コード例 #1
def _create_plot_component():
    # Create a GridContainer to hold all of our plots
    container = GridContainer(padding=20, fill_padding=True,
                              bgcolor="lightgray", use_backbuffer=True,
                              shape=(3,3), spacing=(12,12))

    # Create the initial series of data
    x = linspace(-5, 15.0, 100)
    pd = ArrayPlotData(index = x)

    # Plot some bessel functions and add the plots to our container
    for i in range(9):
        pd.set_data("y" + str(i), jn(i,x))
        plot = Plot(pd)
        plot.plot(("index", "y" + str(i)),
                  color=tuple(COLOR_PALETTE[i]), line_width=2.0,
                  bgcolor = "white", border_visible=True)

        # Tweak some of the plot properties
        plot.border_width = 1
        plot.padding = 10

        # Set each plot's aspect ratio based on its position in the
        # 3x3 grid of plots.
        n,m = divmod(i, 3)
        plot.aspect_ratio = float(n+1) / (m+1)

        # Attach some tools to the plot
        zoom = ZoomTool(plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)

        # Add to the grid container
    return container
コード例 #2
    def _traj_plot_default(self):
        """Trajectory plot based on TrajectoryView.t_plot in chaco_threading_demo"""
        zero = numpy.array([0], 'd')
        data = ArrayPlotData(x=zero, y=zero)

        h, w = self.traj.Map.H, self.traj.Map.W
        data.set_data('x0', zero + self.traj.Map.x0[0])
        data.set_data('y0', zero + self.traj.Map.x0[1])
        p = Plot(data)
        p.plot(('x', 'y'), name='trail', color='red')
        p.plot(('x0', 'y0'), name='head', type='scatter', marker='circle', color='red')
        p.y_axis.visible = p.x_axis.visible = False
        p.y_grid.visible = p.x_grid.visible = False
        p.border_visible = True
        p.border_width = 2
        p.title = 'Rat Trajectory'
        p.index_range.set_bounds(0, w)
        p.value_range.set_bounds(0, h)
        p.overlays.append(PlotLabel('X (%d cm)'%w, component=p, overlay_position='bottom'))
        p.overlays.append(PlotLabel('Y (%d cm)'%h, component=p, overlay_position='left', angle=90))
        return p
コード例 #3
    def _plot_default(self):
        outcomes, results, time = self._prepare_data()
        self.outcomes = outcomes
        self.time = time
        self.low = int(np.min(time))
        self.high = int(np.max(time))

        self.data = {}
        for outcome in outcomes:
            self.data[outcome] = results[outcome]
        # Create some data
        pd = ArrayPlotData()
        for entry in outcomes:
            if self.startValue == 'low':
                pd.set_data(entry, self.data[entry][:,0])
            elif self.startValue == 'high':
                pd.set_data(entry, self.data[entry][:,-1])
        self.plotdata = pd
#        outcomes = outcomes[0:3]

        container = GridContainer(shape=(len(outcomes),len(outcomes)))
        combis = [(field1, field2) for field1 in outcomes for field2 in outcomes]
        selectorTools = []
        for entry1, entry2 in combis:

            # Create the plot
            if entry1 == entry2:
                plot = Plot(pd)
                plot = Plot(pd)
                #set limits for x and y to global limits
                plot.range2d._xrange._high_setting = np.max(self.data[entry1])
                plot.range2d._xrange._high_value = np.max(self.data[entry1])
                plot.range2d._xrange._low_setting = np.min(self.data[entry1])
                plot.range2d._xrange._low_value = np.min(self.data[entry1])
                plot.range2d._yrange._high_setting =np.max(self.data[entry2])
                plot.range2d._yrange._high_value = np.max(self.data[entry2])
                plot.range2d._yrange._low_setting = np.min(self.data[entry2])
                plot.range2d._yrange._low_value = np.min(self.data[entry2])

                #make the scatter plot
                plot.plot((entry1, entry2),
                tool = ScatterSelectorTool(component=plot)
                tool._index = entry1
            plot.height = 500
            plot.width = 500
            plot.border_width = 1
            plot.aspect_ratio  = 1.
        for tool in selectorTools:
            tool._other_selectors = list(set(selectorTools) - set([tool]))
            tool._demo = self
        return container