def _render(self, offset: (int, int) = (0, 0)): """Renders the text of the selector.""" sets = Settings() # Position x, y = offset x += self._x y += self._y # Text and color text = self._text fg = sets.colors['default_fg'] bg = sets.colors['default_bg'] # Active highlight if if self._mode == Highlight.INVERT: bg = sets.colors['default_fg'] fg = sets.colors['default_bg'] elif self._mode == Highlight.COLOR: fg = sets.colors['highlight_fg'] elif self._mode == Highlight.ASTERISK: text = "* " + text elif self._mode == Highlight.DASH: text = "- " + text #console.print(x+self._x, y+self._y, self._text, fg=sets.colors['default_fg'], bg=sets.colors['default_bg'], alignment=self._align) # BearLibTerm print terminal.color(fg) terminal.bkcolor(bg) terminal.puts(x, y, text, *self.size, self._horiz_align.value + self._vert_align.value)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() sets = Settings() self._ui = WorldGenUI(*sets.screen_size, None) self._input_handler = InputHandler() self.exit = False
def __init__(self): super().__init__() sets = Settings() self._ui = MainMenuUI(*sets.screen_size, None) # TODO: more flexible, work for all menus? self._input_handler = SelectorMenu(self._ui, Orientation.VERTICAL) self.exit = False
def main(): # Initialize global settings. sets = Settings() sets.initialize() # Load assets f = sets.font('dejavu_sans') if not terminal.set("font: %s, size=%d" % (f.path, sets.tile_size[0])): print("ERROR: Failed to set font.") raise SystemError if not terminal.set("window: title=%s, size=%dx%d" % (sets.title, *sets.screen_size)): print("ERROR: Failed to set screen size.") raise SystemError # Flag to prevent drawing before state update game_state_change = False # Create the game-scene state machine and initialize with the main menu. game_state = GameStateMachine(MenuState()) game_state.render() terminal.refresh() # Update/render loop while True: # Wait for an event (animation, user input). while terminal.has_input(): game_state_change = True # If the game state is over/exited, it will empty the state machine and return false. if not terminal.close() raise SystemExit # Render a frame with a clear, draw, frame-swap operation. if (game_state_change): terminal.clear() game_state.render() terminal.refresh() # Reset game state change for renedering game_state_change = False
def _render(self, offset: (int, int) = (0, 0)): sets = Settings() # Position x, y = offset x += self._x y += self._y # Text and color fg = sets.colors['default_fg'] bg = sets.colors['default_bg'] #console.print(x+self._x, y+self._y, self._text, fg=self._color, bg=sets.colors['default_bg'], alignment=self._align) # BearLibTerm print terminal.color(fg) terminal.bkcolor(bg) terminal.puts(x, y, self._text, *self.size, self._horiz_align.value + self._vert_align.value)
def __init__(self, width: int, height: int, parent: ui.UserInterface, x: int = 0, y: int = 0): super().__init__(width, height, parent, x=x, y=y) sets = Settings() # Add text element for the title self._children.append( ui.Text("World Generation", sets.colors['default_fg'], 20, 1, self, x=0, y=0))
def __init__(self, width: int, height: int, parent: ui.UserInterface, x: int = 0, y: int = 0): super().__init__(width, height, parent, x=x, y=y) sets = Settings() origin_x = int(width / 2) - 5 origin_y = int(height / 2) - 5 # Add text element for the title self._children.append( ui.Text("RIFT", sets.colors['default_fg'], 10, 1, self, x=origin_x, y=origin_y)) # Define start selector as activated def _start(): return (StateTransition.NONE, None) self._children.append( ui.Selector("Start", 10, 1, self, action=_start, x=origin_x, y=origin_y + 2)) self._children[1].toggle() # Define world gen activator def _worldgen(): return (StateTransition.NEXT, WorldGenState()) self._children.append( ui.Selector("World Generation", 20, 1, self, action=_worldgen, x=origin_x, y=origin_y + 3)) # Define options selector def _options(): return (StateTransition.NONE, None) self._children.append( ui.Selector("Options", 10, 1, self, action=_options, x=origin_x, y=origin_y + 4)) # Define exit selector def _exit(): return (StateTransition.EXIT, None) self._children.append( ui.Selector("Exit", 10, 1, self, action=_exit, x=origin_x, y=origin_y + 5))