def loadGame(name=None): global usr, usrFile, previousVendor users = [] for file in os.listdir(utils.fileDir + '/saves'): if file.endswith('.save') or file.endswith('.db'): users.append(file.split('.')[0]) try: usr = utils.choose('List of users:', users, 'What is your username?') usrFile = usr + '.save' except KeyboardInterrupt: play() try: entities.worldEntities = utils.loadInfo(usr, 'worldEntities') entities.player = utils.loadInfo(usr, 'player.' + usr) previousVendor = utils.loadInfo(usr, 'previousVendor') except KeyError: print('Savefile is broken. Creating new savefile...') newGame(usr) print('Game save loaded.') try: if entities.player.location == entities.getLocation('Inventory'): locations.inventory() elif entities.player.location == entities.getLocation('Market'): utils.goToVendor(previousVendor) elif entities.player.location == entities.getLocation('Interact'): utils.fight(entities.player.location.entity, entities.player.location.entity.weapon) inventory() else: commandLine() except KeyboardInterrupt or EOFError: sys.exit(1)
def market(): entities.player.location = entities.getLocation('Market') print(''' +-----------------------------------------------------+ | Welcome to the Market! | | Type an item\'s name to purchase it. | | Type "info <item>" for more information on an item. | | Type "exit" to leave the store. | +-----------------------------------------------------+''') isVendor = False while not isVendor: vendors = [] for vendor in entities.vendors: vendors.append( command = utils.choose('\nPlease type the vendor you want to visit.', vendors) for vendor in entities.vendors: if == command: vendorToVisit = vendor isVendor = True break if command == 'exit': print('You left the store.') return else: print('Vendor or command not found.') break utils.goToVendor(vendorToVisit)
def goToVendor(vendor): global previousVendor previousVendor = vendor entities.player.location = entities.getLocation('Market') entities.player.location.entity = vendor print('%s\nItems for sale:' % vendor.message) vendor.say(vendor.goods) while True: command = input('Market > %s : ' %' ') thingToBuy = None buying = False for good in vendor.goods: if == command[0]: thingToBuy = good buying = True break if buying: entities.player.inventory.append(thingToBuy) entities.player.spend(thingToBuy.cost) print('%s purchased for %s money.' % (, thingToBuy.cost)) elif command[0].upper() == 'INFO': thingToGetInfoOn = command[1] itemInShop = False for item in vendor.goods: if == thingToGetInfoOn: itemInShop = True break if not itemInShop: print('Item not found.') else: if isinstance(item, obj.Weapon): print('Power: %s' % item.power) elif isinstance(item, obj.Food): print('Healing power: %s' % item.hp) print('Description: ' + item.description) elif command[0].upper() == 'EXIT': print('You left the store.') entities.player.location.entity = entities.getLocation('Main') return elif command[0].upper() == 'HELP': entities.getHelpMsg('Market').printMsg() elif command[0].upper() == 'MONEY': print( + ' coins') else: print('Command not found.')
def newGame(name=None): global usr, usrFile entities.worldEntities = [] if name != None: usr = name else: try: usr = input('What is your desired username? : ') usrFile = usr + '.save' # Add extension except KeyboardInterrupt: play() entities.player = obj.Player(usr, 100, 100, float(5)) entities.player.inventory = [entities.getWeapon('stick'), entities.getFood('potato')] entities.player.location = entities.getLocation('Main') print('New game set up. Welcome.') commandLine()
def personInteraction(): entities.player.location = entities.getLocation('Interact') personType = random.randint(1, 3) if personType == 1: person = [random.choice(entities.enemies), random.choice(entities.weapons)] if utils.confirm('You see a mean-looking person in the distance. Do you choose to approach?'): utils.fight(person[0], person[1]) else: print('You run away in fear.') elif personType == 2: if entities.worldEntities: person = random.choice(entities.worldEntities) person.inventory.append(random.choice(entities.weapons)) if utils.confirm('You see a familiar, mean-looking person in the distance. Do you choose to approach?'): utils.fight(person, person.inventory[0]) else: print('You run away in fear.') else: person = random.choice(entities.enemies) person.inventory.append(random.choice(entities.weapons)) if utils.confirm('You see a mean-looking person in the distance. Do you choose to approach?'): utils.fight(person, person.inventory[0]) else: print('You run away in fear.') else: person = [random.choice(entities.helpers), random.choice(entities.helperItems)] if utils.confirm('You see a kind-looking person in the distance. Do you choose to approach?'): print('The person is a(n) ' + person[0].name + '!') if person[0] == entities.getHelper('old lady'): if random.randint(0,1) == 0: utils.fight(entities.getEnemy('old lady'), entities.getWeapon('cane')) else: time.sleep(0.5) print('The %s smiles and holds a(n) %s out in her hand.' % (person[0].name, person[1].name)) entities.player.inventory.append(person[1]) time.sleep(0.2) print(person[1].name + ' added to your inventory!') else: time.sleep(0.5) print('The %s smiles and holds a(n) %s out in her hand.' % (person[0].name, person[1].name)) entities.player.inventory.append(person[1]) time.sleep(0.2) print(person[1].name + ' added to your inventory!') else: print('You walk away') time.sleep(2)
def inventory(): entities.player.location = entities.getLocation('Inventory') while True: command = input('Inventory : ').split(' ') if command[0] == '?' or command[0].upper() == 'HELP': entities.getHelpMsg('Inventory').printMsg() elif command[0].upper() == 'LIST': if len(command) > 1: if command[1].upper() == 'WEAPONS': utils.listItems(listedItems=entities.player.inventory, objType=obj.Weapon) elif command[1].upper() == 'FOOD': utils.listItems(listedItems=entities.player.inventory, objType=obj.Food) elif command[1].upper() == 'HEALTH': print( elif command[1].upper() == 'MONEY': print( else: print('Usage: list\nlist <type>') else: utils.listItems(listedItems=entities.player.inventory) elif command[0].upper() == 'EAT': failed = False for item in entities.player.inventory: if == command[1].upper(): if isinstance(item, obj.Food): entities.player.inventory.remove(item) += item.hp print('%s points added to health!' % item.hp) failed = False break if failed: print('Food not in Inventory.') elif command[0].upper() == 'EXIT': print('You left your Inventory.') break else: print('Inventory command "' + command[0] + '" not found. Type "help" for help.')