コード例 #1
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# Loading data from file using FileReader methods
# -----------------------------------------------
# To load a VTK data file, say heart.vtk file in mayavi/examples/data/
# directory, simply type:
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from enthought.mayavi.sources.vtk_file_reader import VTKFileReader

src = VTKFileReader()

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# Note: Files with .vtk extension are called "legacy VTK" files. !MayaVi2
# can read a lot of other files formats (XML, files from Ensight, Plot3D
# and so on). For example, you can load an XML file (with extension .vti,
# .vtp, .vtr, .vts, .vtu, etc) using VTKXML!FileReader method.
# Add the source to your MayaVi2 class
# ------------------------------------
# Then, once your data are loaded using one of the two methods above, add
# the source with the add\_source() method in the body of the class
# !MyClass (after script.new\_scene):