コード例 #1
def avoidance_cut_old(bore, det_offs, site, name_or_pos, margin):
    """Cut samples that get too close to the specified object
	(e.g. "Sun" or "Moon") or celestial position ([ra,dec] in racians).
	Margin specifies how much to avoid the object by."""
    cmargin = np.cos(margin)
    mjd = utils.ctime2mjd(bore[0])
    obj_pos = coordinates.interpol_pos("cel", "hor", name_or_pos, mjd, site)
    obj_rect = utils.ang2rect(obj_pos, zenith=False)
    # Only cut if above horizon
    above_horizon = obj_pos[1] > 0
    if np.all(~above_horizon):
        return sampcut.empty(det_offs.shape[0], bore.shape[1])
    cuts = []
    for di, off in enumerate(det_offs):
        det_pos = bore[1:] + off[:, None]
        #det_rect1 = utils.ang2rect(det_pos, zenith=False) # slow
        # Not sure defining an ang2rect in array_ops is worth it.. It's ugly,
        # (angle convention hard coded) and only gives factor 2 on laptop.
        det_rect = array_ops.ang2rect(np.ascontiguousarray(det_pos.T)).T
        cdist = np.sum(obj_rect * det_rect, 0)
        # Cut samples above horizon that are too close
        bad = (cdist > cmargin) & above_horizon
    res = sampcut.stack(cuts)
    return res
コード例 #2
ファイル: parallax.py プロジェクト: jit9/enlib
def earth2sun(pos_earthrel, time, sundist, diff=False):
    """Compute the apparent displacement pos_sunrel - pos_earthrel for
	a source with earth-relative pointing given by pos_earthrel[{ra,dec},:] at the given time,
	and with the given distance from the sun (in AU)."""
    # Compute the position of the object relative to the earth at each time
    vec_obj_earthrel = utils.ang2rect(pos_earthrel, zenith=False)
    vec_earth_sunrel = -ephemeris.ephem_vec("Sun", time)
    # Get the object earth distance based on the sun distance, using
    # the law of sines: sin(obj_earth_sun)/obj_sun = sin(sun_obj_earth)/obj_earth.
    b = np.sum(vec_earth_sunrel**2, 0)**0.5
    c = sundist
    cosC = np.sum(-(vec_obj_earthrel.T * vec_earth_sunrel.T).T, 0) / b
    sinC = (1 - cosC**2)**0.5
    sinB = sinC * b / c
    sinA = np.sin(np.pi - np.arcsin(sinB) - np.arcsin(sinC))
    a = b * sinA / sinB
    earthdist = a
    vec_obj_earthrel *= earthdist
    # Get the relative position
    vec_obj_sunrel = (vec_obj_earthrel.T + vec_earth_sunrel.T).T
    # Translate this into an angular position
    pos_sunrel = utils.rect2ang(vec_obj_sunrel, zenith=False)
    if not diff: return pos_sunrel
    # And turn that into a displacement
    offset = pos_sunrel - pos_earthrel
    offset[1] = utils.rewind(offset[1])
    return offset
コード例 #3
ファイル: coordinates.py プロジェクト: jit9/enlib
def euler_rot(euler_angles, coords, kind="zyz"):
    coords = np.asarray(coords)
    co = coords.reshape(2, -1)
    M = euler_mat(euler_angles, kind)
    rect = utils.ang2rect(co, False)
    rect = np.einsum("...ij,j...->i...", M, rect)
    co = utils.rect2ang(rect, False)
    return co.reshape(coords.shape)
コード例 #4
def ephem_vec(objname, mjd, dt=10):
    """Computes the earth-relative position vector[{x,y,z},ntime] for the
	given object. Uses interpolation in steps dt (seconds) to speed things up.
	Set dt to 0 to disable this. The resulting vector has units of AU."""
    # Get low-res [ra,dec,r]
    sub_time, inds = define_subsamples(mjd, dt=dt / (24. * 3600))
    sub_pos = ephem_raw(objname, sub_time)
    # Convert to low-res [x,y,z]
    sub_vec = utils.ang2rect(sub_pos[:2], zenith=False) * sub_pos[2]
    # Interpolate to target resolution
    full_vec = utils.interpol(sub_vec, inds[None])
    return full_vec
コード例 #5
ファイル: parallax.py プロジェクト: jit9/enlib
def sun2earth(pos_sunrel, time, sundist, diff=False):
    """Compute the apparent displacement pos_earthrel - pos_sunrel for
	a source with sun-relative pointing given by pos_sunrel[{ra,dec},:] at the given time,
	and with the given distance from the sun (in AU)."""
    # Compute the position of the object relative to the earth at each time
    vec_obj_sunrel = utils.ang2rect(pos_sunrel, zenith=False) * sundist
    vec_sun_earthrel = ephemeris.ephem_vec("Sun", time)
    vec_obj_earthrel = (vec_obj_sunrel.T + vec_sun_earthrel.T).T
    # Translate this into an angular position
    pos_earthrel = utils.rect2ang(vec_obj_earthrel, zenith=False)
    if not diff: return pos_earthrel
    # And turn that into a displacement
    offset = pos_earthrel - pos_sunrel
    offset[1] = utils.rewind(offset[1])
    return offset
コード例 #6
ファイル: cuts.py プロジェクト: amaurea/enact
def avoidance_cut_old(bore, det_offs, site, name_or_pos, margin):
	"""Cut samples that get too close to the specified object
	(e.g. "Sun" or "Moon") or celestial position ([ra,dec] in racians).
	Margin specifies how much to avoid the object by."""
	cmargin = np.cos(margin)
	mjd = utils.ctime2mjd(bore[0])
	obj_pos  = coordinates.interpol_pos("cel","hor",name_or_pos,mjd,site)
	obj_rect = utils.ang2rect(obj_pos, zenith=False)
	# Only cut if above horizon
	above_horizon = obj_pos[1]>0
	if np.all(~above_horizon): return sampcut.empty(det_offs.shape[0], bore.shape[1])
	cuts = []
	for di, off in enumerate(det_offs):
		det_pos  = bore[1:]+off[:,None]
		#det_rect1 = utils.ang2rect(det_pos, zenith=False) # slow
		# Not sure defining an ang2rect in array_ops is worth it.. It's ugly,
		# (angle convention hard coded) and only gives factor 2 on laptop.
		det_rect = array_ops.ang2rect(np.ascontiguousarray(det_pos.T)).T
		cdist = np.sum(obj_rect*det_rect,0)
		# Cut samples above horizon that are too close
		bad  = (cdist > cmargin) & above_horizon
	res = sampcut.stack(cuts)
	return res