コード例 #1
ファイル: src_tod_fit.py プロジェクト: guanyilun/tenki
		def wrapper(off, full=False):
			t1 = time.time()
			off = self.unzip(off)
			chisq, amps, aicov = fun(off)
			t2 = time.time()
			if self.thumb_mapper and thumb_path and thumb_interval and self.i % thumb_interval == 0:
				thumbs = self.make_thumbs(off, amps)
				enmap.write_map(thumb_path % self.i, thumbs)
			if self.chisq0 is None: self.chisq0 = chisq
			if verbose:
				doff = off/utils.arcmin
				msg = "%4d %8.5f %8.5f" % (self.i,doff[0],doff[1])
				msg += " %12.5e %7.3f" % (self.chisq0-chisq, t2-t1)
				famps  = amps.reshape(-1,amps.shape[-1])
				faicov = aicov.reshape((-1,)+aicov.shape[-2:])
				for i in range(len(famps)):
					nsigma = np.sum(amatmul(faicov[i],famps[i])*famps[i])**0.5
					msg += " %10.3f %8.1f" % (famps[i,0]/self.amp_unit, nsigma)
			self.i += 1
			if not full:
				return chisq
				return chisq, amps, aicov
コード例 #2
ファイル: jointmap.py プロジェクト: cristobal-sifon/enlib
 def solve(self, maxiter=100, cg_tol=1e-7, verbose=False, dump_dir=None):
     if np.sum(self.highres_mask) == 0: return None
     solver = cg.CG(self.A, self.rhs.reshape(-1), M=self.M)
     for i in range(maxiter):
         t1 = time.time()
         t2 = time.time()
         if verbose:
             print "%5d %15.7e %5.2f" % (solver.i, solver.err, t2 - t1)
         if dump_dir is not None and solver.i in [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50
                                                  ] + range(
                                                      100, 10000, 100):
             m = enmap.ndmap(solver.x.reshape(self.shape), self.wcs)
             enmap.write_map(dump_dir + "/step%04d.fits" % solver.i, m)
         if solver.err < cg_tol:
             if dump_dir is not None:
                 m = enmap.ndmap(solver.x.reshape(self.shape), self.wcs)
                 enmap.write_map(dump_dir + "/step_final.fits", m)
     tot_map = self.highres_mask * solver.x.reshape(self.shape)
     tot_div = self.highres_mask * self.tot_div
     # Get rid of the fourier padding
     ny, nx = tot_map.shape[-2:]
     tot_map = tot_map[..., :ny - self.ffpad[0], :nx - self.ffpad[1]]
     tot_div = tot_div[..., :ny - self.ffpad[0], :nx - self.ffpad[1]]
     return bunch.Bunch(map=tot_map, div=tot_div)
コード例 #3
ファイル: retile.py プロジェクト: cristobal-sifon/enlib
def monolithic(idir, ofile, verbose=True, slice=None, dtype=None):
    # Find the range of input tiles
    ipathfmt = idir + "/tile%(y)03d_%(x)03d.fits"
    itile1, itile2 = find_tile_range(ipathfmt)

    def read(fname):
        m = enmap.read_map(fname)
        if slice: m = eval("m" + slice)
        return m

    # Read the first and last tile to get the total dimensions
    m1 = read(ipathfmt % {"y": itile1[0], "x": itile1[1]})
    m2 = read(ipathfmt % {"y": itile2[0] - 1, "x": itile2[1] - 1})
    wy, wx = m1.shape[-2:]
    oshape = tuple(
        np.array(m1.shape[-2:]) * (itile2 - itile1 - 1) +
    if dtype is None: dtype = m1.dtype
    omap = enmap.zeros(m1.shape[:-2] + oshape, m1.wcs, dtype)
    del m1, m2
    # Now loop through all tiles and copy them in to the correct position
    for ty in range(itile1[0], itile2[0]):
        for tx in range(itile1[1], itile2[1]):
            m = read(ipathfmt % {"y": ty, "x": tx})
            oy = ty - itile1[0]
            ox = tx - itile1[1]
            omap[..., oy * wy:(oy + 1) * wy, ox * wx:(ox + 1) * wx] = m
            if verbose: print ipathfmt % {"y": ty, "x": tx}
    enmap.write_map(ofile, omap)
コード例 #4
ファイル: coadd.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def coadd_maps(imaps, ihits, omap, ohit, cont=False):
	# The first map will be used as a reference. All subsequent maps
	# must fit in its boundaries.
	if cont and os.path.exists(omap): return
	if args.verbose: print "Reading %s" % imaps[0]
	m = read_map(imaps[0])
	if args.verbose: print"Reading %s" % ihits[0]
	w = apply_edge(apply_apod(apply_trim(read_div(ihits[0]))))
	wm = mul(w,m)

	for mif,wif in zip(imaps[1:],ihits[1:]):
		if args.verbose: print"Reading %s" % mif
			mi = read_map(mif)
		except IOError:
			if args.allow_missing:
				print "Can't read %s. Skipping" % mif
			else: raise
		if args.verbose: print"Reading %s" % wif

		wi = apply_edge(apply_apod(apply_trim(read_div(wif))))
		# We may need to reproject maps
		if mi.shape != m.shape or str(mi.wcs.to_header()) != str(m.wcs.to_header()):
			mi = enmap.project(mi, m.shape, m.wcs, mode="constant")
			wi = enmap.project(wi, w.shape, w.wcs, mode="constant")
		w  = add(w,wi)
		wm = add(wm,mul(wi,mi))

	if args.verbose: print"Solving"
	m = solve(w,wm)
	if args.verbose: print"Writing %s" % omap
	enmap.write_map(omap, m)
	if args.verbose: print"Writing %s" % ohit
	enmap.write_map(ohit, w)
コード例 #5
def coadd_maps(imaps, ihits, omap, ohit, cont=False):
	# The first map will be used as a reference. All subsequent maps
	# must fit in its boundaries.
	if cont and os.path.exists(omap): return
	if args.verbose: print "Reading %s" % imaps[0]
	m = read_map(imaps[0])
	if args.verbose: print"Reading %s" % ihits[0]
	w = apply_edge(apply_apod(apply_trim(read_div(ihits[0]))))
	wm = mul(w,m)

	for mif,wif in zip(imaps[1:],ihits[1:]):
		if args.verbose: print"Reading %s" % mif
			mi = read_map(mif)
		except IOError:
			if args.allow_missing:
				print "Can't read %s. Skipping" % mif
			else: raise
		if args.verbose: print"Reading %s" % wif

		wi = apply_edge(apply_apod(apply_trim(read_div(wif))))
		# We may need to reproject maps
		if mi.shape != m.shape or str(mi.wcs.to_header()) != str(m.wcs.to_header()):
			mi = enmap.project(mi, m.shape, m.wcs, mode="constant")
			wi = enmap.project(wi, w.shape, w.wcs, mode="constant")
		w  = add(w,wi)
		wm = add(wm,mul(wi,mi))

	if args.verbose: print"Solving"
	m = solve(w,wm)
	if args.verbose: print"Writing %s" % omap
	enmap.write_map(omap, m)
	if args.verbose: print"Writing %s" % ohit
	enmap.write_map(ohit, w)
コード例 #6
ファイル: src_tod_fit.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
		def wrapper(off, full=False):
			t1 = time.time()
			off = self.unzip(off)
			chisq, amps, aicov = fun(off)
			t2 = time.time()
			if self.thumb_mapper and thumb_path and thumb_interval and self.i % thumb_interval == 0:
				thumbs = self.make_thumbs(off, amps)
				enmap.write_map(thumb_path % self.i, thumbs)
			if self.chisq0 is None: self.chisq0 = chisq
			if verbose:
				doff = (off - self.off0)/utils.arcmin
				msg = "%4d %8.5f %8.5f" % (self.i,doff[0],doff[1])
				msg += " %12.5e %7.3f" % (self.chisq0-chisq, t2-t1)
				famps, faicov = amps.reshape(-1), aicov.reshape(-1)
				for i in range(len(famps)):
					nsigma = (famps[i]**2*faicov[i])**0.5
					msg += " %10.3f %8.1f" % (famps[i]/self.amp_unit, nsigma)
			self.i += 1
			if not full:
				return chisq
				return chisq, amps, aicov
コード例 #7
ファイル: srclik_tod.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def dump_maps(ofile, tod, data, pos, amp, rad=args.radius*m2r, res=args.resolution*m2r):
	ncomp = amp.shape[1]
	dmaps, drhs, ddiv = make_maps(tod.astype(dtype), data, pos, ncomp, rad, res)
	dstack = stack_maps(drhs, ddiv, amp[:,0])
	dmaps = np.concatenate((dmaps,[dstack]),0)
	dmaps = enmap.samewcs(dmaps, ddiv)
	enmap.write_map(ofile, dmaps[::-1])
コード例 #8
def copy_mono(ifile, ofile, slice=None):
    if args.cont and os.path.exists(ofile): return
    if verbose: print("%3d copy_mono %s" % (comm.rank, ofile))
    if args.dry: return
    tfile = ofile + ".tmp"
    map = read_map(ifile, slice=slice)
    enmap.write_map(tfile, map)
    shutil.move(tfile, ofile)
コード例 #9
ファイル: postprocess_maps.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def copy_mono(ifile, ofile, slice=None):
	if args.cont and os.path.exists(ofile): return
	if verbose: print "%3d copy_mono %s" % (comm.rank, ofile)
	if args.dry: return
	tfile = ofile + ".tmp"
	map   = read_map(ifile, slice=slice)
	enmap.write_map(tfile, map)
	shutil.move(tfile, ofile)
コード例 #10
ファイル: mapadd.py プロジェクト: msyriac/tenki
def add_maps(imaps, omap):
	if args.verbose: print "Reading %s" % imaps[0]
	m = nonan(enmap.read_map(imaps[0]))
	for mif in imaps[1:]:
		if args.verbose: print "Reading %s" % mif
		m += nonan(enmap.read_map(mif))
	if args.verbose: "Writing %s" % omap
	enmap.write_map(omap, m)
コード例 #11
ファイル: mapadd.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def add_maps(imaps, omap):
	if args.verbose: print "Reading %s" % imaps[0]
	m = nonan(enmap.read_map(imaps[0]))*scales[0]
	for scale, mif in zip(scales[1:],imaps[1:]):
		if args.verbose: print "Reading %s" % mif
		m += nonan(enmap.read_map(mif))*scale
	if args.mean: m /= len(imaps)
	if args.verbose: "Writing %s" % omap
	enmap.write_map(omap, m)
コード例 #12
ファイル: build_srcmask.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def build_single(ifile, srcs, beam, ofile, mask_level=0, apod_size=16):
	imap   = enmap.read_map(ifile)
	omap, oslice = pointsrcs.sim_srcs(imap.shape[-2:], imap.wcs, srcs, beam, return_padded=True)
	if mask_level:
		mask = omap > mask_level
		omap = 1-np.cos(np.minimum(1,ndimage.distance_transform_edt(1-mask)/16.0)*np.pi)
		omap = enmap.samewcs(omap, imap)
	omap = omap[oslice]
	enmap.write_map(ofile, omap)
コード例 #13
ファイル: postprocess_maps.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def add_mono(ifiles, ofile, slice=None):
	if args.cont and os.path.exists(ofile): return
	if verbose: print "%3d add_mono %s" % (comm.rank, ofile)
	if args.dry: return
	tfile = ofile + ".tmp"
	omap  = read_map(ifiles[0], slice=slice)
	for ifile in ifiles[1:]:
		omap += read_map(ifile, slice=slice)
	enmap.write_map(tfile, omap)
	shutil.move(tfile, ofile)
コード例 #14
def read_map(fname, pbox, cname, write_cache=True, read_cache=True):
    if os.path.isdir(fname):
        fname = fname + "/tile%(y)03d_%(x)03d.fits"
    if read_cache and os.path.isfile(cname):
        map = enmap.read_map(cname).astype(dtype)
        map = retile.read_area(fname, pbox).astype(dtype)
        if write_cache: enmap.write_map(cname, map)
    #if map.ndim == 3: map = map[:1]
    return map
コード例 #15
ファイル: mapadd.py プロジェクト: catketchup/tenki
def add_maps(imaps, omap):
	if args.verbose: print "Reading %s" % imaps[0]
	m = nonan(enmap.read_map(imaps[0]))*scales[0]
	for scale, mif in zip(scales[1:],imaps[1:]):
		if args.verbose: print "Reading %s" % mif
		m2 = nonan(enmap.read_map(mif, geometry=(m.shape,m.wcs)))*scale
		n  = min(len(m.preflat),len(m2.preflat))
		m.preflat[:n] += m2.preflat[:n]
	if args.mean: m /= len(imaps)
	if args.verbose: "Writing %s" % omap
	enmap.write_map(omap, m)
コード例 #16
ファイル: mapmaking.py プロジェクト: jit9/enlib
 def write(self, prefix, tag, ms):
     if not self.output: return
     for pid, (pattern, m) in enumerate(zip(self.patterns, ms)):
         oname = self.ofmt.format(name=self.name,
                                  el=pattern[0, 0] / utils.degree,
                                  az0=pattern[0, 1] / utils.degree,
                                  az1=pattern[1, 1] / utils.degree)
         oname = "%s%s_%s.%s" % (prefix, oname, tag, self.ext)
         if self.dof.comm.rank == 0:
             enmap.write_map(oname, m)
コード例 #17
ファイル: retile.py プロジェクト: jit9/enlib
def retile(ipathfmt, opathfmt, itile1=(None,None), itile2=(None,None),
		otileoff=(0,0), otilenum=(None,None), ocorner=(-np.pi/2,-np.pi),
		otilesize=(675,675), comm=None, verbose=False, slice=None):
	"""Given a set of tiles on disk with locations ipathfmt % {"y":...,"x":...},
	retile them into a new tiling and write the result to opathfmt % {"y":...,"x":...}.
	The new tiling will have tile size given by otilesize[2]. Negative size means the
	tiling will to down/left instead of up/right. The corner of the tiling will
	be at sky coordinates ocorner[2] in radians. The new tiling will be pixel-
	compatible with the input tiling - w.g. the wcs will only differ by crpix.

	The output tiling will logically cover the whole sky, but only output tiles
	that overlap with input tiles will actually be written. This can be modified
	by using otileoff[2] and otilenum[2]. otileoff gives the tile indices of the
	corner tile, while otilenum indicates the number of tiles to write."""
	# Set up mpi
	rank, size = (comm.rank, comm.size) if comm is not None else (0, 1)
	# Expand any scalars
	otilesize = np.zeros(2,int)+otilesize
	otileoff  = np.zeros(2,int)+otileoff
	# Find the range of input tiles
	itile1, itile2 = find_tile_range(ipathfmt, itile1, itile2)
	# To fill in the rest of the information we need to know more
	# about the input tiling, so read the first tile
	ibase = enmap.read_map(ipathfmt % {"y":itile1[0],"x":itile1[1]})
	if slice: ibase = eval("ibase"+slice)
	itilesize = ibase.shape[-2:]
	# Find the pixel position of our output corners according to the wcs.
	# This is the last place we need to do a coordinate transformation.
	# All the rest can be done in pure pixel logic.
	pixoff = np.round(ibase.sky2pix(ocorner)).astype(int)
	# Find the range of output tiles
	def pix2otile(pix, ioff, osize): return (pix-ioff)/osize
	otile1 = pix2otile(itile1*itilesize,   pixoff, otilesize)
	otile2 = pix2otile(itile2*itilesize-1, pixoff, otilesize)
	otile1, otile2 = np.minimum(otile1,otile2), np.maximum(otile1,otile2)
	otile2 += 1
	# We can now loop over output tiles
	cache = [None,None,None]
	oyx = [(oy,ox) for oy in range(otile1[0],otile2[0]) for ox in range(otile1[1],otile2[1])]
	for i in range(rank, len(oyx), size):
		otile = np.array(oyx[i])
		# Find out which input tiles overlap with this output tile.
		# Our tile stretches from opix1:opix2 relative to the global input pixels
		opix1 = otile*otilesize + pixoff
		opix2 = (otile+1)*otilesize + pixoff
		# output tiles and input tiles may increase in opposite directions
		opix1, opix2 = np.minimum(opix1,opix2), np.maximum(opix1,opix2)
		try: omap = read_area(ipathfmt, [opix1,opix2],itile1=itile1, itile2=itile2,cache=cache, slice=slice)
		except IOError: continue
		oname = opathfmt % {"y":otile[0]+otileoff[0],"x":otile[1]+otileoff[1]}
		enmap.write_map(oname, omap)
		if verbose: print oname
コード例 #18
def dump_maps(ofile,
              rad=args.radius * m2r,
              res=args.resolution * m2r):
    ncomp = amp.shape[1]
    dmaps, drhs, ddiv = make_maps(tod.astype(dtype), data, pos, ncomp, rad,
    dstack = stack_maps(drhs, ddiv, amp[:, 0])
    dmaps = np.concatenate((dmaps, [dstack]), 0)
    dmaps = enmap.samewcs(dmaps, ddiv)
    enmap.write_map(ofile, dmaps[::-1])
コード例 #19
def solve_cg(eq, nmax=1000, ofmt=None, dump_interval=10):
    cg = CG(eq.A, eq.b, M=eq.M, dot=eq.dof.dot)
    while cg.i < nmax:
        with bench.mark("cg_step"):
        dt = bench.stats["cg_step"]["time"].last
        L.info("CG step %5d %15.7e %6.1f %6.3f" %
               (cg.i, cg.err, dt, dt / len(eq.scans)))
        xmap, xjunk = eq.dof.unzip(cg.x)
        if ofmt and cg.i % dump_interval == 0 and myid == 0:
            enmap.write_map(ofmt % cg.i, eq.dof.unzip(cg.x)[0])
        # Output benchmarking information
    return cg.x
コード例 #20
def add_mono(ifiles, ofile, slice=None, factors=None):
    if args.cont and os.path.exists(ofile): return
    if verbose: print("%3d add_mono %s" % (comm.rank, ofile))
    if args.dry: return
    tfile = ofile + ".tmp"
    if factors is None:
        omap = read_map(ifiles[0], slice=slice)
        for ifile in ifiles[1:]:
            omap += read_map(ifile, slice=slice)
        omap = read_map(ifiles[0], slice=slice) * factors[0]
        for i in range(1, len(ifiles)):
            omap += read_map(ifiles[i], slice=slice) * factors[i]
    enmap.write_map(tfile, omap)
    shutil.move(tfile, ofile)
コード例 #21
def build_single(ifile, srcs, beam, ofile, mask_level=0, apod_size=16):
    imap = enmap.read_map(ifile)
    omap, oslice = pointsrcs.sim_srcs(imap.shape[-2:],
    if mask_level:
        mask = omap > mask_level
        omap = 1 - np.cos(
                       ndimage.distance_transform_edt(1 - mask) / 16.0) *
        omap = enmap.samewcs(omap, imap)
    omap = omap[oslice]
    enmap.write_map(ofile, omap)
コード例 #22
ファイル: jointmap.py プロジェクト: cristobal-sifon/enlib
def read_map(fname,
    if os.path.isdir(fname):
        fname = fname + "/tile%(y)03d_%(x)03d.fits"
    if read_cache:
        map = enmap.read_map(cache_dir + "/" + name)
        if dtype is not None: map = map.astype(dtype)
        map = retile.read_area(fname, pbox).astype(dtype)
        if dtype is not None: map = map.astype(dtype)
        if cache_dir is not None and name is not None:
            enmap.write_map(cache_dir + "/" + name, map)
    #if map.ndim == 3: map = map[:1]
    return map
コード例 #23
def write_map(name, map, ext="fits", merged=True):
    if not merged:
        # Write as individual tiles in directory of the specified name
        for pos, tile in zip(map.loc_pos, map.tiles):
                name + "/tile%03d_%03d.%s" % (tuple(pos) + (ext, )), tile)
        # Write to a single file. This currently creates the full map
        # in memory while writing. It is unclear how to avoid this
        # without bypassing pyfits or becoming super-slow.
        if map.comm.rank == 0:
            canvas = enmap.zeros(map.shape, map.wcs, map.dtype)
            canvas = None
        dmap2enmap(map, canvas)
        if map.comm.rank == 0:
            enmap.write_map(name, canvas)
コード例 #24
def coadd_maps(imaps, ihits, omap, ohit, cont=False, ncomp=-1):
    # The first map will be used as a reference. All subsequent maps
    # must fit in its boundaries.
    if cont and os.path.exists(omap): return
    if args.verbose: print("Reading %s" % imaps[0])
    if ncomp < 0:
        shape, wcs = enmap.read_map_geometry(imaps[0])
        ncomp = 0 if len(shape) == 2 else shape[0]
    m = read_map(imaps[0], ncomp=ncomp)
    if args.verbose: print("Reading %s" % ihits[0])
    w = apply_edge(apply_apod(apply_trim(read_div(ihits[0], ncomp=ncomp))))
    if args.warn and np.any(w.preflat[0] < 0):
        print("Negative weight in %s" % ihits[0])
    wm = mul(w, m)

    for i, (mif, wif) in enumerate(zip(imaps[1:], ihits[1:])):
        if args.verbose: print("Reading %s" % mif)
            mi = read_map(mif, m.shape, m.wcs, ncomp=ncomp)
        except (IOError, OSError):
            if args.allow_missing:
                print("Can't read %s. Skipping" % mif)
        if args.verbose: print("Reading %s" % wif)

        wi = apply_edge(
            apply_apod(apply_trim(read_div(wif, m.shape, m.wcs, ncomp=ncomp))))
        if args.warn and np.any(wi.preflat[0] < 0):
            print("Negative weight in %s" % ihits[i + 1])
        ## We may need to reproject maps
        #if mi.shape != m.shape or str(mi.wcs.to_header()) != str(m.wcs.to_header()):
        #	mi = enmap.extract(mi, m.shape, m.wcs)
        #	wi = enmap.extract(wi, w.shape, w.wcs)
        w = add(w, wi)
        wm = add(wm, mul(wi, mi))

    if args.verbose: print("Solving")
    m = solve(w, wm)
    if args.verbose: print("Writing %s" % omap)
    enmap.write_map(omap, m)
    if args.verbose: print("Writing %s" % ohit)
    enmap.write_map(ohit, w)
コード例 #25
ファイル: postprocess_maps.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def coadd_mono(imapfiles, idivfiles, omapfile, odivfile=None):
	if args.cont and os.path.exists(omapfile) and (odivfile is None or os.path.exists(odivfile)): return
	if verbose: print "%3d coadd_mono %s" % (comm.rank, omapfile)
	if args.dry: return
	omap, odiv = None, None
	tmapfile = omapfile + ".tmp"
	if odivfile: tdivfile = odivfile + ".tmp"
	for imapfile, idivfile in zip(imapfiles, idivfiles):
		imap = read_map(imapfile)
		idiv = read_map(idivfile, slice=".preflat[0]")
		if omap is None: omap, odiv = imap*0, idiv*0
		omap += imap*idiv
		odiv += idiv
	mask = odiv > 0
	omap[...,mask] /= odiv[mask]
	enmap.write_map(tmapfile, omap)
	if odivfile: enmap.write_map(tdivfile, odiv)
	shutil.move(tmapfile, omapfile)
	if odivfile: shutil.move(tdivfile, odivfile)
コード例 #26
ファイル: planet_perdet.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
		def wrapper(off):
			t1 = time.time()
			chisq, amps, aicov = fun(self.unzip(off))
			t2 = time.time()
			if thumb_path and thumb_interval and self.i % thumb_interval == 0:
				tod2 = self.tod.copy()
				self.P.forward(tod2, amps, pmul=-1)
				thumbs = self.thumb_mapper.map(tod2)
				enmap.write_map(thumb_path % self.i, thumbs)
				del tod2, thumbs
			if self.chisq0 is None: self.chisq0 = chisq
			if verbose:
				msg = "%4d %6.3f %6.3f" % (self.i,off[0],off[1])
				for i in range(len(amps)):
					nsigma = (amps[i,0]**2*aicov[i,0])**0.5
					msg += " %7.3f %4.1f" % (amps[i,0]/self.amp_unit, nsigma)
				msg += " %12.5e %7.2f" % (self.chisq0-chisq, t2-t1)
			self.i += 1
			return chisq
コード例 #27
def coadd_mono(imapfiles, idivfiles, omapfile, odivfile=None):
    if args.cont and os.path.exists(omapfile) and (odivfile is None or
    if verbose: print("%3d coadd_mono %s" % (comm.rank, omapfile))
    if args.dry: return
    omap, odiv = None, None
    tmapfile = omapfile + ".tmp"
    if odivfile: tdivfile = odivfile + ".tmp"
    for imapfile, idivfile in zip(imapfiles, idivfiles):
        imap = read_map(imapfile)
        idiv = read_map(idivfile, slice=".preflat[0]")
        if omap is None: omap, odiv = imap * 0, idiv * 0
        omap += imap * idiv
        odiv += idiv
    mask = odiv > 0
    omap[..., mask] /= odiv[mask]
    enmap.write_map(tmapfile, omap)
    if odivfile: enmap.write_map(tdivfile, odiv)
    shutil.move(tmapfile, omapfile)
    if odivfile: shutil.move(tdivfile, odivfile)
コード例 #28
 def wrapper(off):
     t1 = time.time()
     chisq, amps, aicov = fun(self.unzip(off))
     t2 = time.time()
     if thumb_path and thumb_interval and self.i % thumb_interval == 0:
         tod2 = self.tod.copy()
         self.P.forward(tod2, amps, pmul=-1)
         thumbs = self.thumb_mapper.map(tod2)
         enmap.write_map(thumb_path % self.i, thumbs)
         del tod2, thumbs
     if self.chisq0 is None: self.chisq0 = chisq
     if verbose:
         msg = "%4d %6.3f %6.3f" % (self.i, off[0], off[1])
         for i in range(len(amps)):
             nsigma = (amps[i, 0]**2 * aicov[i, 0])**0.5
             msg += " %7.3f %4.1f" % (amps[i, 0] / self.amp_unit,
         msg += " %12.5e %7.2f" % (self.chisq0 - chisq, t2 - t1)
     self.i += 1
     return chisq
コード例 #29
 def __call__(fself, x):
     params = param_zipper.unzip(x)
     chisqs, amps, adiv = self.calc_chisqs_amps_cached(
         params.poss, params.taus)
     #print amps[433], adiv[433]
     chisq = np.sum(chisqs)
     if verbosity > 0 and fself.i % 10 == 0:
         if verbosity == 1:
             print("%6d %12.4f" % (fself.i, chisq / self.ndata))
             print("%6d %12.4f" % (fself.i, chisq / self.ndata) +
                   " %6.3f" * len(x) % tuple(x))
         if False and fself.i % 10000 == 0:
             model = self.model(params.poss, amps, params.taus)
             map = enmap.enmap(
                 [self.rdata.tod, model, self.rdata.tod - model])
             enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/foo%06d.fits" % fself.i,
     fself.i += 1
     return chisq
コード例 #30
ファイル: auto_coadd2.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def get_coadded_tile(mapinfo, box, obeam=None, ncomp=1, dump_dir=None, verbose=False):
	if not overlaps_any(box, boxes): return None
	mapset = mapinfo.read(box, pad=pad, dtype=dtype, verbose=verbose, ncomp=ncomp)
	if mapset is None: return None
	if all([d.insufficient for d in mapset.datasets]): return None
	if len(mapset.datasets) == 0: return None
	if all([d.insufficient for d in mapset.datasets]): return None
	jointmap.setup_target_beam(mapset, obeam)
	jointmap.setup_filter(mapset, mode=args.filter_mode)
	mask    = jointmap.get_mask_insufficient(mapset)
	coadder = jointmap.Coadder(mapset)
	rhs     = coadder.calc_rhs()
	if dump_dir:
		enmap.write_map(dump_dir + "/rhs.fits", rhs)
		enmap.write_map(dump_dir + "/ps_rhs.fits", np.abs(enmap.fft(rhs.preflat[0]))**2)
	map     = coadder.calc_coadd(rhs, dump_dir=dump_dir, verbose=verbose)#, maxiter=1)
	if dump_dir:
		enmap.write_map(dump_dir + "/ps_map.fits", np.abs(enmap.fft(mapdiag(map)))**2)
	div     = coadder.tot_div
	#C       = 1/mapset.datasets[0].iN
	res = bunch.Bunch(rhs=rhs*mask, map=map*mask, div=div*mask)#, C=C)
	#res = bunch.Bunch(rhs=rhs, map=map, div=div)#, C=C)
	return res
コード例 #31
def get_coadded_tile(mapinfo, box, obeam=None, ncomp=1, dump_dir=None, verbose=False):
	if not overlaps_any(box, boxes): return None
	mapset = mapinfo.read(box, pad=pad, dtype=dtype, verbose=verbose, ncomp=ncomp)
	if mapset is None: return None
	if all([d.insufficient for d in mapset.datasets]): return None
	if len(mapset.datasets) == 0: return None
	if all([d.insufficient for d in mapset.datasets]): return None
	jointmap.setup_target_beam(mapset, obeam)
	jointmap.setup_filter(mapset, mode=args.filter_mode)
	mask    = jointmap.get_mask_insufficient(mapset)
	if args.wiener: coadder = jointmap.Wiener(mapset)
	else:           coadder = jointmap.Coadder(mapset)
	rhs     = coadder.calc_rhs()
	if dump_dir:
		enmap.write_map(dump_dir + "/rhs.fits", rhs)
		enmap.write_map(dump_dir + "/ps_rhs.fits", np.abs(enmap.fft(rhs.preflat[0]))**2)
	map     = coadder.calc_map(rhs, dump_dir=dump_dir, verbose=verbose, cg_tol=args.cg_tol)#, maxiter=1)
	if dump_dir:
		enmap.write_map(dump_dir + "/ps_map.fits", np.abs(enmap.fft(mapdiag(map)))**2)
	div     = coadder.tot_div
	#C       = 1/mapset.datasets[0].iN
	res = bunch.Bunch(rhs=rhs*mask, map=map*mask, div=div*mask)#, C=C)
	#res = bunch.Bunch(rhs=rhs, map=map, div=div)#, C=C)
	return res
コード例 #32
def combine_srcmaps(imapfiles,
    if args.cont and os.path.exists(omapfile) and (odivfile is None or
    if verbose: print("%3d combine_srcmaps %s" % (comm.rank, omapfile))
    if args.dry: return
    omap, odiv = None, None
    tmapfile = omapfile + ".tmp"
    if odivfile: tdivfile = odivfile + ".tmp"
    nfile = len(imapfiles)
    for fi in range(nfile):
        imap = read_map(imapfiles[fi])
        isrcmap = read_map(isrcmapfiles[fi])
        if isrcfiles is not None:
            isrc = read_map(isrcfiles[fi])
            imap += isrc
            isrcmap += isrc
            del isrc
        idiv = read_map(idivfiles[fi], slice=".preflat[0]")
        isrcdiv = read_map(isrcdivfiles[fi], slice=".preflat[0]")
        idiv -= isrcdiv
        if omap is None: omap, odiv = imap * 0, idiv * 0
        omap += imap * idiv
        omap += isrcmap * isrcdiv
        odiv += idiv
        odiv += isrcdiv
        del imap, isrcmap, idiv, isrcdiv
    mask = odiv > 0
    omap[..., mask] /= odiv[mask]
    enmap.write_map(tmapfile, omap)
    if odivfile: enmap.write_map(tdivfile, odiv)
    shutil.move(tmapfile, omapfile)
    if odivfile: shutil.move(tdivfile, odivfile)
コード例 #33
def get_coadded_tile(mapinfo,
    if not overlaps_any(np.sort(box, 0), boxes): return None
    mapset = mapinfo.read(box,
    if mapset is None: return None
    if all([d.insufficient for d in mapset.datasets]): return None
    jointmap.sanitize_maps(mapset, detrend=args.detrend)
    if len(mapset.datasets) == 0: return None
    if all([d.insufficient for d in mapset.datasets]): return None
    jointmap.setup_target_beam(mapset, obeam)
    jointmap.setup_filter(mapset, mode=args.filter_mode)
    mask = jointmap.get_mask_insufficient(mapset)
    if args.wiener: coadder = jointmap.Wiener(mapset)
    else: coadder = jointmap.Coadder(mapset)
    rhs = coadder.calc_rhs()
    if dump_dir:
        enmap.write_map(dump_dir + "/rhs.fits", rhs)
        enmap.write_map(dump_dir + "/ps_rhs.fits",
        with open(dump_dir + "/names.txt", "w") as nfile:
            for name in coadder.names:
                nfile.write(name + "\n")
        ls, weights = coadder.calc_debug_weights()
            dump_dir + "/weights_1d.txt",
                [ls[None], weights.reshape(-1, weights.shape[-1])], 0).T,
        ls, noisespecs = coadder.calc_debug_noise()
            dump_dir + "/noisespecs_1d.txt",
                 noisespecs.reshape(-1, noisespecs.shape[-1])], 0).T,
    map = coadder.calc_map(rhs,
                           cg_tol=args.cg_tol)  #, maxiter=1)
    if dump_dir:
        enmap.write_map(dump_dir + "/ps_map.fits",
    div = coadder.tot_div
    #C       = 1/mapset.datasets[0].iN
    res = bunch.Bunch(rhs=rhs * mask, map=map * mask, div=div * mask)  #, C=C)
    #res = bunch.Bunch(rhs=rhs, map=map, div=div)#, C=C)
    return res
コード例 #34
ファイル: postfilter.py プロジェクト: guanyilun/tenki
                                       myscans, [],
    signal_map = mapmaking.SignalDmap(myscans, mysubs, imap, sys=args.sys)
    precon = mapmaking.PreconDmapBinned(signal_map,
                                        myscans, [],

# We can now actually perform the postfilter
postfilter = mapmaking.PostPickup(myscans,
omap = postfilter(imap)

# And output the resulting map
if not is_dmap:
    if comm.rank == 0:
        enmap.write_map(args.omap, omap)
コード例 #35
ファイル: fastmap_old.py プロジェクト: msyriac/tenki
    nscan = comm.allreduce(nscan)
    det_hit = utils.allreduce(det_hit, comm)
    offsets = utils.allreduce(offsets, comm)
    offsets[det_hit > 0] /= det_hit[det_hit > 0][:, None]

    # Reduce to our actual set of detectors
    dets = np.where(det_hit > 0)[0]
    offsets = offsets[dets]
    det_hit = det_hit[dets]
    ndet = len(dets)

    # And output
    if comm.rank == 0:
        # Output our files
        proot = root + "el_%s_az_%s_%s" % tuple([str(w) for w in pat])
        enmap.write_map(proot + "_rhs.fits", rhs)
        enmap.write_map(proot + "_hits.fits", hits)
        with h5py.File(proot + "_info.hdf", "w") as hfile:
            hfile["inspec"] = inspec
            hfile["srate"] = srate
            hfile["ids"] = np.array(pids)
            hfile["hits"] = hits
            hfile["pattern"] = pat
            hfile["speed"] = speed
            hfile["offsets"] = offsets / utils.degree  # [det,{el,az}] in deg
            for k, v in site.items():
                hfile["site/" + k] = v
            for k, v in hits.wcs.to_header().items():
                hfile["wcs/" + k] = v
        tot_rhs += rhs
        tot_hits += hits
コード例 #36
ファイル: auto_coadd2.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	shape, wcs = jointmap.read_geometry(args.area)
	tshape = np.array([args.tsize,args.tsize])
	ntile  = np.floor((shape[-2:]+tshape-1)/tshape).astype(int)
	tyx    = [(y,x) for y in range(ntile[0]-1,-1,-1) for x in range(ntile[1])]
	for i in range(comm.rank, len(tyx), comm.size):
		y, x = tyx[i]
		ofile_map = args.odir + "/map_padtile/tile%(y)03d_%(x)03d.fits" % {"y":y,"x":x}
		ofile_div = args.odir + "/div_padtile/tile%(y)03d_%(x)03d.fits" % {"y":y,"x":x}
		if args.cont and os.path.isfile(ofile_map):
			print "%3d skipping %3d %3d (already done)" % (comm.rank, y, x)
		print "%3d processing %3d %3d" % (comm.rank, y, x)
		tpos = np.array(tyx[i])
		pbox = np.array([tpos*tshape,np.minimum((tpos+1)*tshape,shape[-2:])])
		box  = enmap.pix2sky(shape, wcs, pbox.T).T
		res  = get_coadded_tile(mapinfo, box, obeam=obeam, ncomp=args.ncomp, verbose=args.verbose)
		if res is None: res = jointmap.make_dummy_tile((args.ncomp,)+shape[-2:], wcs, box, pad=pad, dtype=dtype)
		enmap.write_map(ofile_map, res.map)
		enmap.write_map(ofile_div, res.div)
	# Single arbitrary tile
	if not overlaps_any(bounds, boxes):
		print "No data in selected region"
		res = get_coadded_tile(mapinfo, bounds, obeam=obeam, ncomp=args.ncomp, dump_dir=args.odir, verbose=args.verbose)
		enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/map.fits", res.map)
		enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/div.fits", res.div)
		#enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/C.fits",   res.C)
コード例 #37
ファイル: ptsrc_lik.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def write_padtile(ofile, map):
	enmap.write_map(ofile, map, extra={"PAD": args.pad, "EDGE": args.apod_edge})
コード例 #38
ファイル: src_thumb_build.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
			pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, area)
		rhs  = enmap.zeros((3,)+shape, wcs, dtype)
		div  = rhs*0
		with bench.mark("rhs"):
			pmap.backward(tod, rhs)
		with bench.mark("div"):
		div  = div[0]
		map  = rhs.copy()
		map[:,div>0] /= div[div>0]
		map = map[0]
		# Crop the outermost pixel, where outside hits will have accumulated
		map, div, area = [m[...,1:-1,1:-1] for m in [map,div,area]]
		# Find the local scanning velocity at the source position
		scan_vel = find_scan_vel(scan, srcpos[:,sid], aspeed)
		hbox = scan.box
		dur  = d.nsamp*d.srate
		el   = np.mean(scan.box[:,2])
		az   = scan.box[:,1]
			map=map, div=div, srcpos=srcpos[:,sid], sid=sid,
			vel=scan_vel, fknee=fknee, alpha=args.alpha,
			id=id, ctime=tref, dur=dur, el=el, az=az,
			site=d.site, off=d.point_correction))
	del tod, wtod, d

	write_sdata(oname, sdata)
	if args.minimaps:
		for i, sdat in enumerate(sdata):
			enmap.write_map("%s/%s_srcmap_%03d.fits" % (args.odir, oid, sdat.sid), sdat.map)
コード例 #39
        L.info("Building source map")
        dump_maps(tdir + "/map.hdf", d.tod, d, pos_fid, amp_fid)

    if args.grid:
        L.info("Building pos grid")
        g = np.abs(args.grid)
        p = params.copy()
        if args.grid < 0:
            p.strong[:] = False
        grid = grid_pos(d, p, shape=(g, g))
        grid -= np.max(grid)
        maxpos = grid.pix2sky(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(grid), grid.shape))
        print np.max(grid), maxpos * 180 * 60 / np.pi
        if np.sum(maxpos**2)**0.5 <= pos_rel_max * 2 / 3:
            params.pos_rel[...] = maxpos
        enmap.write_map(tdir + "/grid.hdf", grid)

    L.info("Drawing %d samples" % args.nsamp)
    sampler = HybridSampler(d,

    pos_rel = np.zeros([args.nsamp, 2])
    beam_rel = np.zeros([args.nsamp, 3])
    amp = np.zeros((args.nsamp, ) + params.amp_fid.shape)
    for i in range(-args.burnin, args.nsamp):
        if i <= 0 and (-i) % 25 == 0: sampler.adjust()
コード例 #40
ファイル: flat_disp.py プロジェクト: msyriac/tenki
from enlib import enmap
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-D", "--diameter", type=float, default=30)
parser.add_argument("-n", "--npix", type=int, default=800)
parser.add_argument("--proj", type=str, default="cea")
args = parser.parse_args()

r = args.diameter * np.pi / 180 / 2
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-r, -r], [r, r]],
                            shape=(args.npix, args.npix),

def linpos(n, b):
    return b[0] + (np.arange(n) + 0.5) * (b[1] - b[0]) / n

alpha = enmap.zeros((2, ) + shape, wcs)
pos = enmap.posmap(shape, wcs)
# I'm not sure how to compute this in general, so here's a specialization
# for cylindrical projections
if args.proj == "cea" or args.proj == "car":
    dec = pos[0, :, 0]
    ra = pos[1, 0, :]
    lindec = linpos(shape[0], enmap.box(shape, wcs)[:, 0])
    scale = 1 / np.cos(dec) - 1
    alpha[0] = (lindec - dec)[:, None]
    alpha[1] = ra[None, :] * scale[:, None]
enmap.write_map(args.omap, alpha * 180 * 60 / np.pi)
コード例 #41
ファイル: heal2flat_direct.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	print "Processing row %5d/%d" % (r1, omap.shape[-2])
	# Output map coordinates
	osub = omap[...,r1:r2,:]
	pmap = osub.posmap()
	# Coordinate transformation
	if args.rot:
			s1,s2 = args.rot.split(",")
			opos  = coordinates.transform(s2, s1, pmap[::-1], pol=ncomp==3)
			pmap[...] = opos[1::-1]
			if len(opos) == 3: psi = -opos[2].copy()
			del opos
	# Switch to healpix convention
	theta = np.pi/2-pmap[0]
	phi   = pmap[1]
	# Evaluate map at these locations
	if args.order == 0:
		pix  = healpy.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi)
		osub[:] = imap[:,pix]
	elif args.order == 1:
		for i in range(ncomp):
			osub[i] = healpy.get_interp_val(imap[i], theta, phi)
	# Rotate polarization if necessary
	if args.rot and ncomp==3:
		osub[1:3] = enmap.rotate_pol(osub[1:3], psi)

print "Writing"
if args.scalar: omap = omap.preflat[0]
enmap.write_map(args.ofile, omap)
print "Done"
コード例 #42
ファイル: src_thumb_fit.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	def fit_grid(self, verbose=False, grid_res=0.6*utils.arcmin, super=10):
		self.verbose = verbose
		t1 = time.time()
		if verbose: print "Building coarse likelihood grid"
		ngrid = int(np.round(2*self.lik.rmax/grid_res))
		dchisqs, amps = self.likgrid(self.lik.rmax, ngrid, super=super, verbose=verbose)
		if np.all(dchisqs == 0):
			raise ValueError("featureless likelihood")
		if False and verbose:
			for i,s in enumerate(self.sdata):
		# Find local dchisq maxima
		maxmap  = ndimage.maximum_filter(dchisqs, super)
		peaks   = np.where((dchisqs==maxmap)*(maxmap>0))
		maxvals = dchisqs[peaks]
		maxpos  = dchisqs.pix2sky(peaks)
		# Why isn't this just amps[:,peaks] or similar?
		maxamps = amps.reshape(amps.shape[0],-1)[:,np.ravel_multi_index(peaks, amps.shape[-2:])]
		inds    = np.argsort(maxvals)[::-1]
		maxvals = maxvals[inds]
		maxpos  = maxpos[:,inds]
		maxamps = maxamps[:,inds]
		# Perform ML fit for the highest one
		dpos = optimize.fmin_powell(self.calc_chisq_wrapper, maxpos[:,0]/self.scale, disp=False)*self.scale
		res  = self.calc_full_result(dpos, marginalize=False)
		if False and verbose:
			for i, m in enumerate(res.models):
				resid  = self.sdata[i].map-m
				pchisq = resid**2*sdata[i].div
				pchisq_smooth = enmap.smooth_gauss(pchisq, 0.6*utils.arcmin)
				print np.sum((self.sdata[i].map-m)**2*self.sdata[i].div) - self.lik.chisq0

		# Ideally we would integrate over the full likelihood, not
		# just the peaks. But the peaks have higher weight
		# and should be distributed representatively. Using just the
		# peaks makes it easy to compare with our ML-fit, which is also
		# a single point. So we loop over just the peaks here.
		maxvals = maxvals[1:]
		maxpos  = maxpos[:,1:]
		maxamps = maxamps[:,1:]
		P    = np.exp(0.5*(maxvals-res.dchisq))
		P0   = 1/(1+np.sum(P))
		P   *= P0
		# Marginalize over peaks
		res.dpos  = P0*res.dpos + np.sum(P*maxpos,-1)
		off = maxpos-res.dpos[:,None]
		res.pcov  = P0*res.pcov + np.sum(P*off[:,None]*off[None,:],-1)
		res.ddpos = np.diag(res.pcov)**0.5
		res.pcorr = res.pcov[0,1]/res.ddpos[0]/res.ddpos[1]
		res.amps  = P0*res.amps + np.sum(P*maxamps,-1)
		res.damps = (res.damps**2 + np.sum(P*(maxamps-res.amps[:,None])**2,-1))**0.5
		# For the significance, we will use the difference from our peak to our
		# strongest competitor
		res.dchisq= res.dchisq - maxvals[0]
		# Base nsigma on the sources
		res.nsigma= max(0,res.dchisq)**0.5
		res.time = time.time()-t1
		return res
コード例 #43
ファイル: sim_inputs.py プロジェクト: amaurea/pixie
parser.add_argument("-r", "--res", type=float, default=0.1)
parser.add_argument("-s", "--seed", type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument("--refsys-res",type=float, default=10)
args = parser.parse_args()

# Generate the inputs to our simulator, which should be enmaps.
# First generate the simulated CMB
res = args.res*utils.degree
shape, wcs = pixie.fullsky_geometry(res, dims=(3,))

print colors.green + "Simulating reference blackbody" + colors.reset
rshape, rwcs = pixie.fullsky_geometry(args.refsys_res*utils.degree, dims=(3,))
map_ref = pixie.sim_reference_blackbody(rshape, rwcs)
extra = { "NAME": "REFERENCE", "BEAM": "NONE", "SPEC": "BLACK" }
enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/map_ref.fits", map_ref, extra=extra)

#map_ref_test = pixie.sim_reference_blackbody(rshape, rwcs, 19.6)
#enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/map_ref_test.fits", map_ref_test, extra=extra)

# Then project our dust map onto our target coordinates
print colors.green + "Projecting dust model" + colors.reset
heal_dust = pixie.read_healpix(args.idir + "/test_therm_600p0_512_v2.fits")
map_dust  = pixie.project_healpix(shape, wcs, heal_dust, rot="gal,ecl", verbose=True)
extra = {
		"NAME":  "DUST",
		"BEAM":  "GAUSS",
		"FWHM":  0.07,
		"SPEC":  "GRAY",
		"TBODY": 19.6,
		"BETA":  1.59,
コード例 #44
ファイル: makemask.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
import numpy as np, argparse
from enlib import enmap
from scipy import ndimage
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-r", "--radius", type=float, default=3)
parser.add_argument("-c", "--columns", type=str, default="3,5,2")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", type=float, default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()

cols = [int(w) for w in args.columns.split(",")]
srcinfo = np.loadtxt(args.pos)[:,cols]
pos = srcinfo[np.abs(srcinfo[:,2])>=args.threshold][:,:2] * np.pi/180
map = enmap.read_map(args.template)
pix = map.sky2pix(pos.T).T.astype(int)

pixrad = (map.area()/map.npix)**0.5
mrad = args.radius*np.pi/180/60/pixrad

mask = enmap.zeros(map.shape[-2:], map.wcs)+1
mask[pix[:,0],pix[:,1]] = 0
mask = enmap.enmap(1.0*(ndimage.distance_transform_edt(mask) > mrad), map.wcs)
enmap.write_map(args.ofile, mask)
コード例 #45
ファイル: compsplit.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	dirname  = os.path.dirname(fname)
	if len(dirname) == 0: dirname = "."
	base_ext = os.path.basename(fname)
	# Find the extension. Using the last dot does not work for .fits.gz.
	# Using the first dot in basename does not work for foo2.5_bar.fits.
	# Will therefore handle .gz as a special case.
	if base_ext.endswith(".gz"):
		dot = base_ext[:-3].rfind(".")
		dot  = base_ext.rfind(".")
	if dot < 0: dot = len(base_ext)
	base = base_ext[:dot]
	ext  = base_ext[dot+1:]
	return dirname, base, ext

for ifile in args.ifiles:
	m = enmap.read_map(ifile)
	if args.slice:
		m = eval("m" + args.slice)
	N = m.shape[:-2]
	for i, comp in enumerate(m.preflat):
		I = np.unravel_index(i, N) if len(N) > 0 else []
		if args.symmetric and np.any(np.sort(I) != I):
		ndigits  = [get_num_digits(n) for n in N]
		compname = "_".join(["%0*d" % (ndig,ind) for ndig,ind in zip(ndigits,I)]) if len(N) > 0 else ""
		dir, base, ext = split_file_name(ifile)
		oname = dir + "/" + base + "_" + compname + "." + ext
		if args.verbose: print(oname)
		enmap.write_map(oname, comp)
コード例 #46
ファイル: src_thumb_fit.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
			smod = project_maps(fit.models, fit.poss_cel, shape, wcs)
			smap = enmap.samewcs([smap,smod,smap-smod],smap)
			# And build scaled coadd. When map is divided by a, div = ivar
			# is multiplied by a**2. Points in very noisy regions can have
			# large error bars in the amplitude, and hence might randomly
			# appear to have a very strong signal. We don't want to let these
			# dominate, so downweight points with atypically high variance.
			# FIXME: Need a better approach than this. This fixed some things,
			# but broke others.
			#beam_exposure = []
			#for i, s in enumerate(sdata):
			#	med_div = np.median(s.div[s.div!=0])
			#	profile = fit.models[i]/fit.amps[i]
			#	avg_div = np.sum(s.div*profile)/np.sum(profile)
			#	beam_exposure.append(avg_div/med_div)
			#beam_exposure = np.array(beam_exposure)
			#weight = np.minimum(1,beam_exposure*1.25)**4
			weight = 1
			trhs = np.sum(smap*sdiv*(fit.amps*weight)[None,:,None,None],1)
			tdiv = np.sum(sdiv*(fit.amps*weight)[:,None,None]**2,0)
			tdiv[tdiv==0] = np.inf
			tmap = trhs/tdiv
			# And write them
			enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/totmap_%s_%02d.fits" % (sdata[0].id,gi), tmap)
			for i in range(fit.nsrc):
				enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/shiftmap_%s_%03d.fits" % (sdata[i].id, sdata[i].sid), smap[:,i])
				# Output unshifted map too
				omap = enmap.samewcs([sdata[i].map.preflat[0],fit.models[i],sdata[i].map.preflat[0]-fit.models[i]],sdata[i].map)
				enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/fitmap_%s_%03d.fits" % (sdata[i].id,sdata[i].sid), omap)
コード例 #47
ファイル: hitmap2div.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	dhit = hit2+hit
	vmap = calc_map_block_ivar(dmap, bs)
	mask  = (hit>quant(hit,qlim)*hitlim) & (hit2>quant(hit2,qlim)*hitlim)
	mask &= (hit<quant(hit,qlim)) & (hit2<quant(hit2,qlim))
	# Reduce dhit and mask to vmap's resolution
	dhit = calc_map_block_mean(dhit, bs)
	mask = calc_map_block_mean(mask, bs)>0
	ratio = utils.medmean(vmap[mask]/dhit[mask])
	# And compute the sensitivity
	ratio *= get_bias(bs)**2
	sens = (ratio*args.srate)**-0.5
	print "%d-%d  %7.2f" % (i+1,i, sens)
	map, hit = map2, hit2

# Ratio has units 1/(uK^2*sample), and gives us the conversion
# factor between hitmaps and inverse variance maps, which we call
# div maps by convention from tenki.
ratio = np.mean(ratios)
print "mean %7.2f" % (ratio*args.srate)**-0.5

if args.dry_run: sys.exit()

# Ok, now that we have the mean conversion factor between hits and divs,
# loop through all hits again, and output div maps
for i, (hitfile, divfile) in enumerate(zip(hitfiles, divfiles)):
	hit = enmap.read_map(hitfile)
	div = hit*ratio
	print "Writing %s" % divfile
	enmap.write_map(divfile, div)
コード例 #48
ファイル: src_thumb_fit2.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	stats   = sampler.build_stats()
	# But find the ML point exactly, so we don't have to waste too many samples
	pos_ml  = optimize.fmin_powell(lik, stats.pos/utils.arcmin, disp=0)*utils.arcmin
	stats.pos_ml = pos_ml

	# Output to stdout and to our indiviudal files
	msg     = format_stats(stats, thumb_data)
	f.write(msg + "\n")
	#mpiwrite(f, msg + "\n")
	print msg

	if args.minimaps:
		diag = lik.diag_plot(stats.pos)
		enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/diag_%s.fits" % oname, diag)
		enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/lik_%s.fits" % oname, likmap)

	#if False:
	#	find_minimum(lik)
	#if False:
	#	likmap = map_likelihood(lik)
	#	enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/grid_%s.fits" % thumb_data.id, likmap)
	#if False:
	#	x0  = np.zeros(2)
	#	x   = optimize.fmin_powell(lik, x0)
	#	off = x*utils.arcmin
	#	diag= lik.diag_plot(off)
	#	enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/diag_%s.fits" % thumb_data.id, diag)
	#if False:
	#	sampler = Sampler(lik, verbose=True)
コード例 #49
ファイル: ptsrc_sn_filter.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	tyx    = [(y,x) for y in range(ntile[0]-1,-1,-1) for x in range(ntile[1])]
	for i in range(comm.rank, len(tyx), comm.size):
		y, x = tyx[i]
		osuff = "_padtile%(y)03d_%(x)03d.fits" % {"y":y,"x":x}
		tags = [s.replace(":","_") for s in signals]
		nok  = sum([os.path.isfile(args.odir + "/" + tag + osuff) for tag in tags])
		if args.cont and nok == len(tags):
			print "%3d skipping %3d %3d (already done)" % (comm.rank, y, x)
		print "%3d processing %3d %3d" % (comm.rank, y, x)
		tpos = np.array(tyx[i])
		pbox = np.array([tpos*tshape,np.minimum((tpos+1)*tshape,shape[-2:])])
		box  = enmap.pix2sky(shape, wcs, pbox.T).T
		res  = get_filtered_tile(mapinfo, box, signals, verbose=False)
		for si, tag in enumerate(tags):
			if res is not None:
				snmap = res.signals[si].snmap
				snmap = jointmap.make_dummy_tile(shape, wcs, box, pad=pad, dtype=dtype).map
			enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/" + tag + osuff, snmap)
	# Single arbitrary tile
	if not overlaps_any(bounds, boxes):
		print "No data in selected region"
		res = get_filtered_tile(mapinfo, bounds, signals, verbose=True)
		for i, sig in enumerate(res.signals):
			enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/%s_snmap.fits"  % sig.name, sig.snmap)
			enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/%s_alpha.fits"  % sig.name, sig.alpha)
			enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/%s_dalpha.fits" % sig.name, sig.dalpha)
コード例 #50
ファイル: dirtymaps.py プロジェクト: amaurea/talk-bmode
def output(res, dir):
	for i, (tqu, teb, desc) in enumerate(zip(res.tqu, res.teb, res.desc)):
		enmap.write_map("%s/%02d_%s_tqu.hdf" % (dir,i+1,desc), tqu)
		enmap.write_map("%s/%02d_%s_teb.hdf" % (dir,i+1,desc), teb)
コード例 #51
ファイル: pickup2ground.py プロジェクト: guanyilun/tenki
    return enmap.samewcs(map[utils.transpose_inds(dets, nrow, ncol)], map)

# Read our map, and give each row a weight
pickup = enmap.read_map(args.pickup_map)
pickup = reorder(pickup, nrow, ncol, d.dets)
weight = np.median((pickup[:, 1:] - pickup[:, :-1])**2, -1)
weight[weight > 0] = 1 / weight[weight > 0]

# Find the output pixel for each input pixel
baz = pickup[:1].posmap()[1, 0]
bel = baz * 0 + args.el * utils.degree
ipoint = np.array([baz, bel])

opoint = ipoint[:, None, :] + d.point_offset.T[:, :, None]
opix = template.sky2pix(opoint[::-1]).astype(int)  # [{y,x},ndet,naz]
opix = np.rollaxis(opix, 1)  # [ndet,{y,x},naz]

omap = enmap.zeros((3, ) + template.shape[-2:], template.wcs)
odiv = enmap.zeros((3, 3) + template.shape[-2:], template.wcs)
for det in range(d.ndet):
    omap += utils.bin_multi(opix[det], template.shape[-2:], weight[det] *
                            pickup[det]) * d.det_comps[det, :, None, None]
    odiv += utils.bin_multi(
        opix[det], template.shape[-2:], weight[det]) * d.det_comps[
            det, :, None, None, None] * d.det_comps[det, None, :, None, None]

odiv = enmap.samewcs(array_ops.eigpow(odiv, -1, axes=[0, 1]), odiv)
omap = enmap.samewcs(array_ops.matmul(odiv, omap, axes=[0, 1]), omap)
enmap.write_map(args.ofile, omap)
コード例 #52
ファイル: fastsolve_old.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	else: rhs_tot += rhs


rhs = utils.allreduce(rhs_tot, comm)

#info = infos[0]
#foo  = rhs*info.H
#enmap.write_map("test1.fits", foo)
#bar  = enmap.samewcs(info.U.apply(foo),foo)
#enmap.write_map("test2.fits", bar)
#foo  = enmap.samewcs(info.U.trans(bar, foo),foo)
#enmap.write_map("test3.fits", foo)

dof = zipper.ArrayZipper(rhs.copy())
A   = Amat(dof, infos, comm)
cg  = enlib.cg.CG(A, dof.zip(rhs))

for i in range(200):
	if comm.rank == 0:
		#print np.std(cg.x[cg.x!=0])
		if cg.i % 10 == 0:
			map = dof.unzip(cg.x)
			enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/map%03d.fits" % cg.i, map)
		L.info("%4d %15.7e" % (cg.i, cg.err))
コード例 #53
ファイル: pickup2focalplane.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
		# Go from detectors to y-pixel in input maps
		ypix = utils.transpose_inds(dets[i], nrow, ncol)
	vals = np.concatenate(vals)
	pos  = np.concatenate(offs)
	# Write to appropriate position in array
	pix  = np.maximum(0,np.minimum((np.array(shape[-2:])-1)[:,None],enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, pos.T).astype(np.int32)))
	m    = enmap.zeros(shape[-2:],wcs)
	m[tuple(pix)] = vals
	# Grow by smoothing
	m = enmap.smooth_gauss(m, rad)/norm
	omap[iaz] = m

# Truncate very low values
refval = np.mean(np.abs(omap))*0.01
mask = np.any(np.abs(omap)>refval,0)
omap[:,~mask] = 0

if not args.individual:
	# output a single file
	enmap.write_map(args.ofile, omap)
	# output one file for each. This lets us encode
	# each one's azimuth
	for i, (baz, m) in enumerate(zip(bazs, omap)):
		if np.all(m==0): continue
		print i
		m.wcs.wcs.crval[0] = baz/utils.degree
		enmap.write_map(args.ofile + "/map%04d.fits" % i, m)
コード例 #54
ファイル: sim_map.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def make_beam(nl, bsize):
	l = np.arange(nl)
	return np.exp(-l*(l+1)*bsize**2)

for i in range(comm.rank, args.nsim, comm.size):
	if args.lensed:
		ps = powspec.read_camb_full_lens(args.powspec).astype(dtype)
		if args.beam:
			raise NotImplementedError("Beam not supported for lensed sims yet")
		if args.geometry == "curved":
			m, = lensing.rand_map(shape, wcs, ps, lmax=lmax, maplmax=maplmax, seed=(seed,i), verbose=verbose, dtype=dtype)
			maps = enmap.rand_map((shape[0]+1,)+shape[1:], wcs, ps)
			phi, unlensed = maps[0], maps[1:]
			m = lensing.lens_map_flat(unlensed, phi)
		ps = powspec.read_spectrum(args.powspec).astype(type)
		beam = make_beam(ps.shape[-1], args.beam*utils.arcmin*utils.fwhm)
		ps *= beam
		if args.geometry == "curved":
			m = curvedsky.rand_map(shape, wcs, ps, lmax=lmax, seed=(seed,i), method=args.method, direct=args.direct, dtype=dtype, verbose=verbose)
			m = enmap.rand_map(shape, wcs, ps)

	if args.nsim == 1:
		if verbose: print "Writing %s" % args.ofile
		enmap.write_map(args.ofile, m)
		if verbose: print "Writing %s" % (args.ofile % i)
		enmap.write_map(args.ofile % i, m)
コード例 #55
ファイル: planet_map.py プロジェクト: msyriac/tenki
		rhs  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+shape, area.wcs, dtype)
		div  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,ncomp)+shape, area.wcs, dtype)
		junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype)
	with bench.show("rhs"):
		tod *= ivar[:,None]
		pcut.backward(tod, junk)
		pmap.backward(tod, rhs)
	with bench.show("hits"):
		for i in range(ncomp):
			div[i,i] = 1
			pmap.forward(tod, div[i])
			tod *= ivar[:,None]
			pcut.backward(tod, junk)
			div[i] = 0
			pmap.backward(tod, div[i])
	with bench.show("map"):
		idiv = array_ops.eigpow(div, -1, axes=[0,1], lim=1e-5)
		map  = enmap.map_mul(idiv, rhs)
	# Estimate central amplitude
	c = np.array(map.shape[-2:])/2
	crad  = 50
	mcent = map[:,c[0]-crad:c[0]+crad,c[1]-crad:c[1]+crad]
	mcent = enmap.downgrade(mcent, 4)
	amp   = np.max(mcent)
	print "%s amp %7.3f asens %7.3f" % (id, amp/1e6, asens)
	with bench.show("write"):
		enmap.write_map("%s%s_map.fits" % (prefix, bid), map)
		enmap.write_map("%s%s_rhs.fits" % (prefix, bid), rhs)
		enmap.write_map("%s%s_div.fits" % (prefix, bid), div)
	del d, scan, pmap, pcut, tod, map, rhs, div, idiv, junk
コード例 #56
ファイル: pertod_srcmap2.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	tod *= ivar[:,None]
	sampcut.gapfill_const(scan.cut, tod, inplace=True)
	for sid in tod_srcs[id]:
		src  = srcs[sid]
		if   src.type == "fixed":  sys = "hor:%.6f_%.6f:cel/0_0:hor" % (src.ra/utils.degree, src.dec/utils.degree)
		elif src.type == "planet": sys = "hor:%s/0_0" % src.name
		else: raise ValueError("Invalid source type '%s'" % src.type)
		rhs  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+shape, area.wcs, dtype)
		div  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,ncomp)+shape, area.wcs, dtype)
		with bench.show("pmat %s" % sid):
			pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, area, sys=sys)
		with bench.show("rhs %s" % sid):
			pmap.backward(tod, rhs)
		with bench.show("hits"):
			for i in range(ncomp):
				div[i,i] = 1
				pmap.forward(tod, div[i])
				tod *= ivar[:,None]
				sampcut.gapfill_const(scan.cut, tod, inplace=True)
				div[i] = 0
				pmap.backward(tod, div[i])
		with bench.show("map %s" % sid):
			idiv = array_ops.eigpow(div, -1, axes=[0,1], lim=1e-5, fallback="scalar")
			map  = enmap.map_mul(idiv, rhs)
		with bench.show("write"):
			enmap.write_map("%s%s_src%03d_map.fits" % (prefix, bid, sid), map)
			enmap.write_map("%s%s_src%03d_rhs.fits" % (prefix, bid, sid), rhs)
			enmap.write_map("%s%s_src%03d_div.fits" % (prefix, bid, sid), div)
		del rhs, div, idiv, map
	del d, scan, pmap, tod
コード例 #57
ファイル: polar_sim.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	ires = np.array([1,1./np.sin(R)])*res/args.supersample
	shape, wi = enmap.geometry(pos=[[np.pi/2-R,-np.pi],[np.pi/2,np.pi]], res=ires, proj="car")
	imap = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+shape, wi)

# Define SHT for interpolation pixels
with dprint("construct sht"):
	minfo = curvedsky.map2minfo(imap)
	lmax_ideal = np.pi/res
	ps = ps[:,:,:lmax_ideal]
	lmax = ps.shape[-1]
	# We do not need all ms when centered on the pole. To reach 1e-10 relative
	# error up to R, we need mmax approx 9560*R in radians
	mmax = args.mmax or int(R*9560)
	ainfo = sharp.alm_info(lmax, mmax)
	sht = sharp.sht(minfo, ainfo)

with dprint("curvedsky tot"):
	with dprint("rand alm"):
		alm = curvedsky.rand_alm(ps, ainfo=ainfo, seed=1, m_major=False)
	with dprint("alm2map"):
		sht.alm2map(alm[:1], imap[:1].reshape(1,-1))
		if ncomp == 3:
			sht.alm2map(alm[1:3], imap[1:3,:].reshape(2,-1), spin=2)
		del alm
	# Make a test map to see if we can project between these
	with dprint("project"):
		omap = enmap.project(imap, omap.shape, omap.wcs, mode="constant", cval=np.nan)
		del imap

enmap.write_map(args.omap, omap)
コード例 #58
ファイル: flat_disp.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
# This program computes a simple estimation of the amount of distortion the
# flat-sky approximation involves
import numpy as np, argparse
from enlib import enmap
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-D", "--diameter", type=float, default=30)
parser.add_argument("-n", "--npix",     type=int,   default=800)
parser.add_argument("--proj",           type=str,   default="cea")
args = parser.parse_args()

r = args.diameter*np.pi/180/2
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-r,-r],[r,r]], shape=(args.npix, args.npix), proj=args.proj)

def linpos(n,b): return b[0] + (np.arange(n)+0.5)*(b[1]-b[0])/n
alpha = enmap.zeros((2,)+shape, wcs)
pos   = enmap.posmap(shape, wcs)
# I'm not sure how to compute this in general, so here's a specialization
# for cylindrical projections
if args.proj == "cea" or args.proj =="car":
	dec   = pos[0,:,0]
	ra    = pos[1,0,:]
	lindec= linpos(shape[0],enmap.box(shape,wcs)[:,0])
	scale = 1/np.cos(dec)-1
	alpha[0] = (lindec-dec)[:,None]
	alpha[1] = ra[None,:]*scale[:,None]
enmap.write_map(args.omap, alpha*180*60/np.pi)
コード例 #59
ファイル: retile.py プロジェクト: cristobal-sifon/enlib
def combine_tiles(ipathfmt,
                  itile1=(None, None),
                  itile2=(None, None),
    """Given a set of tiles on disk at locaiton ipathfmt % {"y":...,"x"...},
	combine them into larger tiles, downsample and write the result to
	opathfmt % {"y":...,"x":...}. x and y must be contiguous and start at 0.
	reftile[2] indicates the tile coordinates of the first valid input tile.
	This needs to be specified if not all tiles of the logical tiling are
	physically present.

	tyflip and txflip indicate if the tiles coordinate system is reversed
	relative to the pixel coordinates or not."
    # Expand combine and downsample to 2d
    combine = np.zeros(2, int) + combine
    downsample = np.zeros(2, int) + downsample
    if pad_to is not None:
        pad_to = np.zeros(2, int) + pad_to
    # Handle optional mpi
    rank, size = (comm.rank, comm.size) if comm is not None else (0, 1)
    # Find the range of input tiles
    itile1, itile2 = find_tile_range(ipathfmt, itile1, itile2)
    # Read the first tile to get its size information
    ibase = enmap.read_map(ipathfmt % {"y": itile1[0], "x": itile1[1]}) * 0
    # Find the set of output tiles we need to consider
    otile1 = itile1 / combine
    otile2 = (itile2 - 1) / combine + 1
    # And loop over them
    oyx = [(oy, ox) for oy in range(otile1[0], otile2[0])
           for ox in range(otile1[1], otile2[1])]
    for i in range(rank, len(oyx), size):
        oy, ox = oyx[i]
        # Read in all associated tiles into a list of lists
        rows = []
        for dy in range(combine[0]):
            iy = oy * combine[0] + dy
            if iy >= itile2[0]: continue
            cols = []
            for dx in range(combine[1]):
                ix = ox * combine[1] + dx
                if ix >= itile2[1]: continue
                if iy < itile1[0] or ix < itile1[1]:
                    # The first tiles are missing on disk, but are
                    # logically a part of the tiling. Use ibase,
                    # which has been zeroed out.
                    itname = ipathfmt % {"y": iy, "x": ix}
            if txflip: cols = cols[::-1]
        # Stack them next to each other into a big tile
        if tyflip: rows = rows[::-1]
        omap = enmap.tile_maps(rows)
        # Downgrade if necessary
        if np.any(downsample > 1):
            omap = enmap.downgrade(omap, downsample)
        if pad_to is not None:
            # Padding happens towards the end of the tiling,
            # which depends on the flip status
            padding = np.array(
                [[0, 0],
                 [pad_to[0] - omap.shape[-2], pad_to[1] - omap.shape[-1]]])
            if tyflip: padding[:, 0] = padding[::-1, 0]
            if txflip: padding[:, 1] = padding[::-1, 1]
            omap = enmap.pad(omap, padding)
        # And output
        otname = opathfmt % {"y": oy, "x": ox}
        enmap.write_map(otname, omap)
        if verbose: print otname
コード例 #60
ファイル: planet_perdet.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
		rhs  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+shape, area.wcs, dtype)
		div  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,ncomp)+shape, area.wcs, dtype)
		junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype)
	with bench.show("rhs"):
		tod *= ivar[:,None]
		pcut.backward(tod, junk)
		pmap.backward(tod, rhs)
	with bench.show("hits"):
		for i in range(ncomp):
			div[i,i] = 1
			pmap.forward(tod, div[i])
			tod *= ivar[:,None]
			pcut.backward(tod, junk)
			div[i] = 0
			pmap.backward(tod, div[i])
	with bench.show("map"):
		idiv = array_ops.eigpow(div, -1, axes=[0,1], lim=1e-5)
		map  = enmap.map_mul(idiv, rhs)
	# Estimate central amplitude
	c = np.array(map.shape[-2:])/2
	crad  = 50
	mcent = map[:,c[0]-crad:c[0]+crad,c[1]-crad:c[1]+crad]
	mcent = enmap.downgrade(mcent, 4)
	amp   = np.max(mcent)
	print("%s amp %7.3f asens %7.3f" % (id, amp/1e6, asens))
	with bench.show("write"):
		enmap.write_map("%s%s_map.fits" % (prefix, bid), map)
		enmap.write_map("%s%s_rhs.fits" % (prefix, bid), rhs)
		enmap.write_map("%s%s_div.fits" % (prefix, bid), div)
	del d, scan, pmap, pcut, tod, map, rhs, div, idiv, junk