コード例 #1
ファイル: randombox.py プロジェクト: sjl421/code-2
def wirecube(s):
    c = curve(color=(1, 1, 1), radius=1)
    pts = [(-s, -s, -s), (-s, -s, s), (-s, s, s), (-s, s, -s), (-s, -s, -s),
           (s, -s, -s), (s, s, -s), (-s, s, -s), (s, s, -s), (s, s, s),
           (-s, s, s), (s, s, s), (s, -s, s), (-s, -s, s), (s, -s, s),
           (s, -s, -s)]
    for pt in pts:
コード例 #2
def wirecube(s):
    c = curve(color = (1,1,1), radius=1)
    pts = [(-s, -s, -s),(-s, -s, s), (-s, s, s),
           (-s, s, -s), (-s, -s, -s), (s, -s, -s),
           (s, s, -s), (-s, s, -s), (s, s, -s),
           (s, s, s), (-s, s, s), (s, s, s),
           (s, -s, s), (-s, -s, s), (s, -s, s),(s, -s, -s)]
    for pt in pts:
コード例 #3
ファイル: lorenz.py プロジェクト: sjl421/code-2
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Author: Raashid Baig <*****@*****.**>
# License: BSD Style.

from enthought.tvtk.tools.visual import curve, box, vector, show
from numpy import arange, array

lorenz = curve(color=(1, 1, 1), radius=0.3)

# Draw grid
for x in xrange(0, 51, 10):
    curve(points=[[x, 0, -25], [x, 0, 25]], color=(0, 0.5, 0), radius=0.3)
    box(pos=(x, 0, 0), axis=(0, 0, 50), height=0.4, width=0.4, length=50)

for z in xrange(-25, 26, 10):
    curve(points=[[0, 0, z], [50, 0, z]], color=(0, 0.5, 0), radius=0.3)
    box(pos=(25, 0, z), axis=(50, 0, 0), height=0.4, width=0.4, length=50)

dt = 0.01
y = vector(35.0, -10.0, -7.0)

pts = []
for i in xrange(2000):
    # Integrate a funny differential equation
    dydt = vector(-8.0 / 3 * y[0] + y[1] * y[2], -10 * y[1] + 10 * y[2],
                  -y[1] * y[0] + 28 * y[1] - y[2])
    y = y + dydt * dt

    if len(pts) > 20:
コード例 #4
    box (pos = (xx,yy,zz), length=x, height=y, width=z,
def wirecube(s):
    c = curve(color = (1,1,1), radius=1)
    pts = [(-s, -s, -s),(-s, -s, s), (-s, s, s),
           (-s, s, -s), (-s, -s, -s), (s, -s, -s),
           (s, s, -s), (-s, s, -s), (s, s, -s),
           (s, s, s), (-s, s, s), (s, s, s),
           (s, -s, s), (-s, -s, s), (s, -s, s),(s, -s, -s)]
    for pt in pts:

side = 150.0
cube = box(size = (side,side,side), representation = 'w' )
i = 0
while i < 100:
    i = i + 1

arrow(axis=(0,12,0), radius_shaft=3.5, color = (1,0,0))

ball = sphere(pos=(-side/2.,-side/2.,-side/2.),color=(1,1,0),radius=3)
disk = cylinder(pos=(side/2.,side/2.,-side/2.),color=(.3,.3,1),axis=(1,1,0),radius=5)
xx = arange(0,4*pi,pi/10.)
spring=curve(color=(1,.7,.1), radius=0.4)
for y in xx:
    spring.append([20+cos(2*y), y/2.-30, -20+sin(2*y)+30])

コード例 #5
giant = sphere(pos=(-1.0e11, 0, 0),
               color=(1, 0, 0),

dwarf = sphere(pos=(1.5e11, 0, 0),
               color=(1, 1, 0),

giant.p = vector(0, 0, -1e4) * giant.mass
dwarf.p = -1*giant.p

# creating the curve which will trace the paths of actors
for a in [giant, dwarf]:
    a.orbit = curve(radius=2e9, color=a.color)

dt = 86400

def anim():
    #Creating the animation function which will be called at
    #uniform timeperiod through the iterate function
    dist = dwarf.pos - giant.pos
    force = 6.7e-11 * giant.mass * dwarf.mass * \
        dist/(sqrt(dist[0]**2 + dist[1]**2 + dist[2]**2))**3
    giant.p = giant.p + force*dt
    dwarf.p = dwarf.p - force*dt

    for a in [giant, dwarf]:
        a.pos = a.pos + (a.p/a.mass)*dt
コード例 #6
from math import sqrt

from enthought.tvtk.tools.visual import sphere, iterate, show, vector, curve

#Creating the actors for the scene
giant = sphere(pos=(-1.0e11, 0, 0), radius=2e10, color=(1, 0, 0), mass=2e30)

dwarf = sphere(pos=(1.5e11, 0, 0), radius=1e10, color=(1, 1, 0), mass=1e30)

giant.p = vector(0, 0, -1e4) * giant.mass
dwarf.p = -1 * giant.p

# creating the curve which will trace the paths of actors
for a in [giant, dwarf]:
    a.orbit = curve(radius=2e9, color=a.color)

dt = 86400

def anim():
    #Creating the animation function which will be called at
    #uniform timeperiod through the iterate function
    dist = dwarf.pos - giant.pos
    force = 6.7e-11 * giant.mass * dwarf.mass * \
        dist/(sqrt(dist[0]**2 + dist[1]**2 + dist[2]**2))**3
    giant.p = giant.p + force * dt
    dwarf.p = dwarf.p - force * dt

    for a in [giant, dwarf]:
        a.pos = a.pos + (a.p / a.mass) * dt
コード例 #7
ファイル: randombox.py プロジェクト: sjl421/code-2
    pts = [(-s, -s, -s), (-s, -s, s), (-s, s, s), (-s, s, -s), (-s, -s, -s),
           (s, -s, -s), (s, s, -s), (-s, s, -s), (s, s, -s), (s, s, s),
           (-s, s, s), (s, s, s), (s, -s, s), (-s, -s, s), (s, -s, s),
           (s, -s, -s)]
    for pt in pts:

side = 150.0
cube = box(size=(side, side, side), representation='w')
i = 0
while i < 100:
    i = i + 1

arrow(axis=(0, 12, 0), radius_shaft=3.5, color=(1, 0, 0))

ball = sphere(pos=(-side / 2., -side / 2., -side / 2.),
              color=(1, 1, 0),
disk = cylinder(pos=(side / 2., side / 2., -side / 2.),
                color=(.3, .3, 1),
                axis=(1, 1, 0),
xx = arange(0, 4 * pi, pi / 10.)
spring = curve(color=(1, .7, .1), radius=0.4)
for y in xx:
    spring.append([20 + cos(2 * y), y / 2. - 30, -20 + sin(2 * y) + 30])

コード例 #8
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Author: Raashid Baig <*****@*****.**>
# License: BSD Style.

from enthought.tvtk.tools.visual import curve, box, vector, show
from numpy import arange, array

lorenz = curve( color = (1,1,1), radius=0.3 )

# Draw grid
for x in xrange(0,51,10):
    curve(points = [[x,0,-25],[x,0,25]], color = (0,0.5,0), radius = 0.3 )
    box(pos=(x,0,0), axis=(0,0,50), height=0.4, width=0.4, length = 50)

for z in xrange(-25,26,10):
    curve(points = [[0,0,z], [50,0,z]] , color = (0,0.5,0), radius = 0.3 )
    box(pos=(25,0,z), axis=(50,0,0), height=0.4, width=0.4, length = 50)

dt = 0.01
y = vector(35.0, -10.0, -7.0)

pts = []
for i in xrange(2000):
    # Integrate a funny differential equation
    dydt = vector(      -8.0/3*y[0] + y[1]*y[2],
                          - 10*y[1] +   10*y[2],
                   - y[1]*y[0] + 28*y[1] - y[2])
    y = y + dydt * dt
コード例 #9
ファイル: gyro2.py プロジェクト: sjl421/code-2

shaft = cylinder(axis=(Lshaft, 0, 0),
                 color=(0, 1, 0))
rotor = cylinder(pos=(Lshaft / 2 - Drotor / 2, 0, 0),
                 axis=(Drotor, 0, 0),
                 color=(1, 0, 0))

gyro = frame(shaft, rotor)
gyro.axis = (sin(theta) * sin(phi), cos(theta), sin(theta) * cos(phi))

trail = curve(radius=Rshaft / 8., color=(1, 1, 0))

r = Lshaft / 2.
dt = 0.0001
t = 0.
Nsteps = 20  # number of calculational steps between graphics updates

def anim():
    global theta, phidot, alphadot, M, g, r, thetadot, phi, alpha, t
    for step in range(Nsteps):  # multiple calculation steps for accuracy
        # Calculate accelerations of the Lagrangian coordinates:
        atheta = (phidot**2 * sin(theta) * cos(theta) - 2. *
                  (alphadot + phidot * cos(theta)) * phidot * sin(theta) +
                  2. * M * g * r * sin(theta) / I)
        aphi = 2. * thetadot * (alphadot - phidot * cos(theta)) / sin(theta)
コード例 #10
                 height=hpedestal, length=wpedestal, width=wpedestal,
base = box(pos=top-vector(0,hpedestal+tbase/2.,0),
                 height=tbase, length=wbase, width=wbase,

shaft = cylinder(axis=(Lshaft,0,0), length = Lshaft,
                 radius=Rshaft, color=(0,1,0))
rotor = cylinder(pos=(Lshaft/2 - Drotor/2, 0, 0),
                 axis=(Drotor, 0, 0), length = Drotor,
                 radius=Rrotor, color=(1,0,0))

gyro = frame(shaft, rotor)
gyro.axis = (sin(theta)*sin(phi),cos(theta),sin(theta)*cos(phi))

trail = curve(radius=Rshaft/8., color=(1,1,0))

r = Lshaft/2.
dt = 0.0001
t = 0.
Nsteps = 20 # number of calculational steps between graphics updates

def anim():
    global theta, phidot, alphadot, M, g, r, thetadot, phi, alpha, t
    for step in range(Nsteps): # multiple calculation steps for accuracy
        # Calculate accelerations of the Lagrangian coordinates:
        atheta = (phidot**2*sin(theta)*cos(theta)
        aphi = 2.*thetadot*(alphadot-phidot*cos(theta))/sin(theta)
        aalpha = phidot*thetadot*sin(theta)-aphi*cos(theta)
コード例 #11
    pprecess = -pprecess
support = Box(pos = top+MVector(0,0.01,0), size = (0.2,0.02,0.2), color = (0,1,0))
spring = Helix(pos = top, axis = vector(-0.161579, -0.98686, 0), radius = Rspring, color = (1,0.7,0.2))

gyro1 = Frame(pos = top+spring.axis) # gyro.pos at end of spring
gyro1.axis = MVector(1,0,0)

shaft = Cylinder(pos = gyro1.pos, axis = Lshaft*gyro1.axis, radius =
                 Rshaft, color = (0.85,0.85,0.85), length = 1.0)

rotor = Cylinder(pos = 0.5*gyro1.axis*(Lshaft-Drotor), axis =
                 gyro1.axis*Drotor, radius = Rrotor, color = (0.5,0.5,0.5), length = 0.1)

stripe1 = curve(color = color.green,
                points = [rotor.pos+1.03*rotor.axis+vector(0,Rrotor,0),
stripe2 = curve(color = color.green,
                points = [rotor.pos-0.03*rotor.axis+vector(0,Rrotor,0),

gyro = Frame(stripe1, stripe2) # gyro.pos at end of spring
gyro.pos = top+spring.axis # gyro.pos at end of spring
gyro.axis = vector(1,0,0)

gyro.rotate(axis=(0,1,0), angle = 180.0, origin = gyro.pos)

cm = gyro.pos+0.5*Lshaft*gyro.axis # center of mass of shaft
Lrot = I*omega*gyro.axis
p = pprecess
dt = 0.01
コード例 #12
shaft = Cylinder(pos=gyro1.pos,
                 axis=Lshaft * gyro1.axis,
                 color=(0.85, 0.85, 0.85),

rotor = Cylinder(pos=0.5 * gyro1.axis * (Lshaft - Drotor),
                 axis=gyro1.axis * Drotor,
                 color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),

stripe1 = curve(color=color.green,
                    rotor.pos + 1.03 * rotor.axis + vector(0, Rrotor, 0),
                    rotor.pos + 1.03 * rotor.axis - vector(0, Rrotor, 0)
stripe2 = curve(color=color.green,
                    rotor.pos - 0.03 * rotor.axis + vector(0, Rrotor, 0),
                    rotor.pos - 0.03 * rotor.axis - vector(0, Rrotor, 0)

gyro = Frame(stripe1, stripe2)  # gyro.pos at end of spring
gyro.pos = top + spring.axis  # gyro.pos at end of spring
gyro.axis = vector(1, 0, 0)

gyro.rotate(axis=(0, 1, 0), angle=180.0, origin=gyro.pos)

cm = gyro.pos + 0.5 * Lshaft * gyro.axis  # center of mass of shaft
コード例 #13
#Longitud pendulo 2
l2 = 2.0
#Longitud pendulo 3
l3 = 3.0
#Longitud pendulo 4
l4 = 2.0
#Radio de cada esfera
radio = 0.2

#Creando pendulo 1
pendulo1 = visual.sphere( radius=radio, \
color=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) )
pendulo1.pos = [1, -l1, 0]
pendulo1.t = 0
pendulo1.dt = 1
cuerda1 = visual.curve( points=[(1,0,0), (1,-l1,0)], \
radius=0.02 )

#Creando pendulo 2
pendulo2 = visual.sphere( radius=radio, \
color=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) )
pendulo2.pos = [2, -l2, 0]
pendulo2.t = 0
pendulo2.dt = 1
cuerda2 = visual.curve( points=[(2,0,0), (2,-l2,0)], \
radius=0.02 )

#Creando pendulo 3
pendulo3 = visual.sphere( radius=radio, \
color=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) )
pendulo3.pos = [3, -l3, 0]
pendulo3.t = 0
コード例 #14
#Longitud pendulo 2
l2 = 2.0
#Longitud pendulo 3
l3 = 3.0
#Longitud pendulo 4
l4 = 2.0
#Radio de cada esfera
radio = 0.2

#Creando pendulo 1
pendulo1 = visual.sphere( radius=radio, \
color=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) )
pendulo1.pos = [ 1, -l1, 0 ]
pendulo1.t = 0
pendulo1.dt = 1
cuerda1 = visual.curve( points=[(1,0,0), (1,-l1,0)], \
radius=0.02 )

#Creando pendulo 2
pendulo2 = visual.sphere( radius=radio, \
color=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) )
pendulo2.pos = [ 2, -l2, 0 ]
pendulo2.t = 0
pendulo2.dt = 1
cuerda2 = visual.curve( points=[(2,0,0), (2,-l2,0)], \
radius=0.02 )

#Creando pendulo 3
pendulo3 = visual.sphere( radius=radio, \
color=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) )
pendulo3.pos = [ 3, -l3, 0 ]
pendulo3.t = 0