        log = logging.getLogger()
        self.stream = cStringIO.StringIO()

        inst = {}
        self.instance_id = db.instance_create(self.context, inst)['id']
コード例 #8
    def __init__(self, name, app, host=None, port=None, pool_size=None):
        """Initialize, but do not start, a WSGI server.

        :param name: Pretty name for logging.
        :param app: The WSGI application to serve.
        :param host: IP address to serve the application.
        :param port: Port number to server the application.
        :param pool_size: Maximum number of eventlets to spawn concurrently.
        :returns: None

        self.name = name
        self.app = app
        self.host = host or ""
        self.port = port or 0
        self._server = None
        self._tcp_server = None
        self._socket = None
        self._pool = eventlet.GreenPool(pool_size or self.default_pool_size)
        self._logger = logging.getLogger("eventlet.wsgi.server")
        self._wsgi_logger = logging.WritableLogger(self._logger)
コード例 #9
import base64
import netaddr
import sys
import traceback

from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import image
from engine import log as logging
from engine import test
from engine.tests import utils as test_utils

libvirt = None

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.tests.test_virt_drivers")

def catch_notimplementederror(f):
    """Decorator to simplify catching drivers raising NotImplementedError

    If a particular call makes a driver raise NotImplementedError, we
    log it so that we can extract this information afterwards to
    automatically generate a hypervisor/feature support matrix."""

    def wrapped_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
        except NotImplementedError:
            frame = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1]
コード例 #10
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.
"""VIF drivers for libvirt."""

from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine.network import linux_net
from engine import utils
from engine.virt.libvirt import netutils
from engine.virt.vif import VIFDriver

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.virt.libvirt.vif')


flags.DEFINE_string('libvirt_ovs_bridge', 'br-int',
                    'Name of Integration Bridge used by Open vSwitch')

class LibvirtBridgeDriver(VIFDriver):
    """VIF driver for Linux bridge."""
    def _get_configurations(self, network, mapping):
        """Get a dictionary of VIF configurations for bridge type."""
        # Assume that the gateway also acts as the dhcp server.
        gateway_v6 = mapping.get('gateway_v6')
        mac_id = mapping['mac'].replace(':', '')
コード例 #11
ファイル: crypto.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_compute_venv
import struct
import tempfile
import time
import utils

import M2Crypto

gettext.install('engine', unicode=1)

from engine import context
from engine import db
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.crypto")

flags.DEFINE_string('ca_file', 'cacert.pem', _('Filename of root CA'))
                    os.path.join('private', 'cakey.pem'),
                    _('Filename of private key'))
flags.DEFINE_string('crl_file', 'crl.pem',
                    _('Filename of root Certificate Revocation List'))
flags.DEFINE_string('keys_path', '$state_path/keys',
                    _('Where we keep our keys'))
flags.DEFINE_string('ca_path', '$state_path/CA',
                    _('Where we keep our root CA'))
flags.DEFINE_boolean('use_project_ca', False,
                     _('Should we use a CA for each project?'))
コード例 #12
ファイル: disk_config.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License
"""Disk Config extension."""

from xml.dom import minidom

from webob import exc

from engine.api.x7.v2 import extensions
from engine.api.x7 import xmlutil
from engine import compute
from engine import db
from engine import log as logging
from engine import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.api.x7.contrib.disk_config')

XMLNS_DCF = "http://docs.rackspacecloud.com/servers/api/ext/diskConfig/v1.0"

class ServerDiskConfigTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder):
    def construct(self):
        root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('server')
        root.set('{%s}diskConfig' % XMLNS_DCF, '%s:diskConfig' % ALIAS)
        return xmlutil.SlaveTemplate(root, 1, nsmap={ALIAS: XMLNS_DCF})

class ServersDiskConfigTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder):
    def construct(self):
        root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('servers')
#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import select, Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String
from migrate import ForeignKeyConstraint

from engine import log as logging

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.versions')
meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData()

def _get_table(name):
    return sqlalchemy.Table(name, meta, autoload=True)

def upgrade(migrate_engine):
    meta.bind = migrate_engine
    instance_actions = _get_table('instance_actions')
    instances = _get_table('instances')
    uuid_column = Column('instance_uuid', String(36),
    uuid_column = Column('instance_uuid', String(36))
コード例 #14
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.
Unit Tests for remote procedure calls using fake_impl

from engine import log as logging
from engine.rpc import impl_fake
from engine.tests.rpc import common

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.tests.rpc')

class RpcFakeTestCase(common._BaseRpcTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.rpc = impl_fake
        super(RpcFakeTestCase, self).setUp()

    def tearDown(self):
        super(RpcFakeTestCase, self).tearDown()
コード例 #15
import time
import uuid
import pyclbr
from xml.sax import saxutils

from eventlet import event
from eventlet import greenthread
from eventlet import semaphore
from eventlet.green import subprocess
import netaddr

from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.utils")
ISO_TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
PERFECT_TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"

def import_class(import_str):
    """Returns a class from a string including module and class."""
    mod_str, _sep, class_str = import_str.rpartition('.')
        return getattr(sys.modules[mod_str], class_str)
    except (ImportError, ValueError, AttributeError), exc:
        LOG.debug(_('Inner Exception: %s'), exc)
        raise exception.ClassNotFound(class_name=class_str, exception=exc)
コード例 #16
ファイル: extensions.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
#    under the License.

import routes
import webob.dec
import webob.exc

import engine.api.x7.v2
from engine.api.x7 import wsgi
from engine.api.x7 import xmlutil
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import utils
from engine import wsgi as base_wsgi

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.api.x7.v2.extensions')


class ExtensionDescriptor(object):
    """Base class that defines the contract for extensions.

    Note that you don't have to derive from this class to have a valid
    extension; it is purely a convenience.


    # The name of the extension, e.g., 'Fox In Socks'
    name = None
コード例 #17
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

from eventlet import tpool

from engine import context
from engine import db
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import utils
from engine.virt.libvirt import netutils

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.virt.libvirt.firewall")

    import libvirt
except ImportError:
        _("Libvirt module could not be loaded. NWFilterFirewall will "
          "not work correctly."))

class FirewallDriver(object):
    def prepare_instance_filter(self, instance, network_info):
        """Prepare filters for the instance.

        At this point, the instance isn't running yet."""
コード例 #18
from engine import context
from engine import db
from engine.db.sqlalchemy import models
from engine.db.sqlalchemy.session import get_session
from engine import exception
from engine import ipv6
from engine import log as logging
from engine.network.quantum import manager as quantum_manager
from engine.network.quantum import melange_connection
from engine import test
from engine import utils
from engine.network import manager

import mox

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.tests.quantum_network')

# this class can be used for unit functional/testing on engine,
# as it does not actually make remote calls to the Quantum service
class FakeQuantumClientConnection(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.nets = {}

    def get_networks_for_tenant(self, tenant_id):
        net_ids = []
        for net_id, n in self.nets.items():
            if n['tenant-id'] == tenant_id:
        return {'networks': net_ids}
コード例 #19
ファイル: auth.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
import time

import webob.dec
import webob.exc

from engine.api.x7 import common
from engine.api.x7 import wsgi
from engine import auth
from engine import context
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import utils
from engine import wsgi as base_wsgi

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.api.x7.v2.auth')
flags.DECLARE('use_forwarded_for', 'engine.api.auth')

class NoAuthMiddleware(base_wsgi.Middleware):
    """Return a fake token if one isn't specified."""
    def __call__(self, req):
        if 'X-Auth-Token' not in req.headers:
            user_id = req.headers.get('X-Auth-User', 'admin')
            project_id = req.headers.get('X-Auth-Project-Id', 'admin')
            os_url = os.path.join(req.url, project_id)
            res = webob.Response()
            # NOTE(vish): This is expecting and returning Auth(1.1), whereas
            #             keystone uses 2.0 auth.  We should probably allow
コード例 #20
#   WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#   License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#   under the License.
"""The Extended Status Admin API extension."""

from webob import exc

from engine.api.x7.v2 import extensions
from engine.api.x7 import xmlutil
from engine import compute
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.api.x7.v2.contrib.extendedstatus")

class Extended_status(extensions.ExtensionDescriptor):
    """Extended Status support"""

    name = "ExtendedStatus"
    alias = "OS-EXT-STS"
    namespace = "http://docs.x7.org/compute/ext/" \
    updated = "2011-11-03T00:00:00+00:00"
    admin_only = True

    def get_request_extensions(self):
        request_extensions = []
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_hosts.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

from lxml import etree
import webob.exc

from engine import context
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import test
from engine.api.x7.v2.contrib import hosts as os_hosts
from engine.scheduler import api as scheduler_api

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.tests.hosts')
# Simulate the hosts returned by the zone manager.
    "host_name": "host_c1",
    "service": "compute"
}, {
    "host_name": "host_c2",
    "service": "compute"
}, {
    "host_name": "host_v1",
    "service": "volume"
}, {
    "host_name": "host_v2",
    "service": "volume"
コード例 #22
from eventlet import queue
from eventlet import tpool
from eventlet import timeout

from engine import context
from engine import db
from engine import exception
from engine import utils
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine.virt import driver
from engine.virt.xenapi import vm_utils
from engine.virt.xenapi.vmops import VMOps
from engine.virt.xenapi.volumeops import VolumeOps

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.virt.xenapi")


    'xenapi_connection_url', None,
    'URL for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform.'
    ' Required if connection_type=xenapi.')
    'xenapi_connection_username', 'root',
    'Username for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform.'
    ' Used only if connection_type=xenapi.')
    'xenapi_connection_password', None,
    'Password for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform.'
    ' Used only if connection_type=xenapi.')
コード例 #23
from engine.api.x7 import common
from engine.api.x7.v2 import ips
from engine.api.x7.v2.views import servers as views_servers
from engine.api.x7 import wsgi
from engine.api.x7 import xmlutil
from engine import compute
from engine.compute import instance_types
from engine import network
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine.rpc import common as rpc_common
from engine.scheduler import api as scheduler_api
from engine import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.api.x7.v2.servers')

class SecurityGroupsTemplateElement(xmlutil.TemplateElement):
    def will_render(self, datum):
        return 'security_groups' in datum

def make_fault(elem):
    fault = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(elem, 'fault', selector='fault')
    msg = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(fault, 'message')
    msg.text = 'message'
    det = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(fault, 'details')
コード例 #24
from xml.parsers import expat

from lxml import etree
import webob

from engine import exception
from engine import log as logging
from engine import utils
from engine import wsgi

XMLNS_V10 = 'http://docs.rackspacecloud.com/servers/api/v1.0'
XMLNS_V11 = 'http://docs.x7.org/compute/api/v1.1'

XMLNS_ATOM = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.api.x7.wsgi')

# The vendor content types should serialize identically to the non-vendor
# content types. So to avoid littering the code with both options, we
# map the vendor to the other when looking up the type
    'application/vnd.x7.compute+json': 'application/json',
    'application/vnd.x7.compute+xml': 'application/xml',

コード例 #25
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_compute_venv
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

"""Volume drivers for libvirt."""

import os
import time

from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.virt.libvirt.volume')
flags.DECLARE('num_iscsi_scan_tries', 'engine.volume.driver')

class LibvirtVolumeDriver(object):
    """Base class for volume drivers."""
    def __init__(self, connection):
        self.connection = connection

    def _pick_volume_driver(self):
        hypervisor_type = self.connection.get_hypervisor_type().lower()
        return "phy" if hypervisor_type == "xen" else "qemu"

    def connect_volume(self, connection_info, mount_device):
        """Connect the volume. Returns xml for libvirt."""
コード例 #26
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_compute_venv
#    a copy of the License at
#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.rpc')

flags.DEFINE_integer('rpc_thread_pool_size', 1024,
                             'Size of RPC thread pool')
flags.DEFINE_integer('rpc_conn_pool_size', 30,
                             'Size of RPC connection pool')

class RemoteError(exception.EngineException):
    """Signifies that a remote class has raised an exception.

    Contains a string representation of the type of the original exception,
    the value of the original exception, and the traceback.  These are
    sent to the parent as a joined string so printing the exception
    contains all of the relevant info.
コード例 #27
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#    limitations under the License.
"""Auth Components for VNC Console."""

import os
import sys

from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import version
from engine import wsgi
from engine.vnc import auth
from engine.vnc import proxy

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.vncproxy')
flags.DEFINE_string('vncproxy_wwwroot', '/var/lib/engine/noVNC/',
                    'Full path to noVNC directory')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('vnc_debug', False,
                     'Enable debugging features, like token bypassing')
flags.DEFINE_integer('vncproxy_port', 6080,
                     'Port that the VNC proxy should bind to')
flags.DEFINE_string('vncproxy_host', '',
                    'Address that the VNC proxy should bind to')
flags.DEFINE_integer('vncproxy_flash_socket_policy_port', 843,
                     'Port that the socket policy listener should bind to')
flags.DEFINE_string('vncproxy_flash_socket_policy_host', '',
                    'Address that the socket policy listener should bind to')
flags.DEFINE_integer('vnc_token_ttl', 300,
                     'How many seconds before deleting tokens')
コード例 #28
from lxml import etree
import webob

from engine.api.x7.v2.contrib import volumes
from engine import context
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import test
from engine import volume
from engine.tests.api.x7 import fakes


LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.tests.api.x7.snapshot')

_last_param = {}

def _get_default_snapshot_param():
    return {
        'id': 123,
        'volume_id': 12,
        'status': 'available',
        'volume_size': 100,
        'created_at': None,
        'display_name': 'Default name',
        'display_description': 'Default description',
コード例 #29
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.
# @author: Sumit Naiksatam, Cisco Systems, Inc.

from engine import exception as excp
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine.scheduler import driver
from quantum.client import Client
from quantum.common.wsgi import Serializer

LOG = logging.getLogger('quantum.plugins.cisco.engine.quantum_aware_scheduler')

flags.DEFINE_string('quantum_host', "",
                     'IP address of the quantum network service.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('quantum_port', 9696,
                     'Listening port for Quantum network service')

HOST = FLAGS.quantum_host
PORT = FLAGS.quantum_port
USE_SSL = False
TENANT_ID = 'engine'
CSCO_EXT_NAME = 'Cisco Engine Tenant'
コード例 #30
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_compute_venv

import json
import os
import tempfile

from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import utils
from engine.virt.disk import guestfs
from engine.virt.disk import loop
from engine.virt.disk import nbd

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.compute.disk')
flags.DEFINE_integer('minimum_root_size', 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 10,
                     'minimum size in bytes of root partition')
                    'Template file for injected network')
flags.DEFINE_list('img_handlers', ['loop', 'nbd', 'guestfs'],
                    'Order of methods used to mount disk images')

# NOTE(yamahata): DEFINE_list() doesn't work because the command may
#                 include ','. For example,
#                 mkfs.ext3 -O dir_index,extent -E stride=8,stripe-width=16
#                 --label %(fs_label)s %(target)s
コード例 #31
Drivers for volumes.


import os
import time
from xml.etree import ElementTree

from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import utils
from engine.volume import iscsi
from engine.volume import volume_types

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.volume.driver")
flags.DEFINE_string('volume_group', 'engine-volumes',
                    'Name for the VG that will contain exported volumes')
flags.DEFINE_string('num_shell_tries', 3,
                    'number of times to attempt to run flakey shell commands')
flags.DEFINE_string('num_iscsi_scan_tries', 3,
                    'number of times to rescan iSCSI target to find volume')
flags.DEFINE_integer('iscsi_num_targets', 100,
                     'Number of iscsi target ids per host')
flags.DEFINE_string('iscsi_target_prefix', 'iqn.2010-10.org.x7:',
                    'prefix for iscsi volumes')
flags.DEFINE_string('iscsi_ip_address', '$my_ip', 'use this ip for iscsi')
flags.DEFINE_integer('iscsi_port', 3260,
                     'The port that the iSCSI daemon is listening on')
flags.DEFINE_string('rbd_pool', 'rbd',
コード例 #32
Least Cost is an algorithm for choosing which host machines to
provision a set of resources to. The input is a WeightedHost object which
is decided upon by a set of objective-functions, called the 'cost-functions'.
The WeightedHost contains a combined weight for each cost-function.

The cost-function and weights are tabulated, and the host with the least cost
is then selected for provisioning.

from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import exception

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.scheduler.least_cost')

        'Which cost functions the LeastCostScheduler should use.')

# TODO(sirp): Once we have enough of these rules, we can break them out into a
# cost_functions.py file (perhaps in a least_cost_scheduler directory)
flags.DEFINE_float('noop_cost_fn_weight', 1.0,
             'How much weight to give the noop cost function')
flags.DEFINE_float('compute_fill_first_cost_fn_weight', 1.0,
             'How much weight to give the fill-first cost function')

コード例 #33
#    under the License.

import stubout

from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import vsa
from engine import volume
from engine import db
from engine import context
from engine import test
from engine import log as logging
import engine.image.fake

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.tests.vsa.volumes')

class VsaVolumesTestCase(test.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        super(VsaVolumesTestCase, self).setUp()
        self.stubs = stubout.StubOutForTesting()
        self.vsa_api = vsa.API()
        self.volume_api = volume.API()
        self.context = context.get_admin_context()

        self.default_vol_type = self.vsa_api.get_vsa_volume_type(self.context)

        def fake_show_by_name(meh, context, name):
            return {'id': 1, 'properties': {'kernel_id': 1, 'ramdisk_id': 1}}
コード例 #34
ファイル: hyperv.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
import os
import time

from engine.compute import power_state
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine.virt import driver
from engine.virt import images

wmi = None


LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.virt.hyperv')

    3: power_state.SHUTDOWN,
    2: power_state.RUNNING,
    32768: power_state.PAUSED,

    'Enabled': 2,
    'Disabled': 3,
    'Reboot': 10,
    'Reset': 11,
    'Paused': 32768,
    'Suspended': 32769,
コード例 #35
ファイル: images.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_compute_venv
#    under the License.

import webob.exc

from engine.api.x7 import common
from engine.api.x7.v2.views import images as views_images
from engine.api.x7 import wsgi
from engine.api.x7 import xmlutil
from engine import compute
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
import engine.image
from engine import log

LOG = log.getLogger('engine.api.x7.v2.images')

    'name': 'name',
    'status': 'status',
    'changes-since': 'changes-since',
    'server': 'property-instance_ref',
    'type': 'property-image_type',
    'minRam': 'min_ram',
    'minDisk': 'min_disk',

def make_image(elem, detailed=False):
コード例 #36
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_compute_venv
#    limitations under the License.

"""Auth Components for VNC Console."""

import os
import sys

from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import version
from engine import wsgi
from engine.vnc import auth
from engine.vnc import proxy

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.vncproxy')
flags.DEFINE_string('vncproxy_wwwroot', '/var/lib/engine/noVNC/',
                     'Full path to noVNC directory')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('vnc_debug', False,
                     'Enable debugging features, like token bypassing')
flags.DEFINE_integer('vncproxy_port', 6080,
                     'Port that the VNC proxy should bind to')
flags.DEFINE_string('vncproxy_host', '',
                     'Address that the VNC proxy should bind to')
flags.DEFINE_integer('vncproxy_flash_socket_policy_port', 843,
                     'Port that the socket policy listener should bind to')
flags.DEFINE_string('vncproxy_flash_socket_policy_host', '',
                     'Address that the socket policy listener should bind to')
flags.DEFINE_integer('vnc_token_ttl', 300,
                     'How many seconds before deleting tokens')
コード例 #37
ファイル: vsa.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_compute_venv
VSA Simple Scheduler

from engine import context
from engine import db
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import rpc
from engine import utils
from engine import exception
from engine.scheduler import driver
from engine.scheduler import simple
from engine.vsa.api import VsaState
from engine.volume import volume_types

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.scheduler.vsa')

flags.DEFINE_integer('drive_type_approx_capacity_percent', 10,
                    'The percentage range for capacity comparison')
flags.DEFINE_integer('vsa_unique_hosts_per_alloc', 10,
                    'The number of unique hosts per storage allocation')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('vsa_select_unique_drives', True,
                     'Allow selection of same host for multiple drives')

def BYTES_TO_GB(bytes):
    return bytes >> 30

def GB_TO_BYTES(gb):
コード例 #38
VSA Simple Scheduler

from engine import context
from engine import db
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import rpc
from engine import utils
from engine import exception
from engine.scheduler import driver
from engine.scheduler import simple
from engine.vsa.api import VsaState
from engine.volume import volume_types

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.scheduler.vsa')

flags.DEFINE_integer('drive_type_approx_capacity_percent', 10,
                     'The percentage range for capacity comparison')
flags.DEFINE_integer('vsa_unique_hosts_per_alloc', 10,
                     'The number of unique hosts per storage allocation')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('vsa_select_unique_drives', True,
                     'Allow selection of same host for multiple drives')

def BYTES_TO_GB(bytes):
    return bytes >> 30

def GB_TO_BYTES(gb):
コード例 #39
import time

from engine import context
from engine import db
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import test
from engine import utils
from engine.compute import instance_types
from engine.db.sqlalchemy.session import get_session
from engine.db.sqlalchemy import models

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.tests.compute')

class InstanceTypeTestCase(test.TestCase):
    """Test cases for instance type code"""
    def setUp(self):
        super(InstanceTypeTestCase, self).setUp()
        session = get_session()

    def _generate_name(self):
        """return a name not in the DB"""
        nonexistent_flavor = str(int(time.time()))
        flavors = instance_types.get_all_types()
        while nonexistent_flavor in flavors:
            nonexistent_flavor += "z"
コード例 #40
ファイル: tank.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
import copy
import datetime
import json
import random
import time
from urlparse import urlparse

from tank.common import exception as tank_exception

from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.image.tank')


TankClient = utils.import_class('tank.client.Client')

def _parse_image_ref(image_href):
    """Parse an image href into composite parts.

    :param image_href: href of an image
    :returns: a tuple of the form (image_id, host, port)
    :raises ValueError

    o = urlparse(image_href)
コード例 #41
ファイル: vif.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_compute_venv
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

"""VIF drivers for libvirt."""

from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine.network import linux_net
from engine import utils
from engine.virt.libvirt import netutils
from engine.virt.vif import VIFDriver

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.virt.libvirt.vif')


flags.DEFINE_string('libvirt_ovs_bridge', 'br-int',
                    'Name of Integration Bridge used by Open vSwitch')

class LibvirtBridgeDriver(VIFDriver):
    """VIF driver for Linux bridge."""

    def _get_configurations(self, network, mapping):
        """Get a dictionary of VIF configurations for bridge type."""
        # Assume that the gateway also acts as the dhcp server.
        gateway_v6 = mapping.get('gateway_v6')
        mac_id = mapping['mac'].replace(':', '')
コード例 #42
ファイル: hosts.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
"""The hosts admin extension."""

import webob.exc
from xml.dom import minidom
from xml.parsers import expat

from engine.api.x7 import wsgi
from engine.api.x7 import xmlutil
from engine.api.x7.v2 import extensions
from engine import compute
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine.scheduler import api as scheduler_api

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.api.x7.v2.contrib.hosts")

class HostIndexTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder):
    def construct(self):
        def shimmer(obj, do_raise=False):
            # A bare list is passed in; we need to wrap it in a dict
            return dict(hosts=obj)

        root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('hosts', selector=shimmer)
        elem = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(root, 'host', selector='hosts')

        return xmlutil.MasterTemplate(root, 1)
コード例 #43
ファイル: driver.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_compute_venv

import os
import time
from xml.etree import ElementTree

from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import utils
from engine.volume import iscsi
from engine.volume import volume_types

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.volume.driver")
flags.DEFINE_string('volume_group', 'engine-volumes',
                    'Name for the VG that will contain exported volumes')
flags.DEFINE_string('num_shell_tries', 3,
                    'number of times to attempt to run flakey shell commands')
flags.DEFINE_string('num_iscsi_scan_tries', 3,
                    'number of times to rescan iSCSI target to find volume')
                    'Number of iscsi target ids per host')
flags.DEFINE_string('iscsi_target_prefix', 'iqn.2010-10.org.x7:',
                    'prefix for iscsi volumes')
flags.DEFINE_string('iscsi_ip_address', '$my_ip',
                    'use this ip for iscsi')
flags.DEFINE_integer('iscsi_port', 3260,
コード例 #44
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

from M2Crypto import X509
import unittest

from engine import crypto
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import test
from engine.auth import manager
from engine.api.ec2 import cloud
from engine.auth import fakeldap

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.tests.auth_unittest')

class user_generator(object):
    def __init__(self, manager, **user_state):
        if 'name' not in user_state:
            user_state['name'] = 'test1'
        self.manager = manager
        self.user = manager.create_user(**user_state)

    def __enter__(self):
        return self.user

    def __exit__(self, value, type, trace):
コード例 #45
ファイル: servers.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_compute_venv
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

import hashlib

from engine.api.x7 import common
from engine.api.x7.v2.views import addresses as views_addresses
from engine.api.x7.v2.views import flavors as views_flavors
from engine.api.x7.v2.views import images as views_images
from engine import log as logging
from engine import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.api.x7.v2.views.servers')

class ViewBuilder(common.ViewBuilder):
    """Model a server API response as a python dictionary."""

    _collection_name = "servers"

    _progress_statuses = (
コード例 #46
ファイル: test_fake.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.
Unit Tests for remote procedure calls using fake_impl

from engine import log as logging
from engine.rpc import impl_fake
from engine.tests.rpc import common

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.tests.rpc')

class RpcFakeTestCase(common._BaseRpcTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.rpc = impl_fake
        super(RpcFakeTestCase, self).setUp()

    def tearDown(self):
        super(RpcFakeTestCase, self).tearDown()
コード例 #47
ファイル: driver.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
Scheduler base class that all Schedulers should inherit from

from engine import db
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import rpc
from engine import utils
from engine.compute import api as compute_api
from engine.compute import power_state
from engine.compute import vm_states
from engine.api.ec2 import ec2utils

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.scheduler.driver')
flags.DEFINE_integer('service_down_time', 60,
                     'maximum time since last check-in for up service')
flags.DECLARE('instances_path', 'engine.compute.manager')

def cast_to_volume_host(context, host, method, update_db=True, **kwargs):
    """Cast request to a volume host queue"""

    if update_db:
        volume_id = kwargs.get('volume_id', None)
        if volume_id is not None:
            now = utils.utcnow()
            db.volume_update(context, volume_id, {
                'host': host,
                'scheduled_at': now
コード例 #48
#    under the License.

"""Contrib contains extensions that are shipped with engine.

It can't be called 'extensions' because that causes namespacing problems.


import os

from engine import exception
from engine import log as logging
from engine import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.api.x7.v2.contrib")

def standard_extensions(ext_mgr):
    """Registers all standard API extensions."""

    # Walk through all the modules in our directory...
    our_dir = __path__[0]
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(our_dir):
        # Compute the relative package name from the dirpath
        relpath = os.path.relpath(dirpath, our_dir)
        if relpath == ".":
            relpkg = ""
            relpkg = ".%s" % ".".join(relpath.split(os.sep))
コード例 #49
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

"""Built-in instance properties."""

from engine import context
from engine import db
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.instance_types")

def create(name, memory, vcpus, local_gb, flavorid, swap=0, rxtx_factor=1):
    """Creates instance types."""
    kwargs = {"memory_mb": memory, "vcpus": vcpus, "local_gb": local_gb, "swap": swap, "rxtx_factor": rxtx_factor}

    # ensure some attributes are integers and greater than or equal to 0
    for option in kwargs:
            kwargs[option] = int(kwargs[option])
            assert kwargs[option] >= 0
        except (ValueError, AssertionError):
            msg = _("create arguments must be positive integers")
            raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
コード例 #50
#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

from netaddr import IPNetwork, IPAddress
from engine import db
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine.network.quantum import melange_connection

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.network.quantum.melange_ipam_lib")


def get_ipam_lib(net_man):
    return QuantumMelangeIPAMLib()

class QuantumMelangeIPAMLib(object):
    """Implements Quantum IP Address Management (IPAM) interface
       using the Melange service, which is access using the Melange
       web services API.
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize class used to connect to Melange server"""
コード例 #51
ファイル: deferred_delete.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.
"""The deferred instance delete extension."""

import webob

from engine.api.x7.v2 import extensions
from engine.api.x7.v2 import servers
from engine import compute
from engine import log as logging

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.api.x7.v2.contrib.deferred-delete")

class Deferred_delete(extensions.ExtensionDescriptor):
    """Instance deferred delete"""

    name = "DeferredDelete"
    alias = "os-deferred-delete"
    namespace = "http://docs.x7.org/compute/ext/" \
    updated = "2011-09-01T00:00:00+00:00"

    def __init__(self, ext_mgr):
        super(Deferred_delete, self).__init__(ext_mgr)
        self.compute_api = compute.API()
コード例 #52
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

"""Built-in volume type properties."""

from engine import context
from engine import db
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.volume.volume_types')

def create(context, name, extra_specs={}):
    """Creates volume types."""
    except exception.DBError, e:
        LOG.exception(_('DB error: %s') % e)
        raise exception.ApiError(_("Cannot create volume_type with "
                                    "name %(name)s and specs %(extra_specs)s")
                                    % locals())

コード例 #53
ファイル: vmrc_manager.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_venv
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

"""VMRC Console Manager."""

from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import manager
from engine import rpc
from engine import utils
from engine.virt import vmwareapi_conn

LOG = logging.getLogger("engine.console.vmrc_manager")

flags.DEFINE_string('console_public_hostname', '',
                    'Publicly visible name for this console host')
flags.DEFINE_string('console_driver', 'engine.console.vmrc.VMRCConsole',
                    'Driver to use for the console')

class ConsoleVMRCManager(manager.Manager):
    """Manager to handle VMRC connections for accessing instance consoles."""

    def __init__(self, console_driver=None, *args, **kwargs):
        self.driver = utils.import_object(FLAGS.console_driver)
        super(ConsoleVMRCManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #54
ファイル: admin.py プロジェクト: wendy-king/x7_compute_venv
import netaddr

from engine.api.ec2 import ec2utils
from engine.auth import manager
from engine import compute
from engine.compute import instance_types
from engine.compute import vm_states
from engine import db
from engine import exception
from engine import flags
from engine import log as logging
from engine import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger('engine.api.ec2.admin')

def user_dict(user, base64_file=None):
    """Convert the user object to a result dict"""
    if user:
        return {
            'username': user.id,
            'accesskey': user.access,
            'secretkey': user.secret,
            'file': base64_file}
        return {}

def project_dict(project):