コード例 #1
def array_from_dlpack(t, capsule):
    descr = enoki.detail.from_dlpack(capsule)

    device_type = descr['device_type']
    data = descr['data']
    dtype = descr['dtype']
    shape = descr['shape']
    ndim = len(shape)
    strides = descr['strides']

    if strides is None:
        tmp = 1
        strides = [0] * ndim
        for i in reversed(range(ndim)):
            strides[i] = tmp
            tmp *= shape[i]

    if t.IsCUDA and device_type != 2:
        raise enoki.Exception("Cannot create an Enoki GPU array from a "
                              "DLPack CPU tensor!")
    elif not t.IsCUDA and device_type != 1:
        raise enoki.Exception("Cannot create an Enoki CPU array from a "
                              "DLPack GPU tensor!")

    if dtype != t.Type:
        raise enoki.Exception("Incompatible type!")

    shape_target = list(reversed(enoki.shape(t())))
    if len(shape_target) != ndim:
        raise enoki.Exception("Incompatible dimension!")
    for i in range(ndim):
        if shape_target[i] != shape[i] and shape_target[i] != 0:
            raise enoki.Exception("Incompatible shape!")

    value = t
    while issubclass(value.Value, enoki.ArrayBase):
        value = value.Value

    data = value.map_(data, enoki.hprod(shape), descr['release'])

    def load(t, i, offset):
        size = shape[-1 - i]
        stride = strides[-1 - i]

        if i == ndim - 1:
            if type(offset) is int and stride == 1:
                return data
                i = enoki.arange(enoki.int32_array_t(t), size)
                return t.gather_(data, offset + stride * i, True, False)
            result = t()
            for j in range(size):
                result[j] = load(t.Value, i + 1, offset + stride * j)
            return result

    return load(t, 0, 0)
コード例 #2
def write_indices(indices, *args):
    for a in args:
        if enoki.is_array_v(a):
            if a.Depth > 1:
                for i in range(len(a)):
                    write_indices(indices, a.entry_ref_(i))
            elif a.IsDiff:
                if enoki.grad_enabled(a) and enoki.flag(
                    raise enoki.Exception(
                        "write_indices(): one of the supplied loop "
                        "variables is attached to the AD graph (i.e. "
                        "grad_enabled(..) is true). However, recorded "
                        "loops cannot be differentiated in their entirety. "
                        "You have two options: either disable loop "
                        "recording via set_flag(JitFlag.LoopRecord, "
                        "False). Alternatively, you could implement the "
                        "adjoint of the loop using ek::CustomOp.")
                idx = indices.pop(0)
            elif a.IsJIT:
                idx = indices.pop(0)
                assert idx[1] == 0
        elif isinstance(a, tuple) or isinstance(a, list):
            for b in a:
                if getattr(b, '__name__', None) == '<lambda>':
                    write_indices(indices, b())
                    write_indices(indices, b)
        elif enoki.is_enoki_struct_v(a):
            for k, v in type(a).ENOKI_STRUCT.items():
                write_indices(indices, getattr(a, k))
コード例 #3
def read_indices(*args):
    result = []
    for a in args:
        if enoki.is_array_v(a):
            if a.Depth > 1:
                for i in range(len(a)):
            elif a.IsDiff:
                if enoki.grad_enabled(a) and enoki.flag(
                    raise enoki.Exception(
                        "read_indices(): one of the supplied loop "
                        "variables is attached to the AD graph (i.e. "
                        "grad_enabled(..) is true). However, recorded "
                        "loops cannot be differentiated in their entirety. "
                        "You have two options: either disable loop "
                        "recording via set_flag(JitFlag.LoopRecord, "
                        "False). Alternatively, you could implement the "
                        "adjoint of the loop using ek::CustomOp.")
                result.append((a.index(), a.index_ad()))
            elif a.IsJIT:
                result.append((a.index(), 0))
        elif isinstance(a, tuple) or isinstance(a, list):
            for b in a:
                if getattr(b, '__name__', None) == '<lambda>':
        elif enoki.is_enoki_struct_v(a):
            for k, v in type(a).ENOKI_STRUCT.items():
                result.extend(read_indices(getattr(a, k)))
    return result
コード例 #4
ファイル: detail.py プロジェクト: YangWang92/enoki
def write_indices(indices, *args):
    for a in args:
        if enoki.is_array_v(a):
            if a.Depth > 1:
                for i in range(len(a)):
                    write_indices(indices, a.entry_ref_(i))
            elif a.IsDiff:
                if enoki.grad_enabled(a):
                    raise enoki.Exception(
                        'Symbolic loop encountered a differentiable array '
                        'with enabled gradients! This is not supported.')
                write_indices(indices, a.detach_())
            elif a.IsJIT:
        elif isinstance(a, tuple) or isinstance(a, list):
            for b in a:
                write_indices(indices, b)
        elif enoki.is_enoki_struct_v(a):
            for k, v in type(a).ENOKI_STRUCT.items():
                write_indices(indices, getattr(a, k))
            print(" do not know what to do with %s\n" % str(a))
コード例 #5
ファイル: detail.py プロジェクト: YangWang92/enoki
def read_indices(*args):
    result = []
    for a in args:
        if enoki.is_array_v(a):
            if a.Depth > 1:
                for i in range(len(a)):
            elif a.IsDiff:
                if enoki.grad_enabled(a):
                    raise enoki.Exception(
                        'Symbolic loop encountered a differentiable array '
                        'with enabled gradients! This is not supported.')
            elif a.IsJIT:
        elif isinstance(a, tuple) or isinstance(a, list):
            for b in a:
        elif enoki.is_enoki_struct_v(a):
            for k, v in type(a).ENOKI_STRUCT.items():
                result.extend(read_indices(getattr(a, k)))
            print(" do not know what to do with %s\n" % str(a))
    return result
コード例 #6
def array_init(self, args):
    This generic initialization routine initializes an arbitrary Enoki array
    from a variable-length argument list (which could be a scalar broadcast, a
    component list, or a NumPy/PyTorch/Tensorflow array..)
    n = len(args)
    if n == 0:

    size = self.Size
    value_type = self.Value
    dynamic = size == enoki.Dynamic
    err = None

        if n == 1:
            o = args[0]
            t = type(o)
            mod = t.__module__
            name = t.__name__
            is_array = issubclass(t, enoki.ArrayBase)
            is_static_array = is_array and not o.Size == enoki.Dynamic
            is_sequence = issubclass(t, list) or issubclass(t, tuple)

            # Matrix initialization from nested list
            if is_sequence and self.IsMatrix and \
                len(o) == size and sub_len(o) == size:
                for x in range(size):
                    for y in range(size):
                        self[x, y] = value_type.Value(o[x][y])
            elif is_array or is_sequence:
                os = len(o)
                if dynamic:
                    size = os

                if size == 0:
                elif size != os or value_type is t:
                    # Size mismatch!
                    if self.IsMatrix and getattr(t, 'IsMatrix', False):
                        # If both are matrices, copy the top-left block
                        for x in range(size):
                            for y in range(size):
                                if x < o.Size and y < o.Size:
                                    self[x, y] = value_type.Value(o[x, y])
                                    self[x, y] = value_type.Value(1 if x ==
                                                                  y else 0)
                    elif self.IsMatrix and value_type is t:
                        for x in range(size):
                            self[x] = o
                        # Otherwise, try to broadcast to all entries
                            value_type(o) if not issubclass(t, value_type)
                            and not self.IsMatrix else o)
                    # Size matches, copy element by element
                    if self.IsJIT and getattr(t, 'IsJIT', False) and \
                       self.Depth == 1 and t.Depth == 1:
                        raise enoki.Exception(
                            'Refusing to do an extremely inefficient '
                            'element-by-element array conversion from type %s '
                            'to %s. Did you forget a cast or detach operation?'
                            % (str(type(o)), str(type(self))))

                    if isinstance(o[0], value_type) or self.IsMatrix:
                        for i in range(size):
                            self.set_entry_(i, o[i])
                        for i in range(size):
                            self.set_entry_(i, value_type(o[i]))
            elif issubclass(t, (int, float)):
                if dynamic:
                    size = 1
            elif issubclass(t, complex) and self.IsComplex:
                self.set_entry_(0, o.real)
                self.set_entry_(1, o.imag)
            elif mod == 'numpy':
                import numpy as np
                s1 = tuple(reversed(enoki.shape(self)))
                s2 = o.shape

                # Remove unnecessary outer dimension is possible
                if s2[0] == 1:
                    o = o[0, ...]
                    s2 = o.shape

                if o.dtype == np.complex64:
                    s2 = (*s2, 2)
                    o = o.view(np.float32).reshape(s2)
                elif o.dtype == np.complex128:
                    s2 = (*s2, 2)
                    o = o.view(np.float64).reshape(s2)

                if o.dtype != self.Type.NumPy:
                    o = o.astype(self.Type.NumPy)

                dim1 = len(s1)
                dim2 = len(s2)

                # Numpy array might have one dimension less when initializing dynamic arrays
                if not dim1 == dim2 and not (dim1 == dim2 + 1
                                             and self.IsDynamic):
                    raise enoki.Exception("Incompatible dimension!")
                for i in reversed(range(dim2)):
                    if s1[i] != s2[i] and s1[i] != 0:
                        raise enoki.Exception("Incompatible shape!")

                if dim1 == 0:
                elif dim1 == 1 and self.IsDynamic:
                    o = np.ascontiguousarray(o)
                    holder = (o, o.__array_interface__['data'][0])
                    self.assign(self.load_(holder[1], s2[0]))
                    for i in range(s1[-1]):
                        if dim2 == 1 and self.IsDynamic:
                            self.set_entry_(i, value_type.Value(o[i]))
                            self.set_entry_(i, value_type(o[..., i]))

            elif mod == 'builtins' and name == 'PyCapsule':
                self.assign(array_from_dlpack(type(self), o))
            elif mod == 'torch':
                from torch.utils.dlpack import to_dlpack
                self.assign(array_from_dlpack(type(self), to_dlpack(o)))
            elif mod.startswith('tensorflow.'):
                from tensorflow.experimental.dlpack import to_dlpack
                self.assign(array_from_dlpack(type(self), to_dlpack(o)))
            elif mod.startswith('jax.') or mod.startswith('jaxlib.'):
                from jax.dlpack import to_dlpack
                self.assign(array_from_dlpack(type(self), to_dlpack(o)))
                raise enoki.Exception(
                    'Don\'t know how to create an Enoki array '
                    'from type \"%s.%s\"!' % (mod, name))
        elif n == size or dynamic:
            if dynamic:
                size = n
            for i in range(size):
                self.set_entry_(i, value_type(args[i]))
        elif self.IsMatrix and n == self.Size * self.Size:
            tbl = [[args[i * self.Size + j] for i in range(self.Size)]
                   for j in range(self.Size)]
            array_init(self, tbl)
            raise enoki.Exception('Invalid size!')
    except Exception as e:
        err = e

    if err is not None:
        if dynamic:
            raise TypeError(
                "%s constructor expects: arbitrarily many values "
                "of type '%s', a matching list/tuple, or a NumPy/"
                "PyTorch/TF/Jax array." %
                (type(self).__name__, value_type.__name__)) from err
            raise TypeError("%s constructor expects: %s%i values "
                            "of type '%s', a matching list/tuple, or a NumPy/"
                            "PyTorch/TF/Jax array." %
                            (type(self).__name__, "" if size == 1 else "1 or ",
                             size, value_type.__name__)) from err