コード例 #1
ファイル: gui.py プロジェクト: 1d99net/cmp
 def load_state(self, cmpconfigfile):
     """ Load CMP Configuration state directly.
     Useful if you do not want to invoke the GUI"""
     import enthought.sweet_pickle as sp        
     output = open(cmpconfigfile, 'rb')
     data = sp.load(output)
     # make sure that dtk_matrices is set
     self.dtk_matrices = os.path.join(self.dtk_home, 'matrices')
     # update the subject directory
     if os.path.exists(self.project_dir):
         self.subject_workingdir = os.path.join(self.project_dir, self.subject_name, self.subject_timepoint)
コード例 #2
ファイル: gui.py プロジェクト: danginsburg/cmp
 def load_state(self, cmpconfigfile):
     """ Load CMP Configuration state directly.
     Useful if you do not want to invoke the GUI"""
     import enthought.sweet_pickle as sp
     output = open(cmpconfigfile, 'rb')
     data = sp.load(output)
     # make sure that dtk_matrices is set
     self.dtk_matrices = os.path.join(self.dtk_home, 'matrices')
     # update the subject directory
     if os.path.exists(self.project_dir):
         self.subject_workingdir = os.path.join(self.project_dir,
コード例 #3
ファイル: object_serializer.py プロジェクト: fspaolo/code
    def load(self, path):
        """ Loads an object from a file. """

        # Unpickle the object.
        f = file(path, 'rb')
                 obj = sweet_pickle.load(f)
#                obj = cPickle.load(f)
#                obj = pickle.load(f)
            except Exception, ex:
                logger.exception( "Failed to load pickle file: %s, %s" % (path, ex))


        return obj
コード例 #4
ファイル: object_serializer.py プロジェクト: sjl421/code-2
    def load(self, path):
        """ Loads an object from a file. """

        # Unpickle the object.
        f = file(path, 'rb')
                obj = sweet_pickle.load(f)
#                obj = cPickle.load(f)
#                obj = pickle.load(f)
            except Exception, ex:
                logger.exception("Failed to load pickle file: %s, %s" %
                                 (path, ex))


        return obj
コード例 #5
ファイル: converter.py プロジェクト: Ascronia/Keepy
    def _load_pickle_changed(self, value):
	import pickle
	import enthought.sweet_pickle as sp
	import os.path
	from enthought.pyface.api import FileDialog, OK
	wildcard = "sLORETA Converter State (*.pkl)|*.pkl|" \
                    "All files (*.*)|*.*"
        dlg = FileDialog(wildcard=wildcard,title="Choose a File to load state",\
                         resizeable=False, \
        if dlg.open() == OK:            
            if not os.path.isfile(dlg.path):
		output = open(dlg.path, 'rb')
		data = sp.load(output)
コード例 #6
ファイル: tocff.py プロジェクト: Ascronia/Keepy
    def _load_pickle_changed(self, value):
    import pickle
    import enthought.sweet_pickle as sp
    import os.path
    from enthought.pyface.api import FileDialog, OK
    wildcard = "sLORETA Converter State (*.pkl)|*.pkl|" \
                    "All files (*.*)|*.*"
        dlg = FileDialog(wildcard=wildcard,title="Choose a File to load state",\
                         resizeable=False, \
        if dlg.open() == OK:            
            if not os.path.isfile(dlg.path):
        output = open(dlg.path, 'rb')
        data = sp.load(output)

    def _save_pickle_changed(self, value):
    import pickle
    import enthought.sweet_pickle as sp
    import os.path
    from enthought.pyface.api import FileDialog, OK
    wildcard = "sLORETA Converter State (*.pkl)|*.pkl|" \
                    "All files (*.*)|*.*"
        dlg = FileDialog(wildcard=wildcard,title="Choose a File to store state",\
                         resizeable=False, \
        if dlg.open() == OK:
        output = open(dlg.path, 'wb')
        # Pickle the list using the highest protocol available.
        sp.dump(self, output, -1)

    def _create_cff_changed(self, value):
    import os
    from os.path import join, exists, split
    # Generate Connectome File
    # -----
    if self.convert == 'Subjects':
        suffix = '_subjects'
    elif self.convert == 'Statistics: CorrCoeff':
        suffix = '_statistics'
    elif self.convert == 'Statistics: t-Statistics':
        suffix = '_tstatistics'
    def removeDir(path):
        import shutil
        import os.path
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors = True)
    # create folder CFF
    if not exists(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF'+ suffix)):
        os.mkdir(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF'+ suffix))
        # remove folder if it exists
        removeDir(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF'+ suffix))
        os.mkdir(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF'+ suffix))
    # create subfolder Networks
    if not exists(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF'+ suffix, 'Network')):
        os.mkdir(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF'+ suffix, 'Network'))
    # create subfolder Volumes
    if not exists(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF'+ suffix, 'Nifti')):
        os.mkdir(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF'+ suffix, 'Nifti'))
    # create electrode position network
    if self.write_electrode_network:
        outcontent, nodes = electrode_pos_to_graphml(filename = self.electrode_coordinates_file )
        fi = open(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF'+ suffix, 'Network', 'electrodes.graphml'), 'w')
    # create ROI segmentation volume nifti file
    if not self.ROI_slor_file == '':
        nim = slor2nifti(filename = self.ROI_slor_file, merge_roi = True)
        filename = split(self.ROI_slor_file)[1].split('.')[0]
        nim.to_filename(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF'+ suffix, 'Nifti', filename + '.nii.gz'))

    # create meta.xml
    fim = open(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF' + suffix, 'meta.xml'), 'w')
    content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<viewer xmlns="http://www.connectome.ch/2009/Connectome/xmlns"

<viewer-meta version="1.0">"""
    content = content + self.metainfo.get_metaxml() + """
</viewer-meta>\n""" % str(len(self.subjects) + 1)
    # add networks
    # electrode
    if self.write_electrode_network:
        content = content + """<viewer-network name="Electrodes" src="Network/electrodes.graphml" hierarchical="0" hypergraph="0" directed="0" />\n"""

    # -----
    if self.convert == 'Statistics: CorrCoeff':
        for mes in self.stats_measure:
        #print 'Calculating measure: ', mes
        for i, name in enumerate(self.stats_name):
            #print 'For name: ', name
            # number of external variables has to be an integer
            val = int(self.stats_extvars[i])
            # loop through all the independent variables and create graphml            
            for extvar_i in range(1, val + 1):
            #print 'Independent Variable: ', extvar_i
            # correct zero-padding
            if val > 0:
                extvar_name = '%02d' % extvar_i
            elif val > 99:
                extvar_name = '%03d' % extvar_i
            fi = open(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF'+ suffix, 'Network', 'statistic_'+name+'_indvar'+extvar_name+'.graphml'), 'wb')
            content2 = statistics2graphml(rootfolder = self.rootfolder, nr_rois = self.nr_rois, \
                             name = name, measure = mes, \
                             extvar = extvar_name, freq_bands = self.freq_bands, \
                             el_cord_file = self.electrode_coordinates_file)
                # output network in metaxml
            content = content + """<viewer-network name="%s-%s-IndVar%s" src="Network/statistic_%s_indvar%s.graphml" hierarchical="0" hypergraph="0" directed="0">""" \
                  % (mes, name, extvar_name, name, extvar_name)
            if not self.ROI_slor_file == '':
                content = content + """
          <network-volume name="%s" src="Nifti/%s.nii.gz" fileformat="nifti" segmentation="true">
            <description>The segmentation of the brain in Regions of Interest.</description>
          </network-volume>\n""" % (filename, filename)
            content = content + """</viewer-network>\n"""
    elif self.convert == 'Statistics: t-Statistics':
        for mes in self.stats_measure:
        #print 'Calculating measure: ', mes
        for i, name in enumerate(self.stats_name):
            #print 'For name: ', name
            fi = open(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF'+ suffix, 'Network', 'tstatistic_'+name+'_'+mes+'.graphml'), 'wb')
            content3 = tstatistics2graphml(rootfolder = self.rootfolder, nr_rois = self.nr_rois, \
                         name = name, measure = mes, \
                         freq_bands = self.freq_bands, \
                         el_cord_file = self.electrode_coordinates_file)
            # output network in metaxml
            content = content + """<viewer-network name="%s-%s" src="Network/tstatistic_%s_%s.graphml" hierarchical="0" hypergraph="0" directed="0">""" \
                  % (name, mes, name, mes)
            if not self.ROI_slor_file == '':
            content = content + """
          <network-volume name="%s" src="Nifti/%s.nii.gz" fileformat="nifti" segmentation="true">
        <description>The segmentation of the brain in Regions of Interest.</description>
          </network-volume>\n""" % (filename, filename)
            content = content + """</viewer-network>\n"""
    elif self.convert == 'Subjects':
        # loop through all the subjects and create graphml
        for subj in self.subjects:
        fi = open(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF'+ suffix, 'Network', 'subject_'+subj+'.graphml'), 'wb')
        content2 = coherences2graphml(rootfolder = self.rootfolder, nr_rois = self.nr_rois, \
                         subject = subj, conditions = self.conditions, \
                         measures = self.measures, freq_bands = self.freq_bands, \
                         el_cord_file = self.electrode_coordinates_file)
        # subjects
        for subj in self.subjects:
        content = content + """<viewer-network name="Subject %s" src="Network/subject_%s.graphml" hierarchical="0" hypergraph="0" directed="0">""" \
              % (subj, subj)
        content = content + """
      <network-volume name="%s" src="Nifti/%s.nii.gz" fileformat="nifti" segmentation="true">
        <description>The segmentation of the brain in Regions of Interest.</description>
      </network-volume>\n""" % (filename, filename)
        content = content + """</viewer-network>\n"""
    # ending
    content = content + "</viewer>"
    # create .cff with Zip
    import zipfile as zip
    filen = self.metainfo.meta_name.replace(' ', '_')
    filen = filen.lower()
    mycff = zip.ZipFile(join(self.rootfolder, filen + suffix + '.cff'), mode='w')
    os.chdir(join(self.rootfolder, 'CFF' + suffix))
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
        for name in files:       
        filename = os.path.join(root, name)
        # print 'Writing to Connectome File: ', filename
    message(message = 'Connectome File generated in Root Folder!', title = 'Done.')


def electrode_pos_to_graphml(filename):
    """ Converts the electrode position file to a network without edges """
    f = open(filename, 'r')
    nodes = ''
    for i, line in enumerate(f):
        if i == 0:
            nr_of_electrodes = line
            lsp = line.split(' ')
            x, y, z, name = float(lsp[0]), float(lsp[1]), float(lsp[2]), lsp[3].rstrip('\r\n')
            nodes = nodes + """<node id="n%s">
    <data key="dn_label">%s</data>
    <data key="dn_position">%s,%s,%s</data>
""" % (i, name, x, y, z)
    outfile = startstring % nr_of_electrodes
    outfile = outfile + nodes
    outfile = outfile + endstring
    return outfile, nodes
startstring = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<graphml xmlns="http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns"


<key id="dn_label" for="node" attr.name="label" attr.type="string">
    <desc>The label of the electrode</desc>
<key id="dn_position" for="node" attr.name="position" attr.type="string">
    <desc>The position of the electrode</desc>
<graph id="%s electrodes" edgedefault="undirected">
endstring = """</graph>

def tstatistics2graphml(rootfolder, nr_rois, name = None, \
                       measure = None, freq_bands = None, el_cord_file = None):
    """ Converts sLORETA t-statistic files into GraphML
    Naming convention: name-measure.txt
    E.g. A-B-EEGLaggedConn.txt
    from os.path import exists, isfile, join
    from numpy import zeros, array
    if not exists(rootfolder):
        raise Exception('Path %s does not exist.' % rootfolder)

    outfile = startstring_coh
    # write edge keys
    for freq in freq_bands:
    key = '<key id="%s" for="edge" attr.name="%s" attr.type="double"><default>0</default></key>\n'
    outfile = outfile + key % (freq, freq)
    # start graph
    outfile = outfile + '<graph id="%s" edgedefault="undirected">\n' % name
    # write nodes (ROIs)
    # use the electrode positions preliminary
    out, nodes = electrode_pos_to_graphml(filename = join(rootfolder, el_cord_file))
    outfile = outfile + nodes
    # write edges

    file = join(rootfolder, name+'-'+measure+'.txt')
    if isfile(file):
    print 'Converting file %s ...' % str(file)
    nr_elect, nr_mat = extract_metadata_stats(filename = file)

    # number of electrodes (ROIs) from the file header must be equal as the one given in the form
    assert nr_elect == nr_rois
    # number of matrices must equal number of frequency bands given
    assert nr_mat == len(freq_bands)
    f = open(file, 'r')
    # skip header
    a = f.readline()
    a = f.readline()
    while ' = ' in a  or a == '':
        a = f.readline()

    # create numpy array for all frequency bands
    data_arr = zeros((nr_elect, nr_elect, nr_mat))

    for mat_i in range(nr_mat):
        for elect_i in range(nr_elect):
        line = f.readline()
        lsp = line.split(' ')
        while lsp.count('') != 0:

#        print 'lenlsp',len(lsp)
        #print nr_elect
        assert len(lsp) == nr_elect

        data_arr[elect_i, :, mat_i] = array(lsp)
        # skip empty line
    #print 'Done.'
    #print 'No file %s existing.' % file
    # now loop over bigarray and write the the edges
    for i in range(0, nr_rois):
        for j in range(i, nr_rois):
            if i == j:
                # skipping self-loops
            outfile = outfile + '<edge id="e%s_%s" source="n%s" target="n%s">\n' \
                      % (str(i+1), str(j+1), str(i+1), str(j+1))
        for freq_i, frequency_label in enumerate(freq_bands):                            
        # loop over all frequency bands
        label, value = frequency_label, data_arr[i,j,freq_i]
        if value == 0.0:
        # convert value (float) to truncated string
        value = value
        outfile = outfile + '    <data key="%s">%s</data>\n'\
                    % (label, str(value))
        outfile = outfile + '</edge>\n'

    outfile = outfile + endstring
    return outfile

def statistics2graphml(rootfolder, nr_rois, name = None, extvar = None, \
                       measure = None, freq_bands = None, el_cord_file = None):
    """ Converts sLORETA statistic files (correlations) into GraphML
    from os.path import exists, isfile, join
    from numpy import zeros, array
    if not exists(rootfolder):
        raise Exception('Path %s does not exist.' % rootfolder)

    outfile = startstring_coh
    # write edge keys
    for freq in freq_bands:
    key = '<key id="%s" for="edge" attr.name="%s" attr.type="double"><default>0</default></key>\n'
    outfile = outfile + key % (freq, freq)
    # start graph
    outfile = outfile + '<graph id="%s" edgedefault="undirected">\n' % name
    # write nodes (ROIs)
    # use the electrode positions preliminary
    out, nodes = electrode_pos_to_graphml(filename = join(rootfolder, el_cord_file))
    outfile = outfile + nodes
    # write edges

    file = join(rootfolder, name+'-'+measure+'-IndVar'+extvar+'.txt')
    if isfile(file):
    #print 'Converting file %s ...' % str(file)
    nr_elect, nr_mat = extract_metadata_stats(filename = file)

    # number of electrodes (ROIs) from the file header must be equal as the one given in the form
    assert nr_elect == nr_rois
    # number of matrices must equal number of frequency bands given
    assert nr_mat == len(freq_bands)
    f = open(file, 'r')
    # skip header
    a = f.readline()
    a = f.readline()
    while ' = ' in a  or a == '':
        a = f.readline()

    # create numpy array for all frequency bands
    data_arr = zeros((nr_elect, nr_elect, nr_mat))

    for mat_i in range(nr_mat):
        for elect_i in range(nr_elect):
        line = f.readline()
        lsp = line.split(' ')
        while lsp.count('') != 0:

        assert len(lsp) == nr_elect

        data_arr[elect_i, :, mat_i] = array(lsp)
        # skip empty line
    #print 'Done.'
    #print 'No file %s existing.' % file
    # now loop over bigarray and write the the edges
    for i in range(0, nr_rois):
        for j in range(i, nr_rois):
            if i == j:
                # skipping self-loops
            outfile = outfile + '<edge id="e%s_%s" source="n%s" target="n%s">\n' \
                      % (str(i+1), str(j+1), str(i+1), str(j+1))
        for freq_i, frequency_label in enumerate(freq_bands):                            
        # loop over all frequency bands
        label, value = frequency_label, data_arr[i,j,freq_i]
        if value == 0.0:
        # convert value (float) to truncated string
        value = value
        outfile = outfile + '    <data key="%s">%s</data>\n'\
                    % (label, str(value))
        outfile = outfile + '</edge>\n'

    outfile = outfile + endstring
    return outfile

def coherences2graphml(rootfolder, nr_rois, subject = None, conditions = None, \
                       measures = None, freq_bands = None, el_cord_file = None):
    """ Given a proper folder structure, all subjects, conditions and measures are
    searched and converted to GraphML files for all frequency bands.
    If allinone is True, all the files must be stored only in the root folder, but
    subjects, conditions, measures and frequency_bands have to be given according
    to the file name convention.
    Files like VP07R1-ROIlaggedCoh.txt with the classical frequency bands amounts to calling
    (number of ROIs and number of frequency_bands is according to sLORETA selections)
    rootfolder = '/', nr_rois, subjects = 'VP07', conditions = ['R1'], \
        measures = ['ROIlaggedCoh'], freq_band['alpha1', 'alpha2'], el_cord_file = 'List19e.sxyz'

    from os.path import exists, isfile, join
    from numpy import zeros, array
    if not exists(rootfolder):
        raise Exception('Path %s does not exist.' % rootfolder)

    outfile = startstring_coh
    # write edge keys
    for cond in conditions:
        for meas in measures:
            for freq in freq_bands:
                key = '<key id="%s-%s-%s" for="edge" attr.name="%s.%s.%s" attr.type="double"><default>0</default></key>\n'
                outfile = outfile + key % (cond, meas, freq, cond, meas, freq)
    # start graph
    outfile = outfile + '<graph id="%s" edgedefault="undirected">\n' % subject
    # write nodes (ROIs)
    # use the electrode positions preliminary
    out, nodes = electrode_pos_to_graphml(filename = join(rootfolder, el_cord_file))
    outfile = outfile + nodes
    # write edges
    bigarray = {}
    for cond in conditions:
        for meas in measures:
            file = join(rootfolder, subject+cond+'-'+meas+'.txt')
            if isfile(file):
                #print 'Converting file %s ...' % str(file)
                nr_elect, nr_mat = extract_metadata(filename = file)
        # number of electrodes (ROIs) from the file header must be equal as the one given in the form
                assert nr_elect == nr_rois
        # number of matrices must equal number of frequency bands given
        assert nr_mat == len(freq_bands)
                f = open(file, 'r')
                # skip header
                a = f.readline()
                while ' = ' in a  or 'File name' in a or a == '':
                    a = f.readline()
                # create numpy array for all frequency bands
                data_arr = zeros((nr_elect, nr_elect, nr_mat))
                for mat_i in range(nr_mat):
            #print 'Matrix: ', str(mat_i)
                    for elect_i in range(nr_elect):
            #print 'ROI:', str(elect_i)
                        line = f.readline()

                        lsp = line.split('  ')
                lsp.remove('') # remove first empty character
            except ValueError:

                        assert len(lsp) == nr_elect
                        data_arr[elect_i, :, mat_i] = array(lsp)
                #print 'Done.'
                bigarray[cond + '-' + meas] = data_arr
                # now store data_arr
    # now loop over bigarray and write the the edges
    for i in range(0, nr_rois):
        for j in range(i, nr_rois):
            if i == j:
                # skipping self-loops
            outfile = outfile + '<edge id="e%s_%s" source="n%s" target="n%s">\n' \
                      % (str(i+1), str(j+1), str(i+1), str(j+1))
            for k, v in bigarray.items():
                # number of matrices has to be the same as the number of frequency bands
                assert v.shape[2] == len(freq_bands)
                for freq_i, frequency_label in enumerate(freq_bands):
                    # loop over all frequency bands
                    label, value = k+'-'+frequency_label, v[i,j,freq_i]
            if value == 0.0:

                    # convert value (float) to truncated string
                    value = value
                    outfile = outfile + '    <data key="%s">%s</data>\n'\
                                        % (label, str(value))
            outfile = outfile + '</edge>\n'

    outfile = outfile + endstring
    return outfile

startstring_coh = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<graphml xmlns="http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns"


<key id="dn_label" for="node" attr.name="label" attr.type="string">
    <desc>The label of the ROI</desc>
<key id="dn_position" for="node" attr.name="position" attr.type="string">
    <desc>The position of the ROI</desc>

def extract_metadata_stats(filename):
    """ Extract metadata for statistics file, namely number of electrodes and nr of matrices
    and band type """
    f = open(filename, 'r')
    for line in f:
        lsp = line.split(' = ')
        if len(lsp) == 1:

        if 'Number of regions of interest' in lsp[1]:
            nr_elect = int(lsp[0])
        elif 'Number of matrices' in lsp[1]:
            nr_mat = int(lsp[0])
    return nr_elect, nr_mat