import rasterio from click import secho from eodatasets3 import wagl from eodatasets3.ui import PathPath DEFAULT_MATURITY = wagl.ProductMaturity.stable @click.command(help=__doc__) @click.option( "--level1", help="Optional path to the input level1 metadata doc " "(otherwise it will be loaded from the level1 path in the HDF5)", required=False, type=PathPath(exists=True, readable=True, dir_okay=False, file_okay=True), ) @click.option( "--output", help="Put the output package into this directory", required=True, type=PathPath(exists=True, writable=True, dir_okay=True, file_okay=False), ) @click.option( "-p", "--product", "products", help="Package only the given products (can specify multiple times)", type=click.Choice(wagl.POSSIBLE_PRODUCTS, case_sensitive=False), multiple=True, )
""" items = [] def _find(name, obj): if obj.attrs.get("CLASS") == dataset_class: items.append(name) h5_obj.visititems(_find) return items RES_GROUP_PATH = re.compile(r"(.*/RES-GROUP-\d+)/") @click.command(help=__doc__) @click.argument("input", type=PathPath(dir_okay=False, readable=True)) @click.option("--factor", type=int, default=100) @click.option("--anti-alias/--no-anti-alias", is_flag=True, default=False) def downsample(input: Path, factor: int, anti_alias: bool): # Fail early if h5repack cli command is not available. from sh import h5repack, gdal_translate granule_name = find_a_granule_name(input) fmask_image = input.with_name(f"{granule_name}.fmask.img") nbar_size = None with h5py.File(input) as f: image_paths = find_h5_paths(f, "IMAGE") for i, image_path in enumerate(image_paths): old_image: Optional[h5py.Dataset] = f[image_path]
blockxsize=block_size_x, blockysize=block_size_y, tiled=True, ) with**profile) as output_dataset: output_dataset.write(array, 1) # Copy gdal metadata output_dataset.update_tags(**input_image.tags()) output_dataset.update_tags(1, **input_image.tags(1)) @click.command(help=__doc__) @click.option( "--output-base", type=PathPath(file_okay=False, writable=True), help="The base output directory " "(default to same dir as input if --clean-inputs).", ) @click.option("--zlevel", type=click.IntRange(0, 9), default=5, help="Deflate compression level.") @click.option("--block-size", type=int, default=512, help="Compression block size (both x and y)") @click.option( "--clean-inputs/--no-clean-inputs", default=False, help="Delete originals after repackaging",
# relative_to_dataset_location=True, # ) path_file = os.path.join(ds_path, file_location) p.write_measurement(band_aliases[usgs_band_id], path_file) p.add_accessory_file("metadata:landsat_mtl", Path(mtl_filename)) return p.done() @click.command(help=__doc__) @click.option( "--output-base", help="Write output into this directory instead of with the dataset", required=True, type=PathPath(exists=True, writable=True, dir_okay=True, file_okay=False), ) @click.option( "--producer", help="Organisation that produced the data: probably either '' or ''.", required=False, default="", ) @click.argument( "datasets", type=PathPath(exists=True, readable=True, writable=False), nargs=-1 ) @click.option( "--newer-than", type=serialise.ClickDatetime(), default=None, help="Only prepare files newer than this date",
"non_epsg", f"Prefer an EPSG code to a WKT when possible. (Can change CRS to 'epsg:{wkt_crs.to_epsg()}')", ) def _has_some_geo(dataset): return dataset.geometry is not None or dataset.grids or @click.command(help=__doc__ + """ Paths can be both product and dataset documents, but each product must come before its datasets to be matched against it. """) @click.version_option() @click.argument("paths", nargs=-1, type=PathPath(exists=True, readable=True)) @click.option( "--warnings-as-errors", "-W", "strict_warnings", is_flag=True, help="Fail if any warnings are produced", ) @click.option( "--thorough", is_flag=True, help= "Attempt to read the data/measurements, and check their properties match", ) @click.option( "--expect-extra-measurements/--warn-extra-measurements",
def stats(self) -> Dict: """Get stats about the lookup table""" res = self._db.execute(""" select count(*) as total, count(distinct region_code) as unique_regions --- count(distinct (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)) as unique_areas from regions """).fetchone() return res"s2_regions", help=__doc__) @click.option("--db", default=DEFAULT_DB, type=PathPath()) @click.pass_context def cli(ctx, db: Path): ctx.obj = RegionLookup(db) @cli.command("create", help="Recreate the database") @click.option("--scan-path", default=None, type=PathPath(exists=True)) @click.option("-f", "paths_file", default=None, type=PathPath(exists=True)) @pass_obj def cli_create(db: RegionLookup, scan_path: Path, paths_file: Path): if scan_path is None and paths_file is None: echo("Nothing specified. Scanning default NCI location.") scan_path = NCI_L1C_LOCATION if scan_path is not None:
name=SENTINEL_MSI_BAND_ALIASES[path.stem.replace( "B", "")], ) p.add_accessory_file("metadata:product_info", product_info_path) p.add_accessory_file("metadata:sinergise_metadata", metadata_xml_path) return p.done() else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown input file type?") @click.command(help=__doc__) @click.option( "--dataset", type=PathPath(), required=True, help="Path to ESA zipped dataset or Sinergise dataset directory", ) @click.option( "--dataset-document", type=PathPath(), required=True, help="Location to output the L1C dataset document (yaml)", ) def main( dataset: Path, dataset_document: Path, ): uuid, path = prepare_and_write(
from eodatasets3.model import DatasetDoc from eodatasets3.ui import PathPath @click.command(help=__doc__) @click.option("-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True) @click.option("--stac-base-url", "-u", help="Base URL of the STAC file") @click.option("--explorer-base-url", "-e", help="Base URL of the ODC Explorer") @click.option( "--validate/--no-validate", default=False, help="Validate output STAC Item against online schemas", ) @click.argument( "odc_metadata_files", type=PathPath(exists=True, readable=True, writable=False), nargs=-1, ) def run( verbose: bool, odc_metadata_files: Iterable[Path], stac_base_url: str, explorer_base_url: str, validate: bool, ): for input_metadata in odc_metadata_files: dataset = serialise.from_path(input_metadata) name = input_metadata.stem.replace(".odc-metadata", "") output_path = input_metadata.with_name(f"{name}.stac-item.json")