コード例 #1
def get_result(dbinstance, project_id, run_id, token):
    result_type = db.get_project_column(dbinstance, project_id, 'result_type')
    auth_token_type = get_authorization_token_type_or_abort(project_id, token)

    if result_type == 'mapping':
        logger.info("Mapping result being returned")
        result = db.get_run_result(dbinstance, run_id)
        return {"mapping": result}

    elif result_type == 'groups':
        logger.info("Groups result being returned")
        result = db.get_run_result(dbinstance, run_id)
        return {"groups": result}

    elif result_type == 'similarity_scores':
        logger.info("Similarity result being returned")
        return get_similarity_score_result(dbinstance, run_id)

    elif result_type == 'permutations':
        logger.info("Permutation result being returned")
        return get_permutations_result(project_id, run_id, dbinstance, token,
        logger.warning("Unimplemented result type")
        safe_fail_request(500, message='Project has unknown result type')
コード例 #2
def authorise_get_request(project_id):
    if request.headers is None or 'Authorization' not in request.headers:
        safe_fail_request(401, message="Authentication token required")
    auth_header = request.headers.get('Authorization')
    dp_id = None
    # Check the resource exists
    with DBConn() as dbinstance:
        project_object = db.get_project(dbinstance, project_id)
    logger.info("Checking credentials")
    if project_object['result_type'] == 'mapping' or project_object[
            'result_type'] == 'similarity_scores':
        # Check the caller has a valid results token if we are including results
        abort_if_invalid_results_token(project_id, auth_header)
    elif project_object['result_type'] == 'permutations':
        dp_id = get_authorization_token_type_or_abort(project_id, auth_header)
        safe_fail_request(500, "Unknown error")
    return dp_id, project_object
コード例 #3
def get(project_id, run_id):
    log = logger.bind(pid=project_id, rid=run_id)
    parent_span = g.flask_tracer.get_span()
    log.debug("request run status")
    with opentracing.tracer.start_span('check-auth',
                                       child_of=parent_span) as span:
        # Check the project and run resources exist
        abort_if_run_doesnt_exist(project_id, run_id)

        # Check the caller has a valid results token. Yes it should be renamed.
        auth_token_type = get_authorization_token_type_or_abort(
            project_id, request.headers.get('Authorization'))
            "Run status authorized using {} token".format(auth_token_type))

    with opentracing.tracer.start_span('get-status-from-db',
                                       child_of=parent_span) as span:
        dbinstance = get_db()
        run_status = db.get_run_status(dbinstance, run_id)
        project_in_error = db.get_encoding_error_count(dbinstance,
                                                       project_id) > 0
        span.set_tag('stage', run_status['stage'])

    run_type = RUN_TYPES[run_status['type']]
    state = 'error' if project_in_error else run_status['state']
    stage = run_status['stage']
    status = {
        "state": state,
        "time_added": run_status['time_added'],
        "stages": run_type['stages'],
        "current_stage": {
                stage, "there is no description for this stage")
    # trying to get progress if available
    if stage == 1:
        # waiting for CLKs
        abs_val = db.get_number_parties_uploaded(dbinstance, project_id)
        max_val = db.get_project_column(dbinstance, project_id, 'parties')
    elif stage == 2:
        # Computing similarity
        abs_val = cache.get_progress(run_id)
        if abs_val is not None:
            max_val = db.get_total_comparisons_for_project(
                dbinstance, project_id)
        # Solving for mapping (no progress)
        abs_val = None
    if abs_val is not None:
        progress = {
            'absolute': abs_val,
            'relative': (abs_val / max_val) if max_val != 0 else 0,
        if progress['relative'] > 1.0:
            log.warning('oh no. more than 100% ??? abs: {}, max: {}'.format(
                abs_val, max_val))
        if run_status['stage'] in run_type['stage_progress_descriptions']:
            progress['description'] = run_type['stage_progress_descriptions'][
        status["current_stage"]["progress"] = progress
    if state == 'completed':
        status["time_started"] = run_status['time_started']
        status["time_completed"] = run_status['time_completed']
        return completed().dump(status)
    elif state == 'running' or state == 'queued' or state == 'created':
        status["time_started"] = run_status['time_started']
        return running().dump(status)
    elif state == 'error':
            'handling the run status for state "error" is not implemented')
        return error().dump(status)