def main(): omniscript_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) omnisci_server = None args = None port_default_value = -1 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Run internal tests from ibis project") required = parser._action_groups.pop() optional = parser.add_argument_group("optional arguments") omnisci = parser.add_argument_group("omnisci") benchmark = parser.add_argument_group("benchmark") mysql = parser.add_argument_group("mysql") commits = parser.add_argument_group("commits") possible_tasks = ["build", "test", "benchmark"] benchmarks = ["ny_taxi", "santander", "census", "plasticc"] # Task required.add_argument( "-task", dest="task", required=True, help= f"Task for execute {possible_tasks}. Use , separator for multiple tasks", ) # Environment required.add_argument("-en", "--env_name", dest="env_name", help="Conda env name.") optional.add_argument( "-ec", "--env_check", dest="env_check", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Check if env exists. If it exists don't recreate.", ) optional.add_argument( "-s", "--save_env", dest="save_env", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Save conda env after executing.", ) optional.add_argument( "-r", "--report_path", dest="report_path", default=os.path.join(omniscript_path, ".."), help="Path to report file.", ) optional.add_argument( "-ci", "--ci_requirements", dest="ci_requirements", default=os.path.join(omniscript_path, "ci_requirements.yml"), help="File with ci requirements for conda env.", ) optional.add_argument( "-py", "--python_version", dest="python_version", default="3.7", help="File with ci requirements for conda env.", ) # Ibis required.add_argument( "-i", "--ibis_path", dest="ibis_path", required=True, help="Path to ibis directory.", ) # Ibis tests optional.add_argument( "-expression", dest="expression", default=" ", help= "Run tests which match the given substring test names and their parent " "classes. Example: 'test_other', while 'not test_method' matches those " "that don't contain 'test_method' in their names.", ) # Omnisci server parameters omnisci.add_argument( "-executable", dest="executable", required=True, help="Path to omnisci_server executable.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "--omnisci_cwd", dest="omnisci_cwd", help="Path to omnisci working directory. " "By default parent directory of executable location is used. " "Data directory is used in this location.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-port", dest="port", default=port_default_value, type=int, help="TCP port number to run omnisci_server on.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-http_port", dest="http_port", default=port_default_value, type=int, help="HTTP port number to run omnisci_server on.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-calcite_port", dest="calcite_port", default=port_default_value, type=int, help="Calcite port number to run omnisci_server on.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-user", dest="user", default="admin", help="User name to use on omniscidb server.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-password", dest="password", default="HyperInteractive", help="User password to use on omniscidb server.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-database_name", dest="database_name", default="agent_test_ibis", help="Database name to use in omniscidb server.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-table", dest="table", default="benchmark_table", help="Table name name to use in omniscidb server.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-ipc_conn", dest="ipc_connection", default=True, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Table name name to use in omniscidb server.", ) # Benchmark parameters benchmark.add_argument( "-bench_name", dest="bench_name", choices=benchmarks, help="Benchmark name.", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-data_file", dest="data_file", help="A datafile that should be loaded.", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-dfiles_num", dest="dfiles_num", default=1, type=int, help="Number of datafiles to input into database for processing.", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-iterations", dest="iterations", default=1, type=int, help= "Number of iterations to run every query. Best result is selected.", ) benchmark.add_argument("-dnd", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Do not delete old table.") benchmark.add_argument( "-dni", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Do not create new table and import any data from CSV files.", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-validation", dest="validation", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help= "validate queries results (by comparison with Pandas queries results).", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-optimizer", choices=["intel", "stock"], dest="optimizer", default="intel", help="Which optimizer is used", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-no_ibis", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Do not run Ibis benchmark, run only Pandas (or Modin) version", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-pandas_mode", choices=["Pandas", "Modin_on_ray", "Modin_on_dask", "Modin_on_python"], default="Pandas", help="Specifies which version of Pandas to use: " "plain Pandas, Modin runing on Ray or on Dask", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-ray_tmpdir", default="/tmp", help="Location where to keep Ray plasma store. " "It should have enough space to keep -ray_memory", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-ray_memory", default=200 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, help="Size of memory to allocate for Ray plasma store", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-no_ml", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Do not run machine learning benchmark, only ETL part", ) optional.add_argument( "-gpu_memory", dest="gpu_memory", type=int, help="specify the memory of your gpu, default 16. " "(This controls the lines to be used. Also work for CPU version. )", default=16, ) # MySQL database parameters mysql.add_argument( "-db_server", dest="db_server", default="localhost", help="Host name of MySQL server.", ) mysql.add_argument( "-db_port", dest="db_port", default=3306, type=int, help="Port number of MySQL server.", ) mysql.add_argument( "-db_user", dest="db_user", help="Username to use to connect to MySQL database. " "If user name is specified, script attempts to store results in MySQL " "database using other -db-* parameters.", ) mysql.add_argument( "-db_pass", dest="db_pass", default="omniscidb", help="Password to use to connect to MySQL database.", ) mysql.add_argument( "-db_name", dest="db_name", default="omniscidb", help="MySQL database to use to store benchmark results.", ) optional.add_argument( "-db_table_etl", dest="db_table_etl", help="Table to use to store ETL results for this benchmark.", ) optional.add_argument( "-db_table_ml", dest="db_table_ml", help="Table to use to store ML results for this benchmark.", ) # Additional information commits.add_argument( "-commit_omnisci", dest="commit_omnisci", default="1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", help="Omnisci commit hash to use for tests.", ) commits.add_argument( "-commit_ibis", dest="commit_ibis", default="1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", help="Ibis commit hash to use for tests.", ) try: args = parser.parse_args() os.environ["IBIS_TEST_OMNISCIDB_DATABASE"] = args.database_name os.environ["IBIS_TEST_DATA_DB"] = args.database_name os.environ["IBIS_TEST_OMNISCIDB_PORT"] = str(args.port) os.environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "UTF-8" os.environ["PYTHONUNBUFFERED"] = "1" if args.port == port_default_value: args.port = find_free_port() if args.http_port == port_default_value: args.http_port = find_free_port() if args.calcite_port == port_default_value: args.calcite_port = find_free_port() required_tasks = args.task.split(",") tasks = {} for task in possible_tasks: tasks[task] = True if task in required_tasks else False if True not in list(tasks.values()): print( f"Only {list(tasks.keys())} are supported, {required_tasks} cannot find possible tasks" ) sys.exit(1) if args.python_version not in ["3.7", "3,6"]: print( f"Only 3.7 and 3.6 python versions are supported, {args.python_version} is not supported" ) sys.exit(1) ibis_requirements = os.path.join( args.ibis_path, "ci", f"requirements-{args.python_version}-dev.yml") requirements_file = "requirements.yml" conda_env = CondaEnvironment(args.env_name) print("PREPARING ENVIRONMENT") combinate_requirements(ibis_requirements, args.ci_requirements, requirements_file) conda_env.create(args.env_check, requirements_file=requirements_file) if tasks["build"]: install_ibis_cmdline = [ "python3", os.path.join(""), "install" ] print("IBIS INSTALLATION"), cwd=args.ibis_path, print_output=False) if tasks["test"]: ibis_data_script = os.path.join(args.ibis_path, "ci", "") dataset_download_cmdline = [ "python3", ibis_data_script, "download" ] dataset_import_cmdline = [ "python3", ibis_data_script, "omniscidb", "-P", str(args.port), "--database", args.database_name, ] report_file_name = ( f"report-{args.commit_ibis[:8]}-{args.commit_omnisci[:8]}.html" ) if not os.path.isdir(args.report_path): os.makedirs(args.report_path) report_file_path = os.path.join(args.report_path, report_file_name) ibis_tests_cmdline = [ "pytest", "-m", "omniscidb", "--disable-pytest-warnings", "-k", args.expression, f"--html={report_file_path}", ] print("STARTING OMNISCI SERVER") omnisci_server = OmnisciServer( omnisci_executable=args.executable, omnisci_port=args.port, http_port=args.http_port, calcite_port=args.calcite_port, database_name=args.database_name, omnisci_cwd=args.omnisci_cwd, user=args.user, password=args.password, ) omnisci_server.launch() print("PREPARING DATA") print("RUNNING TESTS"), cwd=args.ibis_path) if tasks["benchmark"]: # if not args.bench_name or args.bench_name not in benchmarks: # print( # f"Benchmark {args.bench_name} is not supported, only {benchmarks} are supported") # sys.exit(1) if not args.data_file: print( f"Parameter --data_file was received empty, but it is required for benchmarks" ) sys.exit(1) benchmark_script_path = os.path.join(omniscript_path, "") benchmark_cmd = ["python3", benchmark_script_path] possible_benchmark_args = [ "bench_name", "data_file", "dfiles_num", "iterations", "dnd", "dni", "validation", "optimizer", "no_ibis", "pandas_mode", "ray_tmpdir", "ray_memory", "no_ml", "gpu_memory", "db_server", "db_port", "db_user", "db_pass", "db_name", "db_table_etl", "db_table_ml", "executable", "omnisci_cwd", "port", "http_port", "calcite_port", "user", "password", "ipc_connection", "database_name", "table", "commit_omnisci", "commit_ibis", ] args_dict = vars(args) args_dict["data_file"] = f"'{args_dict['data_file']}'" for arg_name in list(parser._option_string_actions.keys()): try: pure_arg = re.sub(r"^--*", "", arg_name) if pure_arg in possible_benchmark_args: arg_value = args_dict[pure_arg] if arg_value: benchmark_cmd.extend([arg_name, str(arg_value)]) except KeyError: pass print(benchmark_cmd) except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) sys.exit(1) finally: if omnisci_server: omnisci_server.terminate() if args and args.save_env is False: conda_env.remove()
def main(): omniscript_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) omnisci_server = None args = None port_default_value = -1 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run internal tests from ibis project") required = parser.add_argument_group("common") optional = parser.add_argument_group("optional arguments") omnisci = parser.add_argument_group("omnisci") benchmark = parser.add_argument_group("benchmark") mysql = parser.add_argument_group("mysql") commits = parser.add_argument_group("commits") possible_tasks = ["build", "test", "benchmark"] benchmarks = ["ny_taxi", "santander", "census", "plasticc", "mortgage", "h2o"] # Task required.add_argument( "-task", dest="task", required=True, help=f"Task for execute {possible_tasks}. Use , separator for multiple tasks", ) # Environment required.add_argument("-en", "--env_name", dest="env_name", help="Conda env name.") optional.add_argument( "-ec", "--env_check", dest="env_check", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Check if env exists. If it exists don't recreate.", ) optional.add_argument( "-s", "--save_env", dest="save_env", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Save conda env after executing.", ) optional.add_argument( "-r", "--report_path", dest="report_path", default=os.path.join(omniscript_path, ".."), help="Path to report file.", ) optional.add_argument( "-ci", "--ci_requirements", dest="ci_requirements", default=os.path.join(omniscript_path, "ci_requirements.yml"), help="File with ci requirements for conda env.", ) optional.add_argument( "-py", "--python_version", dest="python_version", default="3.7", help="File with ci requirements for conda env.", ) # Ibis optional.add_argument( "-i", "--ibis_path", dest="ibis_path", required=False, help="Path to ibis directory." ) # Ibis tests optional.add_argument( "-expression", dest="expression", default=" ", help="Run tests which match the given substring test names and their parent " "classes. Example: 'test_other', while 'not test_method' matches those " "that don't contain 'test_method' in their names.", ) # Modin optional.add_argument( "-m", "--modin_path", dest="modin_path", default=None, help="Path to modin directory." ) optional.add_argument( "--modin_pkgs_dir", dest="modin_pkgs_dir", default=None, type=str, help="Path where to store built Modin dependencies (--target flag for pip), can be helpful if you have space limited home directory.", ) optional.add_argument( "--manage_dbe_dir", dest="manage_dbe_dir", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Manage (create and initialize) DBE data directory on the 'build' step.", ) # Omnisci server parameters omnisci.add_argument( "-executable", dest="executable", required=False, help="Path to omnisci_server executable." ) omnisci.add_argument( "-omnisci_cwd", dest="omnisci_cwd", help="Path to omnisci working directory. " "By default parent directory of executable location is used. " "Data directory is used in this location.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-port", dest="port", default=port_default_value, type=int, help="TCP port number to run omnisci_server on.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-http_port", dest="http_port", default=port_default_value, type=int, help="HTTP port number to run omnisci_server on.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-calcite_port", dest="calcite_port", default=port_default_value, type=int, help="Calcite port number to run omnisci_server on.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-user", dest="user", default="admin", help="User name to use on omniscidb server." ) omnisci.add_argument( "-password", dest="password", default="HyperInteractive", help="User password to use on omniscidb server.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-database_name", dest="database_name", default="agent_test_ibis", help="Database name to use in omniscidb server.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-table", dest="table", default="benchmark_table", help="Table name name to use in omniscidb server.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-ipc_conn", dest="ipc_conn", default=True, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Connection type for ETL operations", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-debug_timer", dest="debug_timer", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Enable fine-grained query execution timers for debug.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-columnar_output", dest="columnar_output", default=True, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Allows OmniSci Core to directly materialize intermediate projections \ and the final ResultSet in Columnar format where appropriate.", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-lazy_fetch", dest="lazy_fetch", default=None, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="[lazy_fetch help message]", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-multifrag_rs", dest="multifrag_rs", default=None, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="[multifrag_rs help message]", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-fragments_size", dest="fragments_size", default=None, nargs="*", type=int, help="Number of rows per fragment that is a unit of the table for query processing. \ Should be specified for each table in workload", ) omnisci.add_argument( "-omnisci_run_kwargs", dest="omnisci_run_kwargs", default={}, metavar="KEY1=VAL1,KEY2=VAL2...", action=KeyValueListParser, help="options to start omnisci server", ) # Benchmark parameters benchmark.add_argument( "-bench_name", dest="bench_name", choices=benchmarks, help="Benchmark name." ) benchmark.add_argument( "-data_file", dest="data_file", help="A datafile that should be loaded." ) benchmark.add_argument( "-dfiles_num", dest="dfiles_num", default=None, type=int, help="Number of datafiles to input into database for processing.", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-iterations", dest="iterations", default=1, type=int, help="Number of iterations to run every query. Best result is selected.", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-dnd", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Do not delete old table." ) benchmark.add_argument( "-dni", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Do not create new table and import any data from CSV files.", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-validation", dest="validation", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="validate queries results (by comparison with Pandas queries results).", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-import_mode", dest="import_mode", default="fsi", help="you can choose: {copy-from, pandas, fsi}", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-optimizer", choices=["intel", "stock"], dest="optimizer", default=None, help="Which optimizer is used", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-no_ibis", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Do not run Ibis benchmark, run only Pandas (or Modin) version", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-no_pandas", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Do not run Pandas version of benchmark", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-pandas_mode", choices=["Pandas", "Modin_on_ray", "Modin_on_dask", "Modin_on_python", "Modin_on_omnisci"], default="Pandas", help="Specifies which version of Pandas to use: " "plain Pandas, Modin runing on Ray or on Dask", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-ray_tmpdir", default="/tmp", help="Location where to keep Ray plasma store. " "It should have enough space to keep -ray_memory", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-ray_memory", default=200 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, type=int, help="Size of memory to allocate for Ray plasma store", ) benchmark.add_argument( "-no_ml", default=None, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Do not run machine learning benchmark, only ETL part", ) optional.add_argument( "-gpu_memory", dest="gpu_memory", type=int, help="specify the memory of your gpu" "(This controls the lines to be used. Also work for CPU version. )", default=None, ) benchmark.add_argument( "-extended_functionality", dest="extended_functionality", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Extends functionality of H2O benchmark by adding 'chk' functions and verbose local reporting of results", ) # MySQL database parameters mysql.add_argument( "-db_server", dest="db_server", default="localhost", help="Host name of MySQL server." ) mysql.add_argument( "-db_port", dest="db_port", default=3306, type=int, help="Port number of MySQL server." ) mysql.add_argument( "-db_user", dest="db_user", help="Username to use to connect to MySQL database. " "If user name is specified, script attempts to store results in MySQL " "database using other -db-* parameters.", ) mysql.add_argument( "-db_pass", dest="db_pass", default="omniscidb", help="Password to use to connect to MySQL database.", ) mysql.add_argument( "-db_name", dest="db_name", default="omniscidb", help="MySQL database to use to store benchmark results.", ) optional.add_argument( "-db_table_etl", dest="db_table_etl", help="Table to use to store ETL results for this benchmark.", ) optional.add_argument( "-db_table_ml", dest="db_table_ml", help="Table to use to store ML results for this benchmark.", ) # Additional information commits.add_argument( "-commit_omnisci", dest="commit_omnisci", default="1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", help="Omnisci commit hash used for tests.", ) commits.add_argument( "-commit_ibis", dest="commit_ibis", default="1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", help="Ibis commit hash used for tests.", ) commits.add_argument( "-commit_omniscripts", dest="commit_omniscripts", default="1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", help="Omniscripts commit hash used for tests.", ) commits.add_argument( "-commit_modin", dest="commit_modin", default="1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", help="Modin commit hash used for tests.", ) optional.add_argument( "-debug_mode", dest="debug_mode", default=False, type=str_arg_to_bool, help="Enable debug mode.", ) try: args = parser.parse_args() os.environ["IBIS_TEST_OMNISCIDB_DATABASE"] = args.database_name os.environ["IBIS_TEST_DATA_DB"] = args.database_name os.environ["IBIS_TEST_OMNISCIDB_PORT"] = str(args.port) os.environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "UTF-8" os.environ["PYTHONUNBUFFERED"] = "1" if args.port == port_default_value: args.port = find_free_port() if args.http_port == port_default_value: args.http_port = find_free_port() if args.calcite_port == port_default_value: args.calcite_port = find_free_port() required_tasks = args.task.split(",") tasks = {} for task in possible_tasks: tasks[task] = True if task in required_tasks else False if True not in list(tasks.values()): raise ValueError( f"Only {list(tasks.keys())} are supported, {required_tasks} cannot find possible tasks" ) if args.python_version not in ["3.7", "3,6"]: raise NotImplementedError( f"Only 3.7 and 3.6 python versions are supported, {args.python_version} is not supported" ) conda_env = CondaEnvironment(args.env_name) print("PREPARING ENVIRONMENT") conda_env.create( args.env_check, requirements_file=args.ci_requirements, python_version=args.python_version, ) if tasks["build"]: install_cmdline = ["python3", "", "install"] if args.ibis_path: ibis_requirements = os.path.join( args.ibis_path, "ci", f"requirements-{args.python_version}-dev.yml" ) install_ibis_reqs_cmdline = [ "conda", "env", "update", "--name", f"{args.env_name}", "--file", ibis_requirements, ] print("INSTALLATION OF IBIS DEPENDENCIES"), print_output=False) print("IBIS INSTALLATION"), cwd=args.ibis_path, print_output=False) if args.modin_path: install_modin_reqs_cmdline = [ "conda", "env", "update", "--name", f"{args.env_name}", "--file", "environment-dev.yml", ] if args.modin_pkgs_dir: os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = ( os.getenv("PYTHONPATH") + os.pathsep + args.modin_pkgs_dir if os.getenv("PYTHONPATH") else args.modin_pkgs_dir ) print("INSTALLATION OF MODIN DEPENDENCIES") # Installation of Modin dependencies can proceed with errors. If error occurs, please try to # rebase your branch to the current Modin master try: install_modin_reqs_cmdline, cwd=args.modin_path, print_output=False ) except Exception: print("INSTALLATION OF MODIN DEPENDENCIES PROCESSED WITH ERRORS") print("MODIN INSTALLATION") # Modin installation handled this way because "conda run --name env_name python3 install" # (called by "") processed with warning that is not raised via "python3 install". # This warning is handled by omniscripts as error, that causing exception raise. try:, cwd=args.modin_path, print_output=False) except Exception: print("MODIN INSTALLATION PROCESSED WITH ERRORS") # trying to install dbe extension if omnisci generated it executables_path = os.path.dirname(args.executable) dbe_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(f"{executables_path}/.."), "Embedded") initdb_path = os.path.join(executables_path, "initdb") data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data") initdb_cmdline = [initdb_path, "--data", data_dir] if not os.path.isdir(data_dir) and args.manage_dbe_dir: print("MANAGING OMNISCI DATA DIR", data_dir) os.makedirs(data_dir), print_output=False) if os.path.exists(dbe_path): print("DBE INSTALLATION") cmake_cmdline = [ "cmake", "--install", "build", "--component", "DBE", "--prefix", "$CONDA_PREFIX", ] cmake_qe_cmdline = [ "cmake", "--install", "build", "--component", "QE", "--prefix", "$CONDA_PREFIX", ] cmake_thrift_cmdline = [ "cmake", "--install", "build", "--component", "thrift", "--prefix", "$CONDA_PREFIX", ] cmake_jar_cmdline = [ "cmake", "--install", "build", "--component", "jar", "--prefix", "$CONDA_PREFIX", ] omniscidb_root = os.path.abspath(f"{executables_path}/../../"), cwd=omniscidb_root, print_output=False), cwd=omniscidb_root, print_output=False), cwd=omniscidb_root, print_output=False), cwd=omniscidb_root, print_output=False), cwd=dbe_path, print_output=False) else: print("Using Omnisci server") if tasks["test"]: ibis_data_script = os.path.join(args.ibis_path, "ci", "") dataset_download_cmdline = ["python3", ibis_data_script, "download"] dataset_import_cmdline = [ "python3", ibis_data_script, "omniscidb", "-P", str(args.port), "--database", args.database_name, ] report_file_name = f"report-{args.commit_ibis[:8]}-{args.commit_omnisci[:8]}.html" if not os.path.isdir(args.report_path): os.makedirs(args.report_path) report_file_path = os.path.join(args.report_path, report_file_name) ibis_tests_cmdline = [ "pytest", "-m", "omniscidb", "--disable-pytest-warnings", "-k", args.expression, f"--html={report_file_path}", ] print("STARTING OMNISCI SERVER") omnisci_server = OmnisciServer( omnisci_executable=args.executable, omnisci_port=args.port, http_port=args.http_port, calcite_port=args.calcite_port, database_name=args.database_name, omnisci_cwd=args.omnisci_cwd, user=args.user, password=args.password, debug_timer=args.debug_timer, columnar_output=args.columnar_output, lazy_fetch=args.lazy_fetch, multifrag_rs=args.multifrag_rs, omnisci_run_kwargs=args.omnisci_run_kwargs, ) omnisci_server.launch() print("PREPARING DATA") print("RUNNING TESTS"), cwd=args.ibis_path) if tasks["benchmark"]: # if not args.bench_name or args.bench_name not in benchmarks: # print( # f"Benchmark {args.bench_name} is not supported, only {benchmarks} are supported") # sys.exit(1) if not args.data_file: raise ValueError( "Parameter --data_file was received empty, but it is required for benchmarks" ) benchmark_script_path = os.path.join(omniscript_path, "") benchmark_cmd = ["python3", benchmark_script_path] possible_benchmark_args = [ "bench_name", "data_file", "dfiles_num", "iterations", "dnd", "dni", "validation", "optimizer", "no_ibis", "no_pandas", "pandas_mode", "ray_tmpdir", "ray_memory", "no_ml", "gpu_memory", "db_server", "db_port", "db_user", "db_pass", "db_name", "db_table_etl", "db_table_ml", "executable", "omnisci_cwd", "port", "http_port", "calcite_port", "user", "password", "ipc_conn", "database_name", "table", "commit_omnisci", "commit_ibis", "import_mode", "debug_timer", "columnar_output", "lazy_fetch", "multifrag_rs", "fragments_size", "omnisci_run_kwargs", "commit_omniscripts", "debug_mode", "extended_functionality", "commit_modin", ] args_dict = vars(args) args_dict["data_file"] = f"'{args_dict['data_file']}'" for arg_name in list(parser._option_string_actions.keys()): try: pure_arg = re.sub(r"^--*", "", arg_name) if pure_arg in possible_benchmark_args: arg_value = args_dict[pure_arg] # correct filling of arguments with default values if arg_value is not None: if isinstance(arg_value, dict): if arg_value: benchmark_cmd.extend( [ arg_name, ",".join( f"{key}={value}" for key, value in arg_value.items() ), ] ) elif isinstance(arg_value, (list, tuple)): if arg_value: benchmark_cmd.extend([arg_name] + [str(x) for x in arg_value]) else: benchmark_cmd.extend([arg_name, str(arg_value)]) except KeyError: pass print(benchmark_cmd) except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise finally: if omnisci_server: omnisci_server.terminate() if args and args.save_env is False: conda_env.remove()
f'-o={args.optimizer}', '-val', '-commit_omnisci', args.commit_omnisci, '-commit_ibis', args.commit_ibis] benchmarks_cmd['census'] = census_bench_cmdline conda_env = CondaEnvironment(args.env_name) print("PREPARING ENVIRONMENT") combinate_requirements(ibis_requirements, args.ci_requirements, requirements_file) conda_env.create(args.env_check, requirements_file=requirements_file) if tasks['build']: print("IBIS INSTALLATION"), cwd=args.ibis_path, print_output=False) if tasks['test']: print("STARTING OMNISCI SERVER") omnisci_server = OmnisciServer(omnisci_executable=args.omnisci_executable, omnisci_port=args.omnisci_port,, omnisci_cwd=args.omnisci_cwd, user=args.user, password=args.password) omnisci_server.launch() if tasks['test']: print("PREPARING DATA") print("RUNNING TESTS")