def driveToGoal(self): if self.isCloseToOtherCar(): self.velocity = Vec2d(0, 0) self.agentComm.unclaimIntersection(self) return #self.accelerate(Agent.ACCELERATION) #return frontOfCar = self.pos + self.dir.normalized() * Car.LENGTH if self.inIntersection: inter = self.model.getIntersection(frontOfCar.x, frontOfCar.y) if not self.agentComm.claimIntersection(inter, self): return self.accelerate(Agent.ACCELERATION) if not inter: self.agentComm.unclaimIntersection(self) self.inIntersection = False else: if self.model.inIntersection(frontOfCar.x, frontOfCar.y): self.velocity = Vec2d(0, 0) self.agentComm.unclaimIntersection(self) self.inIntersection = True else: self.accelerate(Agent.ACCELERATION)
def getNodePos(self, side, isIn, inIsLeft): width = self.block.getWidth() height = self.block.getHeight() center = self.block.getCenter() isLeft = inIsLeft != isIn if isLeft: offset = Vec2d(-width * .2, -height / 2.0) else: offset = Vec2d(width * .2, -height / 2.0) angle = Intersection.ANGLE_FROM_NORTH[side] offset.rotate(angle) return center + offset
def accelerate(self, amount): amount = min(amount, Car.MAX_ACCELERATION) acceleration = Vec2d(self.dir.x, self.dir.y).normalized() acceleration *= amount self.velocity += acceleration if (self.velocity.get_length() >= self.maxSpeed): self.velocity.set_length(self.maxSpeed)
def move(self, cars): for car in cars: start = time.time() oldDir = Vec2d(car.dir.x, car.dir.y) oldPos = Vec2d(car.pos.x, car.pos.y) car.update() newPos = car.getPos() newDir = car.getDir() deltaPos = newPos - oldPos deltaAngle = oldDir.get_angle_between(newDir) self.updateTime += time.time() - start if Const.SHOW_CARS or car.isJunior(): self.moveCarDisplay(car, deltaPos, deltaAngle) if self.isLearning: self.learner.noteCarMove(oldPos, newPos)
def autonomousAction(self, beliefs, agentGraph): oldPos = Vec2d(self.pos.x, self.pos.y) oldDir = Vec2d(self.dir.x, self.dir.y) oldVel = Vec2d(self.velocity.x, self.velocity.y) actions = self.getAutonomousActions(beliefs, agentGraph) assert self.pos == oldPos assert self.dir == oldDir assert self.velocity == oldVel if Car.DRIVE_FORWARD in actions: percent = actions[Car.DRIVE_FORWARD] percent = max(percent, 0.0) percent = min(percent, 1.0) self.accelerate(Junior.ACCELERATION * percent) if Car.TURN_WHEEL in actions: turnAngle = actions[Car.TURN_WHEEL] self.setWheelAngle(turnAngle)
def drawBeliefSquare(row, col, color, value, model): tileSize = Const.BELIEF_TILE_SIZE x = col * tileSize + tileSize / 2.0 y = row * tileSize + tileSize / 2.0 if not model.inBounds(x, y): return None color = Display._getBeliefSquareColor(color, value) return Display.drawSquare(Vec2d(x, y), tileSize, color)
def decellerate(self, amount): speed = self.velocity.get_length() if speed == 0: return frictionVec = self.velocity.get_reflection().normalized() frictionVec *= amount self.velocity += frictionVec angle = self.velocity.get_angle_between(frictionVec) if abs(angle) < 180: self.velocity = Vec2d(0, 0)
def __init__(self, pos, dirName, velocity): self.initialPos = Vec2d(pos.x, pos.y) self.pos = pos self.velocity = velocity direction = self.dirFromName(dirName) self.dir = direction self.wheelAngle = 0 self.maxSpeed = Car.MAX_SPEED self.friction = Car.FRICTION self.maxWheelAngle = Car.MAX_WHEEL_ANGLE
def vecs_from_coords(coords): vecs = [] x = None for coord in coords: if x == None: x = coord else: vecs.append(Vec2d(x, coord)) x = None return vecs
def rotate_by(obj, angle): vecs = vecs_from_coords(_canvas.coords(obj)) anchorPos = Vec2d.getAverage(vecs) newVecs = [] for vec in vecs: vec -= anchorPos vec.rotate(angle) vec += anchorPos newVecs.append(vec) newCoords = coords_from_vecs(newVecs) _canvas.coords(obj, *newCoords)
def heartbeat(self): oldDir = Vec2d(self.junior.dir.x, self.junior.dir.y) oldPos = Vec2d(self.junior.pos.x, self.junior.pos.y) quitAction = self.junior.action() carProb = self.model.getProbCar() if carProb and Const.AUTO: agentGraph = self.model.getJuniorGraph() self.junior.autonomousAction(carProb, agentGraph) if quitAction: self.quit = True return self.junior.update() self.collision = self.model.checkCollision(self.junior) self.victory = self.model.checkVictory() newPos = self.junior.getPos() newDir = self.junior.getDir() deltaPos = newPos - oldPos deltaAngle = oldDir.get_angle_between(newDir) Display.move(self.junior, deltaPos) Display.rotate(self.junior, deltaAngle)
def __init__(self, layout, QLearner): self._initBlocks(layout) self._initIntersections(layout) self.layout = layout startX = layout.getStartX() startY = layout.getStartY() startDirName = layout.getJuniorDir() self.junior = AutoDriver(QLearner) self.junior.setup(Vec2d(startX, startY), startDirName, Vec2d(0, 0)) = [self.junior] self.otherCars = [] self.finish = Block(layout.getFinish()) agentComm = AgentCommunication() if self.layout.getWorldName() != 'highway': agentGraph = layout.getAgentGraph() for _ in range(Const.NUM_AGENTS): startNode = self._getStartNode(agentGraph) other = Agent(startNode, layout.getAgentGraph(), self, agentComm) self.otherCars.append(other) else: agentGraphCarB = layout.getAgentGraphCarB() startNode = self._getStartNode(agentGraphCarB) other = Agent(startNode, layout.getAgentGraphCarB(), self, agentComm) self.otherCars.append(other) agentGraphTruck = layout.getAgentGraphTruck() startNode = self._getStartNode(agentGraphTruck) other = Agent(startNode, layout.getAgentGraphTruck(), self, agentComm) self.otherCars.append(other) self.observations = [] agentComm.addAgents(self.otherCars) self.modelLock = threading.Lock() self.probCarSet = False
def __init__(self, startNode, agentGraph, model, agentComm): self.agentGraph = agentGraph self.model = model self.agentComm = agentComm startPos = startNode.getPos() startDirName = startNode.getDir() super(Agent, self).__init__(startPos, startDirName, Vec2d(0, 0)) self.maxSpeed = random.gauss(Car.MAX_SPEED, Agent.MAX_SPEED_STD) self.goalNode = self.getGoalNode(startNode.getId()) self.hasInference = False self.color = self.initColor() self.inIntersection = True self.claimedIntersection = None
def collides(self, otherPos, otherBounds): diff = otherPos - self.pos dist = diff.get_length() if dist > Car.RADIUS * 2: return False bounds = self.getBounds() vec1 = bounds[0] - bounds[1] vec2 = otherBounds[0] - otherBounds[1] axis = [ vec1, vec1.perpendicular(), vec2, vec2.perpendicular() ] for vec in axis: (minA, maxA) = Vec2d.projectPoints(bounds, vec) (minB, maxB) = Vec2d.projectPoints(otherBounds, vec) leftmostA = minA <= minB overlap = False if leftmostA and maxA >= minB: overlap = True if not leftmostA and maxB >= minA: overlap = True if not overlap: return False return True
def rectangle(pos, length, width, color, dir=None, filled=1, behind=0): coordVecs = [ Vec2d(-width / 2.0, -length / 2.0), Vec2d(+width / 2.0, -length / 2.0), Vec2d(+width / 2.0, +length / 2.0), Vec2d(-width / 2.0, +length / 2.0) ] if dir != None: dir = dir.normalized() protoDir = Vec2d(0, -1) angle = -dir.get_angle_between(protoDir) else: angle = 0 coords = [] for coord in coordVecs: coord.rotate(angle) coord += pos coords.append((coord.x, coord.y)) return polygon(coords, color, color, filled, 0, behind=behind)
def dirFromName(self, dirName): if dirName == 'north': return Vec2d(0, -1) if dirName == 'west': return Vec2d(-1, 0) if dirName == 'south': return Vec2d(0, 1) if dirName == 'east': return Vec2d(1, 0) raise Exception(str(dirName) + ' is not a recognized dir.')
def getCenter(self): return Vec2d(self.centerX, self.centerY)
def getPos(self): return Vec2d(self.x, self.y)
def turnCarTowardsWheels(self): if self.velocity.get_length() > 0.0: self.velocity.rotate(self.wheelAngle) self.dir = Vec2d(self.velocity.x, self.velocity.y)