def save_mpm_state(solver: MPMSolver, frame: int, save_dir: str): """ Save MPM middle state as a npz file :param solver: :param frame: :param save_dir: :return: """ if not solver.use_g2p2g: raise NotImplementedError particles = solver.particle_info() # particle information # other meta data phase = solver.input_grid # save grid_v count_activate(solver.grid_v[phase]) print(f"we have {count[None]} nodes activated") np_grid_idx = np.ndarray((count[None], solver.dim), dtype=np.float32) np_grid_val = np.ndarray((count[None], solver.dim), dtype=np.float32) copy_grid(np_grid_idx, np_grid_val, solver.grid_v[phase], solver) # save deformation gradient np_F = np.ndarray((solver.n_particles[None], solver.dim, solver.dim), dtype=np.float32) copy_matrix(np_F, solver.F, solver) particles['F'] = np_F if mpm.support_plasticity: np_j = np.ndarray((solver.n_particles[None], ), dtype=np.float32) solver.copy_dynamic(np_j, solver.Jp) particles['p_Jp'] = np_j np.savez(save_dir, frame=frame, input_grid=phase, grid_v_idx=np_grid_idx, grid_v_val=np_grid_val, **particles) print(f'save {frame}th frame to {save_dir}') return
# Try to run on GPU ti.init(arch=ti.cuda, device_memory_GB=3.0) gui = ti.GUI("Taichi Elements", res=512, background_color=0x112F41) mpm = MPMSolver(res=(64, 64, 64), size=1) triangles = np.fromfile('suzanne.npy', dtype=np.float32) triangles = np.reshape(triangles, (len(triangles) // 9, 9)) * 0.306 + 0.501 mpm.add_mesh(triangles=triangles, material=MPMSolver.material_elastic, color=0xFFFF00) mpm.set_gravity((0, -20, 0)) for frame in range(1500): mpm.step(4e-3) particles = mpm.particle_info() np_x = particles['position'] / 1.0 # simple camera transform screen_x = ((np_x[:, 0] + np_x[:, 2]) / 2**0.5) - 0.2 screen_y = (np_x[:, 1]) screen_pos = np.stack([screen_x, screen_y], axis=-1) gui.circles(screen_pos, radius=1.1, color=particles['color'])'{frame:06d}.png' if write_to_disk else None)