コード例 #1
ファイル: srclik_tod.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def make_maps(tod, data, pos, ncomp, radius, resolution):
	tod = tod.copy()
	pos = np.array(pos)
	# Handle angle wrapping
	pos = utils.rewind(pos, data.ref)
	nsrc= len(pos)
	dbox= np.array([[-1,-1],[1,1]])*radius
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=dbox, res=resolution)
	# Set up pixels
	n   = int(np.round(2*radius/resolution))
	boxes = np.array([[p-radius,p+radius] for p in pos])
	# Set up output maps
	rhs  = enmap.zeros((nsrc,ncomp)      +shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
	div  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,nsrc,ncomp)+shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
	# Build rhs
	ptsrc_data.nmat_basis(tod, data)
	pmat_thumbs(-1, tod, rhs, boxes, data)
	# Build div
	for c in range(ncomp):
		idiv = div[0].copy(); idiv[:,c] = 1
		wtod = data.tod.astype(dtype,copy=True); wtod[...] = 0
		pmat_thumbs( 1, wtod, idiv, boxes, data)
		ptsrc_data.nmat_basis(wtod, data, white=True)
		pmat_thumbs(-1, wtod, div[c], boxes, data)
	div = np.rollaxis(div,1)
	mask = div[:,0] != 0
	bin = rhs.copy()
	bin[mask] = rhs[mask]/div[:,0][mask] # Fixme: only works for ncomp == 1
	return bin, rhs, div
コード例 #2
ファイル: fastmap.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def project_tod_on_workspace(scan, tod, wgeo):
	"""Compute the tod onto a map using the pixelization defined
	in the workspace, and return it along with a [TQU,TQU] hitmap
	and a hits-by-detector-by-y array."""
	rhs  = enmap.zeros(wgeo.shape, wgeo.lwcs, wgeo.dtype)
	hdiv = enmap.zeros((rhs.shape[:1]+rhs.shape),rhs.wcs, rhs.dtype)
	# Project it onto the workspace
	pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
	pmap = PmatWorkspaceTOD(scan, wgeo)
	pix, phase = pmap.get_pix_phase()
	# Build rhs
	junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk,dtype=rhs.dtype)
	pcut.backward(tod, junk)
	pmap.backward(tod, rhs, pix, phase)
	# Build div
	tmp = hdiv[0].copy()
	for i in range(ncomp):
		tmp[:] = np.eye(ncomp)[i,:,None,None]
		pmap.forward(tod, tmp, pix, phase)
		pcut.backward(tod, junk)
		pmap.backward(tod, hdiv[i], pix, phase)
	# Find each detector's hits by wy. Some detectors have
	# sufficient residual curvature that they hit every wy.
	yhits = np.zeros([scan.ndet, rhs.shape[-2]],dtype=np.int32)
	core  = pmat.get_core(dtype)
	core.bincount_flat(yhits.T, pix.T, rhs.shape[-2:], 0)
	return rhs, hdiv, yhits
コード例 #3
ファイル: fastmap.py プロジェクト: guanyilun/tenki
def project_tod_on_workspace(scan, tod, wgeo):
    """Compute the tod onto a map using the pixelization defined
	in the workspace, and return it along with a [TQU,TQU] hitmap
	and a hits-by-detector-by-y array."""
    rhs = enmap.zeros(wgeo.shape, wgeo.lwcs, wgeo.dtype)
    hdiv = enmap.zeros((rhs.shape[:1] + rhs.shape), rhs.wcs, rhs.dtype)
    # Project it onto the workspace
    pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
    pmap = PmatWorkspaceTOD(scan, wgeo)
    pix, phase = pmap.get_pix_phase()
    # Build rhs
    junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype=rhs.dtype)
    pcut.backward(tod, junk)
    pmap.backward(tod, rhs, pix, phase)
    # Build div
    tmp = hdiv[0].copy()
    for i in range(ncomp):
        tmp[:] = np.eye(ncomp)[i, :, None, None]
        pmap.forward(tod, tmp, pix, phase)
        pcut.backward(tod, junk)
        pmap.backward(tod, hdiv[i], pix, phase)
    # Find each detector's hits by wy. Some detectors have
    # sufficient residual curvature that they hit every wy.
    yhits = np.zeros([scan.ndet, rhs.shape[-2]], dtype=np.int32)
    core = pmat.get_core(dtype)
    core.bincount_flat(yhits.T, pix.T, rhs.shape[-2:], 0)
    return rhs, hdiv, yhits
コード例 #4
ファイル: srclik_tod.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def make_maps(tod, data, pos, ncomp, radius, resolution):
    tod = tod.copy()
    pos = np.array(pos)
    # Handle angle wrapping
    pos = utils.rewind(pos, data.ref)
    nsrc = len(pos)
    dbox = np.array([[-1, -1], [1, 1]]) * radius
    shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=dbox, res=resolution)
    # Set up pixels
    n = int(np.round(2 * radius / resolution))
    boxes = np.array([[p - radius, p + radius] for p in pos])
    # Set up output maps
    rhs = enmap.zeros((nsrc, ncomp) + shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
    div = enmap.zeros((ncomp, nsrc, ncomp) + shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
    # Build rhs
    ptsrc_data.nmat_basis(tod, data)
    pmat_thumbs(-1, tod, rhs, boxes, data)
    # Build div
    for c in range(ncomp):
        idiv = div[0].copy()
        idiv[:, c] = 1
        wtod = data.tod.astype(dtype, copy=True)
        wtod[...] = 0
        pmat_thumbs(1, wtod, idiv, boxes, data)
        ptsrc_data.nmat_basis(wtod, data, white=True)
        pmat_thumbs(-1, wtod, div[c], boxes, data)
    div = np.rollaxis(div, 1)
    mask = div[:, 0] != 0
    bin = rhs.copy()
    bin[mask] = rhs[mask] / div[:, 0][mask]  # Fixme: only works for ncomp == 1
    return bin, rhs, div
コード例 #5
def rand_map(shape,
    ctype = np.result_type(dtype, 0j)
    # First draw a random lensing field, and use it to compute the undeflected positions
    if verbose: print "Computing observed coordinates"
    obs_pos = enmap.posmap(shape, wcs)
    if verbose: print "Generating alms"
    alm = curvedsky.rand_alm(ps_lensinput, lmax=lmax, seed=seed, dtype=ctype)
    phi_alm, cmb_alm = alm[0], alm[1:]
    # Truncate alm if we want a smoother map. In taylens, it was necessary to truncate
    # to a lower lmax for the map than for phi, to avoid aliasing. The appropriate lmax
    # for the cmb was the one that fits the resolution. FIXME: Can't slice alm this way.
    #if maplmax: cmb_alm = cmb_alm[:,:maplmax]
    del alm
    if "p" in output:
        if verbose: print "Computing phi map"
        phi_map = curvedsky.alm2map(phi_alm,
                                    enmap.zeros(shape[-2:], wcs, dtype=dtype))
    if verbose: print "Computing grad map"
    grad = curvedsky.alm2map(phi_alm,
                             enmap.zeros((2, ) + shape[-2:], wcs, dtype=dtype),
    if verbose: print "Computing alpha map"
    raw_pos = enmap.samewcs(
        offset_by_grad(obs_pos, grad, pol=True, geodesic=geodesic), obs_pos)
    del obs_pos, phi_alm
    if "a" not in output: del grad
    if "u" in output:
        if verbose: print "Computing unlensed map"
        cmb_raw = curvedsky.alm2map(cmb_alm,
                                    enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype=dtype),
    if verbose: print "Computing lensed map"
    cmb_obs = curvedsky.alm2map_pos(cmb_alm,
    if raw_pos.shape[0] > 2 and np.any(raw_pos[2]):
        if verbose: print "Rotating polarization"
        cmb_obs = enmap.rotate_pol(cmb_obs, raw_pos[2])
    del cmb_alm, raw_pos
    # Output in same order as specified in output argument
    res = []
    for c in output:
        if c == "l": res.append(cmb_obs)
        elif c == "u": res.append(cmb_raw)
        elif c == "p": res.append(phi_map)
        elif c == "a": res.append(grad)
    return tuple(res)
コード例 #6
def make_dummy_tile(shape, wcs, box, pad=0):
    pbox = calc_pbox(shape, wcs, box)
    if pad:
        pbox[0] -= pad
        pbox[1] += pad
    shape2, wcs2 = enmap.slice_wcs(
        shape, wcs,
        (slice(pbox[0, 0], pbox[1, 0]), slice(pbox[0, 1], pbox[1, 1])))
    shape2 = tuple(pbox[1] - pbox[0])
    map = enmap.zeros(shape2, wcs2, dtype)
    div = enmap.zeros(shape2[-2:], wcs2, dtype)
    return bunch.Bunch(map=map, div=div)
コード例 #7
ファイル: mapmaking.py プロジェクト: jit9/enlib
 def __init__(self,
     Signal.__init__(self, name, ofmt, output, ext)
     nrow, ncol = array_shape
     ndet = nrow * ncol
     self.pids = pids
     self.patterns = patterns
     self.comm = comm
     self.dtype = dtype
     self.col_major = col_major
     self.cuts = cuts
     self.data = {}
     self.areas = []
     # Set up an area for each scanning pattern. We assume that these are constant
     # elevation scans, so only azimuth matters. This setup is ugly and would be
     # nicer if passed in, but then the ugliness would only be moved to the calling
     # code instead.
     for pattern in patterns:
         az0, az1 = utils.widen_box(pattern)[:, 1]
         naz = int(np.ceil((az1 - az0) / res))
         az1 = az0 + naz * res
         det_unit = nrow if col_major else ncol
         shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(
             pos=[[0, az0], [ndet / det_unit * utils.degree, az1]],
             shape=(ndet, naz),
         if hysteresis:
             area = enmap.zeros((2, ) + shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
             area = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
     for pid, scan in zip(pids, scans):
         dets = scan.dets
         if col_major: dets = utils.transpose_inds(dets, nrow, ncol)
         mat = pmat.PmatScan(scan, self.areas[pid], dets)
         self.data[scan] = [pid, mat]
     self.dof = zipper.MultiZipper(
         [zipper.ArrayZipper(area, comm=comm) for area in self.areas],
コード例 #8
ファイル: fastmap.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	def __init__(self, geometry, rhs=None, hdiv=None, wfilter=None, ids=[]):
		if rhs  is None: dtype = geometry.dtype
		if rhs  is None:
			rhs  = enmap.zeros(geometry.shape, geometry.lwcs, dtype)
		if hdiv is None:
			hdiv = enmap.zeros((geometry.ncomp,) + geometry.shape, geometry.lwcs, dtype)
		if wfilter is None:
			wfilter = np.zeros([geometry.shape[-2],geometry.num_az_freq],dtype=dtype)
		self.geometry = geometry
		self.rhs     = rhs
		self.hdiv    = hdiv
		self.wfilter = wfilter
		self.ids     = list(ids)
コード例 #9
 def __init__(self, geometry, rhs=None, hdiv=None, wfilter=None, ids=[]):
     if rhs is None: dtype = geometry.dtype
     if rhs is None:
         rhs = enmap.zeros(geometry.shape, geometry.lwcs, dtype)
     if hdiv is None:
         hdiv = enmap.zeros((geometry.ncomp, ) + geometry.shape,
                            geometry.lwcs, dtype)
     if wfilter is None:
         wfilter = np.zeros([geometry.shape[-2], geometry.num_az_freq],
     self.geometry = geometry
     self.rhs = rhs
     self.hdiv = hdiv
     self.wfilter = wfilter
     self.ids = list(ids)
コード例 #10
ファイル: enplot.py プロジェクト: cristobal-sifon/enlib
def hwexpand(mflat, nrow=-1, ncol=-1, transpose=False):
	"""Stack the maps in mflat[n,ny,nx] into a single flat map mflat[nrow,ncol,ny,nx]"""
	n, ny, nx = mflat.shape
	if nrow < 0 and ncol < 0:
		ncol = int(np.ceil(n**0.5))
	if nrow < 0: nrow = (n+ncol-1)/ncol
	if ncol < 0: ncol = (n+nrow-1)/nrow
	if not transpose:
		omap = enmap.zeros([nrow,ncol,ny,nx],mflat.wcs,mflat.dtype)
		omap.reshape(-1,ny,nx)[:n] = mflat
		omap = enmap.zeros([ncol,nrow,ny,nx],mflat.wcs,mflat.dtype)
		omap.reshape(-1,ny,nx)[:n] = mflat
		omap = np.transpose(omap,(1,0,2,3))
	return omap
コード例 #11
ファイル: fastsolve_old.py プロジェクト: guanyilun/tenki
def calc_cmode_corrfun(ushape, uwcs, offset_upos, sigma, nsigma=10):
    """Compute the real-space correlation function for the atmospheric
	common mode in unskewed coordinates. The result has an arbitrary
	overall scaling."""
    res = enmap.zeros(ushape, uwcs)
    # Generate corrfun around center of map
    upos = offset_upos + np.mean(res.box(), 0)[:, None]
    # We will work on a smaller cutout to speed things up
    pad = sigma * nsigma
    box = np.array([np.min(upos, 1) - pad, np.max(upos, 1) + pad])
    pixbox = res.sky2pix(box.T).T
    work = res[pixbox[0, 0]:pixbox[1, 0], pixbox[0, 1]:pixbox[1, 1]]
    posmap = work.posmap()
    # Generate each part of the corrfun as a gaussian in real space.
    # Could do this in fourier space, but easier to get subpixel precision this way
    # (not that that is very important, though)
    for p in upos.T:
        r2 = np.sum((posmap - p[:, None, None])**2, 0)
        work += np.exp(-0.5 * r2 / sigma**2)
    # Convolute with itself mirrored to get the actual correlation function
    fres = fft.rfft(res, axes=[-2, -1])
    fres *= np.conj(fres)
    fft.ifft(fres, res, axes=[-2, -1])
    res /= np.max(res)
    return res
コード例 #12
ファイル: retile.py プロジェクト: cristobal-sifon/enlib
def monolithic(idir, ofile, verbose=True, slice=None, dtype=None):
    # Find the range of input tiles
    ipathfmt = idir + "/tile%(y)03d_%(x)03d.fits"
    itile1, itile2 = find_tile_range(ipathfmt)

    def read(fname):
        m = enmap.read_map(fname)
        if slice: m = eval("m" + slice)
        return m

    # Read the first and last tile to get the total dimensions
    m1 = read(ipathfmt % {"y": itile1[0], "x": itile1[1]})
    m2 = read(ipathfmt % {"y": itile2[0] - 1, "x": itile2[1] - 1})
    wy, wx = m1.shape[-2:]
    oshape = tuple(
        np.array(m1.shape[-2:]) * (itile2 - itile1 - 1) +
    if dtype is None: dtype = m1.dtype
    omap = enmap.zeros(m1.shape[:-2] + oshape, m1.wcs, dtype)
    del m1, m2
    # Now loop through all tiles and copy them in to the correct position
    for ty in range(itile1[0], itile2[0]):
        for tx in range(itile1[1], itile2[1]):
            m = read(ipathfmt % {"y": ty, "x": tx})
            oy = ty - itile1[0]
            ox = tx - itile1[1]
            omap[..., oy * wy:(oy + 1) * wy, ox * wx:(ox + 1) * wx] = m
            if verbose: print ipathfmt % {"y": ty, "x": tx}
    enmap.write_map(ofile, omap)
コード例 #13
def eval_srcs_loop(posmap, poss, amps, beam, cres, nhit, cell_srcs):
    # Loop through each cell
    ncy, ncx = nhit.shape
    model = enmap.zeros(amps.shape[-1:] + posmap.shape[-2:], posmap.wcs,
    for cy in range(ncy):
        for cx in range(ncx):
            nsrc = nhit[cy, cx]
            if nsrc == 0: continue
            srcs = cell_srcs[cy, cx, :nsrc]
            y1, y2 = (cy + 0) * cres[0], (cy + 1) * cres[0]
            x1, x2 = (cx + 0) * cres[1], (cx + 1) * cres[1]
            pixpos = posmap[:, y1:y2, x1:x2]
            srcpos = poss[srcs].T  # [2,nsrc]
            srcamp = amps[srcs].T  # [ncomp,nsrc]
            diff = pixpos[:, None, :, :] - srcpos[:, :, None, None]
            r = (diff[0]**2 +
                 (diff[1] * np.cos(pixpos[0, None, :, :]))**2)**0.5
            bpix = (r - beam[0, 0]) / (beam[0, 1] - beam[0, 0])
            # Evaluate the beam at these locations
            bval = utils.interpol(beam[1],
                                  order=1)  # [nsrc,ry,rx]
            cmodel = srcamp[:, :, None, None] * bval
            cmodel = np.sum(cmodel, -3)
            model[:, y1:y2, x1:x2] += cmodel
    return model
コード例 #14
ファイル: src_thumb_fit.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def project_maps(imaps, pos, shape, wcs):
	pos   = np.asarray(pos)
	omaps = enmap.zeros((len(imaps),)+imaps[0].shape[:-2]+shape, wcs, imaps[0].dtype)
	pmap  = omaps.posmap()
	for i, imap in enumerate(imaps):
		omaps[i] = imaps[i].at(pmap+pos[i,::-1,None,None])
	return omaps
コード例 #15
ファイル: fastsolve_old.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def calc_cmode_corrfun(ushape, uwcs, offset_upos, sigma, nsigma=10):
	"""Compute the real-space correlation function for the atmospheric
	common mode in unskewed coordinates. The result has an arbitrary
	overall scaling."""
	res    = enmap.zeros(ushape, uwcs)
	# Generate corrfun around center of map
	upos   = offset_upos + np.mean(res.box(),0)[:,None]
	# We will work on a smaller cutout to speed things up
	pad    = sigma*nsigma
	box    = np.array([np.min(upos,1)-pad,np.max(upos,1)+pad])
	pixbox = res.sky2pix(box.T).T
	work   = res[pixbox[0,0]:pixbox[1,0],pixbox[0,1]:pixbox[1,1]]
	posmap = work.posmap()
	# Generate each part of the corrfun as a gaussian in real space.
	# Could do this in fourier space, but easier to get subpixel precision this way
	# (not that that is very important, though)
	for p in upos.T:
		r2    = np.sum((posmap-p[:,None,None])**2,0)
		work += np.exp(-0.5*r2/sigma**2)
	# Convolute with itself mirrored to get the actual correlation function
	fres  = fft.rfft(res, axes=[-2,-1])
	fres *= np.conj(fres)
	fft.ifft(fres, res, axes=[-2,-1])
	res /= np.max(res)
	return res
コード例 #16
ファイル: pixcov.py プロジェクト: AizhanAkh/fishchips-Changes
def corr_to_mat(corr, n):
    res = enmap.zeros([n, n, n, n], dtype=corr.dtype)
    for i in range(n):
        tmp = np.roll(corr, i, 0)[:n, :]
        for j in range(n):
            res[i, j] = np.roll(tmp, j, 1)[:, :n]
    return res
コード例 #17
ファイル: mapmaking.py プロジェクト: jit9/enlib
    def __init__(self,
        """Binned preconditioner: (P'W"P)", where W" is a white
		nosie approximation of N". If noise=False, instead computes
		(P'P)". If hits=True, also computes a hitcount map."""
        ncomp = signal.area.shape[0]
        self.div = enmap.zeros((ncomp, ) + signal.area.shape, signal.area.wcs,
        calc_div_map(self.div, signal, signal_cut, scans, weights, noise=noise)
        self.idiv = array_ops.svdpow(self.div,
                                     axes=[0, 1],
        #self.idiv[:] = np.eye(3)[:,:,None,None]
        if hits:
            # Build hitcount map too
            self.hits = signal.area.copy()
            self.hits = calc_hits_map(self.hits, signal, signal_cut, scans)
            self.hits = None
        self.signal = signal
コード例 #18
def zeros(geometry):
    """Return a new Dmap with the specified geometry, filled with zeros."""
    tiles = [
        enmap.zeros(ts, tw, dtype=geometry.dtype)
        for ts, tw in geometry.loc_geometry
    return Dmap(geometry, tiles, copy=False)
コード例 #19
ファイル: coadd.py プロジェクト: guanyilun/tenki
def read_div(fname, shape=None, wcs=None, ncomp=3):
	m = nonan(read_helper(fname, shape, wcs))*1.0
	if ncomp == 0: return m.preflat[0]
	#return m.preflat[:1][None]
	if m.ndim == 2:
		res = enmap.zeros((ncomp,ncomp)+m.shape[-2:], m.wcs, m.dtype)
		for i in range(ncomp):
			res[i,i] = m
		return res
	elif m.ndim == 3:
		res = enmap.zeros((ncomp,ncomp)+m.shape[-2:], m.wcs, m.dtype)
		for i in range(ncomp):
			res[i,i] = m[i]
		return res
	elif m.ndim == 4: return m
	else: raise ValueError("Wrong number of dimensions in div %s" % fname)
コード例 #20
def rand_map_flat(shape,
    """Simulate a random flat-sky map. The input spectrum should be
	[{phi,T,E,B},{phi,T,E,b},nl] of lens is True, and just [{T,E,B},{T,E,B},nl]
    if dtype is None: dtype = np.float64
    if dir is None: dir = aberration.dir_equ
    if beta is None: beta = aberration.beta
    ctype = np.result_type(dtype, 0j)
    if verbose: print "Generating unlensed cmb"
    # No position calculation necessary if we're not lensing or aberrating.
    if not lens and not aberrate:
        return enmap.rand_map(shape, wcs, ps, seed=seed)
    # Otherwise we must deal with various displacements
    if aberrate: pad += np.pi * beta * 1.2
    pad_pix = int(pad / enmap.pixsize(shape, wcs)**0.5)
    if pad_pix > 0:
        if verbose: print "Padding"
        template = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, np.int16)
        template, pslice = enmap.pad(template, pad_pix, return_slice=True)
        pshape, pwcs = template.shape, template.wcs
        pshape, pwcs = shape, wcs
    # Simulate (padded) lensing map
    if lens:
        maps = enmap.rand_map((ps.shape[0], ) + pshape[-2:], pwcs, ps)
        phi, unlensed = maps[0], maps[1:]
        if verbose: print "Lensing"
        m = lensing.lens_map_flat(unlensed, phi)
        m = enmap.rand_map((ps.shape[0], ) + pshape[-2:], pwcs, ps)
    # Then handle aberration if necessary
    if aberrate:
        if verbose: print "Computing aberration displacement"
        pos = m.posmap()
        pos = enmap.samewcs(
            aberration.remap(pos[1::-1], dir=dir, beta=beta,
                             recenter=recenter), pos)
        amp = pos[3]
        pos = pos[1::-1]
        if verbose: print "Interpolating aberration"
        m = enmap.samewcs(m.at(pos, mask_nan=False), m)
        if verbose: print "Applying modulation"
        m *= amp
    if pad_pix > 0:
        if verbose: print "Unpadding"
        m = m[pslice]
    return m
コード例 #21
ファイル: src_thumb_fit2.py プロジェクト: guanyilun/tenki
def map_likelihood(likfun, rmax=5*utils.arcmin, res=0.7*utils.arcmin):
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(np.array([[-1,-1],[1,1]])*rmax, res=res, proj="car")
	map = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs)
	pos = map.posmap()
	for y in range(map.shape[0]):
		for x in range(map.shape[1]):
			map[y,x] = likfun(pos[:,y,x]/utils.arcmin)
	return map
コード例 #22
ファイル: src_thumb_fit2.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def map_likelihood(likfun, rmax=5*utils.arcmin, res=0.7*utils.arcmin):
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(np.array([[-1,-1],[1,1]])*rmax, res=res, proj="car")
	map = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs)
	pos = map.posmap()
	for y in range(map.shape[0]):
		for x in range(map.shape[1]):
			map[y,x] = likfun(pos[:,y,x]/utils.arcmin)
	return map
コード例 #23
ファイル: jointmap.py プロジェクト: cristobal-sifon/enlib
def add_missing_comps(map, ncomp, rms_factor=1e3):
    map = map.preflat
    if len(map) == ncomp: return map
    omap = enmap.zeros((ncomp, ) + map.shape[-2:], map.wcs, map.dtype)
    omap[:len(map)] = map
    omap[len(map):] = np.random.standard_normal(
        (len(map), ) + map.shape[-2:]) * np.std(map) * rms_factor
    return omap
コード例 #24
def project_maps(imaps, pos, shape, wcs):
    pos = np.asarray(pos)
    omaps = enmap.zeros((len(imaps), ) + imaps[0].shape[:-2] + shape, wcs,
    pmap = omaps.posmap()
    for i, imap in enumerate(imaps):
        omaps[i] = imaps[i].at(pmap + pos[i, ::-1, None, None])
    return omaps
コード例 #25
ファイル: retile.py プロジェクト: jit9/enlib
def read_area(ipathfmt, opix, itile1=(None,None), itile2=(None,None), verbose=False,
		cache=None, slice=None):
	"""Given a set of tiles on disk with locations ipathfmt % {"y":...,"x":...},
	read the data corresponding to the pixel range opix[{from,to],{y,x}] in
	the full map."""
	opix = np.asarray(opix)
	# Find the range of input tiles
	itile1, itile2 = find_tile_range(ipathfmt, itile1, itile2)
	# To fill in the rest of the information we need to know more
	# about the input tiling, so read the first tile
	if cache is None or cache[2] is None:
		geo = read_tileset_geometry(ipathfmt, itile1=itile1, itile2=itile2)
	else: geo = cache[2]
	if cache is not None: cache[2] = geo
	isize = geo.tshape
	osize = opix[1]-opix[0]
	omap  = enmap.zeros(geo.shape[:-2]+tuple(osize), geo.wcs, geo.dtype)
	# Find out which input tiles overlap with this output tile.
	# Our tile stretches from opix1:opix2 relative to the global input pixels
	it1 = opix[0]/isize
	it2 = (opix[1]-1)/isize+1
	noverlap = 0
	for ity in range(it1[0],it2[0]):
		if ity < itile1[0] or ity >= itile2[0]: continue
		# Start/end of this tile in global input pixels
		ipy1, ipy2 = ity*isize[0], (ity+1)*isize[0]
		overlap = range_overlap(opix[:,0],[ipy1,ipy2])
		oy1,oy2 = overlap-opix[0,0]
		iy1,iy2 = overlap-ipy1
		for itx in range(it1[1],it2[1]):
			if itx < itile1[1] or itx >= itile2[1]: continue
			ipx1, ipx2 = itx*isize[1], (itx+1)*isize[1]
			overlap = range_overlap(opix[:,1],[ipx1,ipx2])
			ox1,ox2 = overlap-opix[0,1]
			ix1,ix2 = overlap-ipx1
			# Read the input tile and copy over
			iname = ipathfmt % {"y":ity,"x":itx}
			if cache is None or cache[0] != iname:
				imap  = enmap.read_map(iname)
				if slice: imap = eval("imap"+slice)
			else: imap = cache[1]
			if cache is not None:
				cache[0], cache[1] = iname, imap
			if verbose: print iname
			# Edge input tiles may be smaller than the standard
			# size.
			ysub = isize[0]-imap.shape[-2]
			xsub = isize[1]-imap.shape[-1]
			# If the input map is too small, there may actually be
			# zero overlap.
			if oy2-ysub <= oy1 or ox2-xsub <= ox1: continue
			omap[...,oy1:oy2-ysub,ox1:ox2-xsub] = imap[...,iy1:iy2-ysub,ix1:ix2-xsub]
			noverlap += 1
	if noverlap == 0:
		raise IOError("No tiles for tiling %s in range %s" % (ipathfmt, ",".join([":".join([str(p) for p in r]) for r in opix.T])))
	# Set up the wcs for the output tile
	omap.wcs.wcs.crpix -= opix[0,::-1]
	return omap
コード例 #26
ファイル: src_thumb_fit.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	def likgrid(self, R, n, super=1, marg=False, verbose=False):
		shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[-R,-R],[R,R]]), shape=(n,n), proj="car")
		dchisqs = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs)
		amps    = enmap.zeros((self.nsrc,)+shape, wcs)
		pos     = dchisqs.posmap()
		for i,p in enumerate(pos.reshape(2,-1).T):
			if np.sum(p**2)**0.5 > R: continue
			L = self.lik.eval(p)
			if verbose:
				print "%6d %7.3f %7.3f %15.7f" % (i, p[0]/utils.arcmin, p[1]/utils.arcmin, L.chisq0-L.chisq)
			dchisqs.reshape(-1)[i]          = L.chisq0-L.chisq
			amps.reshape(self.nsrc,-1)[:,i] = L.amps
		if super > 1:
			# Use bicubic spline interpolation to upscale
			shape2, wcs2 = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[-R,-R],[R,R]]), shape=(n*super,n*super), proj="car")
			dchisqs = dchisqs.project(shape2, wcs2, mode="constant")
			amps    = amps.project(shape2, wcs2, mode="constant")
		return dchisqs, amps
コード例 #27
ファイル: src_tod_fit.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	def map(self, tod):
		junk = np.zeros(self.pcut.njunk,tod.dtype)
		rhs  = enmap.zeros(self.pthumb.shape, self.pthumb.wcs, tod.dtype)
		self.pcut.backward(tod, junk)
		self.pthumb.backward(tod, rhs)
		rhs *= self.idiv[:,None]
		return rhs
コード例 #28
ファイル: src_tod_fit.py プロジェクト: guanyilun/tenki
	def map(self, tod):
		junk = np.zeros(self.pcut.njunk,tod.dtype)
		rhs  = enmap.zeros(self.pthumb.shape, self.pthumb.wcs, tod.dtype)
		self.pcut.backward(tod, junk)
		self.pthumb.backward(tod, rhs)
		rhs *= self.idiv[:,None]
		return rhs
コード例 #29
def measure_corr(pmaps, nmat, divs, tod_work, ref_pixs):
	ref_pixs = np.array(ref_pixs)
	tod_work[:] = 0
	map_work    = enmap.zeros((3,)+divs.shape[-2:], divs.wcs, divs.dtype)
	corrs       = enmap.zeros(divs.shape, divs.wcs, divs.dtype)
	for i, pmap in enumerate(pmaps):
		map_work[:] = 0
		map_work[0,ref_pixs[i,0],ref_pixs[i,1]] = 1
		pmap.forward(tod_work, map_work, tmul=1)
	for i, pmap in enumerate(pmaps):
		pmap.backward(tod_work, map_work, mmul=0)
		corrs[i] = map_work[0]
		norm     = (divs[i,ref_pixs[i,0],ref_pixs[i,1]] * divs[i])**0.5
		corrs[i,norm>0] /= norm[norm>0]
		corrs[i] = np.roll(np.roll(corrs[i], -ref_pixs[i,0], -2), -ref_pixs[i,1], -1)
	# Shift center to corner, so the result is the correlation relative to
	# corner pixel
	return corrs
コード例 #30
ファイル: coadd.py プロジェクト: guanyilun/tenki
def read_map(fname, shape=None, wcs=None, ncomp=3):
	m = nonan(read_helper(fname, shape, wcs))
	#return m.preflat[:1]
	m = m.reshape(-1, m.shape[-2], m.shape[-1])
	if ncomp == 0: return m[0]
	if len(m) == 1:
		res = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+m.shape[1:],m.wcs,m.dtype)
		res[0] = m
		return res
	else: return m
コード例 #31
ファイル: src_thumb_build2.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def measure_corr(pmaps, nmat, divs, tod_work, ref_pixs):
	ref_pixs = np.array(ref_pixs)
	tod_work[:] = 0
	map_work    = enmap.zeros((3,)+divs.shape[-2:], divs.wcs, divs.dtype)
	corrs       = enmap.zeros(divs.shape, divs.wcs, divs.dtype)
	for i, pmap in enumerate(pmaps):
		map_work[:] = 0
		map_work[0,ref_pixs[i,0],ref_pixs[i,1]] = 1
		pmap.forward(tod_work, map_work, tmul=1)
	for i, pmap in enumerate(pmaps):
		pmap.backward(tod_work, map_work, mmul=0)
		corrs[i] = map_work[0]
		norm     = (divs[i,ref_pixs[i,0],ref_pixs[i,1]] * divs[i])**0.5
		corrs[i,norm>0] /= norm[norm>0]
		corrs[i] = np.roll(np.roll(corrs[i], -ref_pixs[i,0], -2), -ref_pixs[i,1], -1)
	# Shift center to corner, so the result is the correlation relative to
	# corner pixel
	return corrs
コード例 #32
ファイル: coadd.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def read_div(fname):
	m = nonan(enmap.read_map(fname))*1.0
	return m
	#return m.preflat[:1][None]
	if m.ndim == 2:
		res = enmap.zeros((padlen,padlen)+m.shape[-2:], m.wcs, m.dtype)
		for i in range(padlen):
			res[i,i] = m
		return res
	elif m.ndim == 4: return m
	else: raise ValueError("Wrong number of dimensions in div %s" % fname)
コード例 #33
def read_div(fname):
	m = nonan(enmap.read_map(fname))*1.0
	return m
	#return m.preflat[:1][None]
	if m.ndim == 2:
		res = enmap.zeros((padlen,padlen)+m.shape[-2:], m.wcs, m.dtype)
		for i in range(padlen):
			res[i,i] = m
		return res
	elif m.ndim == 4: return m
	else: raise ValueError("Wrong number of dimensions in div %s" % fname)
コード例 #34
def sim_srcs(shape, wcs, srcs, beam, omap=None, dtype=None, nsigma=5, rmax=None, method="loop", mmul=1,
	"""Simulate a point source map in the geometry given by shape, wcs
	for the given srcs[nsrc,{dec,ra,T...}], using the beam[{r,val},npoint],
	which must be equispaced. If omap is specified, the sources will be
	added to it in place. All angles are in radians. The beam is only evaluated up to
	the point where it reaches exp(-0.5*nsigma**2) unless rmax is specified, in which
	case this gives the maximum radius. mmul gives a factor to multiply the resulting
	source model by. This is mostly useful in conction with omap. method can be
	"loop" or "vectorized", but "loop" is both faster and uses less memory, so there's
	no point in using the latter.
	The source simulation is sped up by using a source lookup grid.
	if omap is None: omap = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype)
	ishape = omap.shape
	omap   = omap.preflat
	ncomp  = omap.shape[0]
	# In keeping with the rest of the functions here, srcs is [nsrc,{dec,ra,T,Q,U}].
	# The beam parameters are ignored - the beam argument is used instead
	amps = srcs[:,2:2+ncomp]
	poss = srcs[:,:2].copy()
	# Rewind positions to let us use flat-sky approximation for distance calculations
	#wcs  = enmap.enlib.wcs.fix_wcs(wcs)
	ref  = np.mean(enmap.box(shape, wcs, corner=False)[:,1])
	poss[:,1] = utils.rewind(poss[:,1], ref)
	beam = expand_beam(beam, nsigma, rmax)
	rmax = nsigma2rmax(beam, nsigma)
	# Pad our map by rmax, so we get the contribution from sources
	# just ourside our area. We will later split our map into cells of size cres. Let's
	# adjust the padding so we have a whole number of cells
	cres = utils.nint(rmax/omap.pixshape())
	epix = cres-(omap.shape[-2:]+2*cres)%cres
	padding = [cres,cres+epix]
	wmap, wslice  = enmap.pad(omap, padding, return_slice=True)
	# Overall we will have this many grid cells
	cshape = wmap.shape[-2:]/cres
	# Find out which sources matter for which cells
	srcpix = wmap.sky2pix(poss.T).T
	pixbox= np.array([[0,0],wmap.shape[-2:]],int)
	nhit, cell_srcs = build_src_cells(pixbox, srcpix, cres)
	posmap = wmap.posmap()
	model = eval_srcs_loop(posmap, poss, amps, beam, cres, nhit, cell_srcs)
	# Update our work map, through our view
	if mmul != 1: model *= mmul
	wmap  += model
	if not return_padded:
		# Copy out
		omap[:] = wmap[wslice]
		# Restore shape
		omap = omap.reshape(ishape)
		return omap
		return wmap.reshape(ishape[:-2]+wmap.shape[-2:]), wslice
コード例 #35
ファイル: pixcov.py プロジェクト: AizhanAkh/fishchips-Changes
def fcov_to_rcorr(shape, wcs, p2d, N):
    """Convert a 2D PS into a pix-pix covariance
    ncomp = p2d.shape[0]
    p2d *= np.prod(shape[-2:]) / enmap.area(shape, wcs)
    ocorr = enmap.zeros((ncomp, ncomp, N * N, N * N), wcs)
    for i in range(ncomp):
        for j in range(i, ncomp):
            dcorr = ps2d_to_mat(p2d[i, j].copy(), N).reshape((N * N, N * N))
            ocorr[i, j] = dcorr.copy()
            if i != j: ocorr[j, i] = dcorr.copy()
    return ocorr
コード例 #36
ファイル: simmap.py プロジェクト: amaurea/talk-bmode
def sim_scan(imap, sigma, sshape, rad):
    w = enmap.zeros(imap.shape, imap.wcs) + (np.array([1, 0.5, 0.5]) / sigma ** 2)[:, None, None]
    m = imap + np.random.standard_normal(imap.shape) * w ** -0.5
    # Draw random center pos
    r, phi = np.random.uniform(0, rad), np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
    y, x = (np.array(imap.shape[-2:]) / 2 + np.array([r * np.cos(phi), r * np.sin(phi)])).astype(int)
    H, W = sshape
    mask = np.zeros(imap.shape) + 1
    mask[:, : y - H / 2, :] = 0
    mask[:, y + H / 2 :, :] = 0
    mask[:, :, : x - W / 2] = 0
    mask[:, :, x + W / 2 :] = 0
    return m * mask, w * mask
コード例 #37
def init_geometry(ishape,iwcs):
    modlmap = enmap.modlmap(ishape,iwcs)
    bin_edges = np.arange(args.kellmin,args.kellmax,args.dell)
    binner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,bin_edges)
    if args.beam<1e-5:
        kbeam = None
        kbeam = maps.gauss_beam(modlmap,args.beam)
    lmax = modlmap.max()
    ells = np.arange(2,lmax,1)
    wnoise_TT = ells*0.+(args.noise*(np.pi/180./60.))**2.
    wnoise_PP = 2.*wnoise_TT
    nT = modlmap*0.+(args.noise*(np.pi/180./60.))**2.
    nP = 2.*nT
    ncomp = 3 if pol else 1
    ps = np.zeros((ncomp,ncomp,ells.size))
    ps[0,0] = wnoise_TT
    if pol:
        ps[1,1] = wnoise_PP
        ps[2,2] = wnoise_PP
    oshape = (3,)+ishape if pol else ishape

    if not(args.flat) and args.noise_pad>1.e-5:
        # Pad noise sim geometry
        pad_width_deg = args.noise_pad
        pad_width = pad_width_deg * np.pi/180.
        res = maps.resolution(oshape[-2:],iwcs)
        pad_pixels = int(pad_width/res)
        template = enmap.zeros(oshape,iwcs)
        btemplate = enmap.pad(template,pad_pixels)
        bshape,bwcs = btemplate.shape,btemplate.wcs
        del template
        del btemplate
        ngen = maps.MapGen(bshape,bwcs,ps)
        ngen = maps.MapGen(oshape,iwcs,ps)
    tmask = maps.mask_kspace(ishape,iwcs,lmin=args.tellmin,lmax=args.tellmax)
    pmask = maps.mask_kspace(ishape,iwcs,lmin=args.pellmin,lmax=args.pellmax)
    kmask = maps.mask_kspace(ishape,iwcs,lmin=args.kellmin,lmax=args.kellmax)

    qest = lensing.qest(ishape,iwcs,theory,noise2d=nT,beam2d=kbeam,kmask=tmask,noise2d_P=nP,kmask_P=pmask,kmask_K=kmask,pol=pol,grad_cut=None,unlensed_equals_lensed=True)

    taper,w2 = maps.get_taper_deg(ishape,iwcs,taper_width_degrees = args.taper_width,pad_width_degrees = args.pad_width)
    fc = maps.FourierCalc(oshape,iwcs,iau=args.iau)

    purifier = maps.Purify(ishape,iwcs,taper) if args.purify else None

    return qest,ngen,kbeam,binner,taper,fc,purifier
コード例 #38
ファイル: src_tod_fit.py プロジェクト: guanyilun/tenki
	def __init__(self, data, srcpos, pcut, nmat, perdet=False):
		pthumb = PmatThumbs(data, srcpos, perdet=perdet)
		twork  = np.full(data.tod.shape, 1.0, data.tod.dtype)
		div   = enmap.zeros(pthumb.shape, pthumb.wcs, data.tod.dtype)
		junk  = np.zeros(pcut.njunk,data.tod.dtype)
		pcut.backward(twork, junk)
		pthumb.backward(twork, div)
		div = div[:,0]
		self.pthumb, self.pcut, self.nmat = pthumb, pcut, nmat
		self.div = div
		with utils.nowarn():
			self.idiv = 1/self.div
			self.idiv[~np.isfinite(self.idiv)] = 0
コード例 #39
ファイル: src_tod_fit.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	def __init__(self, data, srcpos, pcut, nmat, perdet=False):
		pthumb = PmatThumbs(data, srcpos, perdet=perdet)
		twork  = np.full(data.tod.shape, 1.0, data.tod.dtype)
		div   = enmap.zeros(pthumb.shape, pthumb.wcs, data.tod.dtype)
		junk  = np.zeros(pcut.njunk,data.tod.dtype)
		pcut.backward(twork, junk)
		pthumb.backward(twork, div)
		div = div[:,0]
		self.pthumb, self.pcut, self.nmat = pthumb, pcut, nmat
		self.div = div
		with utils.nowarn():
			self.idiv = 1/self.div
			self.idiv[~np.isfinite(self.idiv)] = 0
コード例 #40
ファイル: srclik_tod.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def grid_pos(d, params, box=np.array([[-1,-1],[1,1]])*pos_rel_max, shape=(10,10)):
	# Build the pos grid
	p = params.copy()
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box, shape=shape, proj="car")
	probs = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs)
	pos_rel = probs.posmap()
	best = -np.inf
	for iy in range(shape[0]):
		for ix in range(shape[1]):
			p.pos_rel = pos_rel[:,iy,ix]
			P_s, P_w, adist_strong = calc_marginal_amps_strong(d, p)
			probs[iy,ix] = P_s + P_w
			best = max(best,probs[iy,ix])
			print "%4d %4d %6.2f %6.2f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %s" % ((iy,ix)+tuple(pos_rel[:,iy,ix]/m2r)+(probs[iy,ix],P_s,P_w) + ("*" if probs[iy,ix]>=best else "",))
	return probs
コード例 #41
 def likgrid(self, R, n, super=1, marg=False, verbose=False):
     shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[-R, -R], [R, R]]),
                                 shape=(n, n),
     dchisqs = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs)
     amps = enmap.zeros((self.nsrc, ) + shape, wcs)
     pos = dchisqs.posmap()
     for i, p in enumerate(pos.reshape(2, -1).T):
         if np.sum(p**2)**0.5 > R: continue
         L = self.lik.eval(p)
         if verbose:
             print "%6d %7.3f %7.3f %15.7f" % (i, p[0] / utils.arcmin,
                                               p[1] / utils.arcmin,
                                               L.chisq0 - L.chisq)
         dchisqs.reshape(-1)[i] = L.chisq0 - L.chisq
         amps.reshape(self.nsrc, -1)[:, i] = L.amps
     if super > 1:
         # Use bicubic spline interpolation to upscale
         shape2, wcs2 = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[-R, -R], [R, R]]),
                                       shape=(n * super, n * super),
         dchisqs = dchisqs.project(shape2, wcs2, mode="constant")
         amps = amps.project(shape2, wcs2, mode="constant")
     return dchisqs, amps
コード例 #42
ファイル: jointmap.py プロジェクト: cristobal-sifon/enlib
 def calc_precon(self):
     datasets = self.datasets
     # Build the preconditioner
     self.tot_div = enmap.ndmap(
             split.data.div for dataset in datasets
             for split in dataset.splits
         ], 0), self.wcs)
     self.tot_idiv = self.tot_div.copy()
     self.tot_idiv[self.tot_idiv > 0] **= -1
     # Find the part of the sky hit by high-res data
     self.highres_mask = enmap.zeros(self.shape[-2:], self.wcs, np.bool)
     for dataset in datasets:
         if dataset.lowres: continue
         for split in dataset.splits:
             if split.data.empty or not split.active: continue
             self.highres_mask |= split.data.div > 0
コード例 #43
ファイル: jointmap.py プロジェクト: cristobal-sifon/enlib
 def calc_rhs(self):
     # Build the right-hand side. The right-hand side is sum(HNHm)
     rhs = enmap.zeros(self.shape, self.wcs, self.dtype)
     for dataset in self.datasets:
         #print "moo", dataset.name, "iN" in dataset, id(dataset)
         for split in dataset.splits:
             if split.data.empty or not split.active: continue
             w = split.data.H * split.data.map
             fw = map_fft(w)
             #print dataset.name
             fw *= dataset.iN
             if self.mode == "filter": fw *= dataset.filter
             w = map_ifft(fw) * split.data.H
             rhs += w
     # Apply resolution mask
     rhs *= self.highres_mask
     self.rhs = rhs
コード例 #44
ファイル: fastmap.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	def A(self, x):
		map = self.dof.unzip(x)
		res = map*0
		for work in self.workspaces:
			# This is normall P'N"P. In our case 
			wmap = enmap.zeros(work.geometry.shape, work.geometry.lwcs, work.geometry.dtype)
			work.pmat.forward(wmap, map)
			#wmap[:] = array_ops.matmul(work.hdiv_norm_sqrt, wmap, [0,1])
			wmap *= work.hdiv_norm_sqrt
			ft  = fft.rfft(wmap)
			ft *= work.wfilter
			fft.ifft(ft, wmap, normalize=True)
			wmap *= work.hdiv_norm_sqrt
			# Noise weighting would go here. No weighting for now
			#wmap[:] = array_ops.matmul(np.rollaxis(work.hdiv_norm_sqrt,1), wmap, [0,1])
			work.pmat.backward(wmap, res)
		res = utils.allreduce(res, self.comm)
		return self.dof.zip(res)
コード例 #45
ファイル: ptsrc_lik.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def output_tile(prefix, tpos, info):
	shape = info.model.shape[-2:]
	tname = "tile%(y)03d_%(x)03d.fits" % {"y":tpos,"x":tpos[1]}
	ffpad_slice = (Ellipsis,slice(0,shape[0]-info.ffpad[0]),slice(0,shape[1]-info.ffpad[1]))
	for maptypename, mapgroup in [("snmap",info.snmaps),("snresid",info.snresid)]:
		for srctypename, map in mapgroups:
			write_padtile("%s%s_%s/%s" % (prefix, srctypename, maptypename, tname), map[ffpad_slice])
	if not args.output_full_model:
		if len(info.model) > 0: model = info.model[0]
		else: model = enmap.zeros(info.model.shape[-2:], info.model.wcs, info.model.dtype)
		write_padtile(prefix + "model" + tname, model[ffpad_slice])
		write_padtile(prefix + "model" + tname, info.model[ffpad_slice])
	# Output total catalogue
	apod_slice  = (slice(args.apod_edge,-args.apod_edge), slice(args.apod_edge,-args.apod_edge))
	shape, wcs = enmap.slice_geometry(info.model.shape, info.model.wcs, ffpad_slice[-2:])
	shape, wcs = enmap.slice_geometry(shape, wcs, apod_slice)
	box        = enmap.box(shape, wcs)
	jointmap.write_catalogue(prefix + "catalogue" + tname, info.catalogue, box)
コード例 #46
ファイル: fastmap.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	def __init__(self, workspaces, template, comm=None):
		"""Initialize a FastmapSolver for the equation system given by the workspace list
		workspaces. The template argument specifies the output coordinate system. This
		enmap have a wcs which is pixel-compatible with that used to build the workspaces."""
		if comm is None: comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
		# Find the global coordinate offset needed to match our
		# global wcs with the template wcs
		corner = template.pix2sky([0,0])
		gwcs, offset = offset_wcs(workspaces[0].geometry.gwcs, corner)
		# Prepare workspaces for solving in these coordinates
		self.workspaces = []
		for work in workspaces:
			work = work.copy()
			with utils.nowarn():
				hdiv_norm = work.hdiv / np.sum(work.hdiv[0,0],-1)[None,None,:,None]
			hdiv_norm[~np.isfinite(hdiv_norm)] = 0
			work.hdiv_norm_sqrt = hdiv_norm[0,0]**0.5 # array_ops.eigpow(hdiv_norm, 0.5, [0,1])
			# Update the global wcs and pixel coordinates
			work.geometry.gwcs = gwcs
			work.geometry.y0  -= offset[0]
			work.geometry.xshifts -= offset[1]
			# Set up our ponting matrix
			work.pmat = PmatWorkspaceMap(work.geometry)
		# Update our template to match the geometry we're actually using.
		# If the original template was compatible, this will be a NOP geometry-wise
		template = enmap.zeros((work.geometry.ncomp,)+template.shape[-2:], work.geometry.gwcs, work.geometry.dtype)
		# Build a simple binned preconditioner
		# FIXME: This just makes things worse
		#idiv = enmap.zeros((work.geometry.ncomp,work.geometry.ncomp)+template.shape[-2:], work.geometry.gwcs, work.geometry.dtype)
		#for work in self.workspaces:
		#	wmap = enmap.zeros(work.geometry.shape, work.geometry.lwcs, work.geometry.dtype)
		#	for i in range(work.geometry.ncomp):
		#		tmp = idiv[0]*0
		#		tmp[i] = 1
		#		work.pmat.forward(wmap, tmp)
		#		wmap[:] = array_ops.matmul(work.hdiv, wmap, [0,1])
		#		wmap[:] = array_ops.matmul(np.rollaxis(work.hdiv,1), wmap, [0,1])
		#		work.pmat.backward(wmap, idiv[i])
		#self.prec = array_ops.eigpow(idiv, -1, axes=[0,1])
		self.dof  = zipper.ArrayZipper(template)
		self.comm = comm
コード例 #47
ファイル: src_tod_fit.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	def __init__(self, data, srcpos, res=0.25*utils.arcmin, rad=20*utils.arcmin, perdet=False, detoff=10*utils.arcmin):
		scan = actscan.ACTScan(data.entry, d=data)
		if perdet:
			# Offset each detector's pointing so that we produce a grid of images, one per detector.
			gside  = int(np.ceil(data.ndet**0.5))
			goffs  = np.mgrid[:gside,:gside] - (gside-1)/2.0
			goffs  = goffs.reshape(2,-1).T[:data.ndet]*detoff
			scan.offsets = scan.offsets.copy()
			scan.offsets[:,1:] += goffs
			rad    = rad + np.max(np.abs(goffs))
		# Build geometry for each source
		shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-rad,-rad],[rad,rad]], res=res, proj="car")
		area = enmap.zeros((3,)+shape, wcs, dtype=data.tod.dtype)
		self.pmats = []
		for i, pos in enumerate(srcpos.T):
			if planet: sys = src_sys
			else:      sys = ["icrs",[np.array([[pos[0]],[pos[1]],[0],[0]]),False]]
			with config.override("pmat_accuracy", 10):
				self.pmats.append(pmat.PmatMap(scan, area, sys=sys))
		self.shape = (len(srcpos.T),3)+shape
		self.wcs   = wcs
コード例 #48
ファイル: point_test.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
import numpy as np, argparse, os, sys
from enlib import enmap, pmat, config
from enact import filedb, data
parser = config.ArgumentParser(os.environ["HOME"] + "/.enkirc")
parser.add_argument("--di", type=int, default=0, help="Index into array of accepted detectors to use.")
args = parser.parse_args()
dtype = np.float64

eqsys = config.get("map_eqsys")

area  = enmap.read_map(args.area).astype(dtype)
area  = enmap.zeros((3,)+area.shape[-2:], area.wcs, dtype)
entry = filedb.data[args.id]

# First get the raw samples
d        = data.read(entry, subdets=[args.di])
raw_tod  = d.tod[0,d.sample_offset:d.cutafter].copy()
raw_bore = d.boresight[:,d.sample_offset:d.cutafter].T
# Then some calibrated samples
d        = data.calibrate(d)
cal_tod  = d.tod[0]
cal_bore = d.boresight.T
# Apply fourier-truncation to raw data
raw_tod = raw_tod[:cal_tod.shape[0]]
raw_bore = raw_bore[:cal_bore.shape[0]]

# And a proper ACTScan
scan = data.ACTScan(entry, subdets=[args.di])
# Detector pointing
コード例 #49
ファイル: planet_perdet.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
		tod -= model
		del model
		tod  = tod.astype(dtype, copy=False)
	# Should now be reasonably clean of correlated noise, so we can from now on use
	# a white noise model.
	with bench.show("pmat"):
		P = PmatTot(scan, srcpos, sys=sys)
		N = NmatWhite(ivar)

	with bench.show("pmat"):
		pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, area, sys=sys)
		pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
		rhs  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+shape, area.wcs, dtype)
		div  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,ncomp)+shape, area.wcs, dtype)
		junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype)
	with bench.show("rhs"):
		tod *= ivar[:,None]
		pcut.backward(tod, junk)
		pmap.backward(tod, rhs)
	with bench.show("hits"):
		for i in range(ncomp):
			div[i,i] = 1
			pmap.forward(tod, div[i])
			tod *= ivar[:,None]
			pcut.backward(tod, junk)
			div[i] = 0
			pmap.backward(tod, div[i])
	with bench.show("map"):
コード例 #50
ファイル: flat_disp.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
# This program computes a simple estimation of the amount of distortion the
# flat-sky approximation involves
import numpy as np, argparse
from enlib import enmap
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-D", "--diameter", type=float, default=30)
parser.add_argument("-n", "--npix",     type=int,   default=800)
parser.add_argument("--proj",           type=str,   default="cea")
args = parser.parse_args()

r = args.diameter*np.pi/180/2
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-r,-r],[r,r]], shape=(args.npix, args.npix), proj=args.proj)

def linpos(n,b): return b[0] + (np.arange(n)+0.5)*(b[1]-b[0])/n
alpha = enmap.zeros((2,)+shape, wcs)
pos   = enmap.posmap(shape, wcs)
# I'm not sure how to compute this in general, so here's a specialization
# for cylindrical projections
if args.proj == "cea" or args.proj =="car":
	dec   = pos[0,:,0]
	ra    = pos[1,0,:]
	lindec= linpos(shape[0],enmap.box(shape,wcs)[:,0])
	scale = 1/np.cos(dec)-1
	alpha[0] = (lindec-dec)[:,None]
	alpha[1] = ra[None,:]*scale[:,None]
enmap.write_map(args.omap, alpha*180*60/np.pi)
コード例 #51
ファイル: heal2flat_direct.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
# Read the input maps
L.info("Reading " + args.ihealmap)
imap    = np.atleast_2d(healpy.read_map(args.ihealmap, field=tuple(range(args.first,args.first+ncomp))))
nside   = healpy.npix2nside(imap.shape[-1])
mask    = imap < -1e20
dtype   = imap.dtype
bsize   = 100

if args.unit != 1: imap[~mask]/= args.unit

# Read the template
shape, wcs = enmap.read_map_geometry(args.template)
shape = (args.ncomp,)+shape[-2:]

# Allocate our output map
omap   = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype)
nblock = (omap.shape[-2]+bsize-1)//bsize

for bi in range(nblock):
	r1 = bi*bsize
	r2 = (bi+1)*bsize
	print "Processing row %5d/%d" % (r1, omap.shape[-2])
	# Output map coordinates
	osub = omap[...,r1:r2,:]
	pmap = osub.posmap()
	# Coordinate transformation
	if args.rot:
			s1,s2 = args.rot.split(",")
			opos  = coordinates.transform(s2, s1, pmap[::-1], pol=ncomp==3)
			pmap[...] = opos[1::-1]
コード例 #52
ファイル: tod2effective_weight.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
parser.add_argument("--ndet",       type=int, default=0,  help="Max number of detectors")
args = parser.parse_args()

root      = args.odir + "/" + (args.prefix + "_" if args.prefix else "")
log_level = log.verbosity2level(config.get("verbosity"))
dtype     = np.float32 if config.get("map_bits") == 32 else np.float64
area      = enmap.read_map(args.area)
comm      = mpi.COMM_WORLD
ids       = filedb.scans[args.sel]
L = log.init(level=log_level, rank=comm.rank)

# Set up our output map.
osig = enmap.zeros((1,)+area.shape[-2:], area.wcs, dtype)
odiv = osig*0
sig_all = np.zeros(len(ids))
sig_med = sig_all*0
div_all, div_med = sig_all*0, sig_med*0

# Read in all our scans
for ind in range(comm.rank, len(ids), comm.size):
	id = ids[ind]
	entry = filedb.data[id]
		d = actscan.ACTScan(entry)
		if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0:
			raise errors.DataMissing("Tod contains no valid data")
	except errors.DataMissing as e:
		L.debug("Skipped %s (%s)" % (str(id), e.message))
コード例 #53
ファイル: src_thumb_build.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	aspeed = np.median(np.abs(d.boresight[1,1:]-d.boresight[1,:-1])[::10])*d.srate
	tref   = d.boresight[0,d.nsamp/2]

	# Build a small, high-res map around each source
	sdata = []
	with bench.mark("scan"):
		scan = actscan.ACTScan(entry, d=d)
	pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
	junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype)
	pcut.backward(tod, junk)
	#wtod = apply_bivar(tod*0+1,bivar,bsize_ivar,inplace=True)
	wtod = tod*0+ivar[:,None]
	pcut.backward(wtod, junk)
	for sid in sids:
		shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=[srcpos[::-1,sid]-R,srcpos[::-1,sid]+R], res=res, proj="car")
		area = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype)
		with bench.mark("pmap"):
			pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, area)
		rhs  = enmap.zeros((3,)+shape, wcs, dtype)
		div  = rhs*0
		with bench.mark("rhs"):
			pmap.backward(tod, rhs)
		with bench.mark("div"):
		div  = div[0]
		map  = rhs.copy()
		map[:,div>0] /= div[div>0]
		map = map[0]
		# Crop the outermost pixel, where outside hits will have accumulated
		map, div, area = [m[...,1:-1,1:-1] for m in [map,div,area]]
		# Find the local scanning velocity at the source position
コード例 #54
ファイル: heal2flat.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
		if args.rot and ncomp==3:
			L.debug("Rotating polarization vectors")
			res[1:3] = enmap.rotate_pol(res[1:3], psi)
		# We will project directly onto target map if possible
		if args.rot:
			L.debug("Rotating alms")
			s1,s2 = args.rot.split(",")
			if s1 != s2:
				# Note: rotate_alm does not actually modify alm
				# if it is single precision
				alm = alm.astype(np.complex128,copy=False)
				if s1 == "gal" and (s2 == "equ" or s2 == "cel"):
					healpy.rotate_alm(alm, euler[0], euler[1], euler[2])
				elif s2 == "gal" and (s1 == "equ" or s1 == "cel"):
					raise NotImplementedError
				alm = alm.astype(ctype,copy=False)
		res = enmap.zeros((len(alm),)+shape[-2:], wcs, dtype)
		res = curvedsky.alm2map(alm, res)
	if len(args.templates) > 1:
		oname = args.odir + "/" + os.path.basename(tfile)
		oname = args.ofile
	if args.oslice:
		res = eval("res"+args.oslice)
	L.info("Writing " + oname)
	enmap.write_map(oname, res)
コード例 #55
ファイル: sim_freqline.py プロジェクト: amaurea/pixie
		print "alm -> P"
		sht.alm2map(alm[1:], field.map[1:].reshape(2,-1), spin=2)
		# Reapply spline filter
		print "Prefilter"
		field.pmap = utils.interpol_prefilter(field.map, order=field.order)
	print "Beam done"

phi   = np.full(args.nsamp, args.phi, dtype=float)
theta = np.arange(args.nsamp)*2*np.pi/args.nsamp
phi  [theta> np.pi/2] =  phi[theta > np.pi/2]   + np.pi
theta[theta> np.pi/2] =  np.pi - theta[theta> np.pi/2]
phi  [theta<-np.pi/2] =  phi[theta <-np.pi/2]   - np.pi
theta[theta<-np.pi/2] = -np.pi - theta[theta<-np.pi/2]
pos   = np.array([theta,phi])

res = enmap.zeros((len(freqs),3,args.nsamp))
for field in fields:
	vals = field.pmap.at(pos, order=field.order, prefilter=False, mask_nan=False, safe=False, mode="wrap")
	res += field.spec(freqs, vals[...,None])[...,0]

if args.apply_beam:
	# Apply frequency part of beam too
	res *= scatter[:,None,None]

with h5py.File(args.ofile, "w") as hfile:
	hfile["data"] = res
	hfile["freq"] = freqs

#maps = [field.project(shape, wcs)(freqs) for field in fields]
#maps.insert(0, np.sum(maps,0))
#maps = enmap.samewcs(np.array(maps), maps[1])
コード例 #56
ファイル: messenger.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
parser.add_argument("-n", "--nstep", type=int, default=50)
parser.add_argument("-m", "--method",type=str, default="messenger")
parser.add_argument(      "--ndet",  type=int, default=None)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--precompute", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--ostep", type=int, default=10)
args = parser.parse_args()

comm   = mpi.COMM_WORLD
dtype  = np.float32
ncomp  = 3
area   = enmap.read_map(args.area)
area   = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+area.shape[-2:],area.wcs,dtype)
Tscale = 0.9
nstep  = args.nstep
downsample = config.get("downsample")

ids   = filedb.scans[args.sel]
# Was 1e7
cooldown = sum([[10**j]*5 for j in range(6,0,-1)],[])+[1]

# Read my scans
njunk_tot = 0
cg_rhs    = area*0
cg_rjunk  = []
if args.precompute:
	prec_NNmap  = {lam: area*0 for lam in np.unique(cooldown)}
コード例 #57
ファイル: polar_sim.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
# Construct our output coordinates, a zea system. My standard
# constructor doesn't handle pole crossing, so do it manually.
with dprint("construct omap"):
	R   = args.radius*deg2rad
	res = args.res*min2rad
	wo  = wcsutils.WCS(naxis=2)
	wo.wcs.ctype = ["RA---ZEA","DEC--ZEA"]
	wo.wcs.crval = [0,90]
	wo.wcs.cdelt = [res/deg2rad, res/deg2rad]
	wo.wcs.crpix = [1,1]
	x, y = wo.wcs_world2pix(0,90-R/deg2rad,1)
	y = int(np.ceil(y))
	n = 2*y-1
	wo.wcs.crpix = [y,y]
	omap = enmap.zeros((n,n),wo)

# Construct our projection coordinates this is a CAR system in order
# to make interpolation easy.
with dprint("construct imap"):
	ires = np.array([1,1./np.sin(R)])*res/args.supersample
	shape, wi = enmap.geometry(pos=[[np.pi/2-R,-np.pi],[np.pi/2,np.pi]], res=ires, proj="car")
	imap = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+shape, wi)

# Define SHT for interpolation pixels
with dprint("construct sht"):
	minfo = curvedsky.map2minfo(imap)
	lmax_ideal = np.pi/res
	ps = ps[:,:,:lmax_ideal]
	lmax = ps.shape[-1]
	# We do not need all ms when centered on the pole. To reach 1e-10 relative
コード例 #58
ファイル: src_thumb_build2.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
dtype= np.float32
nref = args.nref
min_accuracy = 1.0 # 1 pixel

src_cols = [int(w) for w in args.cols.split(":")]

# Set up thumbnail geometry
res  = args.res*utils.arcmin
pad  = args.pad*utils.arcmin
box  = np.array([[float(w) for w in dim.split(":")] for dim in args.box.split(",")]).T*utils.arcmin
box[0] -= pad
box[1] += pad
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box, res=res, proj="car")
area = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype)

def read_srcs(fname, cols=(0,1,2)):
	if fname.endswith(".fits"):
		data = fits.open(fname)[1].data
		return np.array([data.ra*utils.degree,data.dec*utils.degree,data.sn])
		data = np.loadtxt(fname, usecols=cols).T
		data[:2] *= utils.degree
		return data

def find_ref_pixs(divs, rcost=1.0, dcost=1.0):
	"""rcost is cost per pixel away from center
	dcost is cost per dB change in div value avay from median"""
	# Find median nonzero div per map
	ref_val = np.asarray(np.median(np.ma.array(divs, mask=divs==0),(-2,-1)))
コード例 #59
ファイル: makemask.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
import numpy as np, argparse
from enlib import enmap
from scipy import ndimage
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-r", "--radius", type=float, default=3)
parser.add_argument("-c", "--columns", type=str, default="3,5,2")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", type=float, default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()

cols = [int(w) for w in args.columns.split(",")]
srcinfo = np.loadtxt(args.pos)[:,cols]
pos = srcinfo[np.abs(srcinfo[:,2])>=args.threshold][:,:2] * np.pi/180
map = enmap.read_map(args.template)
pix = map.sky2pix(pos.T).T.astype(int)

pixrad = (map.area()/map.npix)**0.5
mrad = args.radius*np.pi/180/60/pixrad

mask = enmap.zeros(map.shape[-2:], map.wcs)+1
mask[pix[:,0],pix[:,1]] = 0
mask = enmap.enmap(1.0*(ndimage.distance_transform_edt(mask) > mrad), map.wcs)
enmap.write_map(args.ofile, mask)
コード例 #60
ファイル: pickup2focalplane.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
box = utils.bounding_box(boxes)
box = utils.widen_box(box, rad*5, relative=False)

# We assume that the two maps have the same pixelization
imaps = enmap.samewcs(np.array(imaps), imaps[0])
# Downsample by averaging
imaps = enmap.downgrade(imaps, (1,args.step))
naz   = imaps.shape[-1]

# Ok, build our output geometry
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box, res=args.res*utils.arcmin, proj="car", pre=(naz,))
omap = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)

# Normalization
norm = enmap.zeros(shape[-2:],wcs)
norm[0,0] = 1
norm = enmap.smooth_gauss(norm, rad)[0,0]

# Loop through slices and populate
bazs = []
for iaz in range(naz):
	# Get our boresight az
	vals = []
	for i in range(nfile):
		# Go from detectors to y-pixel in input maps
		ypix = utils.transpose_inds(dets[i], nrow, ncol)