コード例 #1
def test_fails():
    status, buf, packet = Packet.parse_msg(bytearray([
        0x00, 0x07, 0x07, 0x01,
        0xD5, 0x08, 0x01, 0x82, 0x5D, 0xAB, 0x00,
        0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x36, 0x00,
    eep = EEP()
    # Mock initialization failure
    eep.init_ok = False
    assert eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xD5, 0x00, 0x01) is None
    # TODO: Needs better test. A much better.
    assert eep.set_values(profile=None, data=[True], status=[False, False], properties={'CV': False})
    eep.init_ok = True
    profile = eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xD5, 0x00, 0x01)
    assert eep.set_values(profile, packet._bit_data, packet.status, {'ASD': 1})

    assert eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x01) is None
    assert eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xD5, 0xFF, 0x01) is None
    assert eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xD5, 0x00, 0xFF) is None

    status, buf, packet = Packet.parse_msg(bytearray([
        0x00, 0x09, 0x07, 0x01,
        0xD2, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x94, 0xE3, 0xB9, 0x00,
        0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x00,
    assert eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xD2, 0x01, 0x01) is not None
    assert eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xD2, 0x01, 0x01, command=-1) is None
コード例 #2
class Packet(object):
    Base class for Packet.
    Mainly used for for packet generation and
    Packet.parse_msg(buf) for parsing message.
    parse_msg() returns subclass, if one is defined for the data type.
    eep = EEP()
    logger = logging.getLogger('enocean.protocol.packet')

    def __init__(self, packet_type, data=None, optional=None):
        self.packet_type = packet_type
        self.rorg = RORG.UNDEFINED
        self.rorg_func = None
        self.rorg_type = None
        self.rorg_manufacturer = None

        self.received = None

        if not isinstance(data, list) or data is None:
            self.logger.warning('Replacing Packet.data with default value.')
            self.data = []
            self.data = data

        if not isinstance(optional, list) or optional is None:
                'Replacing Packet.optional with default value.')
            self.optional = []
            self.optional = optional

        self.status = 0
        self.parsed = OrderedDict({})
        self.repeater_count = 0
        self._profile = None


    def __str__(self):
        return '0x%02X %s %s %s' % (self.packet_type, [
            hex(o) for o in self.data
        ], [hex(o) for o in self.optional], self.parsed)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.packet_type == other.packet_type and self.rorg == other.rorg and self.data == other.data and self.optional == other.optional

    def _bit_data(self):
        # First and last 5 bits are always defined, so the data we're modifying is between them...
        # TODO: This is valid for the packets we're currently manipulating.
        # Needs the redefinition of Packet.data -> Packet.message.
        # Packet.data would then only have the actual, documented data-bytes. Packet.message would contain the whole message.
        # See discussion in issue #14
        return enocean.utils.to_bitarray(self.data[1:len(self.data) - 5],
                                         (len(self.data) - 6) * 8)

    def _bit_data(self, value):
        # The same as getting the data, first and last 5 bits are ommitted, as they are defined...
        for byte in range(len(self.data) - 6):
            self.data[byte + 1] = enocean.utils.from_bitarray(
                value[byte * 8:(byte + 1) * 8])

    # # Thus, this is also untested.
    # @property
    # def _bit_optional(self):
    #     return enocean.utils.to_bitarray(self.optional, 8 * len(self.optional))

    # @_bit_optional.setter
    # def _bit_optional(self, value):
    #     if self.rorg in [RORG.RPS, RORG.BS1]:
    #         self.data[1] = enocean.utils.from_bitarray(value)
    #     if self.rorg == RORG.BS4:
    #         for byte in range(4):
    #             self.data[byte+1] = enocean.utils.from_bitarray(value[byte*8:(byte+1)*8])

    def _bit_status(self):
        return enocean.utils.to_bitarray(self.status)

    def _bit_status(self, value):
        self.status = enocean.utils.from_bitarray(value)

    def parse_msg(buf):
        Parses message from buffer.
            - PARSE_RESULT
            - remaining buffer
            - Packet -object (if message was valid, else None)
        # If the buffer doesn't contain 0x55 (start char)
        # the message isn't needed -> ignore
        if 0x55 not in buf:
            return PARSE_RESULT.INCOMPLETE, [], None

        # Valid buffer starts from 0x55
        # Convert to list, as index -method isn't defined for bytearray
        buf = [
            ord(x) if not isinstance(x, int) else x
            for x in buf[list(buf).index(0x55):]
            data_len = (buf[1] << 8) | buf[2]
            opt_len = buf[3]
        except IndexError:
            # If the fields don't exist, message is incomplete
            return PARSE_RESULT.INCOMPLETE, buf, None

        # Header: 6 bytes, data, optional data and data checksum
        msg_len = 6 + data_len + opt_len + 1
        if len(buf) < msg_len:
            # If buffer isn't long enough, the message is incomplete
            return PARSE_RESULT.INCOMPLETE, buf, None

        msg = buf[0:msg_len]
        buf = buf[msg_len:]

        packet_type = msg[4]
        data = msg[6:6 + data_len]
        opt_data = msg[6 + data_len:6 + data_len + opt_len]

        # Check CRCs for header and data
        if msg[5] != crc8.calc(msg[1:5]):
            # Fail if doesn't match message
            Packet.logger.error('Header CRC error!')
            # Return CRC_MISMATCH
            return PARSE_RESULT.CRC_MISMATCH, buf, None
        if msg[6 + data_len + opt_len] != crc8.calc(
                msg[6:6 + data_len + opt_len]):
            # Fail if doesn't match message
            Packet.logger.error('Data CRC error!')
            # Return CRC_MISMATCH
            return PARSE_RESULT.CRC_MISMATCH, buf, None

        # If we got this far, everything went ok (?)
        if packet_type == PACKET.RADIO_ERP1:
            # Need to handle UTE Teach-in here, as it's a separate packet type...
            if data[0] == RORG.UTE:
                packet = UTETeachInPacket(packet_type, data, opt_data)
                packet = RadioPacket(packet_type, data, opt_data)
        elif packet_type == PACKET.RESPONSE:
            packet = ResponsePacket(packet_type, data, opt_data)
        elif packet_type == PACKET.EVENT:
            packet = EventPacket(packet_type, data, opt_data)
            packet = Packet(packet_type, data, opt_data)

        return PARSE_RESULT.OK, buf, packet

    def create(packet_type,
        Creates an packet ready for sending.
        Uses rorg, rorg_func and rorg_type to determine the values set based on EEP.
        Additional arguments (**kwargs) are used for setting the values.

        Currently only supports:
            - PACKET.RADIO_ERP1
            - RORGs RPS, BS1, BS4, VLD.

            - Require sender to be set? Would force the "correct" sender to be set.
            - Do we need to set telegram control bits?
              Might be useful for acting as a repeater?

        if packet_type != PACKET.RADIO_ERP1:
            # At least for now, only support PACKET.RADIO_ERP1.
            raise ValueError('Packet type not supported by this function.')

        if rorg not in [RORG.RPS, RORG.BS1, RORG.BS4, RORG.VLD]:
            # At least for now, only support these RORGS.
            raise ValueError('RORG not supported by this function.')

        if destination is None:
                'Replacing destination with broadcast address.')
            destination = [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]

        # TODO: Should use the correct Base ID as default.
        #       Might want to change the sender to be an offset from the actual address?
        if sender is None:
            Packet.logger.warning('Replacing sender with default address.')
            sender = [0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF]

        if not isinstance(destination, list) or len(destination) != 4:
            raise ValueError(
                'Destination must a list containing 4 (numeric) values.')

        if not isinstance(sender, list) or len(sender) != 4:
            raise ValueError(
                'Sender must a list containing 4 (numeric) values.')

        packet = Packet(packet_type, data=[], optional=[])
        packet.rorg = rorg
        packet.data = [packet.rorg]
        # Select EEP at this point, so we know how many bits we're dealing with (for VLD).
        packet.select_eep(rorg_func, rorg_type, direction, command)

        # Initialize data depending on the profile.
        if rorg in [RORG.RPS, RORG.BS1]:
        elif rorg == RORG.BS4:
            packet.data.extend([0, 0, 0, 0])
            packet.data.extend([0] * int(packet._profile.get('bits', '1')))
        # Always use sub-telegram 3, maximum dbm (as per spec, when sending),
        # and no security (security not supported as per EnOcean Serial Protocol).
        packet.optional = [3] + destination + [0xFF] + [0]

        if command:
            # Set CMD to command, if applicable.. Helps with VLD.
            kwargs['CMD'] = command

        if rorg in [RORG.BS1, RORG.BS4] and not learn:
            if rorg == RORG.BS1:
                packet.data[1] |= (1 << 3)
            if rorg == RORG.BS4:
                packet.data[4] |= (1 << 3)
        packet.data[-1] = packet.status

        # Parse the built packet, so it corresponds to the received packages
        # For example, stuff like RadioPacket.learn should be set.
        packet = Packet.parse_msg(packet.build())[2]
        packet.rorg = rorg
        packet.parse_eep(rorg_func, rorg_type, direction, command)
        return packet

    def parse(self):
        ''' Parse data from Packet '''
        # Parse status from messages
        if self.rorg in [RORG.RPS, RORG.BS1, RORG.BS4]:
            self.status = self.data[-1]
        if self.rorg == RORG.VLD:
            self.status = self.optional[-1]

        if self.rorg in [RORG.RPS, RORG.BS1, RORG.BS4]:
            # These message types should have repeater count in the last for bits of status.
            self.repeater_count = enocean.utils.from_bitarray(
        return self.parsed

    def select_eep(self, rorg_func, rorg_type, direction=None, command=None):
        ''' Set EEP based on FUNC and TYPE '''
        # set EEP profile
        self.rorg_func = rorg_func
        self.rorg_type = rorg_type
        self._profile = self.eep.find_profile(self._bit_data, self.rorg,
                                              rorg_func, rorg_type, direction,
        return self._profile is not None

    def parse_eep(self,
        ''' Parse EEP based on FUNC and TYPE '''
        # set EEP profile, if demanded
        if rorg_func is not None and rorg_type is not None:
            self.select_eep(rorg_func, rorg_type, direction, command)
        # parse data
        provides, values = self.eep.get_values(self._profile, self._bit_data,
        return list(provides)

    def set_eep(self, data):
        ''' Update packet data based on EEP. Input data is a dictionary with keys corresponding to the EEP. '''
        self._bit_data, self._bit_status = self.eep.set_values(
            self._profile, self._bit_data, self._bit_status, data)

    def build(self):
        ''' Build Packet for sending to EnOcean controller '''
        data_length = len(self.data)
        ords = [
            0x55, (data_length >> 8) & 0xFF, data_length & 0xFF,
        return ords
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_eep.py プロジェクト: douwevandermeij/enocean
def test_fails():
    status, buf, packet = Packet.parse_msg(bytearray([
        0x00, 0x07, 0x07, 0x01,
        0xD5, 0x08, 0x01, 0x82, 0x5D, 0xAB, 0x00,
        0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x36, 0x00,
    eep = EEP()
    # Mock initialization failure
    eep.init_ok = False
    assert eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xD5, 0x00, 0x01) is None
    # TODO: Needs better test. A much better.
    assert eep.set_values(profile=None, data=[True], status=[False, False], properties={'CV': False})
    eep.init_ok = True
    profile = eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xD5, 0x00, 0x01)
    assert eep.set_values(profile, packet._bit_data, packet.status, {'ASD': 1})

    assert eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x01) is None
    assert eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xD5, 0xFF, 0x01) is None
    assert eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xD5, 0x00, 0xFF) is None

    status, buf, packet = Packet.parse_msg(bytearray([
        0x00, 0x09, 0x07, 0x01,
        0xD2, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x94, 0xE3, 0xB9, 0x00,
        0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x00,
    assert eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xD2, 0x01, 0x01) is not None
    assert eep.find_profile(packet._bit_data, 0xD2, 0x01, 0x01, command=-1) is None
コード例 #4
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division, absolute_import

from enocean.protocol.eep import EEP
eep = EEP()
# profiles = eep.

def test_first_range():
    offset = -40
    values = range(0x01, 0x0C)
    for i in range(len(values)):
        minimum = float(i * 10 + offset)
        maximum = minimum + 40
        profile = eep.find_profile([], 0xA5, 0x02, values[i])

        assert minimum == float(profile.find('value', {'shortcut': 'TMP'}).find('scale').find('min').text)
        assert maximum == float(profile.find('value', {'shortcut': 'TMP'}).find('scale').find('max').text)

def test_second_range():
    offset = -60
    values = range(0x10, 0x1C)
    for i in range(len(values)):
        minimum = float(i * 10 + offset)
        maximum = minimum + 80
        profile = eep.find_profile([], 0xA5, 0x02, values[i])

        assert minimum == float(profile.find('value', {'shortcut': 'TMP'}).find('scale').find('min').text)
        assert maximum == float(profile.find('value', {'shortcut': 'TMP'}).find('scale').find('max').text)
コード例 #5
ファイル: packet.py プロジェクト: WATTx/enocean
class Packet(object):
    Base class for Packet.
    Mainly used for for packet generation and
    Packet.parse_msg(buf) for parsing message.
    parse_msg() returns subclass, if one is defined for the data type.
    eep = EEP()

    def __init__(self, type, data=[], optional=[]):
        self.type = type
        self.rorg = RORG.UNDEFINED
        self.rorg_func = None
        self.rorg_type = None
        self.rorg_manufacturer = None
        self.data = data
        self.optional = optional
        self.status = 0
        self.parsed = {}
        self.repeater_count = 0
        self._profile = None


    def __str__(self):
        return '0x%02X %s %s %s' % (self.type, [hex(o) for o in self.data],
                                     for o in self.optional], self.parsed)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.type == other.type and self.rorg == other.rorg and self.data == other.data and self.optional == other.optional

    def _bit_data(self):
        if self.rorg == RORG.RPS or self.rorg == RORG.BS1:
            return enocean.utils.to_bitarray(self.data[1], 8)
        if self.rorg == RORG.BS4:
            return enocean.utils.to_bitarray(self.data[1:5], 32)

    def _bit_data(self, value):
        if self.rorg in [RORG.RPS, RORG.BS1]:
            self.data[1] = enocean.utils.from_bitarray(value)
        if self.rorg == RORG.BS4:
            for byte in range(4):
                self.data[byte + 1] = enocean.utils.from_bitarray(
                    value[byte * 8:(byte + 1) * 8])

    # # Thus, this is also untested.
    # @property
    # def _bit_optional(self):
    #     return enocean.utils.to_bitarray(self.optional, 8 * len(self.optional))

    # @_bit_optional.setter
    # def _bit_optional(self, value):
    #     if self.rorg in [RORG.RPS, RORG.BS1]:
    #         self.data[1] = enocean.utils.from_bitarray(value)
    #     if self.rorg == RORG.BS4:
    #         for byte in range(4):
    #             self.data[byte+1] = enocean.utils.from_bitarray(value[byte*8:(byte+1)*8])

    def _bit_status(self):
        return enocean.utils.to_bitarray(self.status)

    def _bit_status(self, value):
        self.status = enocean.utils.from_bitarray(value)

    def parse_msg(buf):
        Parses message from buffer.
            - PARSE_RESULT
            - remaining buffer
            - Packet -object (if message was valid, else None)
        # If the buffer doesn't contain 0x55 (start char)
        # the message isn't needed -> ignore
        if 0x55 not in buf:
            return PARSE_RESULT.INCOMPLETE, [], None

        # Valid buffer starts from 0x55
        # Convert to list, as index -method isn't defined for bytearray
        buf = [
            ord(x) if not isinstance(x, int) else x
            for x in buf[list(buf).index(0x55):]
            data_len = (buf[1] << 8) | buf[2]
            opt_len = buf[3]
        except IndexError:
            # If the fields don't exist, message is incomplete
            return PARSE_RESULT.INCOMPLETE, buf, None

        # Header: 6 bytes, data, optional data and data checksum
        msg_len = 6 + data_len + opt_len + 1
        if len(buf) < msg_len:
            # If buffer isn't long enough, the message is incomplete
            return PARSE_RESULT.INCOMPLETE, buf, None

        msg = buf[0:msg_len]
        buf = buf[msg_len:]

        packet_type = msg[4]
        data = msg[6:6 + data_len]
        opt_data = msg[6 + data_len:6 + data_len + opt_len]

        # Check CRCs for header and data
        if msg[5] != crc8.calc(msg[1:5]):
            # Fail if doesn't match message
            logger.error('Header CRC error!')
            # Return CRC_MISMATCH
            return PARSE_RESULT.CRC_MISMATCH, buf, None
        if msg[6 + data_len + opt_len] != crc8.calc(
                msg[6:6 + data_len + opt_len]):
            # Fail if doesn't match message
            logger.error('Data CRC error!')
            # Return CRC_MISMATCH
            return PARSE_RESULT.CRC_MISMATCH, buf, None

        # If we got this far, everything went ok (?)
        if packet_type == PACKET.RADIO:
            p = RadioPacket(packet_type, data, opt_data)
        elif packet_type == PACKET.RESPONSE:
            p = ResponsePacket(packet_type, data, opt_data)
            p = Packet(packet_type, data, opt_data)

        return PARSE_RESULT.OK, buf, p

    def create(packet_type,
               destination=[0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF],
               sender=[0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF],
        Creates an packet ready for sending.
        Uses rorg, func and type to determine the values set based on EEP.
        Additional arguments (**kwargs) are used for setting the values.

        Currently only supports:
            - PACKET.RADIO
            - RORGs RPS, BS1, and BS4.

            - Require sender to be set? Would force the "correct" sender to be set.
            - Do we need to set telegram control bits?
              Might be useful for acting as a repeater?

        if packet_type != PACKET.RADIO:
            # At least for now, only support PACKET.RADIO.
            raise ValueError('Packet type not supported by this function.')

        if rorg not in [RORG.RPS, RORG.BS1, RORG.BS4]:
            # At least for now, only support these RORGS.
            raise ValueError('RORG not supported by this function.')

        if not isinstance(destination, list) or len(destination) != 4:
            raise ValueError(
                'Destination must a list containing 4 (numeric) values.')

        if not isinstance(sender, list) or len(sender) != 4:
            raise ValueError(
                'Sender must a list containing 4 (numeric) values.')

        p = Packet(packet_type)
        p.rorg = rorg
        p.data = [p.rorg]
        # Initialize data depending on the profile.
        p.data.extend([0] * 4 if rorg == RORG.BS4 else [0])
        # Always use sub-telegram 3, maximum dbm (as per spec, when sending),
        # and no security (security not supported as per EnOcean Serial Protocol).
        p.optional = [3] + destination + [0xFF] + [0]

        p.select_eep(func, type, direction)
        if rorg in [RORG.BS1, RORG.BS4] and not learn:
            if rorg == RORG.BS1:
                p.data[1] |= (1 << 3)
            if rorg == RORG.BS4:
                p.data[4] |= (1 << 3)

        # Parse the built package, so it corresponds to the received packages
        # For example, stuff like checking RadioPacket.learn should be set.
        p = Packet.parse_msg(p.build())[2]
        p.rorg = rorg
        p.parse_eep(func, type, direction)
        return p

    def parse(self):
        ''' Parse data from Packet '''
        # Parse status from messages
        if self.rorg in [RORG.RPS, RORG.BS1, RORG.BS4]:
            self.status = self.data[-1]
        if self.rorg == RORG.VLD:
            self.status = self.optional[-1]

        if self.rorg in [RORG.RPS, RORG.BS1, RORG.BS4]:
            # These message types should have repeater count in the last for bits of status.
            self.repeater_count = enocean.utils.from_bitarray(
        return self.parsed

    def select_eep(self, func, type, direction=None):
        ''' Set EEP based on FUNC and TYPE '''
        # set EEP profile
        self.rorg_func = func
        self.rorg_type = type
        self._profile = self.eep.find_profile(self.rorg, func, type, direction)
        return self._profile is not None

    def parse_eep(self, func=None, type=None, direction=None):
        ''' Parse EEP based on FUNC and TYPE '''
        # set EEP profile, if demanded
        if func is not None and type is not None:
            self.select_eep(func, type, direction)
        # parse data
        provides, values = self.eep.get_values(self._profile, self._bit_data,
        return list(provides)

    def set_eep(self, data):
        ''' Update packet data based on EEP. Input data is a dictionary with keys corresponding to the EEP. '''
        self._bit_data, self._bit_status = self.eep.set_values(
            self._profile, self._bit_data, self._bit_status, data)

    def build(self):
        ''' Build Packet for sending to EnOcean controller '''
        data_length = len(self.data)
        ords = [
            0x55, (data_length >> 8) & 0xFF, data_length & 0xFF,
        return ords