コード例 #1
def build_interpol(transform, box, id="none", posunit=1.0, sys=None):
    sys = config.get("map_sys", sys)
    # We widen the bounding box slightly to avoid samples falling outside it
    # due to rounding errors.
    box = utils.widen_box(np.array(box), 1e-3)
        1:] = utils.widen_box(box[:, 1:],
                              config.get("pmat_interpol_pad") * utils.arcmin,
    acc = config.get("pmat_accuracy")
    ip_size = config.get("pmat_interpol_max_size")
    ip_time = config.get("pmat_interpol_max_time")
    # Build pointing interpolator
    errlim = np.array(
        [1e-3 * posunit, 1e-3 * posunit, utils.arcmin, utils.arcmin]) * acc
    ipol, obox, ok, err = interpol.build(transform,
    if not ok and np.any(err > errlim):
        print "Warning: Accuracy %g was specified, but only reached %g for tod %s" % (
            acc, np.max(err / errlim) * acc, id)
    return ipol, obox, err
コード例 #2
ファイル: coordinates.py プロジェクト: jit9/enlib
def interpol_pos(from_sys, to_sys, name_or_pos, mjd, site=None, dt=10):
    """Given the name of an ephemeris object or a [ra,dec]-type position
	in radians in from_sys, compute its position in the specified coordinate system for
	each mjd. The mjds are assumed to be sampled densely enough that
	interpolation will work. For ephemeris objects, positions are
	computed in steps of 10 seconds by default (controlled by the dt argument)."""
    box = utils.widen_box([np.min(mjd), np.max(mjd)], 1e-2)
    sub_nsamp = max(3, int((box[1] - box[0]) * 24. * 3600 / dt))
    sub_mjd = np.linspace(box[0], box[1], sub_nsamp, endpoint=True)
    if isinstance(name_or_pos, basestring):
        sub_from = ephem_pos(name_or_pos, sub_mjd)
        pos = np.asarray(name_or_pos)
        assert pos.ndim == 1
        sub_from = np.zeros([2, sub_nsamp])
        sub_from[:] = np.asarray(name_or_pos)[:, None]
    sub_pos = transform_raw(from_sys,
    sub_pos[1] = utils.rewind(sub_pos[1], ref="auto")
    inds = (mjd - box[0]) * (sub_nsamp - 1) / (box[1] - box[0])
    full_pos = utils.interpol(sub_pos, inds[None], order=3)
    return full_pos
コード例 #3
def define_subsamples(t, dt=10):
    t = np.asarray(t)
    if t.ndim == 0: return np.array([t]), np.array([0])
    if dt == 0: return t, np.arange(len(t))
    box = utils.widen_box([np.min(t), np.max(t)], 1e-2)
    sub_nsamp = max(3, int((box[1] - box[0]) / dt))
    if sub_nsamp > len(t): return t, np.arange(len(t))
    sub_t = np.linspace(box[0], box[1], sub_nsamp, endpoint=True)
    return sub_t, (t - box[0]) * (sub_nsamp - 1) / (box[1] - box[0])
コード例 #4
def calc_sky_bbox_scan(scan, osys, nsamp=100):
	"""Compute the bounding box of the scan in the osys coordinate system.
	Returns [{from,to},{dec,ra}]."""
	ipoints = utils.box2contour(scan.box, nsamp)
	opoints = np.array([coordinates.transform(scan.sys,osys,b[1:,None],time=scan.mjd0+b[0,None]/3600/24,site=scan.site)[::-1,0] for b in ipoints])
	# Take care of angle wrapping along the ra direction
	opoints[...,1] = utils.rewind(opoints[...,1], ref="auto")
	obox = utils.bounding_box(opoints)
	# Grow slighly to account for non-infinite nsamp
	obox = utils.widen_box(obox, 5*utils.arcmin, relative=False)
	return obox
コード例 #5
ファイル: mapmaking.py プロジェクト: jit9/enlib
 def __init__(self,
     Signal.__init__(self, name, ofmt, output, ext)
     nrow, ncol = array_shape
     ndet = nrow * ncol
     self.pids = pids
     self.patterns = patterns
     self.comm = comm
     self.dtype = dtype
     self.col_major = col_major
     self.cuts = cuts
     self.data = {}
     self.areas = []
     # Set up an area for each scanning pattern. We assume that these are constant
     # elevation scans, so only azimuth matters. This setup is ugly and would be
     # nicer if passed in, but then the ugliness would only be moved to the calling
     # code instead.
     for pattern in patterns:
         az0, az1 = utils.widen_box(pattern)[:, 1]
         naz = int(np.ceil((az1 - az0) / res))
         az1 = az0 + naz * res
         det_unit = nrow if col_major else ncol
         shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(
             pos=[[0, az0], [ndet / det_unit * utils.degree, az1]],
             shape=(ndet, naz),
         if hysteresis:
             area = enmap.zeros((2, ) + shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
             area = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)
     for pid, scan in zip(pids, scans):
         dets = scan.dets
         if col_major: dets = utils.transpose_inds(dets, nrow, ncol)
         mat = pmat.PmatScan(scan, self.areas[pid], dets)
         self.data[scan] = [pid, mat]
     self.dof = zipper.MultiZipper(
         [zipper.ArrayZipper(area, comm=comm) for area in self.areas],
コード例 #6
ファイル: pmat.py プロジェクト: Nium14/enlib
def build_work_shift(transform, hor_box, scan_period):
    """Given a transofrmation that takes [{t,az,el},nsamp] into [{y,x,...},nsamp],
	and a bounding box [{from,to},{t,az,el}], compute the parameters for a
	per-y shift in x that makes scans roughly straight. These parameters are returned
	in the form of wbox[{from,to},{y,x'}] and wshift[{up,down},ny]. They are used in the shifted
	pmat implementation."""
    # The problem with using the real scanning profile is that it can't be adjusted to
    # cover all the detectors, and at any y, the az where a detector hits that y will
    # be different. So only one of them can faithfully follow the profile after all.
    # So I think I'll stay with the simple model I use here, and just take the travel
    # time into account, through an extra parameter.

    # Find the pixel bounds corresponding to our hor bounds
    hor_corn = utils.box2contour(hor_box, 100)
    pix_corn = transform(hor_corn.T)[:2].T
    pix_box = utils.bounding_box(pix_corn)
    pix_box = utils.widen_box(pix_box, 10, relative=False)
    # The y bounds are the most relevant. Our wshift must
    # be defined for every output y in the range.
    y0 = int(np.floor(pix_box[0, 0]))
    y1 = int(np.ceil(pix_box[1, 0])) + 1
    mean_t, mean_az, mean_el = np.mean(hor_box, 0)
    # Get a forward and backwards sweep. So index 0 is az increasing, index 1 is az decreasing
    # Divide scan period by 2 because there is a forwards and backward sweep per period.
    wshift = np.array([
        measure_sweep_pixels(transform, [mean_t, mean_t + scan_period / 2],
                             hor_box[:, 1], mean_el, [y0, y1]),
        measure_sweep_pixels(transform, [mean_t, mean_t + scan_period / 2],
                             hor_box[::-1, 1], mean_el, [y0, y1])
    # For each of these, find the pixel bounds. The total
    # bounds will be the union of these
    wboxes = []
    for wshift_single in wshift:
        # Use this shift to transform the pixel corners into shifted
        # coordinates. This wil give us the bounds of the shifted system
        shift_corn = pix_corn.copy()
        shift_corn[:, 1] -= wshift_single[np.round(shift_corn[:, 0] -
    # Merge wboxes
    wbox = utils.bounding_box(wboxes)
    wbox[0] = np.floor(wbox[0])
    wbox[1] = np.ceil(wbox[1])
    wbox = wbox.astype(int)
    print "wbox"
    print wbox
    print "wshift"
    print wshift
    return wbox, wshift
コード例 #7
def measure_sweep_pixels(transform,
    """Helper function for build_work_shift. Measure the x for each y of an azimuth sweep."""
    if nsamp is None: nsamp = 10000
    if padstep is None: padstep = 4 * utils.degree
    if ntry is None: ntry = 5
    y0, y1 = yrange
    pad = padstep
    for i in range(ntry):
        print "FIXME: This will break near north. Padding of the box earlier"
        print "may make it impossible to reach the upper y bound"
        print "Need to implement extrapolation"
        az0, az1 = utils.widen_box(azrange, pad, relative=False)
        ipos = np.zeros([3, nsamp])
        # Forward sweep
        ipos[0] = np.linspace(trange[0], trange[1], nsamp)
        ipos[1] = np.linspace(az0, az1, nsamp)
        ipos[2] = el
        opix = np.round(transform(ipos)[:2]).astype(int)
        # Get the entries with unique y values
        uy, ui = np.unique(opix[0], return_index=True)
        if uy[0] > y0 or uy[-1] <= y1:
            # We didn't cover the range, so try again
            pad += padstep
        # Restrict to relevant pixel range
        yi = ui[(uy >= y0) & (uy < y1)]
        if len(ui) < y1 - y0:
            # We didn't hit every pixel. Try again
            nsamp *= 2
        wshift = opix[1, yi]
        # Shift is defined to start at zero, since we will put
        # the absolute offset into wbox.
        wshift -= wshift[0]
        # We didn't find a match! Just use a constant shift of zero.
        # This shouldn't happen, though.
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to find sweep")
        wshift = np.zeros(y1 - y0, int)
    return wshift
コード例 #8
def generate_sweep_by_dec_pix(hor_box,
    """Given hor_box[{from,to},{t,az,el}] and a hor2{ra,dec,y,x} transformer trans,
	and a integer y-pixel range iy_box[{from,to}]. Compute an azimuth sweep that samples every y pixel once and
	covers the whole dec_range."""
    if nsamp is None: nsamp = 100000
    if padstep is None: padstep = 4 * utils.degree
    if ntry is None: ntry = 10
    pad = padstep
    for i in range(ntry):
        t_range, az_range, el_range = np.array(hor_box).T
        az_range = utils.widen_box(az_range, pad, relative=False)
        # Generate a test sweep, which hopefully is wide enough and dense enough
        time = np.linspace(t_range[0], t_range[1], nsamp)
        ipos = [
            np.linspace(az_range[0], az_range[1], nsamp),
            np.linspace(el_range[0], el_range[1], nsamp)
        opos = trans(ipos, time)
        opos = np.concatenate([[time], ipos, opos], 0)
        # Make sure we cover the whole dec range we should.
        # We all our samples are in the range we want to use,
        # then we probably didn't cover the whole range.
        # ....|..++++....|... vs. ...--|+++++++|--...
        iy = np.round(opos[6]).astype(int)
        if not (np.any(iy < iy_box[0]) and np.any(iy >= iy_box[1])):
            pad += padstep
        good = (iy >= iy_box[0]) & (iy < iy_box[1])
        opos = opos[:, good]
        # Sort by output y pixel (not rounded)
        order = np.argsort(opos[6])
        opos = opos[:, order]
        # See if we hit every y pixel
        iy = np.round(opos[6]).astype(int)
        uy = np.arange(iy_box[0], iy_box[1])
        ui = np.searchsorted(iy, uy)
        if len(np.unique(ui)) < len(uy):
            nsamp *= 2
        opos = opos[:, ui]
        return opos
コード例 #9
ファイル: fastmap.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
def generate_sweep_by_dec_pix(hor_box, iy_box, trans, padstep=None,nsamp=None,ntry=None):
	"""Given hor_box[{from,to},{t,az,el}] and a hor2{ra,dec,y,x} transformer trans,
	and a integer y-pixel range iy_box[{from,to}]. Compute an azimuth sweep that samples every y pixel once and
	covers the whole dec_range."""
	if nsamp   is None: nsamp   = 100000
	if padstep is None: padstep = 4*utils.degree
	if ntry    is None: ntry    = 10
	pad = padstep
	for i in range(ntry):
		t_range, az_range, el_range = np.array(hor_box).T
		az_range = utils.widen_box(az_range, pad, relative=False)
		# Generate a test sweep, which hopefully is wide enough and dense enough
		time = np.linspace(t_range[0],t_range[1], nsamp)
		ipos = [
				np.linspace(az_range[0],az_range[1], nsamp),
				np.linspace(el_range[0],el_range[1], nsamp)]
		opos = trans(ipos, time)
		opos = np.concatenate([[time],ipos,opos],0)
		# Make sure we cover the whole dec range we should.
		# We all our samples are in the range we want to use,
		# then we probably didn't cover the whole range.
		# ....|..++++....|... vs. ...--|+++++++|--...
		iy = np.round(opos[6]).astype(int)
		if not (np.any(iy < iy_box[0]) and np.any(iy >= iy_box[1])):
			pad += padstep
		good = (iy >= iy_box[0]) & (iy < iy_box[1])
		opos = opos[:,good]
		# Sort by output y pixel (not rounded)
		order = np.argsort(opos[6])
		opos = opos[:,order]
		# See if we hit every y pixel
		iy = np.round(opos[6]).astype(int)
		uy = np.arange(iy_box[0],iy_box[1])
		ui = np.searchsorted(iy, uy)
		if len(np.unique(ui)) < len(uy):
			nsamp *= 2
		opos = opos[:,ui]
		return opos
コード例 #10
ファイル: point_test2.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
	"grad": interpol.ip_grad,
	"bilinear": interpol.ip_linear,

for iaz in range(naz):
	for iel in range(nel):
		az_mid = (args.az1 + args.daz*iaz)*utils.degree
		el_mid = (args.el1 + args.delta_el*iel)*utils.degree
		t_mid  = args.t
		# Bounds
		box = np.array([
			[-args.wt/2./60/24, args.wt/2./60/24],
			[az_mid-utils.degree*args.waz/2, az_mid+utils.degree*args.waz/2],
			[el_mid-utils.degree*args.wel/2, el_mid+utils.degree*args.wel/2]]).T
		# Build an interpolator
		wbox = utils.widen_box(box)
		errlim = np.array([utils.arcsec, utils.arcsec, utils.arcmin, utils.arcmin])*acc
		t1 = time.time()
		ipol, obox, ok, err = interpol.build(hor2cel, interpolator, wbox, errlim,
			maxsize=max_size, maxtime=max_time, return_obox=True, return_status=True)
		t2 = time.time()
		# Choose some points to evaluate the model at
		hor_test = box[0,:,None] + np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(3,args.ntest))*(box[1]-box[0])[:,None]
		cel_exact = hor2cel(hor_test)
		cel_interpol = ipol(hor_test)
		#cel_interpol2 = eval_ipol(ipol, hor_test)

		diff = np.max(np.abs(cel_interpol-cel_exact),1)
		print (" %9.4f"*(2+4+1) + " %d") % (
				(az_mid/utils.degree,el_mid/utils.degree) +
				tuple(diff/errlim) + (t2-t1,ok))
コード例 #11
ファイル: project_map.py プロジェクト: guanyilun/tenki
import numpy as np, argparse
from enlib import enmap, utils

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-O", "--order", type=int, default=3)
parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", type=str, default="constant")
#parser.add_argument("-M", "--mem",   type=float, default=1e8)
parser.add_argument("-I", "--ivar", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()

shape, wcs = enmap.read_map_geometry(args.template)
box = enmap.box(shape, wcs)
box = utils.widen_box(box, 1 * utils.degree, relative=False)
imap = enmap.read_map(args.imap, box=box)
if args.ivar: imap /= imap.pixsizemap()
omap = imap.project(shape, wcs, order=args.order, mode=args.mode)
if args.ivar: omap *= omap.pixsizemap()
enmap.write_map(args.omap, omap)

#blockpix = np.product(shape[:-2])*shape[-1]
#bsize = max(1,utils.nint(args.mem/(blockpix*imap.dtype.itemsize)))
#nblock = (shape[-2]+bsize-1)//bsize
#for b in range(nblock):
#	r1, r2 = b*bsize, (b+1)*bsize
#	osub = omap[...,r1:r2,:]
#	omap[...,r1:r2,:] = enmap.project(imap, osub.shape, osub.wcs, order=args.order, mode=args.mode)
##o = enmap.project(m, t.shape, t.wcs, order=args.order, mode=args.mode)
コード例 #12
det_pos[:, 0] = 0
det_box = np.array([np.min(det_pos, 0), np.max(det_pos, 0)])
det_comps = np.full((ndet, 3), 1, dtype=dtype)
wt = args.wt * 60.0

# input box
t0 = args.t  # In mjd
ibox = np.array([
    [0, wt],
    [args.az - args.waz / 2., args.az + args.waz / 2.],
    [args.el - args.wel / 2., args.el + args.wel / 2.],
]).T + det_box / utils.degree
# units
ibox[:, 1:] *= utils.degree
wibox = ibox.copy()
wibox[:, :] = utils.widen_box(ibox[:, :])
srate = nsamp / wt

# output box
icorners = utils.box2corners(ibox)
ocorners = hor2cel(icorners.T, t0)
obox = utils.minmax(ocorners, -1)[:, :2]
wobox = utils.widen_box(obox)

# define a pixelization
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=wobox[:, ::-1],
                            res=args.res * utils.arcmin,
nphi = int(2 * np.pi / (args.res * utils.arcmin))
map_orig = enmap.rand_gauss((ncomp, ) + shape, wcs).astype(dtype)
print "map shape %s" % str(map_orig.shape)
コード例 #13
ファイル: smartsplit.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
free_blocks  = np.where(block_ownership<0)[0]
nfixed = len(fixed_blocks)
nfree  = len(free_blocks)

sys.stderr.write("splitting %d:[%s] tods into %d splits via %d blocks%s" % (
	ntod, atolist(nper), nsplit, nblock, (" with %d:%d free:fixed" % (nfree,nfixed)) if nfixed > 0 else "") + "\n")

# We assume that site and pointing offsets are the same for all tods,
# so get them based on the first one
entry = filedb.data[ids[0]]
site  = actdata.read(entry, ["site"]).site

# Determine the bounding box of our selected data
bounds    = db.data["bounds"].reshape(2,-1).copy()
bounds[0] = utils.rewind(bounds[0], bounds[0,0], 360)
box = utils.widen_box(utils.bounding_box(bounds.T), 4*args.rad, relative=False)
waz, wel = box[1]-box[0]
# Use fullsky horizontally if we wrap too far
if waz <= 180:
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box[:,::-1]*utils.degree, res=args.res*utils.degree, proj="car", ref=(0,0))
	shape, wcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=args.res*utils.degree)
	y1, y2 = np.sort(enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [box[:,1]*utils.degree,[0,0]])[0].astype(int))
	shape, wcs = enmap.slice_geometry(shape, wcs, (slice(y1,y2),slice(None)))

sys.stderr.write("using %s workspace with resolution %.2f deg" % (str(shape), args.res) + "\n")

# Get the hitmap for each block
hits = enmap.zeros((nblock,narray)+shape, wcs)
ndig = calc_ndig(nblock)
sys.stderr.write("estimating hitmap for block %*d/%d" % (ndig,0,nblock))
コード例 #14
# Read in our focalplane layouts so we can define our output map bounds
dets, offs, boxes, imaps = [], [], [], []
for i in range(nfile):
    det, off = files.read_point_template(ilayfiles[i])
    imap = enmap.read_map(imapfiles[i])
    if args.slice: imap = eval("imap" + args.slice)
    # We want y,x-ordering
    off = off[:, ::-1]
    box = utils.minmax(off, 0)
box = utils.bounding_box(boxes)
box = utils.widen_box(box, rad * 5, relative=False)

# We assume that the two maps have the same pixelization
imaps = enmap.samewcs(np.array(imaps), imaps[0])
# Downsample by averaging
imaps = enmap.downgrade(imaps, (1, args.step))
naz = imaps.shape[-1]

# Ok, build our output geometry
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box,
                            res=args.res * utils.arcmin,
                            pre=(naz, ))
omap = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)

# Normalization
コード例 #15
ファイル: smartsplit.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
free_blocks  = np.where(block_ownership<0)[0]
nfixed = len(fixed_blocks)
nfree  = len(free_blocks)

sys.stderr.write("splitting %d:[%s] tods into %d splits via %d blocks%s" % (
	ntod, atolist(nper), nsplit, nblock, (" with %d:%d free:fixed" % (nfree,nfixed)) if nfixed > 0 else "") + "\n")

# We assume that site and pointing offsets are the same for all tods,
# so get them based on the first one
entry = filedb.data[ids[0]]
site  = actdata.read(entry, ["site"]).site

# Determine the bounding box of our selected data
bounds    = db.data["bounds"].reshape(2,-1).copy()
bounds[0] = utils.rewind(bounds[0], bounds[0,0], 360)
box = utils.widen_box(utils.bounding_box(bounds.T), 4*args.rad, relative=False)
waz, wel = box[1]-box[0]
# Use fullsky horizontally if we wrap too far
if waz <= 180:
	shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box[:,::-1]*utils.degree, res=args.res*utils.degree, proj="car", ref=(0,0))
	shape, wcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=args.res*utils.degree)
	y1, y2 = np.sort(enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, [box[:,1]*utils.degree,[0,0]])[0].astype(int))
	shape, wcs = enmap.slice_geometry(shape, wcs, (slice(y1,y2),slice(None)))

sys.stderr.write("using %s workspace with resolution %.2f deg" % (str(shape), args.res) + "\n")

# Get the hitmap for each block
hits = enmap.zeros((nblock,narray)+shape, wcs)
ndig = calc_ndig(nblock)
sys.stderr.write("estimating hitmap for block %*d/%d" % (ndig,0,nblock))
コード例 #16
ファイル: pickup2focalplane.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
# Read in our focalplane layouts so we can define our output map bounds
dets, offs, boxes, imaps = [], [], [], []
for i in range(nfile):
	det, off = files.read_point_template(ilayfiles[i])
	imap = enmap.read_map(imapfiles[i])
	if args.slice: imap = eval("imap"+args.slice)
	# We want y,x-ordering
	off = off[:,::-1]
	box = utils.minmax(off,0)
box = utils.bounding_box(boxes)
box = utils.widen_box(box, rad*5, relative=False)

# We assume that the two maps have the same pixelization
imaps = enmap.samewcs(np.array(imaps), imaps[0])
# Downsample by averaging
imaps = enmap.downgrade(imaps, (1,args.step))
naz   = imaps.shape[-1]

# Ok, build our output geometry
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=box, res=args.res*utils.arcmin, proj="car", pre=(naz,))
omap = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype=dtype)

# Normalization
norm = enmap.zeros(shape[-2:],wcs)
norm[0,0] = 1
norm = enmap.smooth_gauss(norm, rad)[0,0]
コード例 #17
ファイル: point_test2.py プロジェクト: msyriac/tenki
 for iel in range(nel):
     az_mid = (args.az1 + args.daz * iaz) * utils.degree
     el_mid = (args.el1 + args.delta_el * iel) * utils.degree
     t_mid = args.t
     # Bounds
     box = np.array([[-args.wt / 2. / 60 / 24, args.wt / 2. / 60 / 24],
                         az_mid - utils.degree * args.waz / 2,
                         az_mid + utils.degree * args.waz / 2
                         el_mid - utils.degree * args.wel / 2,
                         el_mid + utils.degree * args.wel / 2
     # Build an interpolator
     wbox = utils.widen_box(box)
     errlim = np.array(
         [utils.arcsec, utils.arcsec, utils.arcmin, utils.arcmin]) * acc
     t1 = time.time()
     ipol, obox, ok, err = interpol.build(hor2cel,
     t2 = time.time()
     # Choose some points to evaluate the model at
     hor_test = box[0, :, None] + np.random.uniform(
         0, 1, size=(3, args.ntest)) * (box[1] - box[0])[:, None]
コード例 #18
ファイル: pmat_bench.py プロジェクト: amaurea/tenki
det_pos[:,0] = 0
det_box = np.array([np.min(det_pos,0),np.max(det_pos,0)])
det_comps = np.full((ndet,3),1,dtype=dtype)
wt = args.wt * 60.0

# input box
t0 = args.t # In mjd
ibox = np.array([
		[0, wt],
		[args.az-args.waz/2., args.az+args.waz/2.],
		[args.el-args.wel/2., args.el+args.wel/2.],
	]).T + det_box/utils.degree
# units
ibox[:,1:] *= utils.degree
wibox = ibox.copy()
wibox[:,:] = utils.widen_box(ibox[:,:])
srate = nsamp/wt

# output box
icorners = utils.box2corners(ibox)
ocorners = hor2cel(icorners.T, t0)
obox     = utils.minmax(ocorners, -1)[:,:2]
wobox    = utils.widen_box(obox)

# define a pixelization
shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=wobox[:,::-1], res=args.res*utils.arcmin, proj="cea")
nphi = int(2*np.pi/(args.res*utils.arcmin))
map_orig = enmap.rand_gauss((ncomp,)+shape, wcs).astype(dtype)
print "map shape %s" % str(map_orig.shape)

pbox = np.array([[0,0],shape],dtype=int)