コード例 #1
def PrepareEbin(Fit, FitRunner, sedresult=None):
    """ Prepare the computation of spectral point in energy bins by
    i) removing the weak sources (TS<1) # not true
    ii) updating the config file (option and energy)
    and save it in a new ascii file
    iii) changing the spectral model and saving it in a new xml file.
    A list of the ascii files is returned"""

    mes = Loggin.Message()

    NEbin = int(FitRunner.config['Ebin']['NumEnergyBins'])

    config = FitRunner.config

    config['verbose'] = 'no'  #Be quiet

    #Replace the evt file with the fits file produced before
    #in order to speed up the production of the fits files
    config['file']['event'] = FitRunner.obs.eventcoarse
    #update the config to allow the fit in energy bins
    config['UpperLimit']['envelope'] = 'no'
    config['Ebin']['NumEnergyBins'] = '0'  #no new bin in energy!
    config['target']['redshift'] = '0'  #Disable EBL correction
    config['out'] = FitRunner.config['out'] + '/' + EbinPath + str(NEbin)
    config['Spectrum']['ResultPlots'] = 'no'  #no SED plot/modelmap
    #copy the chose of the user for the enery bin computing
    config['Spectrum']['FitsGeneration'] = config['Ebin']['FitsGeneration']
    config['UpperLimit']['TSlimit'] = config['Ebin']['TSEnergyBins']
    tag = FitRunner.config['file']['tag']
    lEmax = np.log10(float(FitRunner.config['energy']['emax']))
    lEmin = np.log10(float(FitRunner.config['energy']['emin']))
    utils._log("Preparing submission of fit into energy bins")
    print(" Emin = ", float(FitRunner.config['energy']['emin']), " Emax = ",
          float(FitRunner.config['energy']['emax']), " Nbins = ", NEbin)

    if config['Ebin']['DistEbins'] in ['TS', 'mix'] and sedresult != None:
        # Make the bins equispaced in sum(SED/SEDerr) - using the butterfly
        ipo = 0
        iTS = sedresult.SED / sedresult.Err
        TScumula = 0
        TSperbin = 1. * sum(iTS) / NEbin
        ener = [10**lEmin]
        while ipo < len(sedresult.E) - 1:
            TScumula += iTS[ipo]
            if TScumula / TSperbin > 1:
                TScumula -= TSperbin
            ipo += 1
        ener = np.array(ener)
        # intermediate approach (between both TS-spaced and logE spaced)
        if config['Ebin']['DistEbins'] == 'mix':
            ener = 0.5 * (ener + np.logspace(lEmin, lEmax, NEbin + 1))
        # Make the bins equispaced in logE (standard)
        ener = np.logspace(lEmin, lEmax, NEbin + 1)

    os.system("mkdir -p " + config['out'])
    paramsfile = []

    srcname = FitRunner.config['target']['name']
    if config['UpperLimit']['TSlimit'] > Fit.Ts(srcname):
        utils._log('Re-optimize', False)
        print "An upper limit has been computed. The fit need to be re-optmized"

    Pref = utils.ApproxPref(Fit, ener, srcname)
    Gamma = utils.ApproxGamma(Fit, ener, srcname)

    Model_type = Fit.model.srcs[srcname].spectrum().genericName()
    # if the model is not PowerLaw : change the model
    if not (Model_type == 'PowerLaw'):
        for comp in Fit.components:
                "PowerLaw")  #Change model
        config['target']['spectrum'] = "PowerLaw"

    xmltag_list = [""]  #handle summed like analysis
    if config['ComponentAnalysis']['FrontBack'] == "yes":
        xmltag_list = ["_FRONT", "_BACK"]
        mes.info("Splitting Front/Back events")
    elif config['ComponentAnalysis']['PSF'] == "yes":
        xmltag_list = ["_PSF0", "_PSF1", "_PSF2"]
        mes.info("Splitting PSF events")
    elif config['ComponentAnalysis']['EDISP'] == "yes":
        xmltag_list = ["_EDISP0", "_EDISP1", "_EDISP2", "_EDISP3"]
        mes.info("Splitting EDISP events")

    for ibin in xrange(NEbin):  #Loop over the energy bins
        E = utils.GetE0(ener[ibin + 1], ener[ibin])
        mes.info("Submitting # " + str(ibin) + " at energy " + str(E))
        #Update the model for the bin
        for comp, xmltag in zip(Fit.components, xmltag_list):
            NewFitObject = ChangeModel(comp, ener[ibin], ener[ibin + 1],
                                       srcname, Pref[ibin], Gamma[ibin])
            Xmlname = (config['out'] + "/" + srcname + "_" + str(ibin) +
                       xmltag + ".xml")

            NewFitObject.writeXml(Xmlname)  # dump the corresponding xml file
            config['file']['xml'] = Xmlname.replace(xmltag, "")
        #update the energy bounds
        config['energy']['emin'] = str(ener[ibin])
        config['energy']['emax'] = str(ener[ibin + 1])
        config['energy']['decorrelation_energy'] = "no"
        # Change the spectral index to follow the Estimated Gamma
        # if approximated Gamma is outside of bounds set it to limit
        Gamma_min = -5
        Gamma_max = 0.5
        config['UpperLimit']['SpectralIndex'] = -min(
            max(Gamma_min, Gamma[ibin]), Gamma_max)

        config['file']['tag'] = tag + '_Ebin' + str(NEbin) + '_' + str(ibin)
        filename = config['target']['name'] + "_" + str(ibin) + ".conf"
        config.write(open(config['out'] + '/' + paramsfile[ibin],
                          'w'))  #save the config file in a ascii file

    return paramsfile
コード例 #2
def PrepareEbin(Fit, FitRunner):
    """ Prepare the computation of spectral point in energy bins by
    i) removing the weak sources (TS<1) # not true
    ii) updating the config file (option and energy)
    and save it in a new ascii file
    iii) changing the spectral model and saving it in a new xml file.
    A list of the ascii files is returned"""

    NEbin = int(FitRunner.config['Ebin']['NumEnergyBins'])

    config = FitRunner.config

    config['verbose'] = 'no'  #Be quiet
    #Replace the evt file with the fits file produced before
    #in order to speed up the production of the fits files
    config['file']['event'] = FitRunner.obs.eventcoarse
    #update the config to allow the fit in energy bins
    config['UpperLimit']['envelope'] = 'no'
    config['Ebin']['NumEnergyBins'] = '0'  #no new bin in energy!
    config['target']['redshift'] = '0'  #Disable EBL correction
    config['out'] = FitRunner.config['out'] + '/' + EbinPath + str(NEbin)
    config['Spectrum']['ResultPlots'] = 'no'  #no SED plot/modelmap
    #copy the chose of the user for the enery bin computing
    config['Spectrum']['FitsGeneration'] = config['Ebin']['FitsGeneration']
    config['UpperLimit']['TSlimit'] = config['Ebin']['TSEnergyBins']
    tag = FitRunner.config['file']['tag']
    lEmax = np.log10(float(FitRunner.config['energy']['emax']))
    lEmin = np.log10(float(FitRunner.config['energy']['emin']))
    utils._log("Preparing submission of fit into energy bins")
    print(" Emin = ", float(FitRunner.config['energy']['emin']), " Emax = ",
          float(FitRunner.config['energy']['emax']), " Nbins = ", NEbin)

    ener = np.logspace(lEmin, lEmax, NEbin + 1)
    os.system("mkdir -p " + config['out'])
    paramsfile = []

    srcname = FitRunner.config['target']['name']
    if config['UpperLimit']['TSlimit'] > Fit.Ts(srcname):
        utils._log('Re-optimize', False)
        print "An upper limit has been computed. The fit need to be re-optmized"

    Pref = utils.ApproxPref(Fit, ener, srcname)
    Gamma = utils.ApproxGamma(Fit, ener, srcname)

    Model_type = Fit.model.srcs[srcname].spectrum().genericName()
    # if the model is not PowerLaw : change the model
    if not (Model_type == 'PowerLaw'):
        for comp in Fit.components:
                "PowerLaw")  #Change model
        config['target']['spectrum'] = "PowerLaw"

    for ibin in xrange(NEbin):  #Loop over the energy bins
        E = utils.GetE0(ener[ibin + 1], ener[ibin])
        from enrico import Loggin
        mes = Loggin.Message()
        mes.info("Submition # " + str(ibin) + " at energy " + str(E))
        #Update the model for the bin
        NewFitObject = ChangeModel(Fit, ener[ibin], ener[ibin + 1], srcname,
                                   Pref[ibin], Gamma[ibin])
        Xmlname = (config['out'] + "/" + srcname + "_" + str(ibin) + ".xml")
        NewFitObject.writeXml(Xmlname)  # dump the corresponding xml file
        config['file']['xml'] = Xmlname
        #update the energy bounds
        config['energy']['emin'] = str(ener[ibin])
        config['energy']['emax'] = str(ener[ibin + 1])
        config['energy']['decorrelation_energy'] = "no"
        # Change the spectral index to follow the Estimated Gamma
        # if approximated Gamma is outside of bounds set it to limit
        Gamma_min = -5
        Gamma_max = 0.5
        config['UpperLimit']['SpectralIndex'] = -min(
            max(Gamma_min, Gamma[ibin]), Gamma_max)

        config['file']['tag'] = tag + '_Ebin' + str(NEbin) + '_' + str(ibin)
        filename = config['target']['name'] + "_" + str(ibin) + ".conf"
        config.write(open(config['out'] + '/' + paramsfile[ibin],
                          'w'))  #save the config file in a ascii file

    return paramsfile
コード例 #3
def PrepareEbin(Fit, FitRunner, sedresult=None):
    """ Prepare the computation of spectral point in energy bins by
    i) removing the weak sources (TS<1) # not true
    ii) updating the config file (option and energy)
    and save it in a new ascii file
    iii) changing the spectral model and saving it in a new xml file.
    A list of the ascii files is returned"""

    mes = Loggin.Message()

    NEbin = int(FitRunner.config['Ebin']['NumEnergyBins'])

    config = FitRunner.config

    config['verbose'] = 'no'  #Be quiet

    #Replace the evt file with the fits file produced before
    #in order to speed up the production of the fits files
    config['file']['event'] = FitRunner.obs.eventcoarse
    #update the config to allow the fit in energy bins
    config['UpperLimit']['envelope'] = 'no'
    config['Ebin']['NumEnergyBins'] = '0'  #no new bin in energy!
    config['target']['redshift'] = '0'  #Disable EBL correction
    config['out'] = FitRunner.config['out'] + '/' + EbinPath + str(NEbin)
    config['Spectrum']['ResultPlots'] = 'no'  #no SED plot/modelmap
    #copy the chose of the user for the enery bin computing
    config['Spectrum']['FitsGeneration'] = config['Ebin']['FitsGeneration']
    config['UpperLimit']['TSlimit'] = config['Ebin']['TSEnergyBins']
    tag = FitRunner.config['file']['tag']
    Emax = float(FitRunner.config['energy']['emax'])
    Emin = float(FitRunner.config['energy']['emin'])
    lEmax = np.log10(Emax)
    lEmin = np.log10(Emin)
    utils._log("Preparing submission of fit into energy bins")
    print("Emin = {0} MeV".format(Emin), "Emax = {0} MeV".format(Emax),
          "Nbins = {0}".format(NEbin))

    ener = utils.string_to_list(config['Ebin']['DistEbins'])
    if ener is None:
        if (config['ComponentAnalysis']['FGL4'] == 'yes'
                or config['Ebin']['DistEbins'] == 'FGL4'):
            ener = np.asarray([50, 1e2, 3e2, 1e3, 3e3, 1e4, 3e4, 3e5])
            NEbin = len(ener) - 1
        elif config['Ebin']['DistEbins'] in ['TS', 'mix'
                                             ] and sedresult != None:
            # Make the bins equispaced in sum(SED/SEDerr) - using the butterfly
            ipo = 0
            iTS = sedresult.SED / sedresult.Err
            TScumula = 0
            TSperbin = 1. * sum(iTS) / NEbin
            ener = [10**lEmin]
            while ipo < len(sedresult.E) - 1:
                TScumula += iTS[ipo]
                if TScumula / TSperbin > 1:
                    TScumula -= TSperbin
                ipo += 1
            ener = np.array(ener)
            # intermediate approach (between both TS-spaced and logE spaced)
            if config['Ebin']['DistEbins'] == 'mix':
                ener = 0.5 * (ener + np.logspace(lEmin, lEmax, NEbin + 1))
            # Make the bins equispaced in logE (standard)
            ener = np.logspace(lEmin, lEmax, NEbin + 1)

    # 1. Remove bins that are out of the range covered by the data
    # 2. Limit the bin extend to the range covered by the data.
    # Get elements strictly above threshold +1 element to the left for the left side
    # Get elements strictly below limit +1 element to the right side.
    # example. [1,2,3,4,5] -> if Emin=3.4, Emax=3.9 we want to keep [3.4,3.9].
    ener = np.asarray(ener)
    print("Energy bins (before energy cuts): {0}".format(str(ener)))
    if len(ener) == 0:
        print("** Warning: energy bin array is empty")
        return (None)
    available_left = ener > Emin  # In the example FFFTT -> [4,5]
    for k, use in enumerate(available_left[:-1]):
        if not use and available_left[k + 1]:
            available_left[k] = True  # In the example FFTTT -> [3,5]
    available_right = ener < Emax  # In the example TTTFF -> [1,3]
    for k, use in enumerate(available_right[1:]):
        if not use and available_right[k]:
            available_right[k + 1] = True  # In the example TTTTF -> [1,4]
    available = available_left * available_right
    ener = ener[available]  # In the example FFTTF -> [3,4]
    # Limit the range to the real energies that are covered by our data
    # If the energy bins are well placed this should not do anything.
    ener[0] = np.max([Emin, ener[0]])
    ener[-1] = np.min([Emax, ener[-1]])
    NEbin = len(ener) - 1
    print("Energy bins (after energy cuts): {0}".format(str(ener)))
    if len(ener) == 0:
        print("** Warning: energy bin array is empty")
        return (None)

    paramsfile = []

    srcname = FitRunner.config['target']['name']
        TSsrc = Fit.Ts(srcname)
    except RuntimeError:
        TSsrc = 0

    if config['UpperLimit']['TSlimit'] > TSsrc:
        utils._log('Re-optimize', False)
        print "An upper limit has been computed. The fit need to be re-optimized"

    Pref = utils.ApproxPref(Fit, ener, srcname)
    Gamma = utils.ApproxGamma(Fit, ener, srcname)

    Model_type = Fit.model.srcs[srcname].spectrum().genericName()
    # if the model is not PowerLaw : change the model
    if not (Model_type == 'PowerLaw'):
        for comp in Fit.components:
                "PowerLaw")  #Change model
        config['target']['spectrum'] = "PowerLaw"

    xmltag_list = [""]  #handle summed like analysis
    if config['ComponentAnalysis']['FrontBack'] == "yes":
        xmltag_list = ["_FRONT", "_BACK"]
        mes.info("Splitting Front/Back events")
    elif config['ComponentAnalysis']['PSF'] == "yes":
        xmltag_list = ["_PSF0", "_PSF1", "_PSF2", "_PSF3"]
        mes.info("Splitting PSF events")
    elif config['ComponentAnalysis']['EDISP'] == "yes":
        xmltag_list = ["_EDISP0", "_EDISP1", "_EDISP2", "_EDISP3"]
        mes.info("Splitting EDISP events")
    elif config['ComponentAnalysis']['FGL4'] == "yes":
        from catalogComponents import evtnum, energybins, pixelsizes
        xmltag_list = []
        for ebin_i in energybins:
            for k, evt in enumerate(evtnum):
                #if pixelsizes[ebin_i][k] > 0:
                        utils.typeirfs[k], ebin_i))
                except KeyError:

    for ibin in xrange(NEbin):  #Loop over the energy bins
        E = utils.GetE0(ener[ibin + 1], ener[ibin])
        mes.info("Submitting # " + str(ibin) + " at energy " + str(E))
        #Update the model for the bin
        for comp, xmltag in zip(Fit.components, xmltag_list):
            NewFitObject = ChangeModel(comp, ener[ibin], ener[ibin + 1],
                                       srcname, Pref[ibin], Gamma[ibin])
            Xmlname = (config['out'] + "/" + srcname + "_" + str(ibin) +
                       xmltag + ".xml")

            NewFitObject.writeXml(Xmlname)  # dump the corresponding xml file
            config['file']['xml'] = Xmlname.replace(xmltag, "")
        #update the energy bounds
        config['energy']['emin'] = str(ener[ibin])
        config['energy']['emax'] = str(ener[ibin + 1])
        config['energy']['decorrelation_energy'] = "no"
        # Change the spectral index to follow the Estimated Gamma
        # if approximated Gamma is outside of bounds set it to limit
        Gamma_min = -5
        Gamma_max = -0.501
        Gamma_bin = -max(min(Gamma_max, Gamma[ibin]), Gamma_min)
        config['Spectrum']['FrozenSpectralIndex'] = Gamma_bin
        config['UpperLimit']['SpectralIndex'] = Gamma_bin

        config['file']['tag'] = tag + '_Ebin' + str(NEbin) + '_' + str(ibin)
        filename = config['target']['name'] + "_" + str(ibin) + ".conf"
        config.write(open(config['out'] + '/' + filename,
                          'w'))  #save the config file in a ascii file

    return paramsfile