def _create_other_group(self, window): """ Creates a group containing the 'Other...' action. """ group = Group() group.append(ShowViewAction(name='Other...', window=window)) return group
def get_context_menu(self, node): """ Returns the context menu for a node. """ sat = Group(id='SystemActionsTop') nsa = Group(id='NodeSpecificActions') sab = Group(id='SystemActionsBottom') # The 'New' menu. new_actions = self.get_new_actions(node) if new_actions is not None and len(new_actions) > 0: sat.append( MenuManager( name = 'New', *new_actions ), ) # Node-specific actions. actions = self.get_actions(node) if actions is not None and len(actions) > 0: for item in actions: nsa.append(item) # System actions (actions available on ALL nodes). system_actions = self.node_manager.system_actions if len(system_actions) > 0: for item in system_actions: sab.append(item) context_menu = MenuManager(sat, nsa, sab) context_menu.dump() return context_menu
def __label_menu_default(self): """ Trait initialiser. """ size_group = Group(LabelIncrementSizeAction(window=self), LabelDecrementSizeAction(window=self)) normal = LabelNormalFontAction(window=self, id='normal', style='radio', checked=True) bold = LabelBoldFontAction(window=self, id='bold', style='radio') italic = LabelItalicFontAction(window=self, id='italic', style='radio') style_group = Group(normal, bold, italic, id='style') return MenuManager(size_group, style_group, name="&Label")
def _create_perspective_group(self, window): """ Create the actions that switch to specific perspectives. """ # fixme: Not sure if alphabetic sorting is appropriate in all cases, # but it will do for now! perspectives = window.perspectives[:] perspectives.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(, # For each perspective, create an action that sets the active # perspective to it. group = Group() for perspective in perspectives: group.append(SetActivePerspectiveAction(perspective=perspective, window=window)) return group
def _create_item_group(self, window): """ Creates a group containing the items. """ group = Group() self._initialize_item_group(window, group) return group
def _create_view_group(self, window): """ Creates a group containing the view 'togglers'. """ group = Group() self._initialize_view_group(window, group) return group
def _create_reset_perspective_group(self, window): """ Create the reset perspective actions. """ group = Group(ResetActivePerspectiveAction(window=window), ResetAllPerspectivesAction(window=window)) return group
def _create_perspective_group(self, window): """ Create the actions that switch to specific perspectives. """ # fixme: Not sure if alphabetic sorting is appropriate in all cases, # but it will do for now! perspectives = window.perspectives[:] perspectives.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(, # For each perspective, create an action that sets the active # perspective to it. group = Group() for perspective in perspectives: group.append( SetActivePerspectiveAction(perspective=perspective, window=window)) return group
def _create_user_perspective_group(self, window): """ Create the user perspective create/save/rename/delete actions. """ group = Group(NewUserPerspectiveAction(window=window), SaveAsUserPerspectiveAction(window=window), RenameUserPerspectiveAction(window=window), DeleteUserPerspectiveAction(window=window)) return group
def _actions_default(self): actions = [ Group( Action(tooltip="View the Mayavi pipeline", image=ImageResource('m2', search_path=self.image_search_path), on_perform=self.show_engine, ), ), ] actions.extend(DecoratedScene._actions_default(self)) return actions
def __label_menu_default(self): """ Trait initialiser. """ size_group = Group(CommandAction(command=LabelIncrementSizeCommand), CommandAction(command=LabelDecrementSizeCommand)) normal = CommandAction(id='normal', command=LabelNormalFontCommand, style='radio', checked=True) bold = CommandAction(id='bold', command=LabelBoldFontCommand, style='radio') italic = CommandAction(id='italic', command=LabelItalicFontCommand, style='radio') style_group = Group(normal, bold, italic, id='style') return MenuManager(size_group, style_group, name="&Label")
def _groups_default(self): """ Trait initializer. """ groups = [] # Add a group containing the perspective menu (if requested). if self.show_perspective_menu and len(self.window.perspectives) > 0: groups.append(Group(PerspectiveMenuManager(window=self.window))) # Add a group containing a 'toggler' for all visible views. self._view_group = self._create_view_group(self.window) groups.append(self._view_group) # Add a group containing an 'Other...' item that will launch a dialog # to allow the user to choose a view to show. groups.append(self._create_other_group(self.window)) return groups
def _groups_default(self): """ Trait initialiser. """ # groups = super(PylonViewMenuManager, self)._groups_default() groups = [] new_group = Group(id="NewGroup") new_group.append(NewWindowAction(window=self.window)) # FIXME: Changing the enabled trait of the NewEditorAction causes barf # new_group.append(NewEditorAction(window=self.window)) # Insert a group for new part actions groups.append(new_group) # Add a group for view and perspective sub menus submenu_group = Group(id="SubMenuGroup") # Add the perspective menu (if requested). if self.show_perspective_menu and len(self.window.perspectives) > 0: perspective_menu = PerspectiveMenuManager(window=self.window) submenu_group.append(perspective_menu) # TODO: Create a ViewMenuManager with a selection of views view_submenu = MenuManager(self._create_other_group(self.window), name="Show View") submenu_group.append(view_submenu) groups.append(submenu_group) # Add a group containing a 'toggler' for all visible views. self._view_group = self._create_view_group(self.window) groups.append(self._view_group) # Add a group containing the preferences action groups.append( Group(PreferencesAction(window=self.window)) ) return groups
def get_context_menu(self, node): """ Returns the context menu for a node. """ sat = Group(id='SystemActionsTop') nsa = Group(id='NodeSpecificActions') sab = Group(id='SystemActionsBottom') # The 'New' menu. new_actions = self.get_new_actions(node) if new_actions is not None and len(new_actions) > 0: sat.append(MenuManager(name='New', *new_actions), ) # Node-specific actions. actions = self.get_actions(node) if actions is not None and len(actions) > 0: for item in actions: nsa.append(item) # System actions (actions available on ALL nodes). system_actions = self.node_manager.system_actions if len(system_actions) > 0: for item in system_actions: sab.append(item) context_menu = MenuManager(sat, nsa, sab) context_menu.dump() return context_menu
def _actions_default(self): return [ Group( Action( image=ImageResource( '16x16/x-axis', search_path=[self._get_image_path()], ), tooltip="View along the -X axis", on_perform=self.x_minus_view, ), Action( image=ImageResource( '16x16/x-axis', search_path=[self._get_image_path()], ), tooltip="View along the +X axis", on_perform=self.x_plus_view, ), Action( image=ImageResource( '16x16/y-axis', search_path=[self._get_image_path()], ), tooltip="View along the -Y axis", on_perform=self.y_minus_view, ), Action( image=ImageResource( '16x16/y-axis', search_path=[self._get_image_path()], ), tooltip="View along the +Y axis", on_perform=self.y_plus_view, ), Action( image=ImageResource( '16x16/z-axis', search_path=[self._get_image_path()], ), tooltip="View along the -Z axis", on_perform=self.z_minus_view, ), Action( image=ImageResource( '16x16/z-axis', search_path=[self._get_image_path()], ), tooltip="View along the +Z axis", on_perform=self.z_plus_view, ), Action( image=ImageResource( '16x16/isometric', search_path=[self._get_image_path()], ), tooltip="Obtain an isometric view", on_perform=self.isometric_view, ), ), Group( Action( image=ImageResource( '16x16/parallel', search_path=[self._get_image_path()], ), tooltip='Toggle parallel projection', style="toggle", on_perform=self._toggle_projection, checked=self.parallel_projection, ), Action( image=ImageResource( '16x16/origin_glyph', search_path=[self._get_image_path()], ), tooltip='Toggle axes indicator', style="toggle", enabled=(self.marker is not None), on_perform=self._toggle_axes, checked=self.show_axes, ), Action( image=ImageResource( '16x16/fullscreen', search_path=[self._get_image_path()], ), tooltip= 'Full Screen (press "q" or "e" or ESC to exit fullscreen)', style="push", on_perform=self._full_screen_fired, ), ), Group( Action( image=ImageResource( '16x16/save', search_path=[self._get_image_path()], ), tooltip="Save a snapshot of this scene", on_perform=self._save_snapshot, ), Action( image=ImageResource( '16x16/configure', search_path=[self._get_image_path()], ), tooltip='Configure the scene', style="push", on_perform=self._configure_scene, ), ), ]
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Standard library imports. import os, sys # Put the Enthought library on the Python path. sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(r'..\..\..')) # Local imports. from enthought.pyface.action.api import Action from enthought.pyface.action.api import Group, MenuManager, Separator file_menu = MenuManager( Group( Action(name='New Project...'), Action(name='Open Project...'), id = 'OpenGroup', ), Group( Action(name='Close Project'), Action(name='Close Active Editor'), id = 'CloseGroup' ), Group( Action(name='Export to HTML...'), Action(name='Print...'), id = 'ExportGroup'
def __init__(self, **traits): """Initialise the object.""" pm = get_permissions_manager() # Put them in a group so we can optionally append (because the PyFace # API doesn't do what you expect with append()). group = Group() group.append(LoginAction()) for act in pm.user_manager.user_actions: group.append(act) group.append(LogoutAction()) for act in pm.user_manager.management_actions: group.append(act) for act in pm.policy_manager.management_actions: group.append(act) super(UserMenuManager, self).__init__(group, **traits)