def __init__(self, side): self.engine = "gshogi" self.path = "" self.engine_running = False self.newgame = False self.running_engine = "" self.stop_pending = False self.ponder_move = None self.side = side self.engine_debug = engine_debug.get_ref() self.engine_output = engine_output.get_ref()
def __init__(self, verbose, verbose_usi, side): self.engine = 'gshogi' self.path = '' self.engine_running = False self.newgame = False self.running_engine = '' self.stop_pending = False self.ponder_move = None self.verbose = verbose self.verbose_usi = verbose_usi self.side = side self.engine_debug = engine_debug.get_ref() self.engine_output = engine_output.get_ref()
def __init__(self): gv.gshogi = self # set global variables for debug messages gv.verbose, gv.verbose_usi = utils.get_verbose() # prefix to find package files/folders self.prefix = utils.get_prefix() # set up .gshogi directory in the home directory self.gshogipath = utils.create_settings_dir() self.glade_dir = os.path.join(self.prefix, "glade") # get settings saved from previous game self.settings = utils.get_settings_from_file(self.gshogipath) self.ask_before_promoting = False self.gameover = False self.time_limit = "00:10" self.stopped = True self.quitting = False self.src = "" self.src_x = "" self.src_y = "" self.startpos = "startpos" self.start_stm = BLACK self.search_depth = 39 self.thinking = False self.cmove = "none" self.movelist = [] self.redolist = [] self.player = ["Human", "gshogi"] self.pondermove = [None, None] opening_book_path = os.path.join(self.prefix, "data/opening.bbk") engine.init(opening_book_path, gv.verbose) gv.gui = gui.Gui() gv.pieces = pieces.Pieces() # custom pieceset path if self.settings != "": gv.pieces.set_custom_pieceset_path( self.settings.custom_pieceset_path) gv.pieces.load_pieces(self.prefix) # usiw is the instance that plays white (gote) # usib is the instance that plays black (sente) gv.usib = usi.Usi("b") gv.usiw = usi.Usi("w") # instantiate board, gui, classes = time_control.Time_Control() gv.engine_manager = engine_manager.Engine_Manager() gv.board = board.Board() self.set_board_colours = set_board_colours.get_ref() # set colours to previous game (if any) if self.settings != "": self.set_board_colours.restore_colour_settings( self.settings.colour_settings) gv.gui.build_gui() gv.board.build_board() self.engine_output = engine_output.get_ref() # set level command = "level 0 " + self.time_limit engine.command(command) # turn off beeps if not BEEP: engine.command("beep") # restore users settings to values from previous game self.restore_settings(self.settings) gv.usib.set_engine(self.player[BLACK], None) gv.usiw.set_engine(self.player[WHITE], None) gv.gui.update_toolbar(self.player) self.move_list = move_list.get_ref() gv.gui.enable_go_button() gv.gui.disable_stop_button() self.stm = self.get_side_to_move() self.timer_active = False self.set_board_colours.apply_colour_settings()
def __init__(self): self.verbose = False self.verbose_usi = False for arg in sys.argv: if arg == '-v' or arg == '--verbose': self.verbose = True if arg == '-vusi': self.verbose_usi = True self.ask_before_promoting = False self.gameover = False self.time_limit = '00:10' self.stopped = True self.quitting = False self.src = '' self.src_x = '' self.src_y = '' self.startpos = 'startpos' self.start_stm = BLACK self.search_depth = 39 self.thinking = False self.cmove = 'none' self.movelist = [] self.redolist = [] self.player = ["Human", "gshogi"] self.pondermove = [None, None] # set paths to images. opening book etc self.set_data_paths() opening_book_path = os.path.join(self.prefix, "data/opening.bbk") engine.init(opening_book_path, self.verbose) self.glade_dir = os.path.join(self.prefix, 'glade') utils.set_game_ref(self) # usiw is the instance that plays white (gote) # usib is the instance that plays black (sente) self.usib = usi.Usi(self.verbose, self.verbose_usi, 'b') self.usiw = usi.Usi(self.verbose, self.verbose_usi, 'w') utils.set_usi_refs(self.usib, self.usiw) # instantiate board, gui, classes = time_control.Time_Control(self.verbose) utils.set_tc_ref( self.engine_manager = engine_manager.Engine_Manager(self.verbose) self.board = utils.get_board_ref() self.pieces = utils.get_pieces_ref() self.gui = utils.get_gui_ref() self.board.set_refs(self, self.gui) self.gui.set_refs(self, self.board, self.engine_manager, self.gui.build_gui() self.board.build_board() self.engine_manager.set_refs(self, self.gui, self.usib, self.usiw) self.usib.set_refs(self, self.engine_manager, self.gui, self.usiw.set_refs(self, self.engine_manager, self.gui,, self.gui) self.set_board_colours = set_board_colours.get_ref() self.engine_output = engine_output.get_ref() # set level command = 'level 0 ' + self.time_limit engine.command(command) # turn off beeps if not BEEP: engine.command('beep') # restore users settings to values from previous game self.restore_settings() self.usib.set_engine(self.player[BLACK], None) self.usiw.set_engine(self.player[WHITE], None) self.gui.update_toolbar(self.player) self.move_list = move_list.get_ref() self.gui.enable_go_button() self.gui.disable_stop_button() self.stm = self.get_side_to_move() self.timer_active = False
def build_gui(self): self.gobactive = False self.engine_debug = engine_debug.get_ref() self.engine_output = engine_output.get_ref() self.move_list = move_list.get_ref() self.gamelist = gamelist.get_ref() self.set_board_colours = set_board_colours.get_ref() self.drag_and_drop = drag_and_drop.get_ref() self.enable_dnd = True self.load_save = load_save.get_ref() self.show_coords = True self.highlight_moves = True # Create Main Window glade_dir = gv.gshogi.get_glade_dir() self.glade_file = os.path.join(glade_dir, "") self.glade_file_preferences = os.path.join( glade_dir, "") self.builder = Gtk.Builder() self.builder.add_from_file(self.glade_file) self.builder.connect_signals(self) self.window = self.builder.get_object("main_window") screen = self.window.get_screen() self.screen_width = screen.get_width() self.screen_height = screen.get_height() self.set_window_size() # self.window = Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL) self.window.set_title(NAME + " " + VERSION) # 1 eventbox per board square self.eb = [[Gtk.EventBox() for x in range(9)] for x in range(9)] # 1 eventbox per komadai board square self.keb = [[Gtk.EventBox() for x in range(7)] for x in range(2)] # Set a handler for delete_event that immediately exits GTK. self.window.connect("delete_event", gv.gshogi.delete_event) main_vbox = self.builder.get_object("main_vbox") # menu # Create a UIManager instance uimanager = Gtk.UIManager() # Add the accelerator group to the toplevel window accelgroup = uimanager.get_accel_group() self.window.add_accel_group(accelgroup) # main action group actiongroup = Gtk.ActionGroup("UIManagerAG") self.actiongroup = actiongroup # action group for toggleactions ta_action_group = Gtk.ActionGroup("AGPromoteMode") ta_action_group.add_toggle_actions([( "promotemode", None, "_Ask Before Promoting", None, None, self.promote_mode)]) self.ta_action_group = ta_action_group # Create actions actiongroup.add_actions([ # NewGame and the handicap names are used in NewGame # routine. don't change them. ("NewGame", Gtk.STOCK_NEW, "_New Game", None, "New Game", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("LanceHandicap", None, "_Lance", None, "Lance Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("BishopHandicap", None, "_Bishop", None, "Bishop Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("RookHandicap", None, "_Rook", None, "Rook Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("RookandLanceHandicap", None, "_Rook and Lance", None, "Rook and Lance Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("TwoPieceHandicap", None, "_2 Pieces", None, "Two Piece Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("FourPieceHandicap", None, "_4 Pieces", None, "Four Piece Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("SixPieceHandicap", None, "_6 Pieces", None, "Six Piece Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("EightPieceHandicap", None, "_8 Pieces", None, "Eight Piece Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("TenPieceHandicap", None, "_10 Pieces", None, "Ten Piece Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("NewHandicapGame", None, "_New Handicap Game"), # ("Quit", Gtk.STOCK_QUIT, "_Quit", None, "Quit the Program", gv.gshogi.quit_game), ("LoadGame", Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, "_Load Game", None, "Load Game", self.load_save.load_game), ("SaveGame", Gtk.STOCK_SAVE, "_Save Game", None, "Save Game", self.load_save.save_game), ("File", None, "_File"), ("Edit", None, "_Edit"), ("Undo", Gtk.STOCK_UNDO, "_Undo Move", "<Control>U", "Undo Move", gv.gshogi.undo_single_move), ("Redo", Gtk.STOCK_REDO, "_Redo Move", "<Control>R", "Redo Move", gv.gshogi.redo_single_move), ("MoveNow", None, "_Move Now", "<Control>M", "Move Now", gv.gshogi.move_now), ("SetBoardColours", None, "_Set Board Colours", None, "Set Board Colours", self.set_board_colours.show_dialog), ("SetPieces", None, "_Set Pieces", None, "Set Pieces", self.set_board_colours.show_pieces_dialog), ("TimeControl", None, "_Time Control", None, "Time Control",, # ConfigureEngine1 - this name is used in engine_manager. # don't change it. ("ConfigureEngine1", None, "_Configure Engine 1", None, "Configure Engine 1", gv.engine_manager.configure_engine), ("ConfigureEngine2", None, "_Configure Engine 2", None, "Configure Engine 2", gv.engine_manager.configure_engine), ("Players", None, "_Players", None, "Players", gv.gshogi.set_players), ("Engines", None, "_Engines", None, "Engines", gv.engine_manager.engines), ("CommonEngineSettings", None, "_Common Engine Settings", None, "Common Engine Settings", gv.engine_manager.common_settings), ("MoveList", None, "_Move List", None, "Move List", self.move_list.show_movelist_window), ("GameList", None, "_Game List", None, "Game List", self.gamelist.show_gamelist_window_cb), ("EngineOutput", None, "_Engine Output", None, "Engine Output", self.engine_output.show_engine_output_window), ("EngineDebug", None, "_Engine Debug", None, "Engine Debug", self.engine_debug.show_debug_window), ("Options", None, "_Options"), ("View", None, "_View"), ("About", Gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, "_About", None, "Show About Box", self.about_box), ("Help", None, "_Help"), ("CopyPosition", None, "_Copy Position", None, "Copy Position", utils.copy_SFEN_to_clipboard), ("PastePosition", None, "_Paste Position", None, "Paste Position", utils.paste_clipboard_to_SFEN), ("CopyGame", None, "_Copy Game", None, "Copy Game", utils.copy_game_to_clipboard), ("PasteGame", None, "_Paste Game", None, "Paste Game", utils.paste_game_from_clipboard), ("EditPosition", None, "_Edit Position", None, "Edit Position", self.enable_edit_mode), ("Preferences", None, "_Preferences", None, "Preferences", self.preferences), ] ) # Add the actiongroups to the uimanager uimanager.insert_action_group(actiongroup, 0) uimanager.insert_action_group(ta_action_group, 1) ui = """<ui> <menubar name="MenuBar"> <menu action="File"> <menuitem action="NewGame"/> <menu action="NewHandicapGame"> <menuitem action="LanceHandicap"/> <menuitem action="BishopHandicap"/> <menuitem action="RookHandicap"/> <menuitem action="RookandLanceHandicap"/> <menuitem action="TwoPieceHandicap"/> <menuitem action="FourPieceHandicap"/> <menuitem action="SixPieceHandicap"/> <menuitem action="EightPieceHandicap"/> <menuitem action="TenPieceHandicap"/> </menu> <separator/> <menuitem action="LoadGame"/> <menuitem action="SaveGame"/> <separator/> <menuitem action="Quit"/> </menu> <menu action="Edit"> <menuitem action="CopyPosition"/> <menuitem action="PastePosition"/> <separator/> <menuitem action="CopyGame"/> <menuitem action="PasteGame"/> <separator/> <menuitem action="EditPosition"/> <separator/> <menuitem action="Preferences"/> </menu> <menu action="Options"> <menuitem action="Undo"/> <menuitem action="Redo"/> <menuitem action="MoveNow"/> <separator/> <menuitem action="promotemode"/> <menuitem action="SetBoardColours"/> <menuitem action="SetPieces"/> <separator/> <menuitem action="TimeControl"/> <menuitem action="ConfigureEngine1"/> <menuitem action="ConfigureEngine2"/> <menuitem action="Players"/> <menuitem action="Engines"/> <menuitem action="CommonEngineSettings"/> </menu> <menu action="View"> <menuitem action="MoveList"/> <menuitem action="GameList"/> <menuitem action="EngineOutput"/> <menuitem action="EngineDebug"/> </menu> <menu action="Help"> <menuitem action="About"/> </menu> </menubar> </ui>""" # Add a UI description uimanager.add_ui_from_string(ui) # Use an event box and set its background colour. # This was needed on Ubuntu 12.04 to set the toolbar bg colour. # Otherwise ubuntu uses the window bg colour which is not # correct. # don't need this on Fedora though. eb_1 = self.builder.get_object("eb_1") # eb_1 = Gtk.EventBox() vbox2 = Gtk.VBox(False, 0) # main_vbox.pack_start(vbox2, False) # main_vbox.pack_start(eb_1, False) eb_1.add(vbox2) eb_1.modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse("#EDECEB")) # Create a MenuBar menubar = uimanager.get_widget("/MenuBar") vbox2.pack_start(menubar, False, True, 0) # create a toolbar toolbar = Gtk.Toolbar() vbox2.pack_start(toolbar, False, True, 0) # populate toolbar toolitem = Gtk.ToolItem() # 2 rows, 4 columns, not homogeneous tb = Gtk.Table(2, 5, False) # Gtk.ShadowType.NONE, SHADOW_IN, SHADOW_OUT, SHADOW_ETCHED_IN, # SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT self.side_to_move = [ Gtk.Arrow(Gtk.ArrowType.RIGHT, Gtk.ShadowType.ETCHED_IN), Gtk.Arrow(Gtk.ArrowType.RIGHT, Gtk.ShadowType.ETCHED_IN)] self.side_to_move[BLACK].set_alignment(0.5, 0.4) self.side_to_move[WHITE].set_alignment(0.5, 0.4) tb.attach(self.side_to_move[WHITE], 0, 1, 0, 1) tb.attach(self.side_to_move[BLACK], 0, 1, 1, 2) lw = Gtk.Label(label="White: ") lb = Gtk.Label(label="Black: ") lw.set_alignment(0, 0.5) lb.set_alignment(0, 0.5) tb.attach(lw, 1, 2, 0, 1) tb.attach(lb, 1, 2, 1, 2) self.engines_lblw = Gtk.Label(label="gshogi") self.engines_lblw.set_use_markup(True) self.engines_lblw.set_alignment(0, 0.5) self.engines_lblb = Gtk.Label(label="human") self.engines_lblb.set_use_markup(True) self.engines_lblb.set_alignment(0, 0.5) tb.attach(self.engines_lblw, 2, 3, 0, 1) tb.attach(self.engines_lblb, 2, 3, 1, 2) # time control self.tc_lbl = [ Gtk.Label(label="00:45:00 00/10"), Gtk.Label(label="00:45:00 00/10")] self.tc_lbl[BLACK].set_alignment(0, 0.5) self.tc_lbl[WHITE].set_alignment(0, 0.5) tb.attach(self.tc_lbl[WHITE], 3, 4, 0, 1) tb.attach(self.tc_lbl[BLACK], 3, 4, 1, 2) toolitem.add(tb) toolbar.insert(toolitem, -1) # add a vertical separator hb = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) toolitem = Gtk.ToolItem() vsep = Gtk.VSeparator() hb.pack_start(vsep, True, True, 10) toolitem.add(hb) toolbar.insert(toolitem, -1) # stop/go buttons hb = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) self.gobutton = Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.STOCK_YES) self.gobutton.connect("clicked", gv.gshogi.go_clicked) self.stopbutton = Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.STOCK_NO) self.stopbutton.connect("clicked", gv.gshogi.stop_clicked) self.gobutton.set_tooltip_text("go") self.stopbutton.set_tooltip_text("stop") hb.pack_start(self.stopbutton, False, True, 0) hb.pack_start(self.gobutton, False, True, 0) toolitem = Gtk.ToolItem() toolitem.add(hb) toolbar.insert(toolitem, -1) # add a vertical separator hb = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) toolitem = Gtk.ToolItem() vsep = Gtk.VSeparator() hb.pack_start(vsep, True, True, 10) toolitem.add(hb) toolbar.insert(toolitem, -1) # game review buttons hb = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) self.go_first = Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.STOCK_GOTO_FIRST) self.go_first.connect("clicked", gv.gshogi.undo_all) self.go_back = Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK) self.go_back.connect("clicked", gv.gshogi.undo_single_move) self.go_forward = Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD) self.go_forward.connect("clicked", gv.gshogi.redo_single_move) self.go_last = Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.STOCK_GOTO_LAST) self.go_last.connect("clicked", gv.gshogi.redo_all) hb.pack_start(self.go_first, False, True, 0) hb.pack_start(self.go_back, False, True, 0) hb.pack_start(self.go_forward, False, True, 0) hb.pack_start(self.go_last, False, True, 0) toolitem = Gtk.ToolItem() toolitem.add(hb) toolbar.insert(toolitem, -1) # add a vertical separator hb = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) toolitem = Gtk.ToolItem() vsep = Gtk.VSeparator() hb.pack_start(vsep, True, True, 10) toolitem.add(hb) toolbar.insert(toolitem, -1) main_grid = self.builder.get_object("grid1") main_grid.set_row_homogeneous(True) main_grid.set_column_homogeneous(True) # main_hbox = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) # Create komadai grids for captured pieces self.setup_komadai(WHITE, main_grid) self.setup_komadai(BLACK, main_grid) # Create a 9x9 table for the main board self.boardgrid = self.boardgrid.set_row_homogeneous(True) self.boardgrid.set_column_homogeneous(True) self.boardgrid.set_border_width(1) # # init board squares (add event box, set up drag and drop, # button clicks) # x, y = 0, 0 is the top left square of the board # for x in range(9): for y in range(9): self.init_board_square(x, y) eb2 = Gtk.EventBox() eb2.modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse("black")) eb2.add(self.boardgrid) eb = Gtk.EventBox() eb.add(eb2) aspect_frame = Gtk.AspectFrame(label=None, xalign=0.5, yalign=0.5, ratio=1.0, obey_child=False) aspect_frame.add(eb) eb2.set_border_width(20) self.grid_eb = eb2 main_grid.attach(aspect_frame, 6, 0, 20, 20) aspect_frame.modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse("black")) eb.connect_after("draw", self.draw_coords) self.border_eb = eb # status bar self.status_bar = self.builder.get_object("status_bar") # set status bar bg color # Use an event box and set its background colour. # This was needed on Fedora 19 to set the statusbar bg colour. # Otherwise it uses the window bg colour which is not # correct. This was not needed on F17. eb_2 = self.builder.get_object("eb_2") eb_2.modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse("#EDECEB")) # self.status_bar = Gtk.Statusbar() # main_vbox.pack_start(self.status_bar, False, False, 0) self.context_id = self.status_bar.get_context_id("gshogi statusbar") self.actiongroup.get_action("MoveNow").set_sensitive(False) self.window.show_all() self.side_to_move[WHITE].hide() self.gobutton.set_sensitive(False) self.stopbutton.set_sensitive(False) # mask = Gdk.WindowHints.BASE_SIZE| # Gdk.WindowHints.MIN_SIZE| # Gdk.WindowHints.MAX_SIZE| # Gdk.WindowHints.RESIZE_INC|Gdk.WindowHints.ASPECT #mask = Gdk.WindowHints.MIN_SIZE | Gdk.WindowHints.MAX_SIZE mask = Gdk.WindowHints.MIN_SIZE geometry = Gdk.Geometry() # geometry.base_width = -1 # geometry.base_height = -1 # geometry.max_width = -1 # geometry.max_height = -1 geometry.min_width = 378 geometry.min_height = 378 # geometry.width_inc = -1 # geometry.height_inc = -1 # geometry.min_aspect = -1.0 # geometry.max_aspect = -1.0 #self.window.set_geometry_hints(self.window, geometry, mask) # self.window.set_geometry_hints( # self.window, min_width=378, min_height=378, max_width=-1, # max_height=-1, base_width=-1, base_height=-1, width_inc=-1, # height_inc=-1, min_aspect=-1.0, max_aspect=-1.0) self.build_edit_popup()
def build_gui(self): self.gobactive = False self.engine_debug = engine_debug.get_ref() self.engine_output = engine_output.get_ref() self.move_list = move_list.get_ref() self.gamelist = gamelist.get_ref() self.set_board_colours = set_board_colours.get_ref() self.drag_and_drop = drag_and_drop.get_ref() self.enable_dnd = True self.load_save = load_save.get_ref() self.show_coords = True self.highlight_moves = True # Create Main Window glade_dir = gv.gshogi.get_glade_dir() self.glade_file = os.path.join(glade_dir, "") self.glade_file_preferences = os.path.join(glade_dir, "") self.builder = Gtk.Builder() self.builder.add_from_file(self.glade_file) self.builder.connect_signals(self) self.window = self.builder.get_object("main_window") screen = self.window.get_screen() self.screen_width = screen.get_width() self.screen_height = screen.get_height() self.set_window_size() # self.window = Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL) self.window.set_title(NAME + " " + VERSION) # 1 eventbox per board square self.eb = [[Gtk.EventBox() for x in range(9)] for x in range(9)] # 1 eventbox per komadai board square self.keb = [[Gtk.EventBox() for x in range(7)] for x in range(2)] # Set a handler for delete_event that immediately exits GTK. self.window.connect("delete_event", gv.gshogi.delete_event) main_vbox = self.builder.get_object("main_vbox") # menu # Create a UIManager instance uimanager = Gtk.UIManager() # Add the accelerator group to the toplevel window accelgroup = uimanager.get_accel_group() self.window.add_accel_group(accelgroup) # main action group actiongroup = Gtk.ActionGroup("UIManagerAG") self.actiongroup = actiongroup # action group for toggleactions ta_action_group = Gtk.ActionGroup("AGPromoteMode") ta_action_group.add_toggle_actions([ ("promotemode", None, "_Ask Before Promoting", None, None, self.promote_mode) ]) self.ta_action_group = ta_action_group # Create actions actiongroup.add_actions([ # NewGame and the handicap names are used in NewGame # routine. don't change them. ("NewGame", Gtk.STOCK_NEW, "_New Game", None, "New Game", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("LanceHandicap", None, "_Lance", None, "Lance Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("BishopHandicap", None, "_Bishop", None, "Bishop Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("RookHandicap", None, "_Rook", None, "Rook Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("RookandLanceHandicap", None, "_Rook and Lance", None, "Rook and Lance Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("TwoPieceHandicap", None, "_2 Pieces", None, "Two Piece Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("FourPieceHandicap", None, "_4 Pieces", None, "Four Piece Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("SixPieceHandicap", None, "_6 Pieces", None, "Six Piece Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("EightPieceHandicap", None, "_8 Pieces", None, "Eight Piece Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("TenPieceHandicap", None, "_10 Pieces", None, "Ten Piece Handicap", gv.gshogi.new_game_cb), ("NewHandicapGame", None, "_New Handicap Game"), # ("Quit", Gtk.STOCK_QUIT, "_Quit", None, "Quit the Program", gv.gshogi.quit_game), ("LoadGame", Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, "_Load Game", None, "Load Game", self.load_save.load_game), ("SaveGame", Gtk.STOCK_SAVE, "_Save Game", None, "Save Game", self.load_save.save_game), ("File", None, "_File"), ("Edit", None, "_Edit"), ("Undo", Gtk.STOCK_UNDO, "_Undo Move", "<Control>U", "Undo Move", gv.gshogi.undo_single_move), ("Redo", Gtk.STOCK_REDO, "_Redo Move", "<Control>R", "Redo Move", gv.gshogi.redo_single_move), ("MoveNow", None, "_Move Now", "<Control>M", "Move Now", gv.gshogi.move_now), ("SetBoardColours", None, "_Set Board Colours", None, "Set Board Colours", self.set_board_colours.show_dialog), ("SetPieces", None, "_Set Pieces", None, "Set Pieces", self.set_board_colours.show_pieces_dialog), ("TimeControl", None, "_Time Control", None, "Time Control",, # ConfigureEngine1 - this name is used in engine_manager. # don't change it. ("ConfigureEngine1", None, "_Configure Engine 1", None, "Configure Engine 1", gv.engine_manager.configure_engine), ("ConfigureEngine2", None, "_Configure Engine 2", None, "Configure Engine 2", gv.engine_manager.configure_engine), ("Players", None, "_Players", None, "Players", gv.gshogi.set_players), ("Engines", None, "_Engines", None, "Engines", gv.engine_manager.engines), ("CommonEngineSettings", None, "_Common Engine Settings", None, "Common Engine Settings", gv.engine_manager.common_settings), ("MoveList", None, "_Move List", None, "Move List", self.move_list.show_movelist_window), ("GameList", None, "_Game List", None, "Game List", self.gamelist.show_gamelist_window_cb), ("EngineOutput", None, "_Engine Output", None, "Engine Output", self.engine_output.show_engine_output_window), ("EngineDebug", None, "_Engine Debug", None, "Engine Debug", self.engine_debug.show_debug_window), ("Options", None, "_Options"), ("View", None, "_View"), ("About", Gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, "_About", None, "Show About Box", self.about_box), ("Help", None, "_Help"), ("CopyPosition", None, "_Copy Position", None, "Copy Position", utils.copy_SFEN_to_clipboard), ("PastePosition", None, "_Paste Position", None, "Paste Position", utils.paste_clipboard_to_SFEN), ("CopyGame", None, "_Copy Game", None, "Copy Game", utils.copy_game_to_clipboard), ("PasteGame", None, "_Paste Game", None, "Paste Game", utils.paste_game_from_clipboard), ("EditPosition", None, "_Edit Position", None, "Edit Position", self.enable_edit_mode), ("Preferences", None, "_Preferences", None, "Preferences", self.preferences), ]) # Add the actiongroups to the uimanager uimanager.insert_action_group(actiongroup, 0) uimanager.insert_action_group(ta_action_group, 1) ui = """<ui> <menubar name="MenuBar"> <menu action="File"> <menuitem action="NewGame"/> <menu action="NewHandicapGame"> <menuitem action="LanceHandicap"/> <menuitem action="BishopHandicap"/> <menuitem action="RookHandicap"/> <menuitem action="RookandLanceHandicap"/> <menuitem action="TwoPieceHandicap"/> <menuitem action="FourPieceHandicap"/> <menuitem action="SixPieceHandicap"/> <menuitem action="EightPieceHandicap"/> <menuitem action="TenPieceHandicap"/> </menu> <separator/> <menuitem action="LoadGame"/> <menuitem action="SaveGame"/> <separator/> <menuitem action="Quit"/> </menu> <menu action="Edit"> <menuitem action="CopyPosition"/> <menuitem action="PastePosition"/> <separator/> <menuitem action="CopyGame"/> <menuitem action="PasteGame"/> <separator/> <menuitem action="EditPosition"/> <separator/> <menuitem action="Preferences"/> </menu> <menu action="Options"> <menuitem action="Undo"/> <menuitem action="Redo"/> <menuitem action="MoveNow"/> <separator/> <menuitem action="promotemode"/> <menuitem action="SetBoardColours"/> <menuitem action="SetPieces"/> <separator/> <menuitem action="TimeControl"/> <menuitem action="ConfigureEngine1"/> <menuitem action="ConfigureEngine2"/> <menuitem action="Players"/> <menuitem action="Engines"/> <menuitem action="CommonEngineSettings"/> </menu> <menu action="View"> <menuitem action="MoveList"/> <menuitem action="GameList"/> <menuitem action="EngineOutput"/> <menuitem action="EngineDebug"/> </menu> <menu action="Help"> <menuitem action="About"/> </menu> </menubar> </ui>""" # Add a UI description uimanager.add_ui_from_string(ui) # Use an event box and set its background colour. # This was needed on Ubuntu 12.04 to set the toolbar bg colour. # Otherwise ubuntu uses the window bg colour which is not # correct. # don't need this on Fedora though. eb_1 = self.builder.get_object("eb_1") # eb_1 = Gtk.EventBox() vbox2 = Gtk.VBox(False, 0) # main_vbox.pack_start(vbox2, False) # main_vbox.pack_start(eb_1, False) eb_1.add(vbox2) eb_1.modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse("#EDECEB")) # Create a MenuBar menubar = uimanager.get_widget("/MenuBar") vbox2.pack_start(menubar, False, True, 0) # create a toolbar toolbar = Gtk.Toolbar() vbox2.pack_start(toolbar, False, True, 0) # populate toolbar toolitem = Gtk.ToolItem() # 2 rows, 4 columns, not homogeneous tb = Gtk.Table(2, 5, False) # Gtk.ShadowType.NONE, SHADOW_IN, SHADOW_OUT, SHADOW_ETCHED_IN, # SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT self.side_to_move = [ Gtk.Arrow(Gtk.ArrowType.RIGHT, Gtk.ShadowType.ETCHED_IN), Gtk.Arrow(Gtk.ArrowType.RIGHT, Gtk.ShadowType.ETCHED_IN) ] self.side_to_move[BLACK].set_alignment(0.5, 0.4) self.side_to_move[WHITE].set_alignment(0.5, 0.4) tb.attach(self.side_to_move[WHITE], 0, 1, 0, 1) tb.attach(self.side_to_move[BLACK], 0, 1, 1, 2) lw = Gtk.Label(label="White: ") lb = Gtk.Label(label="Black: ") lw.set_alignment(0, 0.5) lb.set_alignment(0, 0.5) tb.attach(lw, 1, 2, 0, 1) tb.attach(lb, 1, 2, 1, 2) self.engines_lblw = Gtk.Label(label="gshogi") self.engines_lblw.set_use_markup(True) self.engines_lblw.set_alignment(0, 0.5) self.engines_lblb = Gtk.Label(label="human") self.engines_lblb.set_use_markup(True) self.engines_lblb.set_alignment(0, 0.5) tb.attach(self.engines_lblw, 2, 3, 0, 1) tb.attach(self.engines_lblb, 2, 3, 1, 2) # time control self.tc_lbl = [ Gtk.Label(label="00:45:00 00/10"), Gtk.Label(label="00:45:00 00/10") ] self.tc_lbl[BLACK].set_alignment(0, 0.5) self.tc_lbl[WHITE].set_alignment(0, 0.5) tb.attach(self.tc_lbl[WHITE], 3, 4, 0, 1) tb.attach(self.tc_lbl[BLACK], 3, 4, 1, 2) toolitem.add(tb) toolbar.insert(toolitem, -1) # add a vertical separator hb = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) toolitem = Gtk.ToolItem() vsep = Gtk.VSeparator() hb.pack_start(vsep, True, True, 10) toolitem.add(hb) toolbar.insert(toolitem, -1) # stop/go buttons hb = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) self.gobutton = Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.STOCK_YES) self.gobutton.connect("clicked", gv.gshogi.go_clicked) self.stopbutton = Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.STOCK_NO) self.stopbutton.connect("clicked", gv.gshogi.stop_clicked) self.gobutton.set_tooltip_text("go") self.stopbutton.set_tooltip_text("stop") hb.pack_start(self.stopbutton, False, True, 0) hb.pack_start(self.gobutton, False, True, 0) toolitem = Gtk.ToolItem() toolitem.add(hb) toolbar.insert(toolitem, -1) # add a vertical separator hb = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) toolitem = Gtk.ToolItem() vsep = Gtk.VSeparator() hb.pack_start(vsep, True, True, 10) toolitem.add(hb) toolbar.insert(toolitem, -1) # game review buttons hb = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) self.go_first = Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.STOCK_GOTO_FIRST) self.go_first.connect("clicked", gv.gshogi.undo_all) self.go_back = Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK) self.go_back.connect("clicked", gv.gshogi.undo_single_move) self.go_forward = Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD) self.go_forward.connect("clicked", gv.gshogi.redo_single_move) self.go_last = Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.STOCK_GOTO_LAST) self.go_last.connect("clicked", gv.gshogi.redo_all) hb.pack_start(self.go_first, False, True, 0) hb.pack_start(self.go_back, False, True, 0) hb.pack_start(self.go_forward, False, True, 0) hb.pack_start(self.go_last, False, True, 0) toolitem = Gtk.ToolItem() toolitem.add(hb) toolbar.insert(toolitem, -1) # add a vertical separator hb = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) toolitem = Gtk.ToolItem() vsep = Gtk.VSeparator() hb.pack_start(vsep, True, True, 10) toolitem.add(hb) toolbar.insert(toolitem, -1) main_grid = self.builder.get_object("grid1") main_grid.set_row_homogeneous(True) main_grid.set_column_homogeneous(True) # main_hbox = Gtk.HBox(False, 0) # Create komadai grids for captured pieces self.setup_komadai(WHITE, main_grid) self.setup_komadai(BLACK, main_grid) # Create a 9x9 table for the main board self.boardgrid = self.boardgrid.set_row_homogeneous(True) self.boardgrid.set_column_homogeneous(True) self.boardgrid.set_border_width(1) # # init board squares (add event box, set up drag and drop, # button clicks) # x, y = 0, 0 is the top left square of the board # for x in range(9): for y in range(9): self.init_board_square(x, y) eb2 = Gtk.EventBox() eb2.modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse("black")) eb2.add(self.boardgrid) eb = Gtk.EventBox() eb.add(eb2) aspect_frame = Gtk.AspectFrame(label=None, xalign=0.5, yalign=0.5, ratio=1.0, obey_child=False) aspect_frame.add(eb) eb2.set_border_width(20) self.grid_eb = eb2 main_grid.attach(aspect_frame, 6, 0, 20, 20) aspect_frame.modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse("black")) eb.connect_after("draw", self.draw_coords) self.border_eb = eb # status bar self.status_bar = self.builder.get_object("status_bar") # set status bar bg color # Use an event box and set its background colour. # This was needed on Fedora 19 to set the statusbar bg colour. # Otherwise it uses the window bg colour which is not # correct. This was not needed on F17. eb_2 = self.builder.get_object("eb_2") eb_2.modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.color_parse("#EDECEB")) # self.status_bar = Gtk.Statusbar() # main_vbox.pack_start(self.status_bar, False, False, 0) self.context_id = self.status_bar.get_context_id("gshogi statusbar") self.actiongroup.get_action("MoveNow").set_sensitive(False) self.window.show_all() self.side_to_move[WHITE].hide() self.gobutton.set_sensitive(False) self.stopbutton.set_sensitive(False) # mask = Gdk.WindowHints.BASE_SIZE| # Gdk.WindowHints.MIN_SIZE| # Gdk.WindowHints.MAX_SIZE| # Gdk.WindowHints.RESIZE_INC|Gdk.WindowHints.ASPECT #mask = Gdk.WindowHints.MIN_SIZE | Gdk.WindowHints.MAX_SIZE mask = Gdk.WindowHints.MIN_SIZE geometry = Gdk.Geometry() # geometry.base_width = -1 # geometry.base_height = -1 # geometry.max_width = -1 # geometry.max_height = -1 geometry.min_width = 378 geometry.min_height = 378 # geometry.width_inc = -1 # geometry.height_inc = -1 # geometry.min_aspect = -1.0 # geometry.max_aspect = -1.0 #self.window.set_geometry_hints(self.window, geometry, mask) # self.window.set_geometry_hints( # self.window, min_width=378, min_height=378, max_width=-1, # max_height=-1, base_width=-1, base_height=-1, width_inc=-1, # height_inc=-1, min_aspect=-1.0, max_aspect=-1.0) self.build_edit_popup()