コード例 #1
        def backward(self):
            grad_pos, grad_vel = self.grad_out()

            # Run for 100 iterations
            it = m.UInt32(100)

            loop = m.Loop(it, grad_pos, grad_vel)
            n = ek.width(grad_pos)
            while loop.cond(it > 0):
                # Retrieve loop variables, reverse chronological order
                it -= 1
                index = it * n + ek.arange(m.UInt32, n)
                pos = ek.gather(m.Array2f, self.temp_pos, index)
                vel = ek.gather(m.Array2f, self.temp_vel, index)

                # Differentiate loop body in reverse mode
                ek.enable_grad(pos, vel)
                pos_out, vel_out = self.timestep(pos, vel)
                ek.set_grad(pos_out, grad_pos)
                ek.set_grad(vel_out, grad_vel)
                ek.enqueue(pos_out, vel_out)
                ek.traverse(m.Float, reverse=True)

                # Update loop variables

            self.set_grad_in('pos', grad_pos)
            self.set_grad_in('vel', grad_vel)
コード例 #2
 def ravel(buf, dim=3):
     idx = dim * UInt32.arange(ek.slices(buf) // dim)
     if dim == 2:
         return Vector2f(ek.gather(buf, idx), ek.gather(buf, idx + 1))
     elif dim == 3:
         return Vector3f(ek.gather(buf, idx), ek.gather(buf, idx + 1),
                         ek.gather(buf, idx + 2))
コード例 #3
def test19_gather_fwd(m):
    x = ek.linspace(m.Float, -1, 1, 10)
    y = ek.gather(m.Float, x * x, m.UInt(1, 1, 2, 3))
    ref = [-1.55556, -1.55556, -1.11111, -0.666667]
    assert ek.allclose(ek.grad(y), ref)
コード例 #4
def gather_(cls, source, index, mask, permute):
    assert source.Depth == 1
    sr = max(len(index), len(mask))
    result = cls.empty_(sr if cls.Size == Dynamic else 0)
    for i in range(sr):
        result[i] = _ek.gather(cls.Value, source, index[i], mask[i], permute)
    return result
コード例 #5
def test16_custom(cname):
    t = get_class(cname)

    v1 = ek.zero(t, 100)
    v2 = ek.empty(t, 100)
    assert len(v1.state) == 100
    assert len(v2.inc) == 100

    v2.state = v1.state
    v1.state = ek.arange(type(v1.state), 100)
    v3 = ek.select(v1.state < 10, v1, v2)
    assert v3.state[3] == 3
    assert v3.state[11] == 0

    assert ek.width(v3) == 100
    v4 = ek.zero(t, 1)
    ek.resize(v4, 200)
    assert ek.width(v4) == 200

    assert ek.width(v3) == 100
    v4 = ek.zero(t, 1)
    ek.resize(v4, 200)
    assert ek.width(v4) == 200

    index = ek.arange(type(v1.state), 100)
    ek.scatter(v4, v1, index)
    v5 = ek.gather(t, v4, index)
    assert v5.state == v1.state and v5.inc == v1.inc
コード例 #6
def test12_binary_search(cname):
    t = get_class(cname)
    import numpy as np

    data_np = np.float32(np.sort(np.random.normal(size=10000)))
    search_np = np.float32(np.random.normal(size=10000))
    data = t(data_np)
    search = t(search_np)

    index = ek.binary_search(0,
                             len(data) - 1,
                             lambda index: ek.gather(t, data, index) < search)

    value = ek.gather(t, data, index)
    cond = ek.eq(index, len(data) - 1) | (value >= search)
    assert ek.all(cond)
コード例 #7
def test18_gather(m):
    x = ek.linspace(m.Float, -1, 1, 10)
    y = ek.gather(m.Float, x * x, m.UInt(1, 1, 2, 3))
    z = ek.hsum_async(y)
    ref = [0, -1.55556 * 2, -1.11111, -0.666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    assert ek.allclose(ek.grad(x), ref)
コード例 #8
def test50_gather_fwd_eager(m):
    with EagerMode():
        x = ek.linspace(m.Float, -1, 1, 10)
        ek.set_grad(x, 1)
        y = ek.gather(m.Float, x * x, m.UInt(1, 1, 2, 3))
        ref = [-1.55556, -1.55556, -1.11111, -0.666667]
        assert ek.allclose(ek.grad(y), ref)
コード例 #9
def test07_gather_ravel_unravel(pkg):
    str_1 = '[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0],\n [3.0, 4.0, 5.0],\n [6.0, 7.0, 8.0],\n' \
        ' [9.0, 10.0, 11.0]]'
    str_2 = '[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0]'
    a = ek.arange(pkg.Float, 100)
    b = ek.gather(pkg.Array3f, a, pkg.UInt(0, 1, 2, 3))
    assert repr(b) == str_1
    c = ek.ravel(b)
    assert repr(c) == str_2
    d = ek.unravel(pkg.Array3f, c)
    assert repr(d) == str_1
コード例 #10
def test06_discr_bruteforce(variant_packet_rgb):
    # Brute force validation of discrete distribution sampling
    from mitsuba.core import DiscreteDistribution, Float, PCG32, UInt64

    rng = PCG32(initseq=UInt64.arange(50))

    for size in range(2, 20):
        for i in range(2, 50):
            density = Float(rng.next_uint32_bounded(i)[0:size])
            if ek.hsum(density) == 0:
            ddistr = DiscreteDistribution(density)

            x = ek.linspace(Float, 0, 1, 20)
            y = ddistr.sample(x)
            z = ek.gather(ddistr.cdf(), y - 1, y > 0)
            x *= ddistr.sum()

            # Did we sample the right interval?
            assert ek.all((x > z) | (ek.eq(x, 0) & (x >= z)))
コード例 #11
def _render_helper(scene, spp=None, sensor_index=0):
    Internally used function: render the specified Mitsuba scene and return a
    floating point array containing RGB values and AOVs, if applicable
    from mitsuba.core import (Float, UInt32, UInt64, Vector2f,
                              is_monochromatic, is_rgb, is_polarized)
    from mitsuba.render import ImageBlock

    sensor = scene.sensors()[sensor_index]
    film = sensor.film()
    sampler = sensor.sampler()
    film_size = film.crop_size()
    if spp is None:
        spp = sampler.sample_count()

    total_sample_count = ek.hprod(film_size) * spp

    if sampler.wavefront_size() != total_sample_count:
        sampler.seed(ek.arange(UInt64, total_sample_count))

    pos = ek.arange(UInt32, total_sample_count)
    pos //= spp
    scale = Vector2f(1.0 / film_size[0], 1.0 / film_size[1])
    pos = Vector2f(Float(pos % int(film_size[0])),
                   Float(pos // int(film_size[0])))

    pos += sampler.next_2d()

    rays, weights = sensor.sample_ray_differential(
        sample2=pos * scale,

    spec, mask, aovs = scene.integrator().sample(scene, sampler, rays)
    spec *= weights
    del mask

    if is_polarized:
        from mitsuba.core import depolarize
        spec = depolarize(spec)

    if is_monochromatic:
        rgb = [spec[0]]
    elif is_rgb:
        rgb = spec
        from mitsuba.core import spectrum_to_xyz, xyz_to_srgb
        xyz = spectrum_to_xyz(spec, rays.wavelengths)
        rgb = xyz_to_srgb(xyz)
        del xyz

    aovs.insert(0, Float(1.0))
    for i in range(len(rgb)):
        aovs.insert(i + 1, rgb[i])
    del rgb, spec, weights, rays

    block = ImageBlock(

    block.put(pos, aovs)

    del pos
    del aovs

    data = block.data()

    ch = block.channel_count()
    i = UInt32.arange(ek.hprod(block.size()) * (ch - 1))

    weight_idx = i // (ch - 1) * ch
    values_idx = (i * ch) // (ch - 1) + 1

    weight = ek.gather(data, weight_idx)
    values = ek.gather(data, values_idx)

    return values / (weight + 1e-8)
コード例 #12
    def run(self, significance_level=0.01, test_count=1, quiet=False):
        Run the Chi^2 test

        Parameter ``significance_level`` (float):
            Denotes the desired significance level (e.g. 0.01 for a test at the
            1% significance level)

        Parameter ``test_count`` (int):
            Specifies the total number of statistical tests run by the user.
            This value will be used to adjust the provided significance level
            so that the combination of the entire set of tests has the provided
            significance level.

        Returns → bool:
            ``True`` upon success, ``False`` if the null hypothesis was


        from mitsuba.core import UInt32, Float64
        from mitsuba.core.math import chi2
        from mitsuba.python.math import rlgamma

        if self.histogram is None:

        if self.pdf is None:

        index = UInt32(
            [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(self.pdf), key=lambda x: x[1])])

        # Sort entries by expected frequency (increasing)
        pdf = Float64(ek.gather(self.pdf, index))
        histogram = Float64(ek.gather(self.histogram, index))

        # Compute chi^2 statistic and pool low-valued cells
        chi2val, dof, pooled_in, pooled_out = \
            chi2(histogram, pdf, 5)

        if dof < 1:
            self._log('Failure: The number of degrees of freedom is too low!')
            self.fail = True

        if ek.any(ek.eq(pdf, 0) & ek.neq(histogram, 0)):
            self._log('Failure: Found samples in a cell with expected '
                      'frequency 0. Rejecting the null hypothesis!')
            self.fail = True

        if pooled_in > 0:
            self._log('Pooled %i low-valued cells into %i cells to '
                      'ensure sufficiently high expected cell frequencies' %
                      (pooled_in, pooled_out))

        pdf_time = (self.pdf_end - self.pdf_start) * 1000
        histogram_time = (self.histogram_end - self.histogram_start) * 1000

        self._log('Histogram sum = %f (%.2f ms), PDF sum = %f (%.2f ms)' %
                  (self.histogram_sum, histogram_time, self.pdf_sum, pdf_time))

        self._log('Chi^2 statistic = %f (d.o.f = %i)' % (chi2val, dof))

        # Probability of observing a test statistic at least as
        # extreme as the one here assuming that the distributions match
        self.p_value = 1 - rlgamma(dof / 2, chi2val / 2)

        # Apply the Šidák correction term, since we'll be conducting multiple
        # independent hypothesis tests. This accounts for the fact that the
        # probability of a failure increases quickly when several hypothesis
        # tests are run in sequence.
        significance_level = 1.0 - \
            (1.0 - significance_level) ** (1.0 / test_count)

        if self.fail:
            self._log('Not running the test for reasons listed above. Target '
                      'density and histogram were written to "chi2_data.py')
            result = False
        elif self.p_value < significance_level \
                or not ek.isfinite(self.p_value):
            self._log('***** Rejected ***** the null hypothesis (p-value = %f,'
                      ' significance level = %f). Target density and histogram'
                      ' were written to "chi2_data.py".' %
                      (self.p_value, significance_level))
            result = False
            self._log('Accepted the null hypothesis (p-value = %f, '
                      'significance level = %f)' %
                      (self.p_value, significance_level))
            result = True
        if not quiet:
            if not result:
        return result